Home Categories Chinese history The Republic of China 2 Republic in the depths of history
The Republic of China 2 Republic in the depths of history

The Republic of China 2 Republic in the depths of history


  • Chinese history

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 196716

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 October Siege, Who Fired the First Shot

As mentioned earlier, Zhang Taiyan split up because of Sun Yat-sen's "corruption case", and finally led his Zhejiang faction to break away from the Tongmenghui, and resumed their original name, the Restoration Society.Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei, and Hu Hanmin led their Guangdong faction to Nanyang, where they established the headquarters of the Tongmenghui. Although Huang Xing's Hunan faction stood on Sun Yat-sen's side, the Hunan faction and the Guangdong faction were both called the Tongmenghui, but in fact they were not affiliated with each other, and they did their own things without knowing each other's association.It was not until shortly before the start of the extremely tragic Huanghuagang Uprising in Guangzhou that Huang Xing and Sun Yat-sen came together again.

In addition to the above-mentioned major factions, the Tongmenghui also has a very important faction composed of members of the Tongmenghui from the provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.How did this faction come about? At that time, Sun Yat-sen insisted on carrying out "corner revolution", that is, to carry out riots and uprisings in the corner areas far away from the central government and the sky high emperor, and take advantage of the weak imperial rule here to establish his own base area to engage in armed separatism, and then slowly Expand to the whole country.

First of all, Sun Yat-sen's idea is more in line with the pattern of peasant uprisings in the past dynasties. Second, the "corner areas" chosen by Sun Yat-sen, such as Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan, are either near the sea or bordering foreign countries, which are very convenient for receiving foreign material support. Therefore, most of the previous actions were carried out in accordance with Sun Yat-sen's strategy. However, judging from the actual effect, Sun Yat-sen's "corner revolution" was not successful. In view of this, some people put forward a different point of view from Sun Yat-sen. They said: The correct way is to engage in the central flowering, and uprisings should be carried out in the heart of China—the provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Once successful, the relationship between the Qing Dynasty and the southern provinces can be directly separated Contact, quickly overthrow the Qing Dynasty.

Confederate members who adhered to this idea formed a new faction because of their unity of opinion.Of course, most of these people came from the provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, especially Hubei and Hunan. Hubei is located in the central part of China, and its provincial capital, Wuhan, has very developed transportation, known as the "thoroughfare of nine provinces".Therefore, Wuhan is not only an important place that the imperial court has always focused on controlling, but also a territory that Western powers compete for.Under the turbulent current, various trends of thought intersect here.

Not only that, but there are also two legacies left by Comrade Zhang Zhidong—the new army in Wuchang and the guns from Hanyang Arsenal, which are really good soil for breeding revolution. In the context of the split of the Tongmenghui, after 1907, two revolutionary groups emerged in Hubei.The historical evolution of these two groups is very complicated, so I won’t go into details here, but one point must be emphasized. The alliance is inextricably linked. The first thing we want to introduce is the "Commitment Society". The Gongjinhui was split from the Tongmenghui. The main founders were Sun Wu, Liu Gong, and Ju Zheng from Hubei, and Jiao Dafeng from Hunan. Almost all of them were students studying in Japan.The reason they jumped out and went it alone was simple: they weren't happy with the way the League worked.They have three powerful reasons.

1. The Tongmenghui doesn’t know how to use “deepening cooperation, innovation and development” to drive the development of the revolutionary cause. It only knows how to immerse itself in riots everywhere. The party work of the Liaison Association has not made new progress for many years. 2. The Tongmenghui was short-sighted, did not dare to emancipate the mind, believed that the new army was a dead corner of the revolution, and did not dare to develop revolutionary forces within the Qing army. 3. The Tongmenghui likes to engage in regional discrimination, and only focuses on a corner of South China. It has never thought of carrying out revolutionary activities in the Yangtze River Basin.

