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Chapter 10 Beethoven-7

Vienna never warmed to Beethoven.A genius as proud and independent as he was was unpopular in this frivolous capital, which Wagner abhorred.Wagner said in his "Biography of Beethoven" written in 1870: "Vienna, doesn't this explain everything? - all traces of German Protestantism have disappeared, even the national accent has been lost and it has become Italian. The spirit of Germany, the manners and customs of Germany, are all interpreted by guidebooks imported from Italy and Spain... This is a place where history, learning, and religion have been falsified...Frivolous skepticism destroys and buries the truth Love of love, love of honor, love of freedom and independence!

A Press Bruckner (1824-1896) and Hugo Wolf (1860-1903) are both great musicians in modern Germany.Brahms was the representative of reactionary music at that time.He seized every opportunity to leave Vienna; in 1808 he longed to leave Austria and go to the court of Jérôme Bonaparte, King of Westphalia.King Jerome is willing to give Beethoven a lifetime salary of 600 dugas per year (A is about 9 shillings per dujia), plus a travel allowance of 150 silver coins, the only condition is that he plays in front of him from time to time and conducts Chamber concerts, those are short and infrequent.Beethoven had almost decided to leave. A According to King Jerome as Napoleon's younger brother, he was named King of Westphalia.But Vienna's music sources are so rich, we should not deny that there are often noble connoisseurs there who feel the greatness of Beethoven and are unwilling to make the country suffer the shame of losing this genius.In 1809, three wealthy nobles in Vienna: Prince Rudolph, a student of Beethoven, Prince Lobkowitz, and Prince Kinski, promised to give him an annual salary of 4,000 florins, as long as he would stay in the palace. Austrian country. A floring is the name of the Austrian silver coin, and each unit is about one shilling and a half.They said: "Obviously a man can devote himself entirely to art, and produce these sublime works to honor art, only when he has no financial worries, so we are determined to give Ludwig van Beethoven material security, Avoid all hindrances that would hinder the development of his genius."

Unfortunately the results did not live up to the promise.This stipend was not paid in full; it soon ceased altogether.And since the Congress of Vienna in 1814, the character of Vienna has also changed.Society's attention shifted from art to politics, musical tastes were spoiled by the Italian style, fashion followed Rossini, and Beethoven was regarded as pedantic.Rossini's opera "Tancredi" is enough to shake the whole German music.The opinions in the Vienna Salon in 1816, according to Baunfeld's diary, are: "Mozart and Beethoven are old pedants, and only the absurd previous generation approves of them; Know what a melody is. "Fidelio" is a pile of rubbish. I don't know how people can listen to it without being afraid of getting bored." - Beethoven's last piano recital was in 1814.Beethoven's friend and patron, scattered scattered, dead dead: Prince Kinski died in 1812, Prince Lichnovsky in 1814, Lobkowitz in 18 one six.Rasumowski gave his last concert in 1815 for the beautiful quartet, Op. 59, inscribed by Beethoven.That same year, Beethoven had a quarrel with his childhood friend, Eleonore's brother, Stefan von Breuning.In the same year, Beethoven's brother Karl died.He wrote to Anthony Brentano and said: "He is so attached to life, but I am so willing to give up life." Since then he has been lonely.The only friend at this time was Maria von Elderdi, with whom he maintained a touching friendship, but she had the same incurable disease as him, and her only son died suddenly in 1816.The works that Beethoven inscribed on her were the two trios of Work No. 70 in 1809, and the two cello sonatas of Work No. 102 from 1815 to 1717.In his notes in 1816, he wrote: "Alone in the world, without friends."

The ear is completely deaf.Deafness aside, his health is getting worse day by day.From October, 1816, he suffered from severe colds.In the summer of 1817, the doctor said he had lung disease. In the winter of 1817-18, he was always worried about this so-called tuberculosis.In 1820-21 he suffered from severe arthritis.He suffered from yellow fever in 1821 and conjunctivitis in 1823.From the autumn of 1815 onwards, he communicated with people only in writing.The earliest talking handbook is from 1816.It is worth noting that his musical style changed from the same year, and it was the Sonata No. 101 that represented this turning point.Beethoven's Conversations, a total of 11,000 pages of handwritten manuscripts, are all preserved in the Berlin State Library today.In 1923, Knoll began to publish his talk book from March 1819 to March 1820, but unfortunately he did not continue to follow up on the prerecognition of "Fidelio" in 1822. , there is a painful account of Schindler to follow.

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