Home Categories Biographical memories Deciphering Chinese female CEO Dong Mingzhu

Chapter 16 3. Win-win is the purpose of cooperation

Dong Mingzhu disagrees with the statement that "the place where sister Dong walked has no grass." She hopes that the road she has walked will be fruitful and beneficial to everyone.Dong Mingzhu would tell all her collaborators, I won't let you get nothing, but it's impossible to get extra income.People often say that when they don’t know Dong Mingzhu well, they think she is very powerful, but after getting in touch with her more, they feel that she is very humane. It is difficult for opponents to get any extra benefits from her during negotiations, but after cooperation, they will find that they can get a win-win situation. , Win-win results.Dong Mingzhu believes that only by making Gree's dealers make money, can there be long-term stability.This is a very simple and practical business concept: To make many distributors willing to sell your products, you must ensure that they can make money. The essential goal pursued by merchants is profit, and no one is willing to do things that do not make money. do it.In the words of Zhu Jianghong, "the mother who has milk is the mother." He did not mean to despise businessmen here. He just told the truth. What he meant was that Gree has the responsibility and obligation to let the merchants who distribute Gree air conditioners always have a reasonable profit space.Some people only consider that they can make money in the process of cooperating with others, and earn more than others, but Gree just hopes that others can earn more than themselves. Only in this way can we unite all people to do one thing together .

During the air-conditioning war in 1997, Chunlan refused to fulfill its promise to compensate the dealers for the losses in the price war, which completely angered Chunlan's dealers. "Let Chunlan withdraw from the market!" The angry voice directly led to the reversal of the domestic air-conditioning brand structure. Chunlan, which had been the leader in the industry for a long time, went downhill year after year and soon fell out of the first-line camp.After they got together, Dong Mingzhu and Gree were keenly aware of the essence of market competition, and resolutely returned 250 million yuan to the dealers, in exchange for the power of support and created an era that belongs to Gree.For a long time, Gree has always adhered to the business principles of fairness, justice, cooperation and win-win, which is the simplest and most difficult to achieve.Gree has lost a lot through honest management, but it has also gained more. "Gree pays attention to credit" has become a consensus in the industry. Once Gree's sales policy is determined, there is almost no major fluctuation. It always keeps what it says and does better than it says.Dong Mingzhu likes to use "a game of chess that can never be played" to describe the relationship between Gree and its dealers.For the power of distribution channels, Dong Mingzhu has temporarily adopted a non-cooperative attitude, which does not mean that she cannot distinguish the situation.For competition and cooperation, she has far-reaching considerations, but at present, it takes time to heal the scars, and it is necessary to create an opportunity for everyone to sit down and communicate calmly, but even if we can sit down and discuss cooperation, we still believe that Dong Pearl will not give up some of its principles and positions.