Therefore, the action guideline of the Gongjinhui is just eight words—calling on the party and moving the new army. Although the Gongjinhui occasionally uses the banner of the Tongmenghui to take advantage of some advantages, such as buying weapons through the channels of the Tongmenghui, their flag is not the blue sky and white sun flag, but a red and black nine-pointed and eighteen-star flag developed by itself, which means Eighteen provinces participated in the grand event, and the flag has a very grand name: Iron Blood Eighteen Stars. Huang Xing was not very happy with the establishment of a new branch of the Gongjin Association. He once questioned Mr. Jiao Dafeng, one of the leaders of the Gongjin Association: "Why did you break away from the organization and work alone?"

Facing Huang Xing's questioning, Jiao Dafeng remained calm and composed: "The Tongmenghui is slow to move. We are just anxious about the revolution, not because of our inner differences." Huang Xing continued to ask: "Our two families started a revolution. After the revolution succeeds, who will listen to whom?" This question is not difficult for Jiao Dafeng, but his answer is a bit like a "king of the mountain": "It is too early for you to mention this before the army is raised. When the revolution succeeds someday, if you have made great contributions at that time, we will listen to you." Yours; if we have done much, you will listen to us."

Jiao Dafeng pushed Huang Xing back with just a few words.Of course, the reason why Jiao Dafeng has such confidence is because the Tongmenghui has no affiliation with the Gongjinhui, and the relationship between Huang Xing and Jiao Dafeng is no longer the relationship between a leader and a subordinate. Huang Xing has nothing to do with him easily. . In Wuhan, the main organizer of the Gongjinhui was Sun Wu, roughly equivalent to the Wuhan regional manager of the "Gongjinhui Company".Sun Wu, the name just sounds like Sun Wen's younger brother, but in fact he has nothing to do with Mr. Sun Wen.This person's original name was Sun Baoren, but he later changed his name to Sun Wu. He did intentionally imitate "Sun Wen" in his name.

Sun Wu also has a capable assistant, Zhang Zhenwu, the financial manager. In the few years after the establishment of the Gongjinhui, Mr. Liu took the lead in making money, Sun Wu and Zhang Zhenwu were in charge of implementation, and Ju Zheng was responsible for maintaining the relationship between the Tongmenghui and the Gongjinhui. The Gongjinhui achieved gratifying results in Wuhan.Not only has it absorbed many gang members, but it has also developed more than a thousand members among the Wuhan New Army, and its strength is quite good. However, compared with another revolutionary group "Literary Society", the hard power of the Gongjinhui is still much inferior.

