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Chapter 70 Chapter 70 Goodbye, My Demon King

Devil's pet 葛晴 3211Words 2018-03-16
When Mi Xiaoai woke up, she was almost frightened by the oversized close-up of Manager An. "An... Manager An, good morning." Mi Xiaoai cleared her throat and quickly regained her composure. Standing at the head of Mi Xiaoai's bed, Wei'an's face was very gloomy, and the wrinkles between his brows were deeper than ever. Mi Xiaoai looked at her own shadow in Wei'an's eyes, and immediately blushed. Well, she is naked...and, hickeys all over her body... Mi Xiaoai quickly grabbed the clothes at the end of the bed, and covered her body indiscriminately. Just as she reached into her sleeves, Wei An had handed over a brand new plain white trailing dress. Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was better than wearing overnight clothes , So, I had to turn around in embarrassment, and obediently changed into a dress.

When he turned around again, Wei Anzheng stared at her blankly, tears stained his face. "Director An, what's the matter with you?" Mi Xiaoai has been in the devil world for so long, and she is an old acquaintance with Wei An. This is the first time she has seen Wei An lose his composure. Wei An's eye sockets were bloodshot, and he looked as if he hadn't slept all night!She looked at Mi Xiaoai with strange eyes, and after a while, she squeezed out a few words, "Are you... Xiaoai?" Mi Xiaoai was dumbfounded on the spot. There was a storm outside the window. It was clearly daytime, but the sky was unusually dark. Layers of thick dark clouds piled up in mid-air, making it hard to breathe.

Mi Xiaoai felt that this could not go on, so she casually brought up a topic and asked, "Where did Your Highness go?" As soon as these words came out, Wei An's eyes became even more strange. Mi Xiaoai swallowed, her mind full of question marks. How did An know her identity?Did Liu tell her personally?Impossible, Liu is very aware of the seriousness of the relationship, if the identity matter is exposed, she will be killed for a felony, not only cheating the demons all over the country, but also sorry for the people of Snow Country.But if Liu hadn't informed him, why would Wei An ask such a question?

"If you are really Mi Xiaoai, I have a request, I hope you must agree." Wei An's voice was trembling, almost crying. "Director An, I don't understand what you're talking about..." "A major event has happened in the devil world. It is reported that you are His Highness's former pet Mi Xiaoai, who killed Princess Brin who died not long ago. His Highness did not give any explanation for the death of the princess before. The Senate learned of this. The news was very angry, and many respected elders asked His Highness to hold a press conference to clarify the matter, and to punish the murderer who killed the princess according to the laws of the Demon Realm. In addition, the latest news came just now, saying... say..."

"What are you talking about?" Mi Xiaoai saw that Happiness, who had just seen the clue, was growing wings and flying into the distance. "It is said that His Highness is not the original heir. The orthodox heir of the Demon King should be the current King of the Snow Country, who is the most popular Lord Xue before the Demon World." After finishing these words, Wei An glanced at Mi thoughtfully. Xiao Ai, I saw that Mi Xiaoai's face became paler and paler, her nails were deeply dug into her palms, and she looked devastated. "No, it's impossible, how could Xue be the devil..." Mi Xiaoai said to herself, and a voice kept clamoring in her heart: If this is true, what should Liu do?Will Liu lose everything now?If Liu lost everything, how would she comfort her?If, if she begged Xue not to compete with Liu for the position of Demon King, if she begged Xue never to return to the Demon Realm, would Xue agree?

"You...really Xiao Ai?" Wei An looked at Mi Xiaoai's reaction, and probably had the answer in his heart, waiting for Mi Xiaoai to nod in person. Mi Xiaoai lowered her eyes and nodded slightly. Wei An fell to his knees with a "snap". "Director An, what do you mean!" Mi Xiaoai panicked and leaned over to pull Wei An to his feet, but she tried several times to no avail. "Please...leave His Highness the Demon King." Wei An's tears fell drop by drop down her cheeks, wet a large area of ​​her skirt. "Leave... Liu?" Mi Xiaoai asked in a daze, "Is this what Liu meant? Or... is this what the Senate meant?"

"That's what I meant." Wei An raised his head and stared at Mi Xiaoai, "Your Highness was entrusted to me to take good care of him before his death, and I cannot allow him to make any mistakes." "But..." But, I love him very much, and I gave up everything and came back for him. "If you really love Your Highness, please leave him and count me... Please." Wiping away tears for An, he bent down deeply, with his upper body tightly pressed against the cold ground, and said in a mournful voice: "One hundred thousand devils There is a demonstration in Nabia Square, and you are required to show up, apologize to the people of the whole country, and enter the forest of demons to apologise, otherwise, His Highness will be charged with deceiving the demons forever. The official explanation given by the Senate to the media is : His Highness the Devil King didn’t know that the princess was pretending to be, and after you killed Princess Brin, you deliberately made a serious mistake at work in order to [get away], so that His Highness had to send you back to the original place.”

