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Chapter 81 run

hello old time 八月长安 2898Words 2018-03-03
Benben (important notice attached) The moment Xu Zhiqiang changed his face, a figure broke out from the crowd to the central area and blocked between Yu Zhouzhou and Xu Zhiqiang. A hero saves the beauty at a critical moment, which is difficult for many people to meet once in a lifetime, and Yu Zhouzhou didn't realize that he was so lucky. Benben pushed Xu Zhiqiang's shoulder with his left hand, while his right hand grabbed Yu Zhouzhou's wrist in turn, and said calmly, "Sell me some face, calm down, don't be impulsive!" Hua Zelei rushed to Daoming Temple to protect Shancai in front of everyone.Realizing this, Xu Zhiqiang was extremely excited. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he doesn't get angry, he has to get angry!

Without saying a word, he greeted him with a punch.Benben was unprepared, and flew out to hit a certain dogleg. What happened later has nothing to do with Yu Zhouzhou.She and Wen Miao gradually separated from the crowd, and not all the dog legs next to them were Xu Zhiqiang's subordinates, and many of them had a good relationship with Benben, so they all looked at each other and wondered whether they should help.The one-on-one fight between the two quickly developed into choking each other and rolling around on the ground. It's like a TV show. It was only at this moment that Yu Zhouzhou realized that the little boy who was bullied by a group of boys in the compound because of his gentleness and politeness and needed Yu Zhouzhou to protect him had grown into a young man who was good at fighting.He still looked pale and frail, but when he swung his fist up, he did not hesitate, fierce and resolute, bringing a howling wind.

When Ben Ben rode on Xu Zhiqiang's body punching and punching endlessly, the dog legs next to him finally stepped forward and pulled him away in good time.Xu Zhiqiang's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood. He still refused to admit defeat and cursed, but Ben Ben didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. "Okay, you, you treat your brother like this, you are so fucking kind..." Benben smiled, "Who is your brother?" Yu Zhouzhou was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to admit that the way Benben turned around and walked away in a hurry was quite impressive.

She whispered to Wen Miao, "Hurry up and get back to work." A good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, Wen Miao is not stubborn, he nodded and was about to leave, when he suddenly turned around and asked, "Zhou Zhou, what about you? Aren't you going back to work?" Yu Zhouzhou smiled, "I'll go see if Benben is injured." "Ben Ben?" She turned her head and smiled brightly, "Yes, Benben." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Hey!" There was a big hole in the guardrail between the playground of the fourth post and the playground of the 13th middle school. People often drilled through it, and the two playgrounds ran wild.One side of the four-job playground was a spacious grandstand. Benben sat in the corner of the highest level. He didn't know what he was looking at. He turned his head and smiled when he heard Yu Zhouzhou's call.

Then grinned in pain. He must have been injured. "Why don't you go to the infirmary?" Yu Zhouzhou sat next to him. "It will be fine in two days, no need." "Then thank you." Benben smiled slightly, "Why are you being polite, it should be." Yu Zhouzhou shook his head, and asked knowingly, "Why should it be?" Benben was stunned for a moment, and after a while he asked slowly, "Zhou Zhou, I ignored you before, are you angry?" Although the Benben in front of him was unfamiliar, Yu Zhouzhou remained unscrupulous in front of him with that kind of intimacy, and he didn't need to cover up his joy and sadness at all.

If you can speak up in front of someone, then you must cherish him, because in front of him, you are yourself. "It's not angry, it's sad. I think you've changed. You don't remember anything from your childhood." Benben tilted his head, "I really don't even remember." "How come?" Yu Zhouzhou tugged at his sleeve, "Do you remember that there was a tall, dark man named Xiao Hai who always bullied others in the yard, and Yue Yue, and Dan Dan, and... …We always go to the One-Armed Hero’s backyard to steal stones together, and spend an afternoon rummaging just to collect a good-looking stone..."

Benben shrugged, "I really don't have any impression. In my impression, the people in that compound all look the same." Ben Ben's lazy and meaningless tone extinguished the hope that Yu Zhouzhou had just kindled. Yu Zhouzhou raised his head, the afternoon sun outlined a beautiful golden outline on the edge of Ben Ben's short furry hair, and the bruises at the corners of his mouth also revealed a youthful and strange taste.She was a little confused, she clearly remembered the person in front of her, but couldn't recognize him.And he can recognize himself, but he can't remember the past.