The Literary Society, with a small and fresh name, seems to be an organization initiated by young literary and artistic youths. In fact, it is quite the opposite. The reason why the Literary Club set up a separate branch is mainly because they like to use force to solve problems, and they don’t want to be constrained by the Tongmenghui’s preference of “lighting military affairs and emphasizing politics.” They don’t even have a political program, because they are too lazy to do it. The core leaders of the Literature Club are Jiang Yiwu and Liu Fuji, who came from poor backgrounds.Jiang Yiwu was just a squad leader, while Liu Fuji was just an ordinary soldier. Unlike other organizations that develop from top to bottom, comrades in the Literature Society are better at grassroots work.They took root among the soldiers, worked hard, and fought hard one by one.They have endured for a long time in the new army and continuously accumulated strength, which is the true conscience of the revolutionary circle! Naturally, their hard work was not in vain. By the early summer of 1911, there were about 3,000 members of the Literary Society in the Wuchang New Army.From this point of view, the Literature Society was not only the undoubted strongest revolutionary force in Wuhan at that time, but also its military strength was obviously several blocks away from the Tongmenghui. Although the Literary Society is so powerful, they share a common congenital defect like the Gongjinhui: the leader has no reputation.Without fame, there is no appeal, and without appeal, it is not conducive to recruiting people and raising funds. People like Jiang Yiwu, Sun Wu and Liu Gong didn't have much prestige at the time, and they were almost unknown.These people are like inconspicuous weeds, it seems that anyone can trample on them at will, but once these weeds are ignited, they are bound to start a prairie fire. Since the day they were established, the Literary Society and the Gongjinhui have been accumulating strength, always waiting for the opportunity to rebel.Both the Literary Society and the Gongjinhui knew that relying on their own strength alone, the possibility of success of the uprising was very low.The enemy is now, they choose to unite. But at the beginning of the alliance, both sides wanted to be the boss, and no one would accept the other. Jiang Yiwu felt that the Literature Society had too many people, and after the two organizations united, the Literature Society should be the main one. Sun Wu immediately objected. He said that the Gongjinhui would have a louder brand and more money—Liu Gong cheated five thousand taels of silver from his father as revolutionary funds. At the critical moment, Tan Renfeng, a veteran revolutionary party, came forward to mediate, urging both parties to keep a clear head, stop making their own small calculations, and focus on the overall situation.Finally, the top leaders of both sides took a step back and elected a relatively stable leadership team: Jiang Yiwu as the military commander, Sun Wu as the military and political minister, and Liu Gong as the prime minister. Well, after introducing the revolutionary side, let's take a look at their opponents. The top leaders of the Qing army in Hubei are two idiots: Governor Ruicheng of Huguang and Zhang Biao, Governor of Hubei. The first idiot Ruicheng's family background is very good, he is a child of the royal family. His grandfather, Qi Shan, was a figure who ceded Hong Kong to the British without authorization during the negotiations of the First Opium War.He is also a character himself, as an excellent eight-banner dude, he is proficient in fighting crickets, smoking opium, keeping pets, and he is proficient in all kinds of serious things, such as calming the people and fighting wars. Ruicheng's most famous incident happened when he was a son-in-law. At that time, he took his younger brothers Cen Chunxuan and Lao Ziqiao to ambush near the most famous Hanjiatan (one of the "Eight Alleys") in the capital. Pay attention, snatch their top-wearing flower feathers for fun.Later, the three of them continued their efforts, becoming more unrestrained and more famous, and based on this, they won a very vigorous joint nickname "Three Evil Young Masters in Beijing".What's interesting is that Ruicheng, the boss of "Three Evil Young Masters in the Capital", was several grades worse than his younger brother Cen Chunxuan. The second idiot Zhang Biao, he once saved Zhang Zhidong's life, but this is not an inevitable condition for him to be in power. Mr. Zhang Biao is not only good at corruption and poor in leading troops to fight, but also very narrow-minded, and pays little attention to uniting his colleagues at work. Zhang Biao was once jealous of Lan Tianwei, who had made great contributions in organizing and training the Hubei New Army, so he found a reliable excuse: Lan Tianwei sympathized with the Revolutionary Party, and kicked away this person whose ability threatened the chair under his ass. Since Zhang Biao's conditions are so poor, how can he take the position of commander of the Hubei Provincial Military Region? The reason is not complicated. Zhang Zhidong's criterion for choosing the post of admiral in Hubei was "not seeking ability, but seeking peace of mind", and Zhang Biao was the candidate with perfect marks. First of