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Chapter 7 lost in the tunnel

kill witnesses 西村京太郎 10977Words 2018-03-16
The bus departing from the K station of the national railway and bound for Yuanjian Town passed through a tunnel about 210 meters long at Yuanjian Ridge. This is a tunnel that was only completed a year ago.Before that, it was very dangerous to walk this mountain path, and at least five kilometers of detour had to be made.Two years ago, a bus accidentally fell down a 25-meter-high mountain stream, killing 19 people in total.It is said that this accident made the relevant departments make up their minds to dig this tunnel. During the excavation of the tunnel, due to the fragility of the rock in this area, there were two landslides and five migrant workers died.

Probably for this reason, there is a legend that "ghosts appear" around this tunnel.Two or three drivers said that when they drove through this "vision tunnel" at night, they saw white people floating in the tunnel under the light of their headlights. But no one knows whether there are ghosts or not.However, due to the spread of this legend, the people nearby held a ritual ceremony for the five migrant workers who died, and carried out a salvation. I don’t know if this rite worked or not, but the legend about ghosts has not disappeared anyway, and on October 29th, when the autumn tourist season ended and early winter approached, another young girl went missing in the Vision Tunnel.

This day is Sunday. On Saturday, Miyoko Matsushita, who works as a company employee in Tokyo, returned to her hometown to visit her parents whom she hadn't seen for a long time. Miyoko is twenty-two years old and has been recognized as a beauty since she was in high school. She always receives love letters from many boys.Four years in Tokyo surprised her parents by making her a more beautiful and refined girl. On the 29th, Miyoko had lunch, bought some local specialty chestnuts and left the house. There are six buses a day between Tomicho and Station K, three in the morning and three in the afternoon.

Miyoko told her parents that because of the fine weather, she planned to walk for a while before taking the bus. The nephew who was in the first grade of middle school kept sending her near the tunnel of vision. He kept watching Miyoko enter the descent road before returning home. The center of the vision tunnel is the roadway, and the sidewalks are on both sides. There is a county-run fish farm about 300 meters away from the tunnel, and there is a bus stop there. Miyoko told her parents that she would take the bus when she got there. It was about 2:15 in the afternoon when she left the house; it must have been 2:50 when she entered the tunnel.

In this way, I can just catch the bus that arrives at the fish farm station at 3:30 in the afternoon. But Miyoko never appeared after entering the tunnel. By twelve o'clock at night, her parents hadn't received the phone call from her to report her safety as soon as she arrived at her apartment in Tokyo.At one o'clock in the night, they were very worried and called Tokyo. The next day was Monday, and she had to go to work at the company. She wouldn't drop by anywhere else, and she should live in an apartment.You should be back at the apartment by one o'clock at night at the latest.

However, no one answered the phone in her room. At first they thought the bus was delayed, but later learned that none of the buses were delayed that day. Even more incredible is the testimony of the driver Kihara Shunichi. Kihara is from Tomi, and he knows Miyoko.He said he didn't see Miyoyu get on the train at the fish farm station, nor did he see Miyoko around there. Kihara's car arrived at the fish farm at 3:30 that day.Ordinarily, Miyoko could only take this car, but at that time there was only one fish farm worker waiting for the car. The 29-year-old worker was waiting at the station about ten minutes before the bus arrived, and he said that he did not see Miyoko either.

Thinking about it, Miyoko might have passed through the tunnel earlier and came to the fish farm. Because of the good weather, she walked towards the next station. But no one has seen her during the journey to Station K.National Railway Station K is a small station with more than 2,000 passengers getting on and off the train every day.Almost all the passengers on the train were students from a college in front of the station. Passengers who came irregularly like Miyoko, the ticket cutter at the station should have an impression.There was a station worker there who remembered seeing Miyoko get off the train on the 28th, but he did not remember Miyoko getting on the train on the 29th.

