Home Categories Biographical memories The brightest ten meters

Chapter 15 depressed world champion

The brightest ten meters 田亮 2188Words 2018-03-16
I used to be nothing, I couldn't even enter the provincial team, but now I am a national champion, an international athlete, and even a world champion by accident.But Zhang Lian's wife Tan Min said: You are a world champion, you can't stand on stage at all! After becoming a national champion, I started looking forward to my first world championship title. In September 1995, the 9th World Cup will be held in Atlanta, USA, which was the host city of the 1996 Olympic Games. Zhang Lian encouraged me and said, we can't go to the 1996 Olympic Games, it would be nice if we could go to the venue of the Olympic Games.Work hard, we must strive to participate in this World Cup.

Although I only finished third in the Moscow International Diving Invitational in March, I had already established my position as the No. I was very impressed and therefore, I was able to participate in this World Cup. This is my first time to participate in the World Cup, and also the first time to participate in a world-class competition.This feeling is really wonderful, all the familiar and unfamiliar top foreign players are here.Moreover, this is the venue for the Olympic Games. A few days before arriving in Atlanta, I took a good look around the venue and its surroundings, and left a few photos of "come here for a visit".It is convenient for me to show off to others when I get home: "I have been to that Olympic venue, it is really..."

Back then, going abroad was nothing new to me.However, the FINA Grand Prix and some invitational competitions I participated in before were all of a strong commercial nature, so the requirements for accommodation are very casual, and hotels are fine. This time, we are here at the Olympic site.The Olympics is not something anyone can go to if they want, it belongs to the PARTY of top athletes.As a layman, it would be nice if I could see some grotesque colors through the door of the World Cup. At that time, I was not jealous or even psychologically unbalanced. After so many blows, I learned to recognize myself.

The deepest impression left on me by the World Cup is that there is free ice cream to eat.This kind of treatment makes me feel very refreshed! This competition is the first time that a pair event has been included in a world competition. No matter whether in terms of individual strength or synchronization, foreign players cannot compete with the powerful Chinese team.Even so, it was my first time to participate in an international competition, and I only participated in one event of the 10-meter platform for two people. Cooperating with Xiao Hailiang, I still couldn't hide my inner tension.

On September 6th, in the first four moves of the double competition final, although I made a lot of mistakes, I was still several points ahead of my opponent. The fifth movement, which is the last movement, is 207 knee tuck.This is the most difficult of the five movements, but also the most critical one, so we put it last. My heart was about to jump out, Xiao Hailiang shouted: 1, 2, 3, jump! There was no problem with the aerial movements, but when entering the water, Xiao Hailiang was CHUA, but when I was somersaulting, the angle was a bit too high, and the splash was very big. "Oh, I'm already CHUA, and I still want to hear the cheers and applause from the audience. But when I looked back, I found that the surrounding water ripples turned up. I thought, it's over, you smashed it! Fortunately, the score on the display board tells you Me, we still won by more than ten points. If you lose this championship, I will definitely 'beat' you!" After landing on the shore, Xiao Hailiang punched me excitedly, expressing that the past is not to blame, I am quite embarrassed, I almost lost my gold medal.

In fact, this is also the first time Xiao Hailiang has participated in this kind of international competition.But he made his debut earlier than me, and he is in very good condition.In addition to the double competition, he also has to participate in the single platform diving competition. He has the strength to compete with Sun Shuwei for the championship, but he is not absolutely sure.So if the almost free double world title is lost, he does have a reason to beat me up. However, Xiao Hailiang had another reason for beating me: his arm muscles were strained, and I was responsible for it.Since it was the first time for me to participate in a pair competition, I had no idea and always pestered him to practice the pair.As a result, he had to take care of both single and double competitions, practiced too much, and strained his arm.

Our divers are most taboo about arm injuries.Even if you do a perfect start, taking off, somersaulting, and entering the water are beautiful, but as soon as you enter the water, problems arise: the injured arm will be hit by huge water, and it is trivial to swell. The most important thing is that it cannot be pressed Live Splash.As soon as it enters the water, it stirs up thousands of waves. In the subsequent singles competition, Sun Shuwei, who was in poor condition, "sure enough" defeated the injured Xiao Hailiang. "It's all your fault. It's okay to pester me to practice duets. Now it's over. I lost the single champion!" After the match, Xiao Hailiang was half serious and half joking.Hearing his complaints, I felt very guilty: Fortunately, the two of us won the gold medal in the doubles competition, otherwise I would really be a "heinous sin" and a "sinner".

At that time, the points standard for the selection competition was: 50 points for the first place, 48 points for the second place, 47 points for the third place, and 45 points for the fourth place.After two games, the top two athletes will qualify for the Olympic Games. I heard that after I left, Zhang Lian was very excited. He rushed to the referee with staring eyes and argued loudly, asking them to pay attention to my existence and not to give favors to the national players. The second game was played a day later.On the day of the middle training, I started to practice knee tuck, but Zhang Lian asked me to change it because the knee tuck was too unstable.The knee tuck feels so good, it's almost perfect, I can't find a reason to break this movement, whether to tumbling for a week or two to open into the water, it's all under my control.Just like a normal person going up the stairs, it is impossible to be thrown when going up.

The second match started at 10:00 p.m., the four of us sat in a row and waited for the final match. I still don't have many ideas, or it can be said that I have no ideas. I "grab food" with the big names, and ask myself that I am not good enough, but I feel that Sun Shuwei is a little nervous.Xiao Hailiang is fine, he already has the first championship to accumulate.Xu Hao was the most open-minded, because he ranked last in the first round. Even if he jumped to the first place in this round, it is impossible to rank in the top two points. He has already BYEBYE ahead of the Olympic Games.He booed and yelled: "Hurry up and jump, don't be wordy and dilly-dallying! Hurry up, or guess who will play first, and I will have to answer the phone call from my family later."

A shopping battle related to personal prospects was interpreted by Xu Hao as a "nonsensical" fearless spirit, which I admire very much.However, in that case, his words could only make the already tense atmosphere even more breathless. I was the first to complete the action, all CHUA flat!Especially the last jump I jumped flawlessly and got a high score of 9 points. Immediately, Sun Shuwei made a major mistake, and Xiao Hailiang also made a mistake.In the end, I took the first place, Sun Shuwei was second, and Xiao Hailiang was third. After the two games, Xiao Hailiang and I tied for the first place, while Sun Shuwei, the Olympic star who won two second places, could only miss the Olympic Games with regret.

I'm sorry, Big Brother!Take care, old friend!
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