Home Categories Biographical memories Deciphering Chinese female CEO Dong Mingzhu

Chapter 26 1. The "dominance" and principles of managers

In the past 30 years, the growth of Chinese enterprises has mainly been driven by the market. The emerging market opportunities have been seized by courageous entrepreneurs. Through the introduction of equipment technology and marketing while learning, they have launched products to the market and achieved growth. It is completely different from the capabilities-based growth of American companies after World War II.One consequence of the growth method in this special environment is that Chinese companies generally lack basic management capabilities. Behind the rapid growth, there may be a sudden destructive collapse hidden, and this is undoubtedly the last thing we want to see .Over the years, Gree air conditioners have been known for their excellent quality in the industry. In the minds of consumers, Gree air conditioners have always enjoyed the reputation of "buy quality, choose Gree".First, in 2000, the sales of Binhuai and Huaihe turned their backs, and then in May 2003, Gree’s top executives broke the scandal of executive corruption. It seemed that 2003 was destined to be an eventful year for Gree, which was dazzling and first attracted people’s attention. It caused an uproar inside and outside the industry, making people question whether its corporate management system is strict and standardized.After the Binjiang and Huaidi incidents, a media "humorously" used the headline "Employing Negligent Dong Mingzhu Wants to Learn Face Physiognomy", which made Dong Mingzhu fall into deep thinking.Whether it is the media or individuals, when describing Dong Mingzhu's personality, the most frequently used words are "stubborn", "tough" and "dominant".None of these words seem to make people feel comfortable.The strange thing is that once these words are put on Dong Mingzhu, it immediately makes people feel a kind of vitality and publicity of life, as well as a conscious or unconscious respect for Dong Mingzhu.After Dong Mingzhu became the business manager of Gree Electric Appliances, he embarked on some drastic rectifications, which not only offended some employees, but also offended individual business leaders.At the beginning, the employees were not used to Dong Mingzhu's dominance at all.These employees who have developed the laziness of state-owned enterprises dare not speak up in the face of Dong Mingzhu's work style of only sticking to principles and not showing affection.Once, Dong Mingzhu walked into the office and saw someone brought a bunch of local specialties, and everyone was scrambling to eat them.Dong Mingzhu became angry all of a sudden, and she asked sharply: "Who told you to go to work to eat?" As soon as Dong Mingzhu finished asking, the bell for getting off work rang.The uneasy employees all breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they had escaped a catastrophe.

Unexpectedly, Dong Mingzhu is a person who admits death, not to mention half a minute early, even a second early.She announced: Everyone who ate snacks just now was fined 50 yuan!This is not the stubborn temper of the natural Nanjing people, but out of public interest.This incident made everyone realize Dong Mingzhu's harsh work system.Of course, many people think that Dong Mingzhu is too unkind.But Dong Mingzhu understands that if she is too "human" like others, then the work of the business department will return to the previous lazy state.It is precisely because of Dong Mingzhu's strict and disciplined work style that the operation department quickly became the most efficient department in Gree.Everyone works with Dong Mingzhu for more than ten hours a day, but no one complains.I don't know who said that women are made of water.The implication is that women have a kind of tenderness in their nature.But if you put this sentence on Dong Mingzhu, those who have dealt with Dong Mingzhu will definitely shake their heads like a rattle: "It's just her? There is no grass on the road I walked! I didn't see tenderness, but domineering always I feel it." Dong Mingzhu's philosophy is: no rules, no rules, even she admits that she is a domineering person.This is not only reflected in her words, but also in her style of doing things.For example, Dong Mingzhu never allowed dealers to challenge her from the beginning to the end.She stipulates that what price the dealer sells, the dealer must sell at what price.Moreover, if the dealer's service is not good, she will clear it out without hesitation. To this, Dong Mingzhu once said very domineeringly: "It's not that you can sell Gree if you want to. I'm willing to sell it to you. It’s still a problem.” Obviously, we can find many cases to support Dong Mingzhu’s words.Dong Mingzhu didn't hesitate at all from eliminating Gree's largest distributor as soon as he came to power, to breaking with Gome.Arrears of payment is a common phenomenon in China's retail and wholesale industry.Not only foreigners have headaches, but Chinese businessmen also shake their heads: 100 years of arrears cannot be resolved.Dong Mingzhu said: "I don't believe in evil." As a result, all problems were solved within one year.Dong Mingzhu's method is very simple and overbearing: all dealers who are in arrears of payment will stop delivering goods, and after making up the payment, pay first and then pick up the goods.Distributors, large and small, complained to Gree boss Zhu Jianghong one after another. How can there be such a business in China?Dong Mingzhu plausibly said: "Even if everyone else is like this, I, Gree, just don't." Even if he hit the wall 100 times and broke his blood, Dong Mingzhu would hit it 101 times.Obviously, we can find many cases to support Dong Mingzhu's words.Dong Mingzhu didn't hesitate at all from eliminating Gree's largest distributor as soon as he came to power, to breaking with Gome.The situation of Binjiang and Huaidi companies is different, but one thing is the same, that is, for their own interests, they adopt various means, borrow chickens to lay eggs, transfer the source of funds of enterprises to small companies registered by individuals, and use Gree brand Engaging in "extracorporeal circulation" has seriously damaged the interests of second- and third-tier dealers, which Dong Mingzhu will never tolerate.