Did Miyoko disappear into the tunnel?Newspapers also reported the incident under the headline "Young Girl Disappeared in Tunnel". Of course the police did not believe this statement.They think so: Miyoko sprained her foot in the team lane, or was tired from walking, and took a passing car. This area is a tourist attraction in autumn, and there are many cars passing through this road.Miyoko should have passed through several cars or trucks while walking through the tunnel.It's not out of the question that she got into a car by the way. However, the disappearance of the 22-year-old Matsushita Miyoko is a fact after all.

The only reason why Hoshino, the producer of the TV station "Central" program, is interested in this matter is that a young girl disappeared in the tunnel. Hoshino's program is "Japanese Odd Stories" every Sunday night from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. Like the name of the show, he must make some "sensational" news in order to be popular. This program has been running for more than a year, and it has been a little out of touch recently. At this moment, he heard the news that a young girl had disappeared in the team lane. And she was a pretty girl, Hoshino immediately grasped this topic.

He immediately formed a panel for the show. He cast a beautiful actress, Yumiko Asai, the same age as the missing Miyoko Matsushita. He planned to let Asai Yumiko walk in the tunnel under the same conditions as the incident, to test whether she would also disappear in the tunnel. "It is impossible for a person to disappear in a tunnel." Hoshino's assistant, Toda, smiled and took a test shot at the camera. Toda is one year older than Hoshino, but because he joined the TV station a year or two later than Hoshino, he worked under Hoshino.Naturally, he is more respectful to Hoshino.

