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Chapter 38 Chapter Thirty-Seven: Still Melancholy (No.204 - No.209)

the best of us 八月长安 3232Words 2018-03-03
I usually sleep until 10:00 am on Saturdays, but today I deliberately set the alarm clock to 7:30 am. Yu Huai's exam will be held at the Provincial Admissions Office at 8:30. I guess he should arrive at the exam room at 7:30. If it's too early, I'm afraid he won't get up. If it's too late, he might have turned off his phone and entered the exam room. I yawned and sent a text message with my eyes half closed: "Come on, I believe in you." I was about to fall asleep in a daze when my phone vibrated twice. Two new messages, the first one is: "With your heart, I will definitely do well in the exam."

The second is: "I didn't take a shower." I stared at the second line for a long time before realizing what he meant. I retracted my head into the warm blanket, grinned uncontrollably, and fell asleep with a smirk. While waiting for my mom, my brain was racing all the time. Ever since she called in the morning and said she would pick me up in a car around two o'clock in the afternoon, I have been in a state of anxiety.If I didn't have the inexplicable thought a few days ago, I can tell my mother very frankly that I want to buy clothes, buy light thermal underwear, buy moisturizing water and high-grade face cream, and it is extremely unlikely for her. Both the approval and the probabilistic scolding remained calm.

Anyway, I'm afraid she won't be doing it for a day or two, she's always being mean to me, and I'm used to it. But this time I can't.I have a guilty conscience.I'm the kind of coward who's been in jail for 30 years before robbing a bank. I started running around like a headless chicken. His eyes accidentally fell on the pencil sharpener on the table. A pencil sharpener, to be exact. This thing is the kind that I was very envious of when I was in elementary school. It is boxy and requires additional tools to be fixed on the table. A pencil is inserted from one end, and one hand shakes the handle at the other end, and all pencils can be sharpened. nobility.God knows how envious I was at the time. Hearing my classmates say "this is brought back from Japan", I wished I could stuff my fingers in it, and then shake the handle to stir it.

But my mother didn't buy it for me. My mother said, if you don't study hard all day long, you just think about useless things. Can a pencil sharpener sharpen a pencil? So in the second year of junior high school, I had pocket money. When I saw the same pencil sharpener in the stationery store, I immediately bought it with tears in my eyes. But I have long since stopped using pencils. Shouldn't she make it up to me?The requirements are always not treated positively, and I can't build self-confidence through appearance, which will make me live more and more useless!As an all-powerful and independent woman, she actually let her daughter develop such a submissive character. Isn't this worth reflecting on?

but…… But if she said that a person's self-confidence comes from the inside, and that if you want to have confidence, you must first have grades. Where can I find a fair lady? It's better to do well in exams than to be beautiful... How should I fight back? I fell on the bed with my head in pain. Aww, Geng Geng, you are so useless!Your mother's life should have been more brilliant, how could her daughter be you! ……what? I suddenly felt that I had found a chance. As soon as I sat in the co-pilot seat, my mother's brows became knotted. "What time did you get up? Why don't you wash your hair and wash your face? How do you wear these clothes? What a wimp, stuff your shirt into your trousers!"

I held back the gushing joy in my heart, pretended to be innocent, pulled down the small mirror above the co-pilot, and took a picture in a daze. "It's pretty good. I usually wear it like this when I go to school." Then I turned my head to look at her, with tears in my eyes that were half true and half acting. "Mom, I miss you so much." My mother's eyes turned red instantly. In this way, the car drove to the No. 1 Department Store in the city. Yes! My mother first took me to eat a Brazilian barbecue, and then accompanied me to go shopping under the guidance of a few words.

Of course I didn't say I wanted to buy clothes.It's just that he said in his words that he wanted to talk to her while walking. I haven't talked to my mother for a long time. Many interesting things happened in our class. Where else can I go in a department store, where is it not a store hahaha. My mother actually took me to Levi's to buy jeans. I was still pretending to be filial piety before I entered the door, and kept saying that I didn't want such expensive clothes. My mother stared at me several times before I reluctantly walked in. This is where tactic two comes into play.Yes, I am wearing school uniform pants today, the loosest and bulkiest sports style, just to be able to smoothly put on three pairs of long johns, two thin and one thick.

I don't think I can even wear Levi's men's models. "Why are you wearing so many long johns?" My mother followed me into the fitting room. "I'm cold," I continued to pretend innocently, "It's been so cold these two days. I can't keep warm just by wearing any one." "Then you don't need to wear so many," my mother complained distressedly, "take off two and try again." "But if I take it off and try again, I still can't wear it after I buy it back." "You don't need to wear so many. I'll take you to buy two thin ones later. I'm not so afraid of the cold in previous years. Are you sick?"

Buy two thin buy two thin buy two thin... She touched my forehead and after making sure I didn't have a fever, she sighed and began to help me pull down the long johns. So now I have a new down jacket, a new hoodie, new jeans, a new shirt, a new sweater, and new Martin boots... I have repeatedly denied that my father and stepmother have carried out utterly disregarded and abused me, which my mother now deeply doubts.But generally speaking, my wretched and pitiful behavior successfully aroused the kind of competitiveness in my mother's heart that "my daughter can't be worse than others in any way", and she wanted to wear the whole shopping mall on me.

