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Chapter 37 Chapter 37 Passion in the Air (Part 1)

wife in love with me 傲无常 2225Words 2018-03-16
"Uh, Xiao Mei." Liu Qing got off the roller coaster with a calm face, panting smoothly: "Didn't you say that this roller coaster is very exciting? Why don't I feel it at all? Hey, why are your feet shaking like this? Are you scared?" broken." Meanwhile, Xiao Mei's face was flushed and her feet were weak.Just recovered some consciousness, but almost choked to death by Liu Qing's words.Turning around, she rolled her eyes fiercely, and straightened her small chest: "This is just a pediatrics, just an appetizer. My aunt had insomnia last night, and she hasn't regained her energy. Next is the pirate ship, uncle, I must let you Very knowledgeable."

"I think, let's go to the side to have some drinks and take a rest." Liu Qing pointed to the gazebo not far ahead. "Hmph, don't think about it. Let's go play pirate ship." Xiao Mei pouted and said angrily.I thought to myself, this stinky uncle is the best at pretending.On the surface, he looked calm and relaxed, but he might have been so frightened that his legs went limp.Now we have to make persistent efforts and let him fall on the pirate ship.Hmph, who told him to have nightmares and make fun of himself. How did Liu Qing know what she was thinking, thinking that she also liked playing pirate ships, so he did as she wanted.Follow her to the front of the pirate ship facility.Liu Qing frowned and looked at the dangling thing, but the men and women on the boat even let out screams.Is there any exaggeration?Liu Qing remembers another time when he encountered a hurricane on a small fishing boat in the Indian Ocean. The fishing boat was thrown around like a leaf in a strong wind.Under such a stormy sea, they didn't scream like them, did they?

What's so interesting about this thing, Liu Qing is going to let Xiao Mei play it and see for herself.But before he could express himself, he was dragged by Xiao Mei to line up.The two boarded the pirate ship together.Soon, the hull swayed like a pendulum clock.As the shaking got higher and higher, Xiao Mei's face became paler and paler, and finally she couldn't help but screamed. Liu Qing looked at Xiao Mei's pale but excited expression with great interest.Young, really energetic.It's not tiring to shout so loudly. Soon, Xiao Mei discovered that something was wrong with Liu Qing.He was actually sitting on the pirate ship, smiling and looking at himself leisurely.

"Uncle, why don't you scream?" For a while, Xiao Mei also forgot to scream. "Why did I call?" Liu Qing asked back. "You don't call such a terrible thing?" Xiao Mei looked at him as if he was looking at an alien: "Ah, look, this swing almost threw us out. My heart It's about to pop out." "Then you continue to yell slowly." Liu Qing was yawning. That lazy yawn nearly choked Xiao Mei to death.Losing a battle is not losing, Xiao Mei could only curse inwardly, this nervous uncle, strange uncle, deadly salty and wet uncle.But he kept his mouth tightly shut and refused to bark.However, when disembarking.Basically, Liu Qing carried her down.As soon as he landed, he retched a few times.

"Forget it, it's really boring here." Liu Qing stretched lazily: "If you have this time, why not go for a drink." "No, we still have to go bungee jumping." Xiao Mei rinsed his mouth with a whole bottle of spring water, and wiped his lips viciously.I kept comforting myself in my heart, this uncle must be pretending, pretending.If he bungee jumps, he will definitely show his true colors.Hmph, I must laugh at him well then. "It's the kind of thing that jumps from a high place?" Liu Qing frowned again, and he didn't know who made these boring things.However, seeing that Xiao Mei is so interested, let's play with her again.

"Uncle, are you afraid?" Xiao Mei and Liu Qing hugged each other, and their feet were also tied up by a staff member.This is the standard couple bungee jumping method.Xiao Mei began to get excited, this jumping method was also proposed by her.Since you want to appreciate Liu Qing's embarrassment in bungee jumping, the best way is to jump with him.The biggest wish at this time is to hope that guy will be tied up soon. "It's okay." Liu Qing was a little absent-minded.This afternoon, when I had a passionate video with Anna, I let myself relax a lot.However, a burst of desire was provoked to the extreme and there was no place to vent it.At this time, he was holding a young and beautiful girl in his arms, and his bumpy and delicate body was tightly attached to him.The girl's unique light body fragrance faintly teased her nerves, and a few strands of hair brushed past her face with the wind.It was even more frustrating.Under such circumstances, if the body doesn't react violently, isn't something wrong?

Hearing Liu Qing's words, Xiao Mei wanted to hurt him.But something unexpected made her ah softly, and a layer of blush appeared on her cheeks.Since the feet of the two were tied at this time, even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't escape.Xiao Mei twisted her body subconsciously, trying to hide away. However, Chu Qiu's clothes were thin, so she was under such a twist.How could Liu Qing bear it.The fire of desire swelled even more.He couldn't help but leaned into her ear in embarrassment and said, "Don't move around." Xiao Mei only felt a gust of wind and heat coming from her ears, and her sensitive ears turned red all of a sudden.The body of a young girl who has just been emotional is the most sensitive.It was okay when I fell asleep last time.Now my mind is extremely fresh, and under such a gentle touch, I already feel my whole body starting to feel dry and hot, and my legs have also started to feel weak.Subconsciously, with a groan, he completely transferred his weight to Liu Qing.

Liu Qing is also suffering and can't tell, her desire is already burning.How can I bear such a little beauty so snuggled in my arms. "Uncle, Uncle~" Xiao Mei's voice was soft and delicate, as if her heart was trembling: "You, you made me feel so uncomfortable." The words were whispered next to Liu Qing's ear, probably because he was afraid of work Personnel heard. What Liu Qing said to her made her heart flutter again.Gein really couldn't tell from Xiao Mei's flattering moan whether she was suffering from this or that.Liu Qing really wanted to tell her, it's better not to dance.However, what he didn't expect was that Xiao Mei's soft and elastic waist twisted slightly.

Liu Qing couldn't help moaning, she wanted to reprimand Xiao Mei for her actions.However, the pleasure that came from him made him swallow the words again. Xiao Mei's eyes were also tightly closed, either ashamed, ashamed, or full of love.The soft and smooth little face was flushed red at this time.Leaning gently on Liu Qing's shoulder.The instinctive drive in her heart made her react like this.However, this kind of behavior did not relieve Xiao Mei's hotness, but intensified it instead.However, that weird and exciting feeling made Xiao Mei unable to stop her movements.Trying to use this method of drinking doves to quench thirst, to vent the change and heat in my heart.

However, after all, there are people around.In addition, Xiao Mei is only driven by instinct, and doesn't know how to do it.The twisting and rubbing of the waist is raw and green, and the range of movements is also cautious.Although Liu Qing's pleasure is still continuous, but it can't improve to the next level. So anxious that Liu Qing couldn't help but take the initiative, Liu Qing took the initiative.Suddenly, Xiao Mei's tender body, who was enjoying the slight stimulation, trembled. The stimulation doubled, and she couldn't help lying on Liu Qing's shoulder and panting softly.

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