all, he has the brightest advantage of being foolish and loyal, which makes Zhang Zhidong more at ease. Secondly, he married Zhang Zhidong's most beloved maid. It is said that the relationship between this maid and Zhang Zhidong was very ambiguous, so Zhang Zhidong felt more at ease with him.Since Zhang Biao became famous by relying on his wife, he has a "non-honorary title" that a man would not accept: "Sister-in-law". The main force held by the two idiots mentioned above is the new army "Self-Strengthening Army" trained by Zhang Zhidong, and the new Hubei army deeply infiltrated by the Revolutionary Party: Eighth Town and Twenty-One Mixed Association. The new army originally had a total of about 16,000 officers and soldiers. Excluding the two bids transferred to Sichuan by Zaifengjiao and Duanfang (the bids were roughly equivalent to regiments), and the garrisons sent by Ruicheng to strengthen defense, Wuhan only had About 10,000 new troops.Among them, there are nearly 4,000 pure revolutionaries, only one bannerman, about 1,000 people, who are determined to be "counter-revolutionary", and the rest are basically swingers, who act according to the wind. In other words, the number of revolutionary soldiers at this time has accounted for less than half of the total number of the new army, and the situation is very favorable.If you don't turn back at this time, when will you wait! Next, the heads of the Gongjin Association and the Literature Club held a meeting, and the meeting was quickly resolved, and three things were decided. The first thing is that the date of the uprising was determined to be October 6, 1911, which is the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month.Why choose August 15th?Since the end of the Yuan Dynasty, there has been a rumor in China that "kill the Tartars on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar". They chose this day to use the power of the rumor to win a lottery. The second is the main leadership division of labor.Jiang Yiwu is the commander-in-chief of the military, with heavy tasks and great pressure.Sun Wu served as the deputy, mainly focusing on equipment and logistics, and it was not easy to be a deputy, and hard work may not necessarily please. The third thing is to arrange a battle plan.For example, combat objectives, marching routes, how to cooperate, etc. After the meeting, everyone returned to their positions, contacted relevant people, etc., and waited for the arrival of October 6th. The timing was well chosen, the responsibility was clearly defined, and the terrain was very familiar. It seemed that everything was going well, and everything seemed to be moving in the perfect direction. On the night of September 24, 1911, an accident happened to the artillery team of the Wuchang New Army stationed in Nanhu, which broke the superficial calm before the uprising for the first time. Several soldiers fought with their chiefs because of personal conflicts, which is known as the "South Lake Artillery Incident" in history.When soldiers fight, they naturally copy the guys who eat.But we are not talking about pots and pans here, but firearms that can kill people.These soldiers wanted to kill the officer to vent their anger, but unfortunately the officer slipped away too fast and soon called for a considerable number of helpers, being outnumbered, they had no choice but to run for their lives. The "South Lake Artillery Incident" alarmed Ruicheng and Zhang Biao.Although the two handled the matter very simply, they only expelled the soldiers who made trouble, and did not hold the relevant leaders of the troubled soldiers accountable, but the aftermath of the incident is obvious-to startle the snake, Rui, a member of the leadership team of the Hubei New Army, Cheng and Zhang Biao decided to make amends for their negligence in supervising and managing the new army. Ruicheng and Zhang Biao first imposed martial law on the Nanhu artillery team, strengthened access management, and strictly prohibited soldiers from engaging in team building in the name of dinners and birthday parties. After that, Ruicheng and Zhang Biao confiscated all the weapons and ammunition of the new army except the soldiers on duty, and locked them together and put them in the Chuwangtai arsenal for centralized storage.The original intention of these two gentlemen was to give the new army a paycheck, but they never imagined that this seemingly wise decision would soon send them to the end of the road and help the Revolutionary Party a lot. The most terrible thing is that on the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, perhaps to prevent people from making trouble, or some revolutionary soldiers who are not strict in their mouths inadvertently leaked the plan to "kill the Tartars on August 15th", Ruicheng and Zhang Biao Suddenly ordered the new army to change defenses, which caught the revolutionaries by surprise. Change of defense means that the army changes places to garrison.Many rebel officers happened to be in time to switch defenses, and even the commander-in-chief Jiang Yiwu was also on the defense list, which completely disrupted the deployment of the rebel army. The progress in Hubei was not going well. Jiao Dafeng, the leader of Hunan Province, also wrote to the headquarters of the Wuchang Uprising at this time: "Originally planned to