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Chapter 31 Chapter 9 Sunrise in the East (5)

"Chinese elements allow us to re-understand and excavate the essence of traditional Chinese culture and apply it in a modern way from the perspective of the nation. It is not only a collective reflection of the advertising industry, but also a search for the national spirit and the reconstruction of national self-confidence." This activity The organizer of the event also expressed excitedly: Chinese elements are the starting point for changing the passive situation of "Made in China" and making "Created in China" take root, allowing Chinese enterprises to find themselves and their own path.

In fact, when China's economic aggregate became the sixth largest country in the world, China became the focus of the world.The rise of Chinese elements is the inevitable result of China's strong national power. When Japan's economy took off, Japanese culture and design styles were also popular in the world. Now, with the world's eyes on China, "Li Ning" hopes that such a story will be repeated.When Japanese companies became strong back then, their brands were also full of confidence. Propaganda such as "Where there is a road, there is a Toyota car" were recognized by the whole world.According to Yang Guang, Chief Consultant of Zhengyitang Strategy Agency, "We don't have Sony, Toyota, Samsung, or Korean dramas yet, but we already have a seed of hope, that is, Chinese elements." He believes: "China is strong, and the economy With development, China really has cultural confidence. Whether it is piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, or plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, if Westerners really regard these as elegant things instead of curiosity, then China will succeed. The Chinese really stood up. In short, the Chinese must have cultural self-confidence and independent creativity.” When Li Ning won the iF award, another Chinese company, Lenovo, also won the award.In fact, Chinese elements are a trend in the context of China's rise, and "Li Ning" is at the forefront of this wave of upsurge.

The percentage of research and development in the cost of sales indicates the strength of the company's new product development, which can affect or even determine the company's long-term development.Li Ning Company has always attached great importance to R & D investment.
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