"Then, Mr. Toda, since she won't disappear, could that girl from Matsushita Miyoko leave in a car in the tunnel?" Hoshino asked, rubbing his nose. "I can only think so." "But why did she disappear?" "I think there are many reasons. For example, the young man let her into his car in the tunnel and said he was going to take her to the station; but he was attracted by her beauty and wanted to do something wrong to her on the way. After she strongly resisted Being killed, is it like this?" "Then the body must have been buried somewhere." "right." "Ah, that's it." "So, we experimented, and a girl doesn't get lost 'in' the tunnel." "You can't be so sure, can you?" "why?" "According to the weekly magazine, after Miyoko Matsushita disappeared, it seems that no one walked through the tunnel anymore because of people's fear. It seems that the 'ghost' in the previous legend is not inconceivable. Our experiment this time will not eliminate people. fear. It looks like the tunnel will not be walked through for a long time. But hopefully the local residents will believe that our experiment is very scientific." Hoshino said solemnly.Probably this is why he can sit on the "No. 1 Host" chair, right?No matter from which point of view, people think that the combination of Toda and Hoshino is a "golden partner". "Of course, your wish is kind." Hoshino smiled and patted Toda on the shoulder. "Nothing else is possible." "That's great. Anyway, it would be interesting if there is an unexpected ending." Hoshino said confidently. Of course, if there is an unexpected ending in the future, it will be of great benefit to Hoshino, and his ratings will always remain high. The test team was formed. First of all, she introduced the foresight tunnel to acting star Yumiko Asai, and her expression was very complicated. "Isn't this a bit of a joke?" Yumiko said to Toda. "But only in this way can the audience believe that it is impossible for people to disappear 'in the tunnel'." "Is this Hoshino's idea?" "what." "That man loves to play tricks." Yumiko giggled.She is a beauty with fair and delicate skin.Among the beautiful stars, she is known as the "Daughter of Love", and it is said that she has many men around her. "But he is the host, he thinks it is necessary." Toda said with a smile. Yumiko tilted her head and asked, "Mr. Toda, are you Mr. Hoshino's senior?" "Ah, yes in school. I was a year older than him in school, but in the TV world he was my senior." "I don't think you two have a good relationship." "Call?" "I've heard of it." "Nothing like that. I really admire his passion for TV shows and his accomplishments." "Really?" Yumiko looked at Toda in disbelief. At this time, Toda immediately changed the subject, "Anyway, he called your name, is it acceptable?" "What should I do?" Yumiko looked at her manager Yoshimura. Yoshimura graduated from T University, very capable, and one of Yumiko's "lovers". Yoshimura pushed his glasses lightly and said, "The average audience rating of that show has reached 25%." "That is to say, there is a considerable audience?" "Yes, that is to say, if this program is sold as a video tape, its purchasing power will not be low. Therefore, in order to expand the effect, I think it is better for you to be on this program." "Then I'll do it!" Yumiko nodded cheerfully. Finally, a stone fell from Toda's heart.Because he has long heard that Yumiko always does her own way and does whatever she wants, and it is difficult for ordinary people to cooperate with her.Originally, many people obeyed her because of her charm, but this time she agreed with the opinion of her manager Yoshimura so readily, maybe she was really fascinated by Yoshimura. While thinking about it, Toda continued, "I'm relieved now. Mr. Hoshino is also worried that you won't be able to appear on this program. I didn't expect you to be such an enthusiastic person." "How to do it specifically?" "On October 29, a 22-year-old local girl named Matsushita Miyoko disappeared in a tunnel. We want to conduct an experiment on the ground." "That person named Matsushita Miyoko you mentioned really disappeared in the tunnel?" "I don't think so. I think it's just the local folks saying it." "But she still hasn't been found?" "what." "Sure enough, it's unlucky to be on this show." "Never mind. We'll be effectively monitoring the show. Get your agent to come along." After speaking, Toda placed the notebook with the map of the Foresight Tunnel in front of Yumiko. "This tunnel is about 200 meters long. There are cameras on both sides. You can enter the tunnel from the direction of Tomi Town and pass through it. I think the time is about seven or eight minutes. This is the end. You just Just walk in the tunnel for seven or eight minutes." "Who else is going with me?" "You are alone." "real?!" "Yes. As I said earlier, it is pointless to try to simulate the situation on the day of October 29th. If there is another person walking with you, maybe something Neither will happen." "It's just me, and I'm kind of scared of that." "It doesn't matter. It's broad daylight actually, and there are lights in the tunnel, and cars go through it now and then." "Mr. Toda saw that tunnel." "Ah! I went to see it first yesterday!" "Walk alone in the tunnel?" "Ah, I've walked two or three times. I want to see where I will disappear." "Then there's no need for me to