cooperate with Wuchang to launch the uprising, but Hunan is not ready enough. Please postpone it for ten days." Can there be another way?No way, the commander-in-chief Jiang Yiwu had no choice but to announce that the date of the uprising would be postponed for ten days, that is, the uprising would be launched on October 16. I thought it was all right, but it turned out to be an accident. On the afternoon of October 9, 1911, at the secret stronghold of Baoshanli in the Russian Concession in Hankou, Sun Wu, who knew a little about chemistry, volunteered to make a few super bombs for Ruicheng to try.Just when Sun Wu was concentrating on his work, an explosion with serious consequences occurred. Regarding the cause of the explosion, there have always been two mainstream views in the historian circle. First, the perpetrator was Liu Tong, the younger brother of Liu Gong, the core leader of the Gongjinhui.This boy is a relatively "two" revolutionary youth. On the day of the incident, this man was watching Sun Tzu's process of making the bomb while smoking casually, and accidentally flicked the paper fireworks into the gunpowder, causing an explosion. Second, the perpetrator is Sun Wu himself.This brother overestimated his own strength, thinking that he was the "Bomb King" Yu Peilun, but because his level was not up to standard, he improperly operated and caused an explosion. Whatever the odds, it turned out that there was an explosion.It has to be said that the revolutionaries at that time were indeed disorganized and undisciplined, neither knowing how to keep secrets nor safe production. Oolong incident just happened.Sun Wu, the main leader of the uprising, had blown himself up and seriously injured himself before he participated in the uprising. Afterwards, the military and police arrived, but fortunately, Sun Wu was quickly transferred by his comrades and escaped.But not everyone was so lucky. Many revolutionaries who met at this stronghold, including the suspect Liu Tong, were arrested and imprisoned. For the Revolutionary Party, the loss of the comrades' arrest was clearly enormous.But this is not the most serious consequence. The most serious consequence is that the military police seized the list of revolutionary parties from this stronghold! Next, Ruicheng took the confiscated list and gave full play to the true qualities of the idiot.While strictly prohibiting soldiers from different battalions from visiting each other and whispering to each other with soldiers from the same battalion, and other behaviors suspected of rebellion, he said cruelly: according to the seized list, the revolutionaries should be hunted down wantonly! What a great deal to arrest all the revolutionaries! Facts have proved that Comrade Ruicheng was just acting. After arresting a few leaders of the revolutionary party, he stopped. After all, the law does not punish the public. But what Ruicheng didn't expect was that the scene he directed was another big favor to the Revolutionary Party. As we all know, any kind of rebellion or uprising requires mobilization.The greater the mobilization, the greater the chance of success. For example, it is generally necessary to hold a large-scale swearing-in meeting. The leader speaks first, exposes the enemy's crimes, outlines the great significance of the rebellion, and introduces issues such as pensions and settlement funds to relieve soldiers' worries.Then the soldiers and representatives of the masses made additional speeches, and everyone applauded to express their understanding.Then take the oath to go out and start fighting. But this is not the best mobilization. The best mobilization is to create an atmosphere of terror in which everyone is at risk.With such an atmosphere, soldiers will have the courage to die on the battlefield because their lives are threatened.When the morale is up, the probability of success will naturally be high.This is why the initiators of rebellions in history often needed to engage in feudal superstition and spread some rumors. Ruicheng's ruthless words of encirclement and suppression indeed created an atmosphere of insecurity for everyone.It's a pity that this kind of self-insecurity failed to raise the morale of the new army, but instead made everyone start to consider whether to completely throw themselves into the arms of the Revolutionary Party. At this time, the revolutionary party, which has the advantage of popular support, is only one fuse away from revolting. At this critical moment, Jiang Yiwu, who was transferred to Yuezhou (now Yueyang, Hunan), rushed back to Wuchang in time, and immediately called Liu Fuji, Peng Chufan, Yang Hongsheng and other backbones to discuss countermeasures. At the meeting, Jiang Yiwu calmly told everyone: "Everyone, don't panic, there is still time! At twelve o'clock tonight, the South Lake Artillery Brigade will fire the cannon, and comrades from all armies inside and outside the city will revolt at the same time. And, who is that? Comrade Deng Yulin , it’s you, please make a trip and send an uprising order to the Nanhu Artillery Team.” After Jiang Yiwu arranged everything, everyone finally calmed down and recharged their batteries, waiting for the rebellion. However, at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the uprising cannon that everyone was looking forward to did not go