Home Categories romance novel Love and Hate: A Love Story in the Chenghua Period (Serial)

Chapter 21 Chapter 21: The Love Story of Chenghua Years (21)

I saw that the peonies blooming outside the Ningzhen Palace already showed some signs of ruin, and the mulberry trees planted all over the outside of the Ningzhen Palace also began to shed some leaves. And under my feet, the mulberries were crushed one after another, and purple blood flowed all over the ground.There is less anger and more sadness. However, I lost a son and I can't just let it go. Breaking into Ningzhen Palace, looking at those familiar lavender window screens, I suddenly realized that since I fell in love with Ji, I have never been here again. There are no palace people in the palace, and Zhen'er never likes palace people, she always wants to be alone.

So no one reported it. Although it was still summer, the palace was deserted for no reason.As soon as I entered here, I felt like a chill came over me. Going all the way to the innermost side, I saw Zhen'er leaning on the embroidered couch alone, the table was scented with sandalwood, and the cigarette smoke curled up, and Zhen'er's face was hidden behind the smoke, as unreal as a dream. When I saw her again, I suddenly realized that all my anger had disappeared without a trace, but this made me extremely embarrassed. Could it be that I really can't lose this woman? Zhen'er glanced at me, but didn't get up, she just said lightly: "You're here! I figured it's time for you to come too."

I stared at her blankly, although I was used to her indifferent attitude, I was still a little at a loss.But, I am the emperor, she is just a woman.I said, "So, you know why I'm here." She smiled, "It's really a pity that the prince died without a disease!" I gritted my teeth, "Yes, but the prince has always been healthy, how could he die without a problem?" She still smiled vainly, "Because someone took the poison." Her smile always gives me a feeling that she doesn't want to stay in this world for a long time.I swallowed, "How do you know?"

I really hope she answers, she doesn't know, or she guesses, but I know that's impossible. She looked up at me and said very seriously, "Because I poisoned you." I froze there immediately. It was her poison, she told me so.what should I do?Should I call someone here immediately, drag her out and kill her?impossible.Then should I reprimand her sharply and tell her not to dare to do this again?Not too likely.Then I should at least say a few words to show that that is my son, a dragon, and she cannot do this. I said, "Why?" She smiled, "It's nothing, I'm happy."

I stared at her dumbfounded like an idiot, and she also looked at me with a smile. We met each other in silence for a long time, and I suddenly said: "I like a woman named Ji, and I want to make her a noble concubine." She smiled and said, "Okay, great." I stared at her blankly for a long time before I said, "I'm telling the truth." She nodded and said, "I know." Then, turning her face slowly out of the window, she said, "I'm old, I'm forty. A woman of that age must never have children."
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