Home Categories Chinese history The Republic of China 3 in the depths of history Rebirth

Chapter 18 Chapter 5 China can afford to be hurt, but Japan cannot afford to lose

The topic returns to the southern battlefield.Experienced people know a common sense: winning a battle does not fully demonstrate the quality of an army. Only the ability of an army to retreat in an orderly manner after being defeated and dispersed on the battlefield, reorganize, and fight again can truly demonstrate an army. quality! From this point of view, the national army still needs to improve itself in constant battles, especially in large-scale and high-intensity wars. The national army still has a long way to go before becoming a world-class military. At the end of the Battle of Songhu, the national army was in chaos.On the land 300 kilometers up the Yangtze River from Shanghai, under the pursuit of the Japanese army, the retreat of the national army gradually turned into a rout, and the rout gradually turned into a rout.The officers had been unable to gather troops and effectively organize a second line of defense to defend the Republic of China's capital, Nanjing.

The gate of the capital Nanjing is wide open, and the Japanese army is about to approach the city. Most of the Nanjing defenders were dilapidated and exhausted divisions that had just retreated from the Shanghai battlefield, such as the 87th Division of Wang Jingjiu of the Central Army, the 88th Division of Sun Yuanliang, the 36th Division of Song Xilian, the 74th Army of Yu Jishi, Gui Yongqing's teaching corps, as well as the temporary recruits who joined the army. That is to say, Nanjing has no danger to use, and no soldiers to use. To fight or not to fight, that is the question. But Chiang Kai-shek decided to keep it from a political point of view.He believed that Nanjing was the capital of the country and that it was the mausoleum of Premier Sun. If he withdrew without firing a single shot, he was afraid that he would be drowned by the people's saliva.Chiang Kai-shek even proposed to guard the city by himself, but Tang Shengzhi, who had always been against Chiang Kai-shek before, stood up and objected: Chairman, the country still needs you.

So Tang Shengzhi was ordered in the face of danger, and vowed to live and die with Nanjing. Nanjing is backed by the Yangtze River, and it can be described as a last stand.But Commander Tang felt that this was not enough, so he organized a supervising team to station at Yijiangmen, the passageway from the city to the north of the river, and smashed most of the ships, leaving only a few ships for the supervising team to take charge of. It means that no one should abandon the city and run away.Then he ordered Hu Zongnan's First Army stationed on the north bank of the Yangtze River: Anyone who dares to flee north by boat, you will be shot to death!

You may be wondering, the absolute main force that unified Guangdong and the Northern Expedition, the First Army, has actually been reduced to the status of a broadsword team? When the First Army first arrived in Shanghai, there were still 40,000 people, but by the end of the Battle of Songhu, there were only 1,200 people left.On the battlefield, Hu Zongnan seemed to be as firm as iron, but when he looked at the more than a thousand officers and soldiers remaining around him, he couldn't help but feel sad: Most of the Huangpu troops have finished fighting! The former "No. 1 Army in the World" just disappeared forever in Shanghai.

It is said that Commander Tang used two allusions all at once—Han Xin’s last stand and Xiang Yu’s ruined boat, but he was still not satisfied, so he considered one step more than Han Xin and Xiang Yu: he secretly left a small steamer for himself.The generals under him also followed suit, and those who were capable prepared escape boats for themselves. Commander Tang's move is very clever, it can not only force the soldiers to kill the enemy hard, but also protect himself from escaping! After everything was planned, the Japanese army also caught up! Although the Japanese army was not injured in the Battle of Songhu, it suffered a lot of losses and needed to rest. Therefore, the Japanese army who chased them adopted the tactic of "encircling three and missing one" - besieging three directions of Nanjing City, only It left a way for the national army to flee across the river and north, hoping that the Chinese army would retreat quickly by itself, so as to reduce its own casualties.If the Japanese army surrounds Nanjing on all sides, the collapse value of the defenders will be greatly increased, and they will fight desperately.

In the early morning of December 10, the Japanese army launched a general attack on Nanjing. On the evening of December 12, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the Nanjing defenders to retreat. Perhaps he believed that the political goal of the Nanjing Defense War had been achieved. During the three days of fierce fighting, the Japanese army suffered more than 7,000 casualties and failed to break into Nanjing. When Chiang Kai-shek ordered the Nanjing defenders to retreat, the Japanese army had not yet broken through the city.If Tang Shengzhi organized a good cover at this time and retreated in an orderly manner, then most of the national army would be able to escape safely. After all, the Yangtze River passage in the north of the city is still in their hands.But Tang Shengzhi really couldn't support the wall with mud. After hastily giving the order to retreat, he hurriedly fled in the small boat he left secretly.Those officers who had already prepared their escape boats saw that Commander Tang had escaped, so they were naturally not to be outdone, and immediately fled one by one.

Of course not all the officers were the first to flee for their lives.For example, Qiu Qingquan and Liao Yaoxiang of the teaching corps did not escape, and Sun Yuanliang, the commander of the 72nd Army and the commander of the 88th Division, was always with his troops, but Commander Tang took the lead and ran away, and the army was defeated like a mountain. Even Sun Yuanliang couldn't fight alone.In desperation, the dignified lieutenant general of the national army had to accept the help of the German Rabe, disguised as a civilian and hid in the secret room on the top floor of Jinling Women's College.

As we said during the Northern Expedition, Sun Yuanliang once had the nickname "Flying General", saying that he only knew how to run when fighting.Now it seems that the "parachutist" has lost his way and returned. He led his troops to participate in the "January 28th" Songhu War of Resistance, and then was the first to enter the battlefield in the "August 13th" Songhu Battle. At the end of the fight, he then led the remnant troops, which were less than one-third of the establishment, to defend Nanjing. When other people in his position were scrambling to escape, he never left the army.Just these three battles are enough to take off that big hat.

