Home Categories romance novel wife in love with me

Chapter 351 Chapter 351 The Henpecked Man

wife in love with me 傲无常 2946Words 2018-03-16
Within two or three minutes, Wenren Jing Hong saw Mu Wanqing's black A entering the parking lot from a distance, driving this way.Immediately, as if seeing a savior, she stood up almost crying with joy, yelled and waved: "Qing'er, I'm here." I was afraid that Liu Qing would suddenly come to me behind me, and while shouting, Run to Mu Wanqing's side.What happened for more than half an hour just now made her sick and frightened. Liu Qing and Lei Zi were still leaning wearily against the corner of the wall, smoking cigarettes and standing still.He didn't seem to notice the famous Jing Hong who jumped out from behind a certain car like a monkey.The movements of the two are quite handsome and have the air of a master, but the bruises on their faces completely subverted their image.

Lei Zi was a little curious, twisted his aching bone, pouted at her and said, "Brother, who is this woman? How did you stop me from picking her up just now?" "It's just a close friend of your sister-in-law's, an insignificant person." Liu Qing straightened up and patted Lei Zi on the shoulder: "Boy, cheer me up, I'm going to show your sister-in-law through, pay attention to me peeled off your skin." "Oh my God, why did I suffer such a fate to have such a big brother like you..." Lei Zi howled with aggrieved face. To rank the days with the worst mood in history, Mu Wanqing's worst mood today can definitely be ranked in the top three.The frosty face that had already melted a little, seemed to have returned to its usual posture after a night of torment and freezing.Indifferent, light.Can't find any smoke.To say that something was wrong with me yesterday, but that Liu Qing ran out all night without saying a word, didn't answer the phone, didn't reply to the text message, and finally turned off the phone directly...

Mu Wanqing, who was almost sleepless all night, was just about to come to the company.I received a text message from Wenren Jinghong, a close friend in my boudoir, saying that he discovered Liu Qing's big secret, and he is now in the parking lot of Maoyuan Building.Let her come quickly. Although Wenren Jing Hong didn't say what Liu Qing was doing, she looked at the tone of her typing.Even thinking about it with her cute feet, she judged that Liu Qing must have done nothing good in the parking lot.So much so that she was caught by Wenren Jing Hong who came to the headquarters today to discuss the next step, which made Mu Wanqing's bad mood worse.This person has lost too much, even if he has a big grievance.It's fine to swallow it, but now I'm ashamed to throw it to my little sister.Why would I still look up in front of her in the future?His face was calm, but he was gnashing his teeth in his heart and wanted to throw Liu Qing into the Huangpu River to finish it off.In the company's underground parking lot?Why did he, Liu Qing, do it so shamelessly?

As soon as she entered the parking lot, Wenren Jing Hong ran towards her with an extremely pale face like a frightened little rabbit, yelling incoherently. "Qing'er, Qing'er. I was scared to death." Wenren Jing Hong grabbed the arm of Mu Wanqing who had just got out of the car, and said inexplicably in shock: "My God, this is too..." After saying a few words, See Mu Wanqing's pretty face covered with frost.But it stopped.Just for a moment.I thought of my shortcomings.Quickly swallowed the rest of the words, looked at Mu Wanqing with sympathy, changed the subject to cover up: "Qing'er, I just saw the wrong person just now. I think the time is almost the same, let's go upstairs and start a meeting." I will go to a meeting. I will go to the commercial building later.”

"Tell me what you see. I'm not as fragile as you imagined. I can bear anything." Mu Wanqing looked at her coldly: "I haven't known you for a year It's been two years, when have you been able to lie to me?" Wenren Jing Hong hesitated for a moment, thinking that it would be a good thing if she could completely give up on Liu Qing and leave with this incident.At least, a man like him is completely unworthy of his beautiful and lovely Qinger.But I was also afraid that if I said it myself, it would frighten her who was pure in heart.Inoculate her first: "Then I'll tell you, but Qing'er, you must calm down after hearing this. You came back from studying in the United States, so you should be used to this kind of thing, and you won't be surprised."

Mu Wanqing didn't answer, but just looked at her quietly. soon.Wenren Jing Hong told the story of what she had just heard, and when it came to excitement, she couldn't help adding fuel and jealousy.Look at her high spirits and the way she speaks with gusto.It's as if you didn't hear it with your ears, but witnessed it with your own eyes. Mu Wanqing's face turned red and then pale.He hastily covered the mouth of Wenren Jinghong who was getting more and more disgusted.Angrily said: "You just tell me that Liu Qing is having sex with that one, why are you talking so disgustingly?" However, although Jing Hong said it vividly.But in Mu Wanqing's heart, she was only half-believing.It's not that I really don't believe that I can't hear Jing Hong, it's just that this matter is too unbelievable.If the celebrity Jing Hong told her directly that Liu Qing and a hundred women held a naked meeting in the corner of the parking lot, she would still believe it.To say that he...

