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Chapter 40 Use familiar concepts to illustrate new ideas

language breakthrough 卡耐基 366Words 2018-03-18
Sometimes you find it difficult to explain certain points to your audience.These concepts are no doubt quite clear to you.But for the audience, you need to spend a lot of time to make them understand, and some even can't understand.What should we do?The best way is to use something familiar to the audience as a reference, so that the audience will be more receptive and clearer. When some missionaries are preaching in different places, they often find it difficult to properly describe certain words and sentences in the Bible in the local language.For example, in Equatorial Africa, if the following sentence is only interpreted literally, it is difficult for the local indigenous people to fully understand: "Though your sins are as red as blood, you can still wash them as white as snow." Those missionaries Is it translated literally?How could those aborigines living in the tropical jungle know how white snow is?However, those natives often climbed the coconut trees to pick the coconut fruit, so the missionaries changed the above sentence to this: "Though your sins are as red as blood, they can be washed as clean as coconut meat." White."

After making such a change, isn't it more persuasive?
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