The main general has run away, that's okay! After the soldiers learned the news of the officer's escape, their will to fight immediately collapsed. What position are they still defending?What enemies are you fighting?run now.Where are you going?The only feasible escape route is to cross the river and flee north.If you want to escape across the river, you must first leave the city, and to leave the city, you must pass through the Yijiang Gate guarded by the supervising team. After finally breaking through the obstruction of the supervising team, squeezed through the Yijiang Gate, and came to the edge of the Yangtze River, it occurred to me that Commander Tang had sunk the ship before, and now he wanted to run, where did he go in the face of the vast and endless river?

In desperation, the deserters had no choice but to return to the city, threw away their guns, stripped off their military uniforms, and mixed among the refugees.At the same time, some national troops who were unwilling to lay down their weapons took the opportunity to shoot black guns at the Japanese troops entering the city.Thus, the tragic "Nanjing Massacre" happened under such circumstances. It needs to be clarified that the "Nanjing Massacre" was ordered to be carried out by the nephew of the old devil Zairen, Hatohiko Asaka, and the main culprits were the head of the Sixth Division, Gu Hisao and others.Guizi Gushou was extradited to Nanjing by Chiang Kai-shek after the war and shot dead in Yuhuatai.This can be regarded as a little rest for those who passed away and comforted those innocent souls.

Now there are too many works talking about the "Nanjing Massacre", such as the movie "Nanjing Massacre" starring Sun Yuanliang's son Qin Han, so there is really no need to go into details here. Today, we don’t need to repeatedly explore whether the Nanjing Massacre killed 300,000 or 200,000 people. Regardless of whether the number of deaths is large or small, the Japanese army’s insane approach should be severely condemned and punished. .What Chinese people with integrity should do most is to make China stronger through their own efforts, so that "domestic products" will surpass "Japanese products" in terms of quality instead of national feelings! After the national government led by Chiang Kai-shek stayed in Wuhan for a while, they knew that Wuhan was not safe, so they decided to move the capital to Chongqing. At the critical moment when the capital fell and the nation was in peril, Liu Xiang, the warlord who secretly sang against Chiang Kai-shek in Sichuan, showed the blood and tenacity of a qualified Chinese soldier in his bones. He not only tightened his belt and sent troops, money and food, He took the initiative to write to the central government to move the capital to Chongqing, and personally led troops out of Sichuan to fight against Japan.Regrettably, not long after Liu Xiang arrived in Hankou, that is, in January 1938, he died of gastrointestinal problems, leaving behind pervasive rumors such as being poisoned by Chiang Kai-shek, dying of anger, and committing suicide because of his exposure to the sun. Liu Xiang left the army without victory, and his last will was: the war of resistance will be unswerving to the end, that is, if the enemy army does not withdraw from the country, the Sichuan army will never return home! In the next eight years, nearly 400,000 Sichuan troops went out to fight against Sichuan, incarnated as countless Liu Xiang's servants, and fought against powerful enemies on the battlefield to the end. As many as 60% died for the country, and the sacrifice was the largest among local troops ("Southwest China") The Contribution of the Popular Resistance"). ... Moving the capital was not an easy task, especially when the move was so tense and hasty, it is conceivable that the process was chaotic. To make matters worse, Japanese bombers would come over to make trouble at any time.Strictly speaking, this is not making trouble, but a premeditated strategic move.Because the Japanese bombed Chongqing and its surrounding areas for five and a half years, it was known as the "Chongqing Bombing" in history.The purpose is obvious, the devils want to hit the Chinese government's will to resist the war and disintegrate the morale of the Chinese military and civilian resistance.The effect is also obvious. The Chinese government's will to resist the war has become stronger, and the morale of the Chinese military and civilian resistance has become higher. But when the national government was busy with the Battle of Shanghai, the Battle of Taiyuan, the Battle of Nanjing and the relocation of the capital, they still made a move that seemed unimportant but of great significance to modern education-the relocation of colleges and universities. With the gradual fall of the country, many college teachers and students became obedient citizens or traitors, but more teachers and students, under the leadership and funding of the National Government, braved the raging flames of war and embarked on the road of relocation. Before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, there were 108 schools above the junior college level in China.