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Chapter 45 Chapter 44 New Semester (No.243 - No.247)

the best of us 八月长安 3657Words 2018-03-03
At night, I shamelessly asked my mother to hold me to sleep like when I was a child. It is really shameless, because I am four centimeters taller than her, but my mother is very spoiled by me today, she smiled helplessly and agreed. I was very troublesome when I was a child, I was always sick, I couldn’t sleep well when I was sick, and I had a quirk, that is, I had to be hugged in my arms to sleep, and I woke up when I stopped, and I woke up when I stopped. Countless nights, my mother hugged me to sleep like this. But now that I am tall and big, she can't hug me like she did when she was a child.I just nestled in her arms symbolically, sobbing, crying and laughing for a while.

She still caressed me from side to side as before, patted my back comfortingly with one hand, as if I was still only three years old and would die without her. My parents officially went through the divorce procedure when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. Ironically, I've long since forgotten exactly why.It may be that the word "divorce" has been brought up when they quarreled as long as I can remember. They have shouted wolf too many times, and they have long since become numb. So is it because of my grandparents' work unit splitting the house, or is it because my dad gave another indicator to a colleague but was deceived by others?Is it because I was bullied by my aunt's little sister, or because some relative from my father's side said behind my back that my mother's career is booming because I don't know anyone in the bank?

Nothing was really directly caused by either of them. They were the ones who ended up getting divorced. My parents never talked to me directly about their divorce. Their avoidance may be because I always look like a fool who doesn’t need to explain. ... Maybe, it's just because they can't tell themselves. So what about adults.I realized earlier than other children that my parents are not omnipotent, they are just two of the countless adults in this city who can't figure out their own lives. During their separation, I hadn’t entered the fifth grade of elementary school, and I lived with my grandparents during the summer vacation. Some relatives always asked me in a teasing manner: "Geng Geng, your parents may come for real this time. If Divorced, do you want to be with father or mother?"

From "Do you like your father or your mother" to "Do you want to be with your father or your mother". I don't understand why I can't do the Lord's work at all, but I always have to choose. This kind of conversation always ended with my embarrassing blush, but it was my mother who really put an end to these boring relatives. One day, another silly x relative asked me if I wanted to be with my father or my mother. When I didn't speak, she curled her lips and said, "You, if you stay like this, no one will want you. Your grandpa and grandma want grandchildren. If you don't behave better, or else..."

It happened to be heard by my mother who had just entered the door. Of course, it is possible that this relative did it on purpose. I watched my mother stride over from the porch, pushed the old lady away and slapped her. "Try to break your mouth in front of my daughter again? My daughter is also something you can discipline? Just say a word and I will slap you once! I don't need you to worry about my own family affairs? What does it matter to you if her grandparents like men and women? The thing? If you can’t even lay a single egg, you know that you’re here to enjoy the autumn wind, and you don’t piss and look in the mirror. You fucking have the face to meddle in other people’s affairs?!”

I only heard this passage that made my blood boil and was extremely ugly, but I always remember it. My parents are cultural people.The combat power of a cultural person who is in a hurry is many times higher than that of a long-tongued old lady. I have long forgotten who the relative she beat was. Anyway, she resisted a few words later and was beaten by my mother again. In the end, grandparents ran out to fight and ended. My mother took me away, and I don't know what my father did afterwards. Anyway, the final decision is that I will live with my father, and I don't have to choose anything.

From the beginning to the end, I never said, "Please don't get divorced." I don't know why I'm so precocious about this kind of thing.It is true that every quarrel is not the direct cause of the two of them, but they are so different, this difference cannot be tolerated by each other, and anything can widen this gap, so wide that it can no longer be crossed. I can make so many mistakes in math problems, why can't they make mistakes?I understand. I remember, I said a word to my parents respectively. I said that when I was in the second grade of elementary school, I really wanted to marry the sports committee member of our class.Later, when I was in the third grade, I felt that the body committee had become ugly and his personality was particularly annoying, so I didn't want to marry him.

However, if I really married him in the second grade, would I be considered divorced in the third grade? My parents actually cried, and said the same sentence to me respectively: "Geng Geng, are you stupid? That's not the case at all." Why is that not the case, that is the case. No matter how uncomfortable I feel, I understand. Although Yu Huai said that I am simple, there are some things that I think I know better than him. Xiao Linfan woke up the next day.It is said that after waking up, he ate two scumbags, until the doctor came to stop him. Really hungry. He naturally told both his mother and my father the reason for the accident, and the culprit changed completely from me to my father who bought fake firecrackers.

Xiao Linfan was discharged from the hospital that day.My dad and he called me separately.Xiao Linfan apologized coquettishly, saying that he was unlucky and worried me, and asked if I could go home early, because he wanted to play games with me. I don't know if there will be a little bit of Aunt Qi's inspiration here. But I don't want to think about this sweet little boy that way. In the afternoon, Aunt Qi went downstairs to my mother's house and said that she would invite me out for some dessert. She wanted to apologize for wronging me. My mother was very surprised: "She really has a heart, but there is no need for it?"

