Home Categories Biographical memories The brightest ten meters

Chapter 23 ×fatal strike×

The brightest ten meters 田亮 1980Words 2018-03-16
"The big family that has lived in harmony for so many years suddenly kicked me out, and my parents, brothers and sisters don't want me anymore! I really can't figure it out... I was stunned by this accident! This is much more serious than the previous jumping accident. !" Before, I never had a cough for more than three days, but this time in 2005, the symptoms lasted for more than two months and still haven't recovered!Maybe it was all because of a fatal blow. On January 26, 2005, the Swimming Center held a press conference, announcing that "Tian Liang has participated in too many commercial activities... As a sports star, Tian Liang has also made his own contribution to the development of diving events, and has become a leader in the society. They have high popularity, but the more famous they are, the stricter the requirements should be. As a public figure, one should always pay attention to one's own image. During this process, the center and the team have done a lot of work, but the desired effect has not been obtained. His actions have seriously violated the relevant regulations of the General Administration and the team rules and disciplines, and have had a negative impact on the management of the diving event and the team. Suitable as a member of the national team. In order to strictly enforce team discipline and strengthen the management of the national team, we decided not to retain Tian Liang's qualifications as a member of the national team and return to the province."

As a result, the Internet and the media quickly said that I was removed from the national team, and listed various claims. My mobile phone began to ring crazily.Many reporters in Xi'an also rushed to the diving hall to wait all the time, and they all wanted me to express my opinion.I don't know what to say anymore. In fact, I knew about the transfer back to the province on the evening of the 25th.Li Minghua, director of our Shaanxi Provincial Sports Bureau, found me after the training. After a long time of homework, she tactfully conveyed my opinions on the swimming center to me, but her wording was not "expulsion", but "adjustment".She said that Li Hua, the director of the center, called her specifically to let her know that I had more business activities recently; in addition, the national team required centralized management and training.Because I was jointly managed by the national team and the Shaanxi team during my vacation, there were too many commercial activities and I was unable to conduct systematic training, so I first adjusted my relationship back to the Shaanxi team and the Shaanxi team will manage it.Director Li said that director Li Hua also emphasized one point: Tian Liang was not expelled, nor was he expelled.At that time, Director Li was worried that I couldn’t think about it, so he stayed with me all night and enlightened me: “It doesn’t matter, as long as you pay close attention to training and reduce commercial activities, our Sports Bureau will create all conditions to help you return to the national team. You have this ability, we believe you……"

Li Ju’s words and attitude moved me very much, but the more she enlightened me, the more unhappy I felt, sad, sad... It’s not enough to express my feelings: this is an unexpected blow, I have spent 11 years in the national team , I have formed a deep relationship with this group, like a big family that has lived in harmony for so many years, suddenly kicked me out, and my parents, brothers and sisters don't want me anymore!I really didn't expect: I would be transferred back to the provincial team. I never expected this result.I always thought that as long as I don't say the word "retirement", as long as I can maintain my level, I will always be a member of the national team and have the qualifications to win glory for the country.It seems I was wrong.That night was very difficult, I thought a lot: the funny stories in the national team; the jokes with teammates and coaches; the scene of going abroad and so on.For a while, I felt that I was finished, and it was impossible to return to the national team and participate in international competitions; on the other hand, I felt that I could not give up diving because I still like diving, and I also want to play for Shaanxi Province in this year's National Games , also want to participate in the Beijing Olympic Games.

At the same time, I couldn't figure it out: after the Olympics, I asked for leave for half a year, and the swimming center agreed, and announced that my management rights would be delegated to Shaanxi.So, since all the commercial activities I participated in have been reported to the Shaanxi Sports Bureau and have been carried out with the consent of the organization, why do I need to obtain the approval of the swimming center?Since during the vacation period, there should be no impact on training and competition, and there should be no problem of negative impact on other small players?And the national team never called me back? ...

Everyone always likes to compare me with Guo Jingjing. She had already returned to the team at the beginning of the month, and she said that she has a good attitude of admitting her mistakes.My attitude has always been very good. Why is there such a sharp contrast in the fate of the two of us?Is it because Zhang Lian is not in the national team and does not understand the movement and meaning of the center in the team, which leads to poor communication?Zhang Lian did not apply for a leave of absence, why is he just like me on standby for the national team and was not recalled to the national team...

There were too many questions, I couldn't explain clearly, I couldn't figure it out, I tossed and turned all night with my eyes open like I used to participate in the Olympics. On the morning of the 26th, I was fidgeting like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced. While training, I quietly looked at the people who entered and exited the diving hall to see their expressions.By noon, the news finally got out through the media, and I couldn't take it anymore.After all, this is the result of the official announcement to the media, and the impact is much greater than I expected.Originally training at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, noon is normal

But I didn't take a break, and I couldn't rest. On the one hand, it was because countless media reporters called and asked me to express my opinion; on the other hand, it was also the most fundamental reason: I was stunned by this accident!This is much more serious than the situation where the jump was smashed in the previous game! I didn't expect to announce the media and the world in this way.Although I already knew the decision of the national team, when I actually faced the news, my mind was still very confused. Faced with many inquiries from the media, I didn't know what to say at all, so I had to shirk: "I am preparing an article. Open letter, please read this when the time comes, everything you want to say is in the letter, don’t ask me about the rest.” To be honest, I don’t know how to deal with the media.Instead of tossing and turning in bed, it is better to turn on the computer, type a little bit, and slowly sort out the clues.Thus, my open letter was brewed in this way.This was my real thought at the time. I didn’t let Zhang Lian see it, and I didn’t get approval from the Shaanxi Swimming Center or even the leaders of the Sports Bureau. Maybe I was a little reckless and thoughtless. At that time, I was only thinking about how to answer various questions from the media... …

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