Dong Mingzhu believes that Gree air conditioners are of good quality, and operating them can make money.Gree Electric Appliances is a big company, and dealers keep their eyes on Zhuhai. Our words are absolutely guaranteed. If the dealers don’t abide by the rules of the game, there is no need for other penalties. If they don’t deliver goods, it’s over. As long as our attitude is firm enough and the measures are clear enough , What about big air-conditioning operators?Without Gree's supply, they would immediately become castles in the air.After the adjustment of the two companies, the sales not only did not decline, but increased. This shows that Dong Mingzhu's removal of senior executives is correct. The performance of Gree Air Conditioning in the market is not based on personal charm, but on high-quality products Sound rules of the game rely on good marketing concepts and consumers' recognition of the brand.After this incident, Dong Mingzhu realized that it is not enough to have a good system and good rules. It must be implemented by a good person. The system is improving, but if the executor puts it on the shelf, or chooses the wrong executor, it will cause serious problems. Pay a heavy price.For modern enterprises, the most difficult thing is the problem of management talents. Fully controlling a large-scale enterprise group is beyond the ability of a single individual. It needs people with insight and useful people to manage together. Management is also productivity.Secondly, it is how entrepreneurs "let go" of their subordinates. The premise of letting go is trust. Because of letting go, the company will increase the management level at the same time, and the information obtained by entrepreneurs will be reduced, which will affect decision-making and may also lead to control over the company. weakened, but on the other hand, "letting go" means efficiency.What Dong Mingzhu often said is "business leaders should take the lead in talking about dedication".In dealing with personal material interests, she believes that one should never be satisfied at work, but learn to be content in life.Without this spiritual support, the leaders of state-owned enterprises will lose their balance.The reason why many entrepreneurs have problems is that they overemphasize their personal interests and downplay their sense of responsibility and dedication.Compared with big entrepreneurs in the same industry, in terms of her contribution to the enterprise, her personal income may be very small, but no one can't help but respect Gree more wherever she goes. This is the biggest achievement she is proud of .For subordinates, trust itself is a remarkable motivator.Most people who are trusted will be conscientious. For them, letting go means trust. Because of this trust, people will work hard to prove that the trust of their superiors is correct, and he will increase the pressure on himself.From the perspective of human nature, some of Dong Mingzhu's actions are not very acceptable.Although it is correct to strictly abide by work discipline during working hours, you cannot expect your employees to abandon other lives for work just because of your own work style.Especially the problem of overtime after work is correct from the perspective of the company's development, but if everyone is considered, this may not be a kind of harm to personal rights and interests.It can be said that this is the legacy of thousands of years of Chinese traditional culture: collective interests are always higher than individual interests.However, don't the interests of the collective represent the interests of everyone?Regrettably, when we overemphasize the interests of the collective, the interests of the individual have actually been emptied.Chinese enterprises, especially private enterprises, have always been a focus of criticism by migrant workers on the issue of overtime.

There is no right or wrong disagreement on overtime work itself, and reasonable overtime work is very common even in foreign countries.The problem is that many companies in China are working unreasonable overtime—many overtime workers cannot get overtime pay.This clearly distorts the intent of the work.The reason why people work hard is to enjoy life better.If you are busy with work every day and work for work, then work will lose its meaning.It is undeniable that some people are born workaholics. In order to achieve a height in their hearts, they can give up all their lives and devote all their body and mind to work.But after all, such people are a minority, and most people are ordinary people.It seems too cruel if we ask every employee to act like a workaholic and do nothing for work.Some people will say: "If the skin does not exist, how can the hair be attached?" If the enterprise does not exist, I am afraid that there will be no chance to work overtime, and life will become even more problematic.The benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom. Everyone has a different standpoint and will have a different view on this issue.Dong Mingzhu is not only domineering to employees, but also to dealers, even to her boss, she dares to speak out and criticize without fear.We know that a person who dares to be domineering to others is either arrogant because he is particularly talented; or he dares to be domineering to others because he is powerful and powerful.However, although we admit that Dong Mingzhu is talented, Dong Mingzhu herself does not admit that she is particularly talented, she just thinks that she is hardworking.As for power and power, Dong Mingzhu obviously does not have it.Although she is now the president of Gree, there is also a chairman above her.Moreover, her dominance had already been fully demonstrated when she was not a high-ranking official.Dong Mingzhu said frankly that the reason why she dares to be so domineering is not because she is talented or powerful, but because she has no shame in her heart. She sticks to principles in everything she does, and she is worthy of both the enterprise and the individual. "My heart, the sun and the moon can learn from each other!" "I am very confident and calm. I have not made any mistakes in decision-making in these years." There has never been "running the world", but "playing chess". There are rules and regulations for chess playing Let's go, if we only pay attention to Dong Mingzhu's domineering appearance, but don't find out what supports her domineering, then we will not be able to evaluate this person objectively.And Dong Mingzhu explained her domineering in this way: Whether it is "dominant" or "arbitrary", it is very obvious to me.

But I am definitely not blindly "overbearing" and "arbitrary", but after in-depth analysis, I only make such a decision when I feel that it must be realized.In reality, many people, especially those with a little power in their hands, often show a domineering side.However, these people's domineering, a bit of external strength and internal weakness, the taste of harshness and softness.Comparing Dong Mingzhu, we know why these people’s dominance lacks confidence: First of all, their domineering is not the domineering personality, not the domineering confidence in themselves, but the domineering power. Power, they can't be overbearing; secondly, in reality, few people can "deny their relatives" for the sake of principle like Dong Mingzhu. When a person can stick to principles in the face of threats and temptations, even if this person is restrained, It will also make people feel a forceful momentum, which is "dominant".Behind Dong Mingzhu's dominance, she never puts on airs or puts on prestige. She believes that if you want to regard employees as emperors, you must go among them and listen to everything about them. The important thing is not to conduct inspections by leaders. , and it is not appropriate to specifically state that it is necessary to solicit opinions from employees, but it should be as relaxed and casual as visiting relatives and neighbors, so that Gree can truly be united as a whole.

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