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, 52 colleges and universities moved inward, 25 moved into the concession, and another 14 were originally in the rear, and only 17 were closed. At the time of the national crisis, the national government did not forget to preserve education, and preserved a tenacious cultural context for the broken China, which is worthy of praise! Among the colleges and universities that moved inland, the most fortunate one was the National Central University originally in Nanjing, which followed the central government and moved to Chongqing in one step. The less fortunate universities that have migrated the farthest are Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University. The teachers and students first detoured from Beijing and Tianjin to Changsha, and then divided into three groups. Most of the teachers, their family members, and some female students took the train from Changsha to Hong Kong, then took the sea route from Hong Kong to Hanoi, Vietnam, and then transferred to Kunming. Male students with better economic conditions and a few female students took the train from Changsha to Guilin, Guangxi, then took a car from Guilin to Hanoi, Vietnam, and finally transferred to Yunnan by train. Students who have no money on the other way can only use the most difficult way - "donkey walking" to Yunnan, and walk from Changsha to Kunming on two legs, which is a distance of more than 1,300 kilometers! Later, these three schools, which were originally in conflict with each other and full of academic competition with each other, merged into the National Southwest Associated University in Kunming. With the relocation of colleges and universities, more than 100,000 students came to the rear. They need food, teaching materials, teaching dormitories, and teachers...all of which need money.However, the national government has too many practical problems that need to be solved urgently. Now the government can't even pay for the war, not to mention the education funds that are only invested but not produced in the short term! The shortage of education funds caused Chen Lifu, the Minister of Education at the time, a headache. How can the school continue to run?In desperation, Chen Lifu scratched his head and finally came up with an excellent solution - "loan", which is equivalent to today's student loan, that is, students write IOUs, borrow tuition fees from the government, and repay after graduation. Student loans are a costly and expensive project.The number of students in need of financial aid is enormous, and most loans are never recovered.After all, the flames of war are raging, and the danger is at stake. Those poor students can't afford any money.Fortunately, Minister of Finance Kong Xiangxi was Chen Lifu's good buddy, and under Chen Lifu's hard work, he managed to get a lot of money. When the nation was in peril due to the extreme shortage of materials, the national government not only managed to solve the problem of tuition fees for the students, but also provided them with free board and lodging. A vibrant academic pure land. Let's take the most interesting university in Chinese history—National Southwest Associated University as an example, to describe the evocative educational chapters written by thousands of experts, professors and students in the face of national crisis. Zhou Jinsun, who later became the vice president of the Yunnan Alumni Association of Southwest Associated University, recalled: When he was admitted to the Department of Physics of Southwest Associated University, the school gate was so simple that it was unsightly—a long strip of painted wood was horizontally framed on two sides of the piled stones. On a stone pillar, write a few large characters: "National Southwest Associated University". The classrooms in the school are extremely simple.The roof is made of iron sheet.Whenever it rains, the raindrops hit the iron roof, clanging, and the teacher's voice can't cover the sound of the rain, so everyone simply "leaves get out of class to enjoy the rain".As the saying goes, "the sound of the wind, the sound of the rain, the sound of reading, the sound enters the ears." This is true for classrooms, not to mention dormitories.Basically, it is a broken thatched house - adobe wall, thatched roof, cool in winter and warm in summer, ventilated on all sides, and good lighting. Whenever it rained heavily, it would rain lightly inside the house. At this time, the students sleeping on the upper bunk had to take washbasins and tarpaulins to catch the rain.After it rains, the dormitory becomes muddy, and weeds even grow. Students' shoes often wear out after a rainy season.The students humorously called the soles worn out as "down-to-earth", and the hole in the toe and heel of the shoes as "unprecedented and unprecedented". Live poorly and eat poorly.For a long time, the students only had two meals a day, porridge at ten in the morning and rice made of inferior rice at four in the afternoon. The students are poor and so are the teachers.During the Anti-Japanese War, the salaries of professors increased by six or seven times, but prices increased by three or four hundred times, so it doesn’t matter whether it is Wu Dayou, Zhou Peiyuan, Hua Luogeng, Fei Xiaotong, or Zhu Ziqing, Shen Congwen, Wen Yiduo, Qian Zhongshu, Wu Han, Just two words: no money. Therefore, professors don't care about the dignity of teachers when they are not teaching.Fei Xiaotong once sold big bowls of tea on the street; Wu Dayou once picked up cattle bones in the vegetable market; a beggar chased Zhu Ziqing all over the street, Zhu Ziqing couldn't be entangled, so he turned around and said: Don't ask me for money, I'm a professor!When the beggar heard this, he turned his head and left. It was such a school, which was already the strongest and largest university in the country at that time. The poor life is also bad. In the later period, the bombs from the devil plane also came, but this did not stop the university from continuing to start classes.When the plane comes, hide, and when the plane leaves, continue to study.Everyone is indomitable, and