Home Categories romance novel Love and Hate: A Love Story in the Chenghua Period (Serial)

Chapter 29 Chapter 29: The Love Story of Chenghua Years (29)

He said: "Father, Concubine Wan Gui is dead." I was taken aback, but not terribly surprised.I said: "How come?" He replied, "I don't know. When I went to pay my respects, I saw Concubine Wan Gui passed away." I smiled and said calmly, "I see." He looked at me in surprise, and said, "Father, aren't you sad?" I didn't answer him. In the spring sky, many poplar flowers and catkins were blowing.As soon as this season comes to the city of Beijing, there are flying flowers all over the sky, as if it is snowing. I recited a line from the Book of Songs: "In the past, I went away, and the willows are Yiyi. Now I come to think about it, and it is raining and snowing."

Youtang looked at me inexplicably, and I said, "Youtang, don't you hate her?" He must have been shocked when he heard the words, and then he observed my expression carefully, I think he must be trying to figure out how to answer me.I smiled, "Youtang, tell me the truth! I am your father, you can tell me whatever is on your mind." He looked at me with some emotion, and then he replied softly: "Hate." I smiled, "I guess you should hate her too." I added: "Not only do you hate her, I hate her too." I looked at his surprised expression and smiled slightly, "Youtang, before you, she killed many of my sons, so I hate her."

"However, now I don't hate her anymore. Everything is just a fate. I just can't escape this fate. In fact, she is the same as me." I meditated on Zhen'er's pale cheeks, and suddenly felt sad. Come. I said, "Youtang, I'm getting old, from now on, I'll leave all court affairs to you!" My son looked at me silently, and after a while he said word for word: "Father, I hate her not only because she killed my mother, but also because she is your wife." I was startled. My son looked at me sadly. He said, "I am eighteen years old. I heard that you married her when you were eighteen."

He suddenly turned around and left, my son's back was lonely and lonely, all these years, I have been ignoring all my sons, I finally realized this. But I am a selfish person. I can't associate myself with a world without Jeongyeon.For so long, it seemed the world was just a part of her. Seven days after leaving court, I announced that the crown prince would oversee the country, and I just stayed in Ningzhen Palace every day without seeing anyone. Time passed slowly, and such days passed even more slowly. I was only forty years old, but my hair was full of gray hair soon. There are still no palace people in Ningzhen Palace, I am served by an old eunuch every day, besides that, Youtang routinely reports to me the important affairs of the court every evening.

After a while, I said to him, "You decide everything! Don't say anything to me anymore." He looked at me hesitantly. During this period of time, I was rapidly aging, and I poured out all the tonics he ordered. The sadness in his eyes often made my heart ache, and he said, "Father, why are you so depressed?"
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