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Chapter 81 Chapter 81 A Farce

wife in love with me 傲无常 1900Words 2018-03-16
Liu Qing walked slowly to her side, taking advantage of her attention to focus on the woman who was quarreling opposite.He patted Yu Manshan on the shoulder lightly, and gave her a reassuring look.He scooped up his phone again and quickly sent him a text message.Yu Manshan scooped it up and looked at it, and her expression gradually relaxed, and she continued to frown and look at the field.Especially when looking at that pungent woman, there was an obvious expression of disgust between her expressions.Perhaps because they have the same standpoint, they looked at the beautiful female secretary with sympathy.

Na Lu Fangxue was about thirty-seven or eighteen years old, tall and thin, fair-skinned, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, usually calm and scholarly.It is quite lethal to women, especially some younger women.It was this Lu Fangxue who asked Mu Wanqing to persuade Liu Qing to quit last weekend. However, at this moment, Liu Qing felt a little sympathetic to his "enemy", a majestic man, although he made mistakes first.But in such a large audience, in front of all colleagues, his wife pointed his nose at her and scolded her.But he didn't even dare to take a breath. Lu Fang imitated that pungent wife, as if scolding him was not enough.Crying and yelling again, he smashed his carry-on bag on his head. With a "snap", the gold-rimmed glasses were smashed to the ground.His pale and lifeless eyes were exposed, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot.Yu Manshan couldn't bear to watch, she closed her eyes and turned her head away.I think there are not a few people who sympathize with Lu Fangxue at this moment. Although Lu Fangxue likes to be serious in doing things, he is easy to offend his colleagues.However, his dedicated attitude and prudent personality are also recognized by most colleagues.It's just that everyone didn't understand why he, who was always cautious, made such a big mistake this time.

"You bitch, vixen, how dare you seduce my husband." After a few curses, his wife turned and pointed her finger at the female secretary vaguely named Yin Na.The high-heeled boots kicked directly at her face. Yin Na didn't expect that she would suddenly strike cruelly again, and she was caught off guard.She only had time to hide her face when her shoulder was kicked heavily by the heel of her high-heeled shoes.After a cry of surprise, his face was full of pain, and he lay on the ground covering his shoulders.Lu Fangxue's pale face twitched, and when he was about to reach out to help.But she was stared back with a fierce look from her wife.

And that woman seemed to want to hit Yin Na again.Yu Manshan really couldn't see her anymore, she walked up angrily, pushed the woman staggeringly, and said angrily: "Don't go too far." Turning her head to help Yin Na up, she said with concern: "Yin Na, Are you OK?" Yin Na shed tears from the pain, her tender face was pale.But still gritted his teeth and shook his head slowly. "Who are you? How dare you push me?" The woman didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to come out halfway, and after seeing clearly that she was a beautiful woman, she stretched out her hand to grab Yu Manshan angrily: "It's another vixen, Bitch, sell..."

The words stopped abruptly, and Liu Qing put one hand in his pocket and grabbed her arm lazily.Turning around, he asked Lu Fang: "Is he a man? Take your wife home, and then you can do whatever you want." After Liu Qing saw Yu Manshan go out, she knew that crazy woman would never let it go .Therefore, it is also half a step forward.It just happened to save Yu Manshan from suffering. "Let me go." Seeing that Liu Qing was a strong man, his expressions and words seemed not to be kind.His arrogance suddenly dropped a lot, but he still pretended to show his teeth and claws: "You are a big man, and you bully me, a weak woman. I, I will fight with you."

Years of battlefield career have already made Liu Qing's heart extremely cold.On the battlefield, you will never show mercy just because the opponent is a woman, or even a child.Once the slightest negligence is revealed, it will not only cost one's own life, but also implicate his comrades.Liu Qing absolutely treats anyone who is hostile to him equally.Turning around, he glanced at the woman coldly, and said calmly but coldly, "You'd better keep your mouth shut, otherwise, I'll kill you." The woman trembled in shock from the cold murderous intent emanating from Liu Qing's body, she just felt as if she was being stared at by a ferocious beast, all the hairs on her body stood on end, and she shivered again and again.He opened his mouth, but did not dare to speak again after all.

"The company belongs to all of us, and your current behavior has seriously affected the collective interests of the company." Liu Qing said lightly, and it happened that the security guards also rushed to hear the news.Under Liu Qing's signal, he dragged the woman who dared not speak to the stairs.It wasn't until very far away that the woman shouted from a distance: "Lu Fangxue, vixen. And that arrogant stinky man. You wait, I will never let it go." "Let's leave, everyone." After the matter was settled, that old Qian Chang came out from nowhere.He coughed a few times, and said with a dignified expression: "It's working hours now, so why don't you gather together to watch the fun? Why don't you just let me go?"

While everyone was still whispering, the boss of the department appeared.The birds and beasts dispersed in a hurry, and each returned to the grid. After everyone had left, Qian Chang walked up to Lu Fangxue with a serious face, frowned and said, "Xiao Lu, as a high-level employee of the company, how could you do such a thing? Your behavior , not only destroys the company's good image, but also directly or indirectly damages the company's interests. I will apply to Mr. Mu for a temporary leave of absence, and I hope you will come back to work after handling this matter. Don't cause any harm to the company. Negative impact."

Lu Fangxue silently picked up his gold-rimmed glasses, and walked up to Yin Na with a face of shame: "Na, you, are you okay?" "Bah, not a man." Yu Manshan, who helped Yin Na to sit down, stared at him in disgust: "Watching her own woman being beaten, she only pretends to be a grandson. Do you still have balls?" Liu Qing was sweating like a waterfall, and Yu Manshan got angry, and she was also swearing. "Sister Manshan, forget it, it's not his fault. If you want to blame, I can only blame myself." Yin Na turned pale and shook her head slowly: "Fang Xue, I'm fine. You don't have to worry." , a desolate.

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