no student has ever dropped out of school because of extremely difficult conditions. Teachers and students of Southwestern United have lived up to expectations. Among them are Deng Jiaxian, Zhu Guangya, Zhao Jiuzhang and other eight "two bombs and one satellite" fathers, Huang Kun, Liu Dongsheng and other four winners of the highest national science and technology award, and nearly 170 academicians of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering. In addition to these natural scientists, Qian Zhongshu, Wen Yiduo, Zhu Ziqing and other literary masters also left us a lot of precious spiritual wealth. Two other students need special mention, one is Yang Zhenning and the other is Li Zhengdao. The two of them jointly won the Nobel Prize in 1957, but they were already Americans when they won the award. And Fei Xiaotong, Song Ping, Peng Peiyun, Wang Hanbin and others later became the leaders of the Republic. Finally, we end this section with the school song "Man Jianghong", and let us pay high respects to the above-mentioned masters who have made outstanding contributions to the rise of the Chinese nation! China has been defeated in a row. The Japanese army controlled most of North China and South China. The next step was to continue westward and control China's then north-south traffic artery—the Jinpu Railway, so as to connect the north and the south, and then take Zhengzhou and Wuhan. Oppress the living space of the national army to the west! The Jinpu Railway starts from Tianjin in the north and ends at Pukou in Nanjing in the south.Taking Xuzhou, an important base on the Jinpu Railway, an important city in Jiangsu, became the next goal of the Japanese army. As far as China is concerned, Xuzhou must be defended, and the Japanese army's westward advance must be delayed as much as possible, so as to relieve the pressure of the enemy's westward advance and buy time for the rear to deploy defenses. The defense along the Jinpu line was assigned to the fifth theater, and Xuzhou was naturally included. The commander of the theater was Li Zongren.I would like to add that the theater and troop numbers are easy to change with the real-time changes of the battle situation, so you don't need to care too much. The deputy Chiang Kai-shek arranged for Li Zongren was Han Fuju, chairman of Shandong Province, who was surrendered in the Central Plains War. Historical experience tells us that it doesn't matter if you have an empty head, but don't get in the water!Unfortunately, this Han Fuju is a god-man whose head likes to get wet.The old boy thought that the current situation was that his own people were playing a civil war without even basic professional ethics. When the Japanese army killed the generals, he actually disobeyed the military order, gave up the natural danger of the Yellow River, and retreated without a fight. In an instant, most of Shandong fell. The reason why Han Fuju learned from Zhang Xueliang this time is nothing more than to preserve his strength.But this old boy doesn't even think about it. Since the all-out war of resistance in 1937, no prince has dared to leave the territory without permission in order to preserve his strength! In the past, Chiang Kai-shek would not do anything to him, but now it is different. Chiang Kai-shek said: Let's come to a meeting and discuss military arrangements. This meeting was originally arranged before, and it was not a sudden decision. Therefore, Han Fuju, the top military and political leader in Shandong, did not have much doubts, and came without blushing.For others, this meeting is just a military meeting, but it is different for Han Fuju, the Hongmen Banquet has been changed to the Hongmen Meeting. At the meeting, Chiang Kai-shek arrested Han Fuju in front of more than 80 division commanders present at the meeting, escorted him to Wuhan immediately, and executed him two weeks later. Killing one to warn others, Chairman Han Fuju volunteered his head to sacrifice the flag for the upcoming Xuzhou battle, which can be regarded as a show of heart for the resistance strategy! In March 1938, the Itagaki Division and the Isoya Division (Tenth Division) of the Japanese Army set out from Shandong and attacked southward in two routes, east and west, in an attempt to join forces at Taierzhuang and then capture Xuzhou. At the same time, the 13th Division of the Japanese Army, which was heading north from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, had arrived at Chihe and Huainan. The wishful thinking of the Japanese army was to attack Xuzhou from the north and the south. Xuzhou is like a hanging egg, in danger. Powerful enemies are around, and Li Zongren, as the product of repeated failures in civil wars-the polished commander, has an army that can be used to resist the Japanese invaders. Except for the Li Pinxian 31st Army, which is supported by the current leader of the Xingui Clan, Bai Chongxi, the others are Miscellaneous brands of miscellaneous brands.For example, the 40th Army of Pang Bingxun, an old fried dough stick of the Northwest Army, the 51st Army of Yu Xuezhong of the Northeast Army, and the 22nd Army of Deng Xihou of the Sichuan Army. Make bricks without straw.After repeated weighing, the helpless Li Zongren used Tian Ji's horse racing - to arrange the most elite Li Pinxian troops in the south, and Yu Xuezhong assisted them, so as to prevent the weaker Japanese army from the south from advancing north; Against the trump card of the Japanese army's trump card, Pang Bingxun's department was stationed in Linyi to block the Banyuan Division on the East Road, and Deng Xihou's Department was stationed in Teng County to