You said, what is there to be unsatisfied in life? It is amazing to say that the impulse and joy of shopping quickly ebbed while I was running upstairs with a bunch of shopping bags. I went back to my room and closed the door, sat on the floor and cut off the tags of all the new clothes, and spent twenty minutes trying them on again. After looking in the mirror for a long time, I must admit that the person in the mirror is still Geng Geng.Only I can see a little difference, but it shouldn't make any difference in the eyes of others. It's not about the clothes, I know that. How can it be better?Because I was envious of Wen Xiaoxiao quoting famous quotes from books that I had never heard of when speaking in Chinese class, so I went to find all the books she read and read them all?Because Ling Xiangqian's skateboard pants are baggy and look good, she hurriedly took off her long johns and put on thin Nanjiren?

At that moment, I felt like a small apple that was supposed to sell for three yuan and eighty catties in the fruit shop was accidentally placed in the pile of five yuan and eighty catty big apples. At first, I felt that I had an identity-then, When I find that customers come to buy something, I will reach out and pull it aside every time. Yu Huai at 5.8 once said to Geng Geng at 3.8 that you will get used to it sooner or later. I also thought that I was used to it, but I didn’t expect that the feeling of depression would recur from time to time, and would put on different disguises, and sometimes even appear in the face of hope. Like wanting to get better. When I saw Yu Huai again at the flag-raising ceremony on Monday morning, he had recovered his vitality. "It looks like you did well in the exam?" I asked as I followed the team. "It's okay, ah, I'm sorry," Yu Huai said in a high-spirited tone, and accidentally stepped on the heel of the classmate in front of him, "Sure enough, there is no electromagnetic problem." I smiled: "That's great." "Let me treat you to dinner." "Huh?" I didn't hear clearly.His words were completely overwhelmed by the "Zhenhua Middle School's flag-raising ceremony with the theme of 'Don't Forget the National Humiliation'" coming from the loudspeaker. The girl who presides over the flag-raising ceremony all the year round is from Class 1 and 1 of Senior High. She forgot what her name is, her voice is terribly piercing, and the way she reads her speeches is even more eloquent than that of elementary school students. I really don’t understand why the Youth League teacher insisted on her speaking. "I said, I invite you to dinner!" The second half of Yu Huai's shout just finished in time for the opening remarks on the loudspeaker, and the surrounding students could hear it clearly, and the whispers of laughter spread. Xu Yanliang, who happened to be standing in front of Yu Huai, took the opportunity to answer, "Okay, don't be so polite!" Although it was cheap, it also helped me out. I was about to lower my head to pretend that it had nothing to do with me, when I saw Wen Xiaoxiao who was a few rows ahead looked back. The words on the lips turned a corner and turned into a smile: "Xu Yanliang, you have a good idea, so I won't take you." Wen Xiaoxiao's eyes darkened. I didn't feel a little bit happy because of it, but turned my head guiltily. I'm out of shape all day. After participating in the competition, Yu Huai was very lively, making troubles in get out of class and playing basketball after class, as if he wanted to make up for what he had said less some time ago. "What's the matter with you?" He sat back in his seat, sweating profusely, and asked while panting heavily. "Hurry up and wipe off your sweat. It's so hot in the room that it will ferment in a while." "It's a jiao, not a xiao, even I wouldn't make such a low-level mistake," he corrected cheerfully, "I asked you what's wrong, you've been listless all day." "Know what, this is the melancholy of a girl." At this time, the old man in the mail room appeared at the door of our classroom: "Is Wen Xiaoxiao in your class? Someone is looking for it in the mail room. It seems that something you ordered has arrived. Hurry up and find some people to move down." "Ah, the costumes for the competition should have arrived." Wen Xiaoxiao said. Xu Yanliang woke up all the male students in the last and second rows to help them move things, and other students who were still sitting in the classroom were excited. Even if it's fifty yuan a set of clothes, it's full of expectations.In the boring winter campus, a little bit of new things can make people excited. As the large cardboard boxes were moved under the blackboard, even students like Zhu Yao couldn't continue to study, and everyone stretched their necks in their seats and looked ahead. "Okay, okay, don't worry," Wen Xiaoxiao was the last one to follow Yu Huai into the door, a little out of breath, "I'll send numbers one by one, girls with XS numbers should raise their hands first!" Yu Huai was walking towards his seat when Wen Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped him: "Well, Yu Huai, can you stay and help unpack the other boxes? Give you the scissors." Xu Yanliang also stood up enthusiastically: "Let me help too." "No, no need," Wen Xiaoxiao shook her head, "Well, monitor, help maintain order." "What kind of order is maintained..." Xu Yanliang scratched the back of his head in confusion, and sat back in his seat. I sigh.I actually became the stranger in the class who understood Wen Xiaoxiao the most.
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