Home Categories romance novel Love and Hate: A Love Story in the Chenghua Period (Serial)

Chapter 5 Section 5: The love story of the Chenghua period (5)

Wan Zhen'er hurriedly hid in her arms, feeling a little sweet and ashamed. Li Xiang'er said: "You wait, I will go and tell my cousin to ask him to beg Wang Gonggong. Don't worry, Wang Gonggong admires my cousin very much, and he will definitely agree." Wan Zhen'er blushed again. Li Xiang'er left in a hurry, and looked out through the window, those Jinyi guards had already changed shifts.She knew it was wrong to do so, but she couldn't help but a desire to leave this deep palace. What kind of world would it be outside the high walls and deep courtyard? A few days later, Li Xiang'er brought news again, but it was not what Wan Zhen'er wished. It was said that the Empress Dowager Sun disagreed with Wan Zhen'er's marriage now because the crown prince couldn't do without her.

Li Xiang'er sighed and said: "Who made you capable, so that the crown prince can't do without you!" Wan Zhen'er looked at the infant prince, and couldn't help feeling resentful in her heart, blaming this little killer. Li Xiang'er said again: "But don't worry, my cousin really likes you. Wang Gonggong said to wait for two years, and then bring up this matter when the prince is older. My cousin asked me to tell you that he will wait." Wan Zhen'er forced a smile, but she didn't believe it. Men always like the new and dislike the old. After a while, maybe he won't remember her anymore.

Li Xiang'er whispered to Wan Zhen'er quietly: "My cousin's name is Du Yan, he let you remember his name." Li Xiang'er smiled lightly with her mouth covered. Wan Zhen'er blushed, spat at her and said, "Who wants to remember his name." But he couldn't help thinking in his heart, did he let her remember his name? That person still stood outside the East Palace every day, but Wan Zhen'er hesitated to step into the palace courtyard again.Sometimes meeting him face to face is even more embarrassing, so I can only smile shyly.But he was still the same, always staring at her with scorching eyes, that kind of eyes seemed to burn people's skin.

He always felt that he would forget her after a while, but who knew that was not the case. After another two years, he was still unmarried, and he might still remember his promise to her. But I also felt that it was not a promise, so my heart became confused, time flies, youth also flies, the prince is more than two years old, but he still can't do without her. From babbling to walking now, I have to rely on her for everything, and maybe I will be the nanny of this little killer for the rest of my life. Sometimes I really hate him, he is such a drag at such a young age.But seeing him laughing and laughing at her, and there was always nostalgia in his dark eyes, she couldn't help but feel happy. Although this child is the flesh and blood of Concubine Zhou, he has been growing up with her. I am afraid that the relationship with the mother is better than the relationship with the biological mother.

And couldn't help being proud that she brought up the prince. In August of this year, Wala in the north launched an offensive against the Ming Dynasty. The prince strongly advocated the royal conquest. Although the ministers strongly opposed it, because the prince was powerful and the emperor listened to the prince’s words very much, so it was not unreasonable to oppose it. It doesn't work. So the emperor led his troops to conquer the north. At that time, the palace was really busy, the empress dowager was worried, she prepared the emperor's clothes, and appointed the eunuchs in the imperial dining room, fearing that the emperor might not be used to the food along the way.

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