deal with the Isogu Division on the West Road. The battle begins. Li Pinxian and Yu Xuezhong lived up to the high expectations of the leaders, blood-stained the Huaihe River, and firmly dragged the Japanese army advancing north to the southern line. The situation faced by the other two national armies is much more serious, with different strengths and weaknesses, and the situation is very critical. The 40th Army of Pang Bingxun of the Northwest Army is said to be an army, but in fact it has only one division.Everyone should already know the strength and brutality of their opponent Itagaki Division.It would take Lin Biao more than half a day to ambush his supply troops with ten times the enemy's strength, but now Pang Bingxun is meeting his main force, and the difficulty of the battle can be imagined! The Northwest Army is notoriously poorly equipped, the quality of individual soldiers is poor, and they can't even keep up with supplies. How can they hold back the Japanese army?Fight hard, trade your life for your life!But I tried my best and couldn't resist. At the critical moment, Li Zongren's reinforcements, the 59th Army, rushed to the battlefield.The commander of the army is Zhang Zizhong, the general of the Northwest Army who was in the aftermath of the occupied Beijing. Zhang Zizhong and Pang Bingxun went into battle in person.One general would risk his life, and ten thousand men would be invincible. With such generals as Zhang Zizhong and Pang Bingxun who are not afraid of death, their subordinates are naturally ferocious, not to mention that ferocity is the characteristic of the Northwest Army. The outflanking tactics Itagaki is best at playing, "one troop goes to the front and one troop goes to the side", can no longer be played, because his two troops are held down by two motley troops respectively.The two Northwest miscellaneous armies used impressive bravery and tenacity, paid huge casualties, and relied on the city defense fortifications to nail their opponents like nails.The Itagaki Division could not go beyond Linyi within a few days. Deng Xihou's 22nd Army is a typical Sichuan army.Most of the guns of the Sichuan army were made of clay, not to mention that they could not hit far or accurately, and they often failed to fire; the Sichuan army did not have enough food, poorly dressed, and even worse military discipline.What the defeated Kuomintang soldiers in our old movies are like, this Sichuan Army is like.Fortunately, everyone's anti-Japanese enthusiasm is very high, and they are not afraid of death in a fight with the Japanese devils! Their opponent, the Isoya Division, is a heavily equipped mechanized unit capable of cooperating with the Air Force.What's more frightening is that the Isoya Division is the base camp of the Japanese fascists.Not only was the commander of the division, Isoya Rensuke, a fanatical militarist, but most of the backbone of the army participated in the "February 26 coup" that established the military's dominance in Japan. Although the Isoya Division is crazy enough, the spiritual will of the Sichuan Army is even better. If the enemy army does not leave the country for a day, the Sichuan army will never return home! When the country was ruined and the family was destroyed, the spirit of seeing death as home displayed by the Sichuan army was as bright as the sun and the moon, and the spirit penetrated Changhong! Wang Mingzhang, the commander of the 1st and 2nd Division of the Sichuan Army, led his troops to stand firm in Teng County, and he would not retreat until death. Finally, at the cost of the death of the whole division including Wang Mingzhang, he resisted the enemy for four days and fulfilled the oath of the whole army: the city survives and survives, the city dies and perishes ! Failure is not always a sign of shame, as long as you fail meaningfully. Taking down the Isoya Division in Teng County, seeing that our Itagaki Division and the 13th Division were blocked by the Chinese army, I thought this was a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds, so I didn't wait for other troops to come and join them, and went deep alone. Go straight to Taierzhuang. What Isoya Rensuke didn't know was that when he was excitedly rushing to Taierzhuang to make contributions, his opponent Li Zongren had already seen a chance of victory from his impulsiveness. Li Zongren's plan is to voluntarily abandon the outlying strongholds of Taierzhuang, lure the enemy to go deep, and then arrange for a group of troops to use the Taierzhuang Walled City to deploy defenses, attracting the attention of Isoya Rensuke from the front, and at the same time secretly arrange another group of troops to detour through the mountainous area north of Taierzhuang. Outflank the enemy's rear.Attacking back and forth, beat up the doggy little Japan! Li Zongren even thought of candidates for frontal blocking and outflanking.Sun Lianzhong's Second Army of the Northwest Army was good at defending, defending cities and fighting positional warfare; Tang Enbo's 20th Army was good at attacking, detouring behind enemy lines and fighting mobile warfare.To say that Tang Enbo is good at attacking is to exaggerate him a bit, but in fact it is Guan Linzheng's 52nd Army under the 20th Army that is good at attacking and defending. Chairman Jiang was also very optimistic about this opportunity, so he went to Taierzhuang to visit the commanders and fighters of the national army.Although Chairman Jiang is suspected of being a showman, when the war is so fierce, it is still very dangerous to go to the front line of the war to boost the morale of the officers and soldiers in the face of the