Home Categories romance novel Love and Hate: A Love Story in the Chenghua Period (Serial)

Chapter 20 Chapter 20: The Love Story of Chenghua Years (20)

She replied: "The servant girl Ji Chunhong was originally the daughter of a local official in He County. She was consecrated to the palace because she failed in the war with the Celestial Dynasty." I nodded. This woman spoke clearly and her voice was very pleasant. I always feel sad when I look at her, maybe because she looks so much like Zhen Er.These days, Zhener has been trying hard to stab my heart. I am not ignorant of what she has done, but I dare not ask her.Such illusory feelings always bother me, and I know she never really liked me. Thinking of my concubines who were forced to have abortions, I don't understand why she hates me so much.

I said, "I'm looking for the Commentary on the Thirteen Classics, do you know where it is?" She immediately found the location of the book and delivered it to me. I said, "Have you read the book?" She smiled shyly, a blush rose on her white face, "I read some when I was young, but I have forgotten all about it now." I smiled, "Very well, those noble concubines of mine may not even be able to write their own names." She pursed her lips and smiled, but didn't speak. I grabbed her hand, her hand was soft and smooth, I stroked her hand lightly, but my heart was full of sadness, Zhener, why did she stab my heart like this.

She blushed like a shy rabbit. I pulled gently and she fell into my arms. When I untied her belt, I clearly felt the pleasure of revenge in my heart. This woman looks so much like Zhen'er, so I tortured her mercilessly, making her weep under me.My heart can't help but tingle, I try not to look into her eyes, only in this way can I continue. Since that day, I have been in love with this woman every day, almost forgetting that there is still Wan Zhen'er in this world. However, in the deepest part of my heart, there is always a corner that I don't want to face up to.Even in the happiest of times, I can suddenly feel the flood of sadness.Why did my love become like this.

Three months later, a palace attendant urgently reported that the prince had died. I was taken aback, and suddenly realized that for the past three months, I had neglected Concubine Bai, mother and son. I hurried to the East Palace, the prince's face was livid, his teeth were clenched, and black blood flowed from his nose and ears. I glanced at the imperial physician, who was standing beside him with his hands down, expressionless, I knew that the prince was poisoned to death. Uncontrollable anger finally welled up in my heart. I immediately went straight to Ningzhen Palace, in this palace, only she dared to do this.

It was a summer evening, the sun had already begun to set towards the horizon, and a few pigeons were startled in the palace, which was raised by my sister. The palace servant stood silently along the palace wall like a cicada. The huge palace was lifeless, as if there were no living things. I felt the uncontrollable anger in my heart, accompanied by sadness, coming in waves like waves, almost uncontrollably rushing out of my body. However, when they arrived at Ningzhen Palace, the wave went down uncontrollably.
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