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Chapter 25 6. Open Guizhou

Yongle Emperor Zhu Di 毛佩琦 929Words 2018-03-16
In the southwestern region of the Ming Dynasty, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Huguang, Guangdong, and Guangxi lived many ethnic minorities, including Miao, Yao, Zhuang, Yi, Dong, Dai, and so on.Since the Yuan Dynasty, in order to manage these areas, the central government has implemented the Tusi system, appointing the chieftains of the natives, who are hereditary officials in the local area, that is, the world officials. The native officials manage the local social life according to the local customs.The native officials may be the officials of the Xuanfu Department, the Xuanwei Department, the Appease Department, and the Recruitment Department.In places where the conditions are ripe, exile officials, that is, officials who can be dispatched by the imperial court at will, are used to replace native officials, which is called reforming the land and returning to the exiles.The result of reforming the land and returning it to the local people is that the relationship between the local area and the interior has been strengthened, and the management of the local area by the central government has been strengthened.

The establishment of the Chief Envoy of Guizhou was the greatest achievement of strengthening the management of the southwest region during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty. During the Hongwu period, only Guizhou, Sizhou, and Sinan Prefectures were set up in the Guizhou area for propaganda and consolation, and a capital command envoy was set up to guard their land.Guizhou comfort envoys belonged to Sichuan, Sizhou and Sinan comfort envoys belonged to Huguang, Pu'an, Zhenning and other states belonged to Yunnan.The famous female leader of the Yi nationality, Shexiang from Shuixi, is the wife of Ai Cui, Guizhou's comfort envoy.She once went to Nanjing to sue Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma because she was dissatisfied with the tyranny of the governor Ma Ye.Later, Ma Ye was executed by the imperial court, and Shexiang promised that "the Zhuluo (Yi nationality) will be conquered from generation to generation, so that there will be no chaos." "Open the road of Chishui, and pass through the post of Longchang", so that the southwest side can be stabilized.

In the early years of Yongle, the chiefs of Xuanwei Division in Sizhou and Sinan killed each other, Zhu Di, Emperor Chengzu of Ming Dynasty, ordered Gu Cheng, Marquis of Zhenyuan, to quell the chaos.After the chaos was settled, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di ordered to change the Sizhou Xuanweisi to Sizhou Prefecture, and the Sinan Xuanweisi to Sinan Prefecture, and strengthened the local administrative management.In February of the eleventh year of Yongle (1413), Ming Chengzu Zhu Di ordered the establishment of the Department of Political Envoys of Guizhou and other departments, and officially promoted it to a provincial administrative organization.Guizhou Chief Envoy Division has jurisdiction over six prefectures, four prefectures, one appeasement department, and fifteen guards.In the fourteenth year of Yongle (1416), the Guizhou Tixing Judicial Division was established in the local area.Therefore, the administrative standards and management system in Guizhou are the same as those in other regions in the Mainland.The establishment of administrative agencies such as the Guizhou Chief Envoy, known as the Guizhou Province, has greatly promoted the economic and social development and progress of the Guizhou region, promoted the unity of various ethnic groups, and stabilized the southwest frontier.

Ming Chengzu Zhu Di was a talented and generous monarch. After his hard work, the territory of the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, according to "Ming History" is: It starts from Korea in the east, occupies Tufan in the west, covers Annan in the south, and is separated from Daqi in the north. It is 11,750 miles from east to west and 10,940 miles from north to south. "Thousands of miles of Changsha, ten thousand miles of pond" in the South China Sea has been fully included in the territory. It is not counted among those who pay tribute at the age of the voice and teach, instead of ordering officials to buy books, and those who are guarded by Hou Wei.Woo hoo!

The Ming Dynasty at this time roughly established the territory of modern China. Although it was not as good as the Yuan Dynasty, it was far more extensive than the Qing Dynasty.It is a well-known fact that the Qing Dynasty lost the area north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains, including the birthplace of the Manchus.
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