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Chapter 45 4. The beauty of angels

a real diana 苏菲 1971Words 2018-03-16
In 1997, during an anti-landmine campaign in Angola, Diana stunned royal watchers by dressing up.She changed her elegant and luxurious dress in the past, washed all the lead, and walked in the minefield in a white shirt, beige cropped pants and a bulletproof vest.The smile is still the same, but at this time, she is no longer a fashion queen, but a warrior on the front line against landmines, an angel of peace.Her fashion designer friend said in surprise: "I can't tell, it seems to be another Diana." Indeed, that beauty is no longer the beauty of fashion jewelry, but the radiance of love and courage emanating from the inside .

Her beauty is not only because she is a princess, but also because of her love for AIDS patients and other unfortunate people, and her care for her two beloved children. Everything she has done for charity has made people miss this queen of love forever. Her love for her two children not only makes them love her forever, but also makes people all over the world admire this great mother. She is a princess, but a mother first. "Children need the care and love of their mothers." This is the belief of the princess as a mother.Perhaps she believes so strongly because her mother ran away when she was 6 years old, leaving her 4 children in the care of her father.

Since the birth of her child, she decided to take her child as the focus of her life and dedicate her infinite love and warmth to the two most important people in her life—Prince William and Prince Henry.As a mother, Diana was most grateful to God for these two men.Only from them can she realize what a stable relationship is, what is trust and care. She always tries her best to arrange her activity schedule according to the children's schedule. She feels that the most important time of the day is when she is with the children, taking a bath together and going to bed together.Of course, it doesn't work every time.

Sometimes, she had to get up early in the morning and rush home in the evening, take a shower, change clothes, and go out again.But even when she's heading to a movie premiere or other nightly event, she tries to tell the kids a story or hum a lullaby before leaving. The child is Diana's eternal treasure. After every overseas visit with the prince, Diana couldn't wait to go home.There are activities in the child's school, and she must participate as long as she has time.When the children needed comfort, Diana put them to sleep in their mother's bed. Prince Charles rarely enjoyed the hugs and kisses of his parents since he was a child, so he often treated his children as two little gentlemen and seldom gave them caress.But Diana believes that showing intimacy to children often will be conducive to the healthy growth of children.From many photos, it can be seen that little William and little Henry are often hugged intimately in their mother's arms.

According to the tradition of the British royal family, children of royal blood should receive a castle-style education, and Queen Elizabeth's generation is a typical example.They have lived a secluded court life since childhood, with little communication with the common people.Prince Charles' generation was a mix.They were trained by the life of the castle and accepted the traditional etiquette, but they could breathe a certain amount of free air.The passions and values ​​of the common people were brought into the royal family and mixed with traditional education, which sometimes confused them unavoidably.

Diana saw clearly the drawbacks of royal education, and she was determined not to let her children follow the old pattern. She wanted them to face the world freely and express their emotions freely. "I want them to live in a sense of security, I want to hug them and sleep with them at night, I want to make their life full of love and warmth, which is very important." This is what she said from the bottom of her heart. Diana tried her best to abandon the education method that made children arrogant and lonely.She wanted them to understand that it wasn't sissy or effeminate to show someone their true feelings. In 1991, the princess took her sons to watch the German tennis star Graf compete for the Wimbledon crown.After the game, the princess and the children left the box and went backstage to congratulate Graf.Diana and Prince William embraced Graf as she emerged weary and lonely from the tennis court and public attention.

The princess introduces her children to her friend Adrian, who is dying. This is also a vivid and realistic educational method, which helps children observe and understand life and death.When Diana told William of Adrian's death, William's instinctive reaction showed his maturity. "Now he is finally free from pain and has achieved true and eternal happiness," he said. Diana passed on her father's teachings to the next generation.Every night at 6 o'clock, and when returning from dinner visits, they have to write thank-you letters to relevant people, friends or family members. Prince William and Prince Henry have also developed this habit, which is gratifying to their mother.On weekends, she would take them to various amusement places or tourist attractions, so that they could have a good time, without the closed atmosphere of the palace.

On the playground of the Luther Grover School where Prince William is studying, Princess Diana will appear from time to time. William plays left back on the school football team. He will become braver when his mother comes to cheer him on. Once, Diana and William visited a hereditary aristocrat's house together, and William lamented the magnanimity of the master's family.The princess corrected him: "It's not wealth, it's luck." The next day, she took Little William to visit those "unlucky" people --- AIDS patients, people in homeless shelters. Maternal love is always as warm as the sun in winter.He took them to theaters and theaters to watch performances, watched them play with radios, game consoles, miniature racing cars, and watched them eat their favorite hamburgers.A mother's heart is happier than anyone else's.

The two princes also understand their mother's love very well.They often imagine that they are a man who stands up to heaven and earth, and will one day be able to protect their mother.It is said that once William told Diana that he would become a policeman to protect her when he grew up. Prince Henry immediately retorted proudly that the king is your position, and the career of the police can only be done by me. For the princess in isolation, children are the sustenance of her love.She always likes to say to her friends: "To me, they mean everything." Originally, the mother was going to fly back to Kensington Palace to see her dear child, but who knew she would finally meet the 13th pillar.The sleeping prince became an orphan.

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