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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Mi Xiaoai's Nosebleed Tutorial

Devil's pet 葛晴 2844Words 2018-03-16
Calling call bed? ! Mi Xiaoai almost foamed at the mouth. This is too impure! Mi Xiaoai is going to defend her innocence with all her might. She seemed to have seen herself standing in the strong wind, with her hair disheveled by the wind, and the pets around her were all looking at her sympathetically. It was only at this moment that her life value was realized in front of everyone. Then, she took a step, a tragic Said, "Scholar can be killed but not humiliated, come on, whip me!" The man's incomparable beauty grew bigger and bigger in front of her, and Xiao Ai came back to her senses and found that she hadn't reacted to the perverted trainer's "bedding class".

To react, right? OK, give you a response. "En..." Xiao Ai forcefully choked out a cry from her throat. She herself had goosebumps all over from this "en". "Ah..." She deliberately dragged her voice a little longer, and completed the next step of calling the bed. "Oh..." Damn it, let's go all out, this time we will have an orgasm! Xue's mouth was wide open, and the expression on her face flickered. Xiao Ai stopped speaking, and stared at him blankly, waiting for his fate. "You called me to call the bed, didn't I call it?" She was aggrieved.

When people go to bed, they just fall asleep directly, so how can they scream while sleeping?Besides, she also listened to the discussion of the "that" time when the female students behind her were in class. She was really tired of the group of unmotivated girls who didn't study hard all day and took romance novels as courses more seriously than anyone else. . They seem to be saying, why is it always "enhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." She remembered this sentence, so she took it out temporarily to play.

What's the matter, looking at the expression of this perverted man, it seems that he has done something heinous? She quickly used her clever little brain, and then she calculated an equation self-righteously: "Calling bed=en+ah+oh." So, she cleared her throat, brewed up her feelings, and set up a hand-to-hand fight scene with Takeshi Kaneshiro for herself, and said loudly: "En... um... ah... ah... oh. ...ohhhhhhhhhhh!" Xue's body trembled uncontrollably, and then trembled again. His fingers tremblingly caressed Xiao Ai's face, and his voice lost its usual stability, "Baby, the reputation of being a teacher for the first time is about to be destroyed in your hands! Oh, oh, what are you humming? The teacher can't understand at all."

A drop of tears rolled down, and Xue fell to her knees in grief, her eyes were blank and she said to herself, "Why, why did I never know that calling the bed would be 'Eh, oh'? Am I already old? , Could it be that my beautiful appearance is just an illusion, or am I really so outdated?" Immediately afterwards, he turned his head around one by one, stared blankly at Mi Xiaoai, and said in a low voice, "Calling the bed, isn't it the meaning of calling Your Highness to get up?" Mi Xiaoai wanted to grab the silver whip in his hand and whip herself. It turns out that I am so impure!

Ah, she thought she was an extremely rare and rare breed among the post-90s generation. She only knows Aunt Qiong Yao. She didn't know sister Ming Xiaoxi. She only knows that men and women will hold hands and hug when they are in love. Even if it is "making love and doing things", it is obtained by accidentally listening to other people's gossip. She didn't know that "Lust, Caution" had already put the "things that make love" on the screen for everyone to collectively grope YY. She looked at Xue in embarrassment, feeling like a despicable person who used dirty thoughts to rape innocent and beautiful men.Oh no, combined with the environment she is in now, it should be said that she is like [a] unscrupulous [pet] that QJed her teacher with dirty thoughts.

Xue squatted and curled up, buried her head shallowly between her legs, Xin's long arms wrapped around her thighs, her whole body trembling uncontrollably. It seems that he was hit hard. Mi Xiaoai thinks that the benefits of a beautiful man are really endless.Obviously he was the one who beat her coercively and forced her to do some unspeakable behaviors, but now she did it and wanted to carry it forward, but he suddenly became pure and put her in a sultry mother in the seat of the wolf. And, most damning of all, she found it unforgivable to make him cry. The surrounding pets are angry!

They rushed towards Mi Xiaoai scrambling to be the first. Little wolves, dogs, pigs, and chickens all jumped on her head, biting her cat ears so painfully. "Bit to death you, you ignorant little wild cat!" The half-human, half-animal hen desperately pecked at Xiao Ai's head, venting her anger and pulling out a bubble of shit on her head. Mi Xiaoai only cared about protecting her own tail and ears, but she didn't expect that little hen would dare to make such a move. Immediately, the pride of the nation was ignited, and she was about to bite it with all her fangs. That's right, after Mi Xiaoai traveled to the Demon Realm, she was turned into a half-human, half-beast little wild cat.