As a representative of the National People's Congress, Dong Mingzhu once again attacked the hegemony of the home appliance chain channel during the two sessions in 2007, but when Dong Mingzhu said this, she was not as strict as before.As Dong Mingzhu said, the game of chess in the market can never be finished, and it changes rapidly. Just in March 2007, the so-called confrontation between Gome and Gree has undergone subtle changes.After the cooperation between Gree and Gome split, some insiders once analyzed that there are no permanent friends, but only permanent interests. The commercial society is developing in a harmonious and orderly direction. Driven by market interests, the two will eventually come together. together.Moreover, Gree and Gome turned against each other at first, not because of who was right or wrong, but because the two sides had very different sales concepts. With the continuous purification of the market environment, a big manufacturer like Gree and a big distributor like Gome will eventually realize Realizing the importance of cooperation, in order to seek greater market share and profits, they will eventually choose to compromise with each other.The analysis of these professionals is not unreasonable. After all, as an enterprise, maximizing economic benefits is a problem that must be faced. An enterprise is not an individual that can exist independently, and only cooperation can achieve greater development.Dong Mingzhu said that any hypermarket can cooperate with us if we reach a consensus.Our views must be the same, to create a market, not a simple transaction and sales market. Therefore, during the game between Gree and Gome, I hope to achieve a win-win situation, not a victory for one family. We have sales of about 10 billion The amount was realized in specialty stores, and there are still tens of billions of dollars in specialty stores. There are very few in hypermarkets, so we will stick to the road of specialization and bring more benefits to consumers, but we do not rule out Collaborate with all like-minded individuals.Three years after the breakup, Gome and Gree began to repair their relationship and carry out regional cooperation. However, since more than 90% of Gree's products are sold through self-built channels, it is impossible to fully cooperate with home appliance chain dealers.At present, the large-scale procurement of the two parties is still limited to the Guangzhou area, and cooperation is still carried out through Gree's agents in Shanghai, Beijing and other places.It is understood that since November 2005, Gree air-conditioning has entered the Guangzhou Gome market. The two partners are Guangzhou Gome and Guangzhou Gree Air-conditioning Sales Co., Ltd. In terms of cooperation mode, Gree supplies goods to Gome and its agents at a unified price. Finally, at the end of the year, different rebate points are given according to the sales scale.This is a model that is different from Gree's previous model and Gome's current model.Industry experts believe that the contact between Gree Electric and Gome is only a non-comprehensive cooperation, but it has since opened the prelude to the re-cooperation of the two giants.So will Gree Electric and Gome rebuild the old relationship?Experts in the industry believe that Gree’s re-entry into Gome this time does not represent Gome’s distributors and manufacturers. point.Dong Mingzhu emphasized: "Whoever has the last laugh is the winner." After losing Gome, the "professional dealer channel monopoly model" led by Dong Mingzhu has yielded fruitful results, and more than 600 professional dealers have rapidly increased the Gree air-conditioning market. share, and continuous technological innovation highlights the competitive advantage of Gree's air-conditioning specialized industry group. "Gome wants to be a consumer-oriented enterprise," said He Yangqing, a spokesman for Gome.During the three years of fighting against Gree, many consumers found that the air conditioners in Gome stores were not complete when purchasing air conditioners. At least there were no products from Gree, the leader of air conditioners. This also made many consumers feel disappointed with Gome.This renewed cooperation is expected to be a boon for some loyal Gree consumers.In fact, in the past two years, some Gome stores have begun to sell Gree products on the shelves. According to Gree's explanation, this is a sales agreement signed by some Gree agents privately with Gome stores, and it does not represent Gree's will.But this time is completely different. The regional cooperation between Guangzhou Gome and Guangzhou Gree represents the most critical step in the cooperation between the two parties in recent years. Up to now, Gree can also be found in dozens of Gome stores in Beijing and Tianjin. Air conditioners are present, but in relatively limited quantities.Regarding how to deal with the relationship between manufacturers and avoid similar situations, Zhang Jindong, president of Suning Appliance, said bluntly: cooperation is the mainstream, and direct supply is the trend.

He believes that in the cooperation between manufacturers, differences and conflicts will inevitably arise, but in general, cooperation is the mainstream and differences are episodes.When retail enterprises choose suppliers, they should not only value benefits, but also whether the values ​​and tastes of both parties are congenial; not only look at immediate benefits, but also look at long-term benefits; distribution companies should not easily choose a supplier, let alone give up easily a supplier.Zhou Yunjie, vice president of Haier Group, also pointed out that it is unreasonable for a big shop to bully a factory or a big factory to bully a store. Manufacturers and businessmen have conflicts of interest, but the two sides should put the creation of interests first, and the cooperation of creating and sharing benefits is the long-term cooperation. .Vendors should think differently, unilaterally pursue the redistribution of benefits, and the cooperation of maximizing benefits is difficult to last for a long time.Chen Xiao, president of Gome, believes that the relationship between Gome and Gree will definitely be restored. The differences between the two sides are not irreconcilable. As long as the bottom line of both sides can be maintained or approached, there is a possibility of cooperation.Gree and Gome are now seeking common ground while reserving small leaders. In the future, the two sides will definitely have the possibility of comprehensive cooperation. Chen Xiao’s words are not unreasonable. Both Gome and Gree have said that they can cooperate as long as they can ensure profits.There are no permanent friends or enemies in the business world, only permanent interests.After the reshuffle of the air-conditioning market in 2005, more than 20 brands were eliminated by the market, and fewer and fewer air-conditioning brands have the strength to enter the store. Considering the brand and sales volume, Gome also needs Gree.For Gome and Gree, both are leading companies in the industry, and it is impossible for the two parties not to cooperate, depending on the results of the game between the two parties.Dong Mingzhu said: Gree will insist on sales through self-built channels, but it will not reject cooperation with large channel providers. Cooperation with Gome, Suning, and Paradise is a beneficial supplement to its own channels.Manufacturers should reflect on how to position their relationship with distributors.In the past few years, home appliance companies competed for market share and attached themselves to channel giants. Now they realize that they cannot bet on a single giant for all channels, otherwise they may become its processing plant. "Chess is the world, not to unify the world, but to go forward with everyone", this is Dong Mingzhu's "game theory".In Dong Mingzhu's view, the relationship between Gree and other distributors should always be a "positive-sum game" relationship, that is, the two parties can achieve mutual benefits through mutual cooperation.

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