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a real diana

a real diana


  • Biographical memories

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 186975

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Chapter 1 1. Prominent family

a real diana 苏菲 925Words 2018-03-16
Diana's natal family, the Spencer family, were already one of the wealthiest wool merchants in Europe in the 15th century. Her ancestors used their wealth to obtain the title of Earl during Charles I and the family crest engraved with the motto "God bless power". Antiques, books and art.In the following three centuries, members of the Spencer family served in the government and court, in and out of the royal family and the Holy See, and their wives were in and out of the inner court of Buckingham Palace. Although the Spencer family is not the leading family in England, they have had friendship and contact with members of the British royal family for several lifetimes.Who would have expected that three centuries later, the fairytale combination of a beautiful and innocent little daughter of their family with a handsome prince would end in a complete tragedy?

They are indeed an extraordinary family.They are related by blood to King Charles II of England, Earls of Marlborough, Devonshire, Duke of Aberken and even US President Franklin Roosevelt.Diana's grandparents had even closer ties to the royal family. Edward VII is the godfather of Diana's grandfather, the old Earl Spencer, while Edward VIII, who "does not love the country and loves beautiful women", formally pursued the Countess Spencer who was still a girl --- Diana's grandmother in his early years.The Countess of Spencer did not become queen, but later became a maid of honor to the late Queen Mother and Queen Elizabeth.

The profession of court maid has a long history in England, ancient and noble.They must be born in a famous family, either the daughter of the earl or the duchess. They have good education, elegant taste in dressing, good at eloquence, good at communicating with all kinds of people, and familiar with all kinds of court etiquette. Diana's father, the late Earl Spencer, was a court servant to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth when he was young, and dated the Queen's sister, Princess Margaret. As far as Diana's mother is concerned, her maternal grandmother, Mrs. Femoy, was also the queen mother's bedside maid, serving for more than 30 years.The marriage between Diana and Charles was approved by the queen mother, which has a lot to do with her grandmother being a close friend of the queen mother.When she was young, Mrs. Fermoy gave up a promising career as a chief pianist and got married. After marriage, she founded the "Kings Lynn Art and Music Festival".Since its inception in 1951, the festival has attracted a large number of musicians.Diana's maternal grandfather, Maurice Fermoy, was a Conservative MP for King's Lynn and was a shooting and tennis playmate of the late King George VI.The Park Manor, where Diana lived in her childhood, was given to Baron Maurice Fermoy by George V at the time to show his friendship with George VI (then still the Duke of York).

Born in such a family, Diana seemed destined to be inextricably linked with the royal family.Her family members' interactions with members of the royal family eventually led to her being married into the royal family.
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