What is half man half beast? They are incompletely evolved monsters, which cannot even have a fully human form. They generally have two forms: one is a pure animal form, and the other is a half-human and half-animal form.It's like Mi Xiaoai's current appearance, which is obviously the basic appearance and voice of a human being, but has an extra pair of cat ears and a tiger tail for no reason.Moreover, the half-human, half-beast state of this group of monsters can only last for a while.This kind of magical power belongs to low-level creatures in the devil world.If the appearance is good, and if you are lucky enough to be favored by the royal family, you can become an ornamental pet; if you really can't look good, but the attack power is amazing, you can also develop into a combat pet.

In recent years, the heavens have often crossed the border to crusade, so the devil had to lower the standard, and many low-level creatures were newly approved to become battle pets through competition and specific examinations. Mi Xiaoai can't even beat a crazy ant here, but fortunately she has a cute appearance recognized by humans and demons, so she was packed and sent to the Demon King's Palace not long after she came, and became the Demon King's pet. She was still tearing up with the little hen, but she heard a cold voice shout, "Stop everything!" The monsters retreated, leaving a miserable Mi Xiaoai who was repaired.

"Excessive, fights don't involve gang fights!" She was still angry about it. Xue stood against the light, and the sun shone on his golden cascading hair, reflecting a breathtaking brilliance. His brown eyes were full of sadness, which made people's hearts ache. "Ah..." He clutched his chest and exhaled in pain. "You're right... I really don't know that calling me a bed is a kindness... It seems that I am no longer worthy of being your teacher..." His brown eyes flashed a few tears, piercing the rice Xiao Ai almost became half blind. This man is a disaster for the country and the people, and his beauty is too arrogant! ! There was a mess of comforting sounds from the pet pile, and everyone dared not act rashly anymore, for fear of making Xue angry.There was a little female scorpion clamping the pincers with a cracking sound, and Xiao Ai was so frightened that she hid behind Xue. "Grandpa, ma'am, I had the opportunity to let Xuelai teach in person because I lost my magic power and became a lowly creature. You don't know how to cherish it at all!" Someone complained, which once again aroused the indignation of the crowd. "Everyone, don't try to persuade me anymore..." Xue couldn't hold back her tears and shed tears again, "I have already decided... this trainer... I am... I am... no..." Everyone's heart is mentioned in the throat. "I can't give up...Because all the pets in the Demon Realm cannot be without my cultivation..." Xue finished speaking with a sob. Everyone's heart sank again. Mi Xiaoai was about to have a heart attack from him. Monster man, he didn't finish what he had to say at once, which made her really feel guilty just now. "And... I also decided... to take a serious and responsible attitude towards the course... I want to figure out exactly how to actually reach the state of 'en ah oh'." Xue wiped away her tears and said to everyone with a smile on her face. Pets rejoice! They felt that they were right about Xue. Ah, how conscientious and responsible he is! Whether it is a course for ornamental pets or training for combat pets, he does everything by himself and strives to understand every problem. The old female snake twisted her fat body and murmured, "A serious man, he is really handsome..." This remark immediately resonated widely. Xue ignored all reactions of all pets. He only had Mi Xiaoai in his eyes. This useless pet is the most potential and the most difficult to teach an ornamental pet he has ever seen.It's not that he never thought of giving up, but that she was personally entrusted to him by His Highness the Demon King. At that time, he was only interested in being happy, and ignored the relief that flashed out of the corner of his eyes after the Demon King threw her into his hands. He walked straight towards Mi Xiaoai. The side of his face was covered in shadows, and his expression could not be seen clearly. Xue hooked her hands and ordered, "Come here." "What are you doing?" Mi Xiaoai had suffered from Xue and was extremely wary of him. "Baby, come over to Master." Xue unfolded a big smile that burst the Milky Way. Mi Xiaoai closed her eyes within 0.1 second, blocking the dazzling light from her eyelids. Snow failed again. It has to be said that she made him reach the limit of his patience, and he was about to lose his temper. "Say it again, Master, come here." Xue Zhibian's right hand tightened. Mi Xiaoai backed away in fright. Then, she regained her composure and boldly walked towards Xue. Xuesong let go of his whip, and embraced her—"Come on, good disciple, now you will be my master, and come and teach me how to make a bed!" There was a sudden thunder, and Mi Xiaoai was instantly stunned by the thunder.
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