off. What's going on?It turned out that the Nanhu Artillery Corps was under martial law, and access control was very strict. When Deng Yulin tried every means to send the order to the comrades of the Revolutionary Party, it was past twelve o'clock, and finally he had to decide to abandon the uprising. The uprising plan was aborted! When the revolutionaries were depressed, Liu Tong, who had been arrested for the bombing, had already rebelled. After all, there were still a small number of revolutionary comrades who were killed and refused to speak.The kid couldn't stand the torture, so he confessed everything he knew about the organs and activities of the fellowship and literature clubs. In this regard, Jiang Yiwu and his stronghold were exposed! As a result, the gunfire of the uprising did not wait, but the military and police who were searching for it.The vigorous Jiang Yiwu escaped by chance, and Liu Fuji, Peng Chufan, Yang Hongsheng and others were arrested and shot in the early morning. On the morning of October 10, 1911, the governor of Huguang, Ruicheng, thought that the big case had been solved and the situation had been settled, so he proudly sent a telegram to the court to ask for credit, saying that he had excellent crisis management skills, was wise and brave, and commanded well, successfully suppressing the revolutionary party's rebellion. Fight in the bud. But Ruicheng was too happy. At around seven o'clock in the evening on October 10, 1911, a gunshot suddenly broke through the originally peaceful night. The gunshots came from the Eighth Battalion of Engineering in the south of Ziyang Bridge in Wuchang City. It turned out that Xiong Bingkun, the uprising convener of the Eighth Battalion, was distraught after learning that the leader had been killed and the revolutionaries had been arrested one after another. The soldiers revolted immediately that night without further delay. In this way, in the absence of the leader of the revolutionary party and the complete destruction of the command system, those revolutionary soldiers at the grassroots level bravely stood up and took the initiative to take responsibility for launching the uprising. This is the magic of human heart and belief.In desperation, facing powerful enemies, they always firmly believe that they would rather fight to the last breath than give up. At 7:00 p.m. on October 10, it was the turn of a platoon leader named Tao Qisheng from the engineering battalion to check the bed. Platoon Leader Tao has always had a strong sense of responsibility, and has always adhered to the scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts in his work.When he found a squad leader named Jin Zhaolong lying down with a rifle in hand, he immediately suspected that Jin Zhaolongtu had a criminal attempt to rebel, so he wanted to hand over Jin Zhaolong's gun, and the two immediately fought.Just when Platoon Leader Tao was trying to extinguish the revolution, Cheng Zhengying, a fellow revolutionary soldier who lived in the same dormitory with Jin Zhaolong, stepped forward to help and shot Platoon Leader Tao. The platoon leader Tao died, and it is estimated that he will not be able to rest in peace when he dies. The Qing Dynasty of more than two hundred and sixty years is about to be ruined by the serious work attitude of his little platoon leader. The shot fired by soldier Cheng Zhengying was the first shot of the Wuchang Uprising and the first shot of the Revolution of 1911. As for the fact that Xiong Bingkun was given the credit for the first shot in the textbook, it was because Mr. Sun Yat-sen later gave Xiong Bingkun the credit for the "first shot" when he wrote the National Day editorial.The father of the nation said so, and everyone naturally followed suit.But then again, from the perspective of organizing soldiers to launch an uprising, Xiong Bingkun deservedly won the "first shot". Cheng Zhengying's shot officially announced the end of the Qing Dynasty! The crisp gunshots broke the tranquility, and the sparks of the bullets lit up the night sky like meteors across the long night, illuminating all the bright eyes looking up! The other revolutionary soldiers who were waiting for the gunshots of the uprising, as soon as they heard the gunshots, rushed out of the barracks one after another, shooting those with ammunition, setting fire to those without ammunition, and punishing anyone who dared to stop them. As I said before, because Ruicheng threatened to hunt down the revolutionary party, the result was that the new soldiers were in danger. Now that some people take the lead in rebellion, let's follow the rebellion. Unknowingly, many people have been added to the ranks of revolutionaries. In addition to being popular, the rebel army should also thank Chu Wangtai.As mentioned before, Chuwangtai is the location of the weapons and ammunition depot. Because they were afraid of the new army's uprising, Ruicheng and Zhang Biao stored the seized weapons and ammunition here. The rebel army is extremely short of ammunition, so the first step in the uprising is to take down the Chu Watchtower to replenish weapons and ammunition.It is the existence of Chu Wangtai that the rebels from all directions, inside and outside the city, and without a leader have a common goal, thus avoiding the danger of the rebels fighting separately and