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The brightest ten meters

The brightest ten meters


  • Biographical memories

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 67528

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Chapter 1 Blessing and misfortune

The brightest ten meters 田亮 1330Words 2018-03-16
My parents often say that I am the lucky star of the family!Because after I was born, the chronic disease that had plagued my sister for many years finally healed.Dad is called "Tian Satisfaction:". On August 27, 1979, I was born in an ordinary worker's family on the south bank of Chongqing City. My father, Tian Qifu, was transferred from the army to work as a driver at the Nan'an District Horse Iron Factory.Because of his profession, he always He is used to mumbling to the machine during long trips, but at home, he is always taciturn.This character, after being transferred to the "Contemporary Party Members" magazine in 2000, has not changed significantly.Mother Lin Changzhen used to work as a lathe worker at the Chongqing Labor Insurance Factory. Because she was very active in her work, she could complete one and a half days of tasks a day, and she always overfulfilled the tasks. She was often praised on the big broadcast in the factory.Later, due to work needs, she was transferred to the mail room to receive the goods (counting), and then worked as a salesperson in the Phoenix clothing store.My mother is very strong. When she was a lathe worker, she used "fire-eye gold essence" to inspect the quality of goods for a long time. In addition, she was reluctant to use kerosene lamps after returning home. She always read books by moonlight, and she suffered from myopia as high as 2,000 degrees. Almost eating books.

On November 22, 1974, my sister Tian Lin was born.From the first day of this little life, the parents have made up their minds: as long as this one child is born, they will try their best to bring her into adulthood.There is a deeper reason for parents to make such a decision. The family is not well-off, and having more mouths means more burden, and investing in children's future requires capital. It is also in line with the old saying that "good things take time". My sister was born weak and sick. First, she had headaches and brain fever, tonsillitis, fever caused by bronchitis, and later developed into pneumonia. Basically, she was struggling on the edge of life and death every time. Toss the adults with fear.This situation continued for four years.For this little life, the parents went to Chongqing Children's Hospital every three days to see a doctor. They were exhausted. They were checked once a week and hospitalized once a month.From folk remedies to well-known Chinese medicine, it is a pity that they always have little effect.The two were discouraged.

Some people advised them that it is better to have one more child. "Old Tian, ​​let's have another child. In this way, Lin Lin will not be too lonely!" The mother, who was only 29 years old at the time, almost choked up and said this.Tough and strong, she has been looking forward to her work and her children being successful all these years, but because of her sister, their work has been affected. "Then ask for another one!" Dad thought for a long time, and finally said, "In this way, the child will not be too lonely!" Actually, make them so hard to make up their minds.The main reason was that it was 1978, and it wasn’t long before family planning was made a national policy.Advocate "late and rare".The only child can get a subsidy of 5 yuan a month.The monthly salary of the parents is only 18 yuan, and the annual one-child subsidy is enough for their half-year salary.If it is necessary to give birth to a second child at this juncture, it will undoubtedly be a shot in the face. The leader may lose the black hat on his head, and ordinary workers will lose the opportunity to be promoted and raise their wages.

Sure enough, because of me, my mother’s desire to be the team leader was shattered. Because the factory gave quotas for the second child, but did not give maternity leave, taking a few days off was tantamount to absenteeism, and she couldn’t earn the required work points. : I didn’t keep up with the salary increase, and the salary was reduced by one level, plus two months of maternity leave, which counted as absenteeism, 600 work points.At that time, the first-level salary was 5 yuan, and I lost 60 yuan a year, plus 60 yuan for the only child allowance.For our poor family of four with a living area of ​​less than 12 square meters, this is such a big loss.

However, I also have reasons to be proud, which is regarded as a miracle by everyone: since my mother was pregnant, I have not made a fuss like other children, but I have been honest and have not made my mother uncomfortable.Her only reaction was to eat, but her family was too poor to eat meat, so she bought a lot of cheap rotten apples.And since having me, my sister's illnesses have become less, and when I was born, my sister has never been sick again.Thinking about it now, maybe, somewhere in the dark, there is a hand of fate that is pulling us siblings. For a long time after that, my father was honored as "Tian Yiyi" in the factory, because he gave birth to a son, of course he was satisfied.

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