She still doesn't know what happened between me and Aunt Qi. "Do you want to go? If you don't want to go, don't force it. What's the crime of living together every day, pretending." She said absent-mindedly while drying the clothes. I thought for a while: "I... I'd better go there, everyone will feel at ease in the future." We went to the Pizza Hut in the nearby commercial center. After ordering, the waiter turned around and left. Aunt Qi and I, who were sitting face to face, fell silent. Aunt Qi's face was still faint, but she was a little more ashamed.

"Geng Geng, Auntie is really sorry. I was really crazy at the time. I didn't push you because I blamed you or took revenge on you. I was so anxious that I couldn't care about anything." "I understand. If it was me, my mother would do the same," I nodded, paused, and continued, "I mean, she would be as anxious as you, rushing down like crazy, but not necessarily Will push people." Aunt Qi looked up at me, smiled wryly, and was not in a hurry to defend herself. "I know, it's useless for me to say anything. But my mind is blank and I can't care about anything. I will push away anyone who stands in front of me. I really don't want to target a child like you. Geng Geng, no matter what, Auntie You did wrong, I wronged you." I shake my head. "I didn't finish talking just now. I said that my mother may not necessarily push people, but if she knows that someone else caused me to be injured or something, she may turn around and stab him. As a mother, I really I understand, my mother is more protective than you." As soon as I finished speaking, I was amused by myself. Aunt Qi's dull expression finally relaxed a little, she looked at me gratefully, then lowered her head again, her eyes were a little wet. In the short, less than a second after Aunt Qi heard me say that something happened to Lin Fan, I am afraid that even she may not really know what she was thinking. There's no point in holding on to it. I don't know what she's been through in her past life.She won't tell me about it either. In any case, she will be the other half of my father's future life. After I grow up and leave, it is she who will really accompany him, not me.Aunt Qi and I didn't have any more demands on each other, so it's good, and everything is back to the way it was before. Some boundaries were drawn more clearly.Really good. My mother refused my father's request to take me back.Although I didn't say a word and acted normally, my mother's instinct told her that something was wrong. "Let her go back after the 15th day of the first lunar month. I will be on vacation until the 15th day, so I just let her accompany me." My mother said on the phone. So for the remaining half of the month, I lived with my mother until school started. On the day I went back to my father's house, Aunt Qi made a big table of dishes.We chatted like nothing had happened, and things got back on track. The Geng Geng in my heart is a little different, I can feel it, but I don't know where it has changed. Maybe it's a little bit closer to being an adult. I never looked forward to school so much. On the first day of the new semester, I woke up early, took my notes from New Oriental, a charged voice recorder, and a schoolbag of belongings, and happily ran out of the house. The spring breeze at the end of February is still cutting the face like a knife, but the days are getting longer every day, which shows the unstoppable pace of spring.I walked out of the community in the dim blue morning light and started on my way to school. The schoolbag on my back was very heavy, but I still ran on the deserted path, with my arms open, facing the bitter spring breeze. The schoolbag slapped my butt hard, I don't know if it was to prevent me from going crazy early in the morning, or to urge me to run faster and faster. When I saw Zhenhua's ochre-colored building again, I really missed it. As soon as the classroom door was opened, there was a familiar smell.Most of the classmates wearing school uniforms inside were buried in their books, and the other half were laughing and playing; seeing me coming in, Jian Jian, β, and Xu Yanliang all waved exaggeratedly and ran towards me; on the first day of school, the window sill was filled with Cleaned up all kinds of exercise books and sundries, and seamlessly connected with the mess of last semester, as if such a thing as cleaning had never happened. It's as if we never left. However, looking at the students who are lying on the desks and reading books, I will never ask such silly words as last semester, "Isn't it just the beginning of school? What are they studying?" Yu Huai said to me before that after entering high school, there will be no more things like growing taller in the new semester, changing teachers, distributing new textbooks, wearing new clothes and cutting hairstyles, welcoming new transfer students, etc. At least not in Zhenhua. There are no synchronized pauses and no neat restarts.Because others didn't stop, so you didn't dare to relax, take one by one, and just kept running like this. However, after all, spring is coming.The power of the seasons is powerful, it can make me feel sad in winter, and it has the ability to make my heart jump because of the coming of spring. Facing the day that will eventually cover the night, the branches that will eventually twitch, and the streets that are melting from ice and snow, I am unstoppably optimistic. As soon as I put my things down, a female voice sounded on the radio, reminding everyone to go to the square immediately to prepare for the flag-raising ceremony. Even the piercing voice of this unknown class of female students sounded familiar and kind at the moment. I looked through the window at the ocean of white, blue and green school uniforms on the playground, flowing like a tide from the teaching building towards the vast flag-raising square. I knew that I was going to go downstairs soon and become a drop of water. This is how the new semester begins. Jian Jian and β called me from behind to go downstairs together. My tablemate Yu Huai hasn't come yet. The notes I made have not been handed over to him. But I'm going to see him soon. Although I haven't changed my mind all winter, I may continue to fail to understand during get out of class, and may still face endless troubles and self-doubt after class. But anyway, I'm going to be moving on with him, with them, soon. Suddenly, for a moment, I fell in love with Zhenhua.
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