"Get away?" Mi Xiaoai shook her head, suddenly wanting to laugh. "Then, what do you mean, as long as I wear this snow-white dress and approach the Devil's Forest, and spray my humble blood on that evil land, I can save Liu's prestige and consolidate his already shaken throne, yes Is that so?" Wei An's eyes darkened, and a trace of deep guilt flashed by. She hesitated for a few seconds, and then nodded heavily. "...Okay, I promise you." "Thank you, love." "Don't thank me, tell me, where is Liu now? I want to see him one last time."

"No, Xiao Ai, His Highness is holding a TV briefing, and now all major TV stations are broadcasting it live. You can no longer appear in front of him, which will make him very embarrassed. Your Highness, he... really loves you. As long as Seeing you, he might do something that the Senate cannot forgive. At that time, if someone proposes to let Xue return to be the devil king, if the majority of the Senate votes to pass this proposal, His Highness will have nothing. !" Mi Xiaoai slumped on the sofa. Feeling very guilty for An, but really couldn't think of a better way, so he had to stand aside and wait quietly for Mi Xiaoai to make a decision.

"Director An, please go out first, I want to be quiet, I will not run away again, so you can rest assured." She turned sideways and pressed her face on the sofa, the body odor left by Liu remained on every surface of the sofa. An inch of skin, a warm smell, cruelly passed through her nasal cavity at this moment, eroding her heart bit by bit. Wei An closed his eyes and backed away quietly, even the door could not bear to make a sound. 【Liu, I am very happy. You finally hugged me last night. Your kiss is no longer ice in winter. For a moment, I really feel that your kiss is still as hot as before, like volcanic lava. It burns me out in an instant.

Last night was short, the sweetness was short, the time you held me was short, the sadness was long, long. It seems that I am still too naive, I naively think that we can go back to the past, naively think that the matter of Brin will eventually dissipate, naively think that people who love each other will be together until they are old. You've matured a lot, and you're really like a man. I have carried so much of my past. Pets, murderers, fake princesses. Any name can kill me. 】 Mi Xiaoai turned on the TV. The screen flickered, and Liu's face appeared on the translucent screen. He was wearing a black dress, and the straight fabric set off his perfect figure impeccably. His face was full of helpless exhaustion, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was raised from time to time, and his eyes were transparent with unclear meanings, no one could understand his true emotions at this time. Mi Xiaoai stood still in front of the screen, stretched out her hand, and slowly approached the screen bit by bit... From a distance, she touched his forehead, the screen was so cold that she froze from fingertips to toes. Immediately afterwards, it was his eyebrows, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she stood on tiptoe, using both hands, trying to gently stroke his tangled blackness. Then, the bridge of his nose, his lips. Obviously only tasted one by one last night, but from today's perspective, there is such a long distance, this distance is really too far, the end of the corridor that is longer than forever is the first meeting between him and her. The encounter between the devil and the pet may have predestined the tragedy of today's parting. Her tears slid down, soaking the suspended screen, and the screen sizzled with electric current, and quickly recovered into a complete piece, continuing the live broadcast of the briefing session. "I have 5 photos attached to the anonymous letter. I believe that other media have also received the same photos. The person in the photos is clearly your former pet Mi Xiaoai. This series of photos clearly records Mi Xiaoai's intentional The whole process of murdering Princess Brin, especially this one, with half of your figure on it, indicating that you were at the scene at the time, why did you hide the real cause of the princess’ death?” A famous female reporter who is not afraid of death holds several enlarged photos The photo unfolded in front of Liu. "No comment." Liu smiled. The female reporter wanted to ask more questions, but she was dragged down by the reporter behind her, and almost fell into a squatting position. "Your Highness, the information I have received is some written copies of the last wish of the former demon king. Can you tell if it is really the handwriting of the former demon king?" ask a question. "Sorry, I'm not an expert in handwriting identification." Liu continued to smile. "Your Highness, what do you think of the protest and demonstration of the demons in Nabia Square?" Liu pondered for a moment, then said lightly, "I hope they stay calm." "Why does Your Highness remain calm about the murderer who killed my sister?" As soon as this question was asked, the scene fell silent, and all the reporters off the field broke into a cold sweat for the questioner. Mi Xiaoai also wanted to know the answer to the question. "This matter is still under investigation, it is too early to convict." Liu Youran replied. "You were at the scene at the time, you saw it with your own eyes, and you still need to investigate?" Liu suppressed her smile, and the purple air in her eyes flowed, exuding a faint murderous aura. "I make up my own mind on this matter." "But……" "Next question." Liu smiled again. "The letter mentioned that Princess Milan is Mi Xiaoai. Is this true or not?" The reporters took courage, and the questions became more acute. "Is there any evidence for this accusation in the letter?" Liu asked with a smile. "Uh...no." "Next." "If I say that I have evidence, would your Highness listen?" An elegant female voice sounded at the end of the hall, and everyone turned their heads. Mi Xiaoai stared blankly at the enlarged close-up of the woman's face on the screen. Willow eyebrows and almond eyes, soft waist, beautiful long hair. To be clear is to be detailed.
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