menacing tiger and wolf division!For example, when his wife, Ms. Song Meiling, went to the Shanghai battlefield to condolences to the officers and soldiers during the Songhu Battle, her ribs were broken by Japanese artillery shells. When the preparations on the Chinese side were ready, Rensuke Isoya also started. The Isoya Division used the overwhelmingly superior heavy weapons such as tanks, artillery, and machine guns, and with the support of air planes, Sun Lianzhong's department had to withstand the bombing of six to seven thousand shells every day.After three days and nights of stubborn resistance, Sun Lianzhong really couldn't hold on anymore, and was forced to abandon all peripheral fortifications and retreat into the Taierzhuang Walled City. Isotani Rensuke thought that the next process would be resolved as quickly as before, like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.But he was wrong. What greeted him was a desperate play specially developed by Sun Lianzhong. Style one, street fighting. Are you not fierce?If I can't resist, then I will retreat, retreat into the alley, relying on the terrain to fight bayonets and human bombs with you wall by wall!I have a lot of people, even if I finish fighting the entire group army, you little Japan will be wiped out! At the height of the battle, Sun Lianzhong ordered one of his division commanders, Chi Fengcheng: "After the soldiers have finished fighting, you fill in it yourself. After you fill it in, I will fill it in!" This kind of reckless play beat the devil enough, after all, the devil was also raised by his parents.The brutal street fighting continued for seven days, and this fight lasted until April 3rd. A few more words here.During the Anti-Japanese War, the national army's defensive battles were generally city defense battles, which relied on the city walls to build field fortifications and permanent fortifications on the outskirts of the city, and made full use of the terrain to resist the Japanese attack.Generally speaking, after the city wall is breached, the city will basically fall, because there is nothing to defend.That being the case, why doesn't the national army use street fighting that is more lethal to the enemy on a large scale? This is because, apart from a few cities such as Shanghai, other cities in China at that time were nothing more than oversized rural areas.The structures of the houses are mostly civil structures, with poor bullet resistance and fire resistance, unlike red brick buildings and reinforced concrete buildings that can be used as ideal bunker fortifications.Therefore, the layout and housing structure of most cities are not enough to support the Chinese army in street fighting, with only a few cities such as Shanghai, Taierzhuang, Changde, Hengyang and other places being exceptions. Play two, night attack. After days of hard fighting, both China and Japan were exhausted.The exhausted Japanese army originally wanted to have a good rest at night and fight again in the future.But I didn't expect that the willpower of the Chinese soldiers was actually stronger. Under the circumstances of being so exhausted and greatly reduced, they still had the strength to organize death squads to counter-raid them at night. The head of the Death Squad was General Wu Dehou who died in 2007, when he was still a battalion commander.Like the soldiers, Wu Dehou hangs a few grenades, carries a unique weapon on his back - a broadsword, and the rifle lights up the bayonet. He takes the lead and is the first to enter the enemy's line. Bros!On the bayonet!follow me! Anyone who can hold a gun will follow, and those who can't hold a grenade will be killed with the devil.Suddenly, the sound of gunfire, killing, and explosions rang out. The two sides fought until the early morning of April 4. Just when the sun smiled and shot out the first ray of light, Guan Linzheng led Dai Anlan and other troops to finally wipe out the surrounding Japanese troops and complete the anti-outflank of the Jigu Division in Taierzhuang. Li Zongren also led the army to enter together. With the addition of two elite new forces, the situation on the battlefield has been reversed. On April 6, 1938, the remnants of Isoya escaped from the encirclement. The Battle of Taierzhuang was the first large-scale victory of the Chinese army since the Anti-Japanese War.In this battle, the Japanese army suffered 17,000 casualties, and the Chinese army suffered 30,000 casualties. The victory of Taierzhuang greatly inspired the enthusiasm of the Chinese people for the War of Resistance, but it must be realized that the victory of Taierzhuang is difficult to replicate.Because this is not caused by absolute strength, but by the sacrifice spirit of the Chinese army and the reckless advance of the Isoya Division. However, the highest military authority in China, headed by Generalissimo Jiang, may have been dazzled by the victory because of insufficient understanding of the accidental factors of the victory; perhaps it was out of continued consumption of the Japanese army's vital forces and slowed down the Japanese army's offensive speed, in order to deploy the next Wuhan. The purpose of the defense war was to win time, so regardless of the overall situation of the enemy's strength and our weakness, immediately after the Battle of Taierzhuang, 600,000 troops were mobilized to the Xuzhou battlefield, assuming a strategic decisive battle with the Japanese army. However, the surrounding area of ​​Xuzhou is an open plain area with no danger to rely on, but the Japanese army’s mechanized transportation capabilities can be used to its fullest. The decisive battle in