experiment?" "Hey, you can't say that. It's boring for a middle-aged person like me to be a model, and the conditions are not exactly the same, so the experiment is meaningless. That is to say, if this show is not the same time, the same beautiful Beauty doesn't mean anything at all. So please!" "Just thinking about it is interesting, it's scary." "It doesn't matter, nothing will happen. You will come out of the tunnel smiling. And you have always been a beautiful and brave image." "That's true." "You will ask for your feelings after you come out of the tunnel. Please think about what to say in advance. Anyway, it's better to say it." "I'll leave it to Yoshimura-kun. Anyway, he used to write poetry when he was in college." "Oh?" Toda glanced at the manager, and Yoshimura scratched his head embarrassedly. "That's the way it is. If I were really talented, I wouldn't be here now. I must be a poet or a writer or something." Yoshimura said modestly. The first Sunday in November, the 5th, was fortunately sunny from the morning.As the producer Hoshino had expected, it was also a sunny day like October 29th when the incident happened. The truck with the video camera and the car with Hoshino and Yumiko driving towards the Vision Tunnel. From the direction of station K, where we pass through the tunnel, three cars equipped with camera equipment have been parked in advance. Although the tourist season in this area has just passed, there are still many vehicles coming and going. But there is hardly a single person walking through the tunnel in sight. "I heard that since that incident, almost no one walked through that tunnel anymore," Toda told a colleague as he prepared to shoot. "What if this young lady disappears again in the tunnel?" Cameraman Arai asked Hoshino while adjusting the viewfinder. The camera lens has been aimed at the entrance and exit of the vision tunnel.Today they looked at the entrance of this tunnel carefully, and there is really a special atmosphere. "If Yumiko disappears like smoke, it will become big news, and the ratings will definitely go up. So, I can't wait for her to disappear!" Hoshino said with a "hehe" smile, as if what he said was from the heart. "Bastard!" Yumiko shrugged at Hoshino and the others while putting on makeup with a powder puff. "Perhaps you will enter the fourth world." "what?" "This world is composed of three worlds. If there is a big crack somewhere, you will fall into another world. Therefore, I say that this tunnel may lead to the fourth world." "Are you scaring me?" "Well. You are a feminist, and other worlds can't let you go." After speaking, Hoshino looked at his watch. "It's almost 2:45. As soon as 2:50, Yumi-ko enters the tunnel. It's 2:50 for the missing Miyoko Matsushita to enter the tunnel. Get ready, Yumi. Because you're a beauty, Maybe some men will greet you when they drive into the tunnel, but you must not go up, or our experiment today will be over." "Understood, but if I yell in the tunnel, you have to come in and help me immediately!" "OK! OK!" Hoshino agreed loudly.At this time, only Yumiko Asai, her manager Yoshimura, and the first camera were left at the scene, and the rest got on the truck. The delivery truck went through the tunnel first.Because I was driving, I quickly reached the other end of the tunnel. After passing through the tunnel, the truck stopped and installed a second camera. The drivers who drove through the tunnel didn't know what happened here, and they all looked at Hoshino and the others curiously.Other drivers slowed down because they thought traffic police were setting up speed-monitoring devices. "The shooting started at 2:50, and we kept shooting at the exit of the tunnel." Hoshino said to Suzuki, the cameraman beside him. Toda didn't believe that people would disappear in the tunnel at all, and he walked back and forth in the tunnel several times before coming, and didn't find anything suspicious. But when he was about to enter the test, he also had an inexplicable anxiety and tension in his heart. Maybe he was really worried about the anxiety and tension of Yumiko Asai missing in the tunnel. Am I fascinated by her too? Just as Toda was dreaming, Hoshino glanced at his watch and said, "Okay, time is up. Start shooting." The camera started rolling. Toda and Hoshino stared at the exit of the tunnel together. If nothing happened, Yumiko Asai would come out of the tunnel in another seven or eight minutes. A car and two cars came out of the tunnel. Five minutes passed. Seven minutes passed. Then ten minutes passed. However, Asai Yumiko did not come out of the tunnel. Toda and Hoshino glanced at each other. The faces of the two people suddenly turned pale. "Strange?" Hoshino said. But time still slipped by. "Maybe Yumiko Asai is joking?" Toda also said. "Maybe she got into the tunnel because she was scared?" "That little girl never jokes when filming the show, maybe she was really scared this time?" Since Hoshino was at the other end of the tunnel, he didn't have a walkie-talkie, so he couldn't contact the person at the other end. Twenty minutes later, Hoshino couldn't bear it anymore, "Toda, let's go and have a look." So the two ran towards the tunnel. The tunnel was brightly lit, and the footsteps of two people echoed in this oval-shaped tunnel, and the sound was very loud. While paying close attention to both