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Chapter 97 Chapter 97: That jealous "Bo"

wife in love with me 傲无常 1961Words 2018-03-16
Yu Manshan was a little more awake than Mu Wanqing, and she helped Mu Wanqing walk away.The embarrassing Feng Cong walked out following the belching Liu Qing.Feeling that today is also the last chance, we must strive for the chance to send Mu Wanqing back.If luck and courage are good enough, hehe, everything will be back to the original... Feng Cong hasn't started to yell secretly.Liu Qing on the other side helped Mu Wanqing into the passenger seat of her Audi A8, and let Yu Manshan sit in the back seat again. When Feng Cong just caught up, he saw Liu Qing start the car very quickly.Sticking out half of his head, he waved to him with a smile and said, "Feng Zhu, thank you for your hospitality today. We all ate very happily. Next time we have a chance, we will eat together again. Goodbye..." As he spoke, he left His face was exhausted.

Feng Cong wanted to curse at him, but just happened to see Mu Wanqing sticking her head out of the car window in a daze, her eyes seemed to be directed at him.Feng Cong hurriedly put away the gloom on his face, forced a smile, waved goodbye and said, "Okay, let's eat together next time..." He quickly added in his heart, next time we have dinner with you, I will be a mother of. For a moment, Feng Cong's thoughts were confused.It's okay to send Mu Wanqing home, but at least you have to keep Yu Manshan for yourself?This Yu Manshan is also a rare beauty.But how did he expect that the two women invited today, one is Liu Qing's wife and the other is his lover.All the advantages were taken by him.If he found out about this, he would probably be so angry that he would spit out a mouthful of blood.

... After being able to drive a certain distance, Yu Manshan couldn't help covering her mouth and bursting into laughter: "Liu Qing, good job. Now look at Feng Cong, who dares to look at me and Mr. Mu lewdly. Look at what he said when he paid the bill. The expression is really wonderful." "Liu Qing, even though I'm very upset with you tonight." Mu Wanqing also leaned her head on the seat, and said in a daze, "But, I taught him a lesson. It still makes me very happy. It can be regarded as Avenge him for pestering me like a fly for so many years." Liu Qing also smiled lightly, but she felt that this Feng Cong was not simple.At least, in this case, it is still a smile in the end.You know that this person will never give up on his wife easily.In the future, once he finds out that Mu Wanqing has married him as his wife, he will tear up his face at that time, I am afraid that with his personality, he will definitely not let it go.However, Liu Qing was not afraid at all.Indeed, for so many years on the battlefield, how many times have I experienced life and death, and how have I ever been afraid of anyone?

"Mr. Mu, I'll send Team Leader Yu back first. Then I'll take you home. Do you think this arrangement works?" The smile on Liu Qing's face was restrained, and Feng Cong's shield was missing.I am really in dire straits, and I can't tolerate any mistakes. Seeing that he suddenly became serious, Yu Manshan was a little surprised, thoughtfully, and deliberately asked: "Liu Qing, what about your motorcycle?" "After sending off Mr. Mu, I'll take a taxi and come pick it up." Liu Qing slightly turned around and answered with a straight face. "That's fine." Yu Manshan nodded with a light smile, and there was a touch of spring in her slightly drunken eyes.Just don't know her, what does it refer to?

"Liu Qing, I don't need you to see her off." Mu Wanqing blushed and said drunkenly, "After you see Manshan off, I'll just drive home by myself. Don't lose your precious motorcycle." By the last sentence, the tone was accentuated.Obviously, he was thinking of Yu Manshan tightly hugging Liu Qing's waist on the motorcycle in the evening. "Mr. Mu, you are a dignified person. After drinking so much, it is not appropriate to drive again. Don't talk, just lean on the chair and rest for a while. Team leader Yu, take a rest too." Liu Qing didn't seem to hear her voice Anger, continue to concentrate on driving.The most important thing now is to get both women to shut up first.I drank a lot of wine today, and I was afraid that if I said something wrong or did something wrong, I would be in big trouble.

Along the way, they just kept pretending to ask Yu Manshan where her home was, and Yu Manshan was also smart enough to give Liu Qing pointers.After much difficulty, she took a few wrong turns and drove to her door. Seeing Liu Qing's cautious appearance, Yu Manshan asked cunningly before getting off the car: "Liu Qing, Mr. Mu, why don't you go up and sit together for a while?" Liu Qing glanced back hastily, signaling you to stop worrying about it now.Not giving Mu Wanqing time to think about it, Liu Qing coughed a few times and said, "No, I have to go back to accompany my wife. Another day, another day."

Yu Manshan smiled lightly and got out of the car, suddenly thinking of something.He stuck his head in the window of the driver's seat again, and called softly: "Liu Qing." "Huh?" Liu Qing turned around in astonishment. What happened made both Liu Qing and Mu Wanqing dumbfounded, and Yu Manshan turned her body sideways.With a bang, he quickly kissed Liu Qing on the cheek.Then she giggled and laughed: "Thanks to you, I had a great time today. But I drank too much wine, I felt dizzy, and I wanted to sleep. Come out for dinner next time when I have time!" The drunken one winked at Liu Qing.He went upstairs without looking back.

It made Liu Qing's back wet, and he froze on the spot for a long time.Only then smiled wryly, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.I thought to myself, she is definitely pretending to be drunk... Mu Wanqing also sat up straight, her originally rosy face turned pale slightly, and she said with anger in her beautiful eyes, "Liu Qing, get out of the car." "Hey, aren't you serious?" Liu Qing looked at her in amazement: "Shanshan just drank too much alcohol and was too excited. So she just played around?" Mu Wanqing's face was still cold, she snorted coldly, raised her hand to open the door: "If you don't get out of the car, I'll get out of the car and take a taxi."

click.Liu Qing quickly locked the car doors, grabbed her soft and cold little hand again, and said with a bitter face: "Wan Qing, I am also a victim? How did you know that she would suddenly slap me, you want I really feel that I have suffered a loss, and I am mentally unbalanced. Otherwise, you can kiss me too." As he spoke, he moved closer to her mouth with a shy face. "Who, who is mentally unbalanced?" Mu Wanqing saw Liu Qing approaching, the chill on her face faded a lot.Shy and annoyed, he pushed his face away: "You want someone to kiss you so much, so you should go upstairs before it's too late. Let Yu Manshan kiss you as much as you want."

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