But Benben suddenly added, "I only remember you." "Yep?" "You haven't changed at all from when you were a child. Just like I imagined, you have become a very, very good girl." After thinking about it, he added, "The best girl I know." Benben and Yu Zhouzhou have the same habit. When they really want to praise someone, they always have poor vocabulary and can only repeat one word, "good". You have become a very, very good girl. "Then why are you ignoring me?" Why are you ignoring me.This is a question that only children can ask. They don't care about their self-esteem or their posture.As they grow bigger and bigger, everyone gradually learns to protect themselves, to leave before others are alienated, to be doubly indifferent when others are cold, to say loudly when they can't get it, I don't want it at all.

Benben reached out and grabbed Yu Zhouzhou's ponytail, just like when he was a child. "Because I'll get you into trouble. I'm not a good student. It's better for you to stay away from me." "You keep trying, keep being as good as you are, or get better. I'll just watch from a distance. You don't know how happy I am for you, really." Yu Zhouzhou found that he seemed to have the urge to choke up.She shook her head and hurriedly asked what she thought was an important question. "Why...why not be a good student?" Benben replied casually, "Because it's easier to be a bad student. Why should I be a good student?"

Yu Zhouzhou didn't know why he had to be a good student.This has never been a question worth considering for her, it is a principle, flowing in her blood.Fish never think about why they swim upstream, do they? In the early summer afternoon, even the silence is warm, and the time seems to go back ten years. After a long time, Benben said slowly, "Maybe... Maybe it's because I hate my family." Only then did Yu Zhouzhou remember what she should have asked from the beginning.Does your father still beat you?where is your home?How are you doing? Benben's alcoholic adoptive father, when he was in the fifth grade of elementary school, plunged from the lift platform on the construction site into the cement pool.

During the funeral, even Benben himself could not have imagined that he would cry. It is even more unimaginable that the mysterious biological parents will appear.It was like a dream, when he was in a daze, he had a new name and family.The old neighbors were talking behind their backs about how lucky this child was, and how much smoke rose from the ancestral grave—everyone forgot that these things belonged to him in the first place, and he just returned to his ancestral grave. The only valuable things at home are the shoebox with money in the drawer.When Benben appeared in front of his biological parents with a schoolbag and a cardboard box in his arms, the part of his face that was injured by his adoptive father had not healed. In that chaotic elementary school, Benben, who had learned how to protect himself with his fists, would startle his brother who was two years older by saying "Damn" occasionally, and would be caught by him even if he made a sound while drinking soup. Laughing, when Benben raised his fist and was about to wave at his biological brother, they had their first official family meeting. Benben insisted on not changing his account.His parents who moved back to the provincial capital from the coastal city wanted to send him to the middle school attached to the Normal University, but he also strongly resisted.My brother would just sneer and call him a white-eyed wolf. "Zhou Zhou, why did you go back to No. 13 Middle School to study?" "I guess my reasons are different from yours." Thirteenth Middle School is Yu Zhouzhou's post station, but it is where Benben's sense of belonging lies. "First they took me to pay off the emotional debt, and then took me back to transform me into a good boy, as if I was so dirty and bad, why should I listen to them? Why should I obediently become my brother Same guy?" Benben was not even excited when he said these words.This seemingly weak boy has always had a firm and strong mental strength in his body, which can allow him to survive the beating and scolding of his adoptive father, and also allow him to unswervingly reject the transformation of his biological parents. "Benben, you can't be like this forever." "Then what should I do?" Ben Ben smiled, "Zhou Zhou, what kind of person do you want to become in the future?" "A very strong person, a very good and powerful person, can make my mother live a good life." After thinking for a while, he added, "All the people I like can live a good life." especially you. Benben nodded, "That's good. It's very similar to the ideal you should have." "What about you?" Yu Zhouzhou asked persistently. "Me?" Benben smiled, "It's the same as you!" Zhou Zhou made persistent efforts, "So, why don't you work hard together? We..." “周周,”奔奔打断她,“不是只有考上好高中好大学才能保护自己爱的人,你看,我刚才就可以保护你,而那个差点被揍的男生就不能。何况…… " "Not to mention what?" Benben in Yu Zhouzhou's eyes has blurred into a golden silhouette, so close at hand, but he can't reach out to hold him. "Besides, there are very few people I want to protect."
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