sides of the tunnel, the two hurriedly walked towards the other end of the tunnel.They thought Yumiko might fall halfway. But there was no sign of her in the entire tunnel. A few minutes later two men emerge from the other end of the tunnel. Next to the camera, cameraman Arai and agent Yoshimura were smoking and chatting leisurely, but Yumiko Asai was not here. "Hey, what did she do?" Hoshino roared angrily. Yoshimura and the others looked at Hoshino in surprise, "What are you doing? According to what you said, she entered the tunnel at 2:50!" Yoshimura smiled after finishing speaking, but suddenly frowned again. "Is it true that she didn't come out of it?" After asking, he stared at Hoshino closely. "Not coming out! Not coming out!!" "Bastard!!" Yoshimura cursed loudly. "Did you really enter the tunnel?" Toda asked again. He still didn't believe that Yumiko would disappear into the tunnel. "That's right, it went in!" the cameraman Arai also tried his best to confirm. "If you don't believe me, you can watch the video. The picture of her entering the tunnel is very clear." "Then where did she go? Huh?" "Could it be that she suddenly felt uncomfortable and fell down somewhere in the middle of the walk?" "But she wasn't in the tunnel." "Would you like to take a look?" Toda said to Hoshino.Because getting angry at each other here doesn't help either. The last four decided to search carefully again. The four people were divided into two groups, one group on one side, and carefully searched the driveway and the sidewalks on both sides. But in the end, Yumiko Asai was not found. Hoshino and the others searched the tunnel two or three times. Still nothing. A beautiful actress who is 1.60 meters tall, weighs 50 kilograms, and has a bust of 88 centimeters is missing. "What's going on? Mr. Hoshino!" Manager Yoshimura asked the producer Hoshino with widened eyes. Hoshino just clasped his hands together, unable to say a word. Yoshimura became even more angry when he saw this, "You said that nothing would happen, that's why I handed over this important actor to you. Tell me, what happened?!" "I... I don't understand either." Hoshino muttered with disappointment. "But don't you have a plan?" "Yes, but I never expected such a thing to happen!" "Didn't you say your show would be more interesting if she disappeared?" "That's just a joke! How can we believe that a living person disappears from a tunnel in broad daylight!" "She's not the kind of person who does pranks. She's always serious about her work. I think your matter is a bit suspenseful this time. But I only agree to it because I trust you!" Yoshimura Luo talked non-stop. Hoshino had nothing to say.Toda looked at the tunnel. Yoshimura continued to be more dissatisfied: "She is a star in the film and television industry! We plan to participate in the filming of S TV station's "Dahe TV Series" from the beginning of next year. Every three or four episodes will be filmed, what do you say!!" "Just call the police!" "Is that the idea?" "No, what else can I do?!" Hoshino became a little angry, and his voice gradually increased. Toda also lost his mind.He thought that maybe someone had "taken" Asai Yumiko away in the tunnel. "Tell you, if you can't find Yumiko Asai, Mr. Hoshino, I will sue the 'Central' program. Of course, I will also demand compensation for damages. If you have anything to say, talk about it then!" Yoshimura shouted hysterically. "What should I do?" Toda asked Hoshino. Hoshino kicked the small stone at his feet angrily, "That's it, call the police!" "Ok." "I'll leave this to you." "What else?" "What else is there? Play this tape first, yes, add this one after the usual 'Japanese Pyramid'. The program 'Japanese Pyramid' is not interesting, add this one Maybe it will increase the ratings. This disc has a strong memorabilia. Besides, the missing person is a star in the film and television industry, so there will be considerable repercussions, and the ratings may increase by 30%!" During the chatter, Hoshino's face gradually turned red.The sense of loss just now disappeared, and he returned to his usual energetic state. "But how is she alive and dead now?" Hearing Toda's question, Hoshino smiled "hehe", "Don't worry about it. Let the police worry about her life or death. We are only thinking about the program. What effect it will have depends on this tape." Yes. That’s right, bring the cameraman with you when you call the police. This is a real record. It’s not a TV drama, and even the scene of the missing person is filmed. In this way, the ratings will definitely go up.” "Is this really not your plan?" Toda asked in a low voice. Hoshino's expression changed immediately, "Don't talk nonsense." Early the next morning, literary reporters rushed to the "Central" program group. Hoshino met with reporters. Hoshino has regained his confidence from the embarrassing situation at that time.At least that's how Toda looked when he met with reporters. Hoshino even looked a little smug and proud. "We," he said, and looked at the reporters around him again, "the disappearance of a living person is a shocking thing. Until now, I am still very nervous when I think about it. The reality is that this It did happen, but we as a whole on the show couldn't believe it was real." "Could you show us that tape." "Next Sunday, that is, on November 12th, it will