Xuzhou can be said to have hit the hands of the Japanese army, which is eager for a quick victory. Therefore, the Japanese army quickly increased its troops to more than 200,000. , and relying on the advantage of movement speed brought by its advanced mechanization level, it encircled the Chinese army twice its own. A month later, Xuzhou fell, and the Chinese army retreated on its own initiative. This retreat was ordered early and well organized, and the vast majority of Chinese troops were able to successfully break through.However, the Japanese army also achieved its goal and finally controlled the Jinpu Railway, the north-south transportation artery in China. At the critical moment when the national army turned from victory to defeat, thousands of miles away in northern Shaanxi, Mao Zedong was writing hard under the oil lamp in the cave dwelling in Yan'an. - "On Protracted War". This is a call to action to criticize pessimistic views and call on everyone to fight the war to the end. Instead of shouting empty slogans, it patiently and meticulously analyzes the social forms of China and Japan, their pros and cons, and possible interventions by the international community. More rigorous logical reasoning predicts that China will not perish, but it cannot win quickly.The Anti-Japanese War is a protracted war.It will go through three stages: the enemy's strategic offensive, our strategic defense; the enemy's strategic defense, our preparation for counter-offensive; our strategic counter-offensive, and the enemy's strategic retreat.With the progress of the war of resistance, the advantages and disadvantages will ebb and flow, and the balance of victory will eventually fall to China. To sum it up in one sentence: don't surrender, don't underestimate the enemy, stick to the end, and consume little Japan. The idea of ​​a protracted war of resistance already existed in the KMT's decision-makers, but no one had elaborated it in a fluent and systematic manner before.So far, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party have reached an agreement on the strategic level of the War of Resistance. It is said that during the Battle of Xuzhou, the spy chief Kenji Doihara saw that his former classmates had made a lot of military achievements, which made him very envious of a professional soldier who majored in college.So Doihara also applied for a division to Shangtou, and immediately took the applied 14th division to cross the Yellow River by force, and rushed to the hinterland of the Central Plains-Henan. The situation in front of Kenji Doihara is very good, he has two ways to go: The first road is to enter Henan and take Kaifeng and Zhengzhou.Moreover, the two major railway arteries, Longhai and Pinghan, all pass through Henan Province. Now that the Jinpu Line has been captured by the Japanese, as long as Kenji Doihara is willing, these two railways can be cut off at any time. All fell into the hands of the Japanese. The second way, bypassing Kaifeng and Zhengzhou, going south from Henan to Hubei, and directly attacking Wuhan! If Doihara took the second path, then Chiang Kai-shek would have a headache.We must know that when the national government moved its capital to Chongqing, it was transited in Wuhan. Now most of the government agencies and even the military headquarters are still in Wuhan. Wuhan was actually the military, political and economic center of the country at that time.If Wuhan falls, there will be no time for so many institutions and factories to move inland. In order to prevent this from happening, the national government sent 120,000 troops to encircle the 20,000 devils in Doihara in the area of ​​Lanfeng, Henan (near Lankao, Henan today), for the "Battle of Lanfeng". The defender of Lanfeng City is Gui Yongqing from the first phase of Whampoa, the same Gui Yongqing who has stood firm in Nanjing for three days.But this time he only lasted for three hours and couldn't hold it anymore. Doihara was able to escape into Lanfeng City and stand by for help, which made the national army colleagues who had the upper hand fall short.Afterwards, Gui Yongqing was dismissed. Not only failed to kill Doihara, but the Japanese army in Xuzhou has also begun to advance westward. In this dire situation, a plan to defend against the enemy called "Operation K" was placed in front of the military officials of the Nationalist Government. The "Operation K" plan has one meaning in a nutshell—digging the embankment of the Yellow River and flooding the soil and fertile fields.In this way, the Doihara going south will be resolved, and the Chinese army can concentrate on dealing with the Japanese army coming from Xuzhou. Anyone with a little common sense knows that if the Yellow River breaks its embankment, all stones and stones will be destroyed, and all people will suffer.This plan makes everyone very nervous, whether they are in favor or against, they may become eternal sinners. Someone asked Chiang Kai-shek: If breaking the embankment still can't stop the enemy, then what should we do?Chiang Kai-shek asked rhetorically: Does the public have a perfect plan? No one responded, and in the end, the "Operation K" plan was unanimously approved. The person who executed the "Operation K" plan was Xiong Xianyu, the third son-in-law of General Tong Linge. Although he was far less well-known than his father-in-law, he had done two major things in his life, and both projects were blasting. One was in February 1938, commanding the blowing up of the Yellow River Bridge; The breach of the Huayuankou embankment is the core of the "Operation K" plan. In the early morning of June 9, Huayuankou successfully