"Qing'er, you can't believe me when you look like this? Well, he should still be there, let's go and have a look together." Wenren Jing Hong pointed to the corner with righteous indignation on his face: "Hmph, we have been together for many years." Sister from here. I can still lie to you. If you want me to say, like that disgusting perverted man, just slap him and go for a divorce. If you want a lawsuit, I will appear in court and help you as a witness. I think about it for you Wronged, how could you not open your eyes and marry such a man." Wenren Jing Hong's expression made Mu Wanqing a little more convinced.It made her pale slightly, she shook her head and said, "Forget it, let him do as he likes. As you said, there are many such things abroad, so it's nothing." After saying that, she turned around and wanted to go to the elevator mouth to go.

"Hey, even though you said that, you must still doubt me in your heart." Wenren Jing Hong tugged at her arm a little angrily: "No, you must see his true face clearly. It will make you die completely Heart. Second, at least it can remove the suspicion that I lied to you. Qinger, although I hate Liu Qing very much, it is not enough to ruin your relationship with such disgusting things." Almost dragging and dragging, she dragged Mu Wanqing to the corner of the wall.Wenren Jing Hong saw that Liu Qing and the man did not leave. They were sitting in a corner, all dressed in rags, with their heads down, as if they were asleep, cuddling each other.Immediately he felt relieved, he pouted at them and said, "Here, look for yourself. See if I'm right? Hmph, I looked at them quite aggressively just now. I guess they're too crazy to have the strength left. Look at them." Intimacy. Sitting and falling asleep with shoulders crossed. Tsk tsk, it’s disgusting. However, they played really boldly, look at how their clothes are torn? It’s too barbaric.”

Mu Wanqing's pretty face became more and more cold when she heard Jing Hong chattering non-stop.Too lazy to look at him again, she was about to turn around and leave. "Qing'er, can't you just leave like this?" Wenren Jing Hong no longer had any fear, and pulled her excitedly and said, "If we take pictures of him, even if we go to court, it will be in your favor." "It's so noisy." Liu Qing yelled in a daze at the other end, and smashed out the empty bottle at hand.There was a crisp sound.The two women were startled at the same time, they were silent, and his attention was caught by him.He could only hear him muttering and cursing in a drunken way: "***, why are you barking so early in the morning? Why don't you let people sleep?"

When he looked up in a daze, Mu Wanqing was shocked, only to see that his face was covered with bruises and hematomas like a pig's head.There is no trace of a human being.Subconsciously, her heart suddenly lifted.For a moment, she forgot that he was not good enough, so she quickly walked up to him, supported his arm, and said anxiously, "Liu Qing, what's wrong with you, Liu Qing?" Although the clothes were torn and tattered, there were a few holes in the trousers.But there is no sign of unraveling.In addition, the strong smell of alcohol also made her suspicious of what Jing Hong said just now.

"Wan Qing?" Liu Qing seemed to be shaking all over, and opened his sleepy eyes in a daze, looking around.Suddenly found that his wife was holding his hand, and jumped up as if he had seen a ghost.Her mind seemed to clear up a lot, and she said in a panic, "Uh, Wan Qing, you, why are you here?" Mu Wanqing smelled a strong alcohol smell in his mouth, and saw that he seemed to be alive and kicking, showing no signs of dying.Immediately, he put away the concern on his face and returned to his previous coolness.Let go of his hand, took two steps back, and said coldly: "This is what I want to ask you too, Liu Qing, why are you here?" "Why am I here?" Liu Qing seemed to be still drunk, scratching his disheveled hair foolishly.Inexplicably looking left and right, he said strangely: "This seems to be a parking lot? Why am I here? It's so strange!" As he spoke, he seemed to remember something.He turned around and kicked Lei Zi who was snoring like a dead dog: "Hey, boy, why are we here?" "Brother! Is it dawn?" Lei Zi lingered and sat up, took a sip of a half-bottle of wine that he didn't know where he came from, handed it to Liu Qing with half-closed eyes, hiccupped, Confusedly said: "Brother, let's drink again. It's not that I'm talking about you. Weren't you very courageous before? Why are you so afraid of your wife now? Only after some small conflicts, you dare not go home. I'm afraid of this and that. , still look like a man?" ------
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