being defeated separately.From this perspective, Comrade Ruicheng can also be regarded as a good friend of the Revolutionary Party to a certain extent. The uprising of the soldiers of the New Army was different from the party and student uprisings organized by Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing. They were all professionals with long military training, and once they took action, their power was extraordinary. Sure enough, the revolutionary soldiers quickly took down Chu Watchtower.After taking Chu Watchtower, the revolutionary situation is very good.Not only is the manpower well-more than 3,000 people have been gathered, Wu Zhaolin, the temporary commander-in-chief, has also been elected, and the ammunition is sufficient.In this way, the matter is simple, directly attack the Governor's Mansion! It was a bloody battle to capture the Governor's Mansion, because Zhang Biao led his troops to fight against trapped beasts. Fortunately, at a critical moment, Ruicheng, the highest official of the Qing government in Hubei Province, made another great contribution. Seeing that the situation was not good, this man immediately ran away with oil on his feet.Under Ruicheng's exemplary leadership, Zhang Biao also went into hiding to engage in underground work. At eleven o'clock in the morning of the next day, a big iron-blooded 18-star banner flew from the top of Snake Mountain, which dominates Wuchang City. Wuchang fell into the hands of the revolutionary army, and the Wuchang government was destroyed. Unexpectedly, an uprising with such a chaotic organization successfully sounded the death knell of the Qing Dynasty.Almost nothing in the whole process was carried out on the predetermined track, and the accidents that were enough to kill each other did not affect the uprising to reach the end of victory by mistake.This can only be explained by "there is also an inevitability behind the accident-the Qing Dynasty is hopeless". The battle is finally over, but new troubles are coming, who will lead everyone on the next road? Almost none of the important leaders of the Gongjinhui and the Literary Society were at the scene of the uprising. Jiang Yiwu was at large, Sun Wu was injured, and Liu Fuji died... As for the other leader, Liu Gong, it was justifiable if he used it to raise some revolutionary funds. Leading the pack, his appeal is not enough. Steer the boat of "revolution" to ride the wind and waves. If there is no "big brother" who can hold the scene, the boat may capsize at any time. In that case, everyone will finish the game together.Therefore, finding a "leader brother" to come forward to organize the new government has become the most urgent issue. When everyone was frowning, a junior officer named Cai Jimin stood up. After a brief analysis of the current situation, he said: "Now that the uprising has initially succeeded, our top priority is to immediately notify the whole country, hoping that all regions will respond to the Wuchang Uprising. So , It is extremely important to launch a leader now. If we can't find a convincing person to take the lead and call on the world, let us unknown people toss, other provinces may imagine our uprising as ordinary soldiers 'Mutiny', in that case, we will be morally untenable, and the leaderless revolutionary army may soon fall into civil strife." Such a small person has such political foresight, what a talent! Now it's easy, there are not many people who can meet the condition of "fame can call the world". Both Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing are suitable candidates in terms of fame and position, but the problem is that they have two fatal shortcomings: First, take your time.Sun Yat-sen fled abroad, and Huang Xing injured his finger in the Huanghuagang Uprising and healed in Hong Kong.The distance is too far to catch up in time. Second, limited by regionalism.Many revolutionaries in Hubei believe that why should foreigners who did not participate in the uprising take the lead in the country that we Hubei people have conquered? That being the case, selecting the "big brother" from among the powerful local factions in Hubei has become the only choice at present. One of the most powerful figures in Hubei Province is Tang Hualong, the leader of the constitutional faction. Then let the soldiers invite Tang Hualong to come over. Before the Wuchang Uprising, Tang Hualong went to Beijing to fight for the right of way in front of Sheng Xuanhuai, but to no avail.He was sulking at home when the uprising broke out - against himself. The soldiers quickly found Tang Hualong.Tang Hualong's attitude is very clear: "After Ruicheng escapes, he will definitely call the imperial court and send a large army to attack us. My brother is a scholar who doesn't know anything about military affairs, and the position of governor is absolutely unacceptable. In administrative matters, brother will definitely try his best to help." Tang Hualong's statement naturally took into account the fact that the position of governor is too risky.But what he said is also reasonable, it is really not good for a scholar to lead the army.Fortunately, the Revolutionary Party still has a spare - Li Yuanhong. Who the hell is this Li Yuanhong, who actually got into the eyes of the Revolutionary Party?
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