broke the embankment. But what was done with so much effort and determination was in vain.Because it was the dry season of the Yellow River at this time, the water output after the embankment burst was very small, and the river water turned into a trickle before it flowed far, barely irrigating the land. On the same day, Doihara issued a general attack order, requiring the Japanese army to capture Zhengzhou within 48 hours.The situation is extremely critical. Chiang Kai-shek was extremely anxious. He had pinned all his hopes on the "flooding of the Seventh Army". Now it seems that Zhengzhou and Wuhan are in danger. Maybe God didn't want Jiang to perish at this time. One day later, there was a heavy rain, and the water flowed from the breached embankment, forming a huge gap of 1,460 meters at the maximum. For a while, huge waves rolled down to the southeast of Henan. Chiang Kai-shek did not show joy when the secret telegram reporting the success of breaking the embankment and the torrential flood was placed in front of him. He knew what it meant to the people of Henan. But in a military sense, this water attack plan has achieved the expected goals: First, the "China Incident Army Combat History" compiled by the War History Office of the Defense Research Institute of the Japanese Defense Agency stated that on June 29, Doihara held a joint memorial meeting in Xuzhou, and the number of soldiers who died in the flood alone reached 7,000 There are as many as four hundred and fifty-two. Second, the Japanese army was forced to abandon its plan to attack Wuhan along the Ping-Han Railway, which bought preparation time for the defense of Wuhan. Third, it indirectly realized the "scorched earth war of resistance" - fortifying the walls and clearing the fields, taking away everything that can be taken away, and those who cannot be taken away would rather be smashed and burned than cheapen the enemy.In short, we will try our best to make it impossible for the enemy to use any of our resources to expand its strength and achieve the purpose of exchanging space for time. 此时整个黄河泛滥区域(即黄泛区,含河南、安徽大部,江苏一部)沼泽一片,无道路、无给养,形成天然屏障,延迟了日军打通南北大陆交通线的时间。河南和安徽均为平原大省,耕地面积极广,如若两省在抗战初期即落入敌手,将大大增加我们消耗日本的难度。 但是,这次断臂求生的代价实在太大,此次决堤造成超过五十万无辜百姓丧生、一千多万人民流离失所。 决堤事件发生后,蒋介石对民众宣称:是日本人用飞机炸开我花园口大堤,造成我无辜平民重大伤亡!并号召全国人民同仇敌忾。一时间举国上下都纷纷指责日军暴行。日本人也不愿意吃这个哑巴亏,一口咬死是中国人自己炸开的大堤。 黄河决口拦住了南下的土肥原,但并没有影响日军速战速决的决心。日军的战略目标坚定不移:迅速拿下武汉,在国民政府转移到重庆之前消灭它! 日本人认为只要把这个敢于反抗自己的国民政府消灭掉,中国就会屈服。这就是为什么日军被挡在黄泛区之外后,仍然集结兵力转道攻击武汉的原因。 为了实现这一目标,日本人疯狂了,疯狂到孤注一掷! 日本国会通过了“国家总动员令”——国会授权政府可以无限征兵,无限投入军费以支持战争。 日本政府把能够派上场的海陆空所有军事力量都派出来了,日本本土仅仅留下一个近卫师团,甚至就连这唯一的一个师团也随时准备增援武汉。 很显然,日本人打算集全国之力在武汉给予国民政府致命一击,妄图使中国彻底失去举起武器的能力,结束在中国的战争。 在日本举倾国之力压向武汉的同时,国民政府也将全部海空军——计有战舰四十余艘、飞机一百余架调至武汉。陆军则利用花园口决堤所争取的时间,将可用兵力尽数集结至武汉周边区域,共一百二十个师,约一百一十万人。 国民政府设立第九战区,由陈诚任战区司令长官,蒋介石亲自坐镇武汉督师。 湖北省的地形很有特色,平原地区少而山地丘陵多,基本就是群山环绕,还有一条长江横跨其中,是一个易守难攻的军事要冲。 有鉴于此,武汉作战指挥部接受了少将参谋郭汝瑰的建议。不再执着于城防战,而是将国军主力分布于武汉外围山地,依托有利地形,层层布防。“守武汉而不战于武汉”。围绕武汉为核心,构成一条穿越豫、鄂、皖、赣四省,防御正面达一千三百余公里的巨大防线。 中日史上规模最大的会战开始了,只可惜中日强弱悬殊的态势依旧,武汉保卫战历时四个半月,艰苦卓绝,中国军队以海军尽殁、伤亡四十万的代价迫使日军亦伤亡十万,但最终日军还是拿下了武汉。 1938年10月27日,武汉陷落。 好在国军吸取了淞沪战场的教训,主动提前撤出武汉,保存了有生力量。 武汉保卫战虽然未能取胜,但中国军民在历时四个多月的血战中,不但消灭了大量日军有生力量,更重要的是,粉碎了日军意图消灭国民政府、消灭国军主力以结束对华战争的目的,为转移战略物资及人员至西南地区长期坚持抗战争取到了时间。 在经历了1937年7月到1938年7月一年的溃败后,中国军队用尸山血海般的牺牲、不屈不挠的勇气和灵活的战略战术换来了战略相持阶段。 此处特别需要提一下,1938年10月10日,也就是国民政府的国庆节那天,突如其来的万家岭大捷(又称德安大捷)让国民政府一扫之前的郁闷之气,扬眉了一把。 此事还得“多谢”鬼子冈村宁次。 七年前在“九·一八事变”中还只是个团长的冈村宁次,如今已经爬到了中将的位置。当日军全力攻打武汉的时候,这小子正蹲在办公室研究军用地图。研究来研究去,他发现国军防线上有一个空子可以钻,于是想到了一个大胆的方案——闪电突击。 冈村宁次让手下松浦淳六郎率一○六师团一万余人,仅携带六天口粮,孤军穿过这个不设防的缝隙,企图深入敌后“搞搞震”。 要是冈村宁次成功了,一年后的德国闪击波兰之战也许会失色不少。 但冒险轻进可不是那么容易的。这是一条艰苦的道路,要快速隐蔽地行军不说,而且路途遥远,路上全是大山,后勤也很难得到保障,一旦迷路,后果更是难以想象,军心也会动摇。 一○六师团刚进江西德安万家岭就迷路了。 what to do?松浦淳六郎苦思冥想得出来的解决办法是:撒网探路。他让手下的侦察兵们化装成和尚道士,鬼鬼祟祟地四散于乡野间在前面探路。 松浦淳六郎的脑袋一定少根筋,哪有这么多猥琐的和尚道士集体出行的?你当赶着去参加武林大会吗?果不其然,日军的侦察兵被国军吴奇伟部发现了。 吴奇伟的上级是升了官的第一集团军司令薛岳,当吴奇伟将这个发现报告给他时,薛岳就意识到了这是一个前所未有的良机——万家岭地形十分复杂,日军又不熟悉道路,方便国军设伏。而且万家岭是崇山峻岭,日军的装备优势也发挥不出来,反而中国军队的人数优势能够发挥。于是薛岳先斩后奏,不等武汉指挥部发令,就迅速调集第四军余汉谋、第七十四军俞济时等三个军近十万大军在万家岭将一○六师团包围。 这些鬼子虽身处险境,深陷重围,但并未忘记他们的武士道精神,负隅顽抗到底,军官身先士卒,拼命厮杀。敌我双方死伤惨重。 为拯救一○六师团,日军无所不用其极,不仅派了两个师团的援军,还通过飞机在万家岭中国军队阵地投放了大量的芥子毒气弹,更神奇的是,日本华中派遣军司令烟俊六亲自组织空军向万家岭地区空投了两百多名联队长以下军官,日军的联队长相当于国军的加强团团长。一下空投两百多名团长以下级别的基层军官,相当于扔出来好几个师团的基层干部。日本人还真舍得下本钱!想必这应该是人类战争史上绝无仅有的创举了吧。 日军空投“敢死队”,国军也不甘落后。七十四军有一个副旅长叫张灵甫,他也组织了一支敢死队,带着这支敢死队从日军背后的山崖绝壁攀缘而上,直插敌人身后,出其不意一举拿下万家岭战场最高峰——张古山。随后的五天里,日军疯狂地向张古山反扑,张灵甫多处挂彩仍坚持战斗,最终彻底阻断敌人的退路,鬼子光在张古山就留下了四千具尸体。没有张古山争夺战的胜利,就不可能有万家岭大捷。 虽然国军将士表现不错,在整个万家岭战役中,迫使日军伤亡一万六千余人,借用叶挺的话说,这叫“挽洪都于垂危,作江汉之保障”,但遗憾的是,一○六师团最终仍有一千多人跟随松浦淳六郎成功突围。 这个立了大功的张灵甫咱们在讲黄埔军校时提起过,就是跟林彪同为黄埔四期生的“万人迷”张钟麟。 张灵甫早在中原大战那会儿就已经是胡宗南手下的第一悍将,位居团长。这么些年过去,他书法肯定见长,功劳肯定见长,但官位为什么还没有长呢?因为他杀人了,而且杀的还是自己的老婆。 至于他杀老婆的原因,有两个版本。版本一,他老婆红杏出墙;版本二,他老婆是共产党间谍。 杀妻的真相实在无法考证,但结果十分清楚:打老婆都算人渣,就更别提杀老婆了。军人杀妻,不但有违社会道德,还明目张胆地触犯了国法。蒋校长很生气,一气之下就把得意门生张钟麟送上了军事法庭。 后来“七七事变”爆发,正是用人之际,蒋委员长给全天下的犯罪军人们发了一个红包:所有服刑官兵除政治犯外一律服兵役,戴罪立功,并保留原先军衔。张钟麟为了表示自己改过自新,不再使用张钟麟这个名字,改叫张灵甫。 张灵甫的老学长、黄埔三期生、五十一师师长王耀武知道张灵甫是不可多得的悍将,立即将其收归帐下。历经淞沪会战、南京保卫战的初始合作后,这兄弟俩终于创造出了杰作——万家岭大捷。 抗战八年,张灵甫一直跟随七十四军,由团长而旅长、副师长、师长、副军长、军长。战上海,守南京,保武汉,数战长沙,扬威赣北,喋血鄂西,厮杀常德,驰援衡阳,威震湘西,此公几乎每战必到,为中华民族的生存立下汗马功劳。七十四军也就是后来的国军第一王牌、蒋委员长的“御林军”——整编七十四师。 万家岭大捷后不久,武汉保卫战失败。 幸运的是,国民政府总算是把家搬到重庆了。 此后,一条条命令便从蒋委员长在重庆南郊的黄山官邸发出,直至七年后日本投降。 幸运的是,工厂内迁终于完成了。 从经济学的角度来讲,工厂内迁不仅使私人资本流入后方,而且带来了精良的设备与大量的工程技术人员,奠定了内地特别是西南地区的工业基础。同时,大后方急剧增加的人口(主要是难民)有效地拉动了市场需求。而且国民政府通过增加税收,举借内债(发行公债),求助外债(向外国银行借款),有力地支持了后方工业发展。 总体来说,大后方的工业虽不能说繁荣昌盛,但也生机勃勃,产品从一定程度上满足了后方的军需民用。 我们完全相信,大后方的工业经济基础就是中国人民持久抗战的希望。只要努力没有停止,希望就永远存在! 总之,日本动员全国力量发起的最重一击并没有达到最终目的——消灭中国政府。从战略上来说,日本人失败了。日军嚣张的气焰终于被暂时压制下去。之后六年,日本再也没有能力发动像武汉会战这样的大规模战役。 可以说,从武汉保卫战起,中国人民开始厚积薄发,悄悄地凝聚力量,等待着那最后的反攻之时。 春天不会远了,黑夜终究无法吞没黎明的曙光。
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