be aired at the time of 'Japanese Strange Story'. Please advise." "Can we take a look now?" "We only showed it to the police, it was for investigation reference." "If it becomes a case, the broadcast of the program on the 12th will greatly increase the ratings?" A reporter asked sarcastically. "For me, it's more about the fact that a person is missing than the ratings, so I want it to be broadcast nationally." "Could you make up a TV series based on local legends in order to increase ratings?" Another reporter asked maliciously. Hoshino glared at the questioner and replied calmly: "This is an excellent movie star who has disappeared! She is a beautiful and promising actress, how dare I make such a joke about her?" "Then how do you explain the disappearance of Miyoko Asai in the tunnel?" "I still don't understand it yet. So on the 12th, I asked the whole country to watch the video tape at that time in the hope of getting your advice. We really want to know how you explain this phenomenon." As soon as the press meeting was over, Hoshino gave Toda a triumphant expression of "Just watch it". "Next week's broadcast ratings will definitely increase by 30%!" Two days later, on November 8, Toda visited Sumono Shin, a private detective who opened a private detective agency on the 36th floor of a super high-rise building in Shinjuku. "I read in the papers about a beautiful actress who disappeared in a tunnel." Zuo Wenwen said to Toda while smiling "hehe".Zuo Wenwen's wife, Shi Zi, looked curious, and she kept persuading Toda to drink coffee. "That's why I ask you to investigate." Toda said to Zuo Wenwen. Because Zuo Wenwen is of mixed race, his eyes are blue.He stared at Toda closely and asked, "Did you call the police?" "A search request has been made to the police. But they say that such a thing cannot be put into full force like a homicide." "So you came to my place?" "Yes, you are a master detective. You have found out the whereabouts of the abducted players of the 'Army of Giants' baseball team, so I can only turn to you for help, please." "Is this your personal opinion or the opinion of the TV station?" "My personal." "Oh." Zuo Wenwen smiled, "Why?" "Instead of trying to find her, the people on the TV station would rather hope that the more chaotic things will increase the ratings. But I can't stand this kind of ruthless thing." "So that's the case." "You agree?" "I am very happy, but the current situation of the TV station will not cooperate. For example, can I watch the video tape immediately." "Ah, the tape has been locked in a safe. The TV station has issued a death order, saying that no one will be allowed to watch it before it is broadcast. I'm really sorry." "Ah, then there's no other way. We have to wait until the 12th show. I'll watch it carefully then." Zuo Wenwen said in a calm tone. As soon as Toda left, Shi Zi picked up a leather bag. "I'll go out right away." "where to?" "Go to that tunnel! I want to see the scene." "That's not necessary." Zuo Wenwen smiled and lit a cigarette. "Why is it unnecessary? Didn't this happen in the tunnel in County K?" "There are two reasons." "Tell me." "First, the tunnel was built a year ago." "so what?" "If the problem was in the tunnels, a few people would go missing, rather than one person going missing at the end of the year." "It's two people! A local named Miyoko Matsushita and this time the actor Yumiko Asai." "The one who is purely missing is Miyoko Matsushita. Actor Yumiko Asai is likely to be the protagonist in the TV station's plan to attract viewers." "What about the second one?" "Secondly, it is possible to encounter aliens, namely UFOs—" "This possibility is not impossible." "I don't deny this statement. This is quite interesting to the audience. But if it is true, then we will definitely lose. In other words, it is useless for you to go to see that tunnel." "Then sit here and wait?" "No. First, investigate the relevant personnel, and then watch the program on the twelfth." "The person concerned?" "That's right, it's Yumiko Asai, producer Hoshino, Toda who came to request an investigation, manager Yoshimura, and the two cameramen who filmed the scene." On Friday the 10th, Toda came to Zuo Wenwen's office in the evening. "Today, that manager, Yoshimura, formally proposed a compensation of 50 million yen to the TV station." Toda said as soon as he saw Zuo Wenwen. "Fifty million?" Zuo Wenwen touched his chin. "Is this number more or less?" "It depends on the evaluation of Yumiko Asai." "Yoshimura talked too much?" "It's a little bit more from the future, but..." "Isn't it different?" "From the perspective of 'Sentimental', she is very famous, because she is a star after all. But judging from the contract between the agent and S TV station's 'Dahe Series', it may not be much if it is used as liquidated damages." "So that's the case." "If she plays a supporting role in three episodes a week, it doesn't matter." "interesting." "what?" "I said you were very interesting." "What's the meaning?" Hearing Zuo Wenwen's question, Toda was a little embarrassed. Zuo Wenwen waved his hand, "Please forgive me if I am wrong. Is Yumiko Asai a not-so-famous actor?" "That's true. Because if she had been a real big shot, she wouldn't have been subjected to such an indecent experiment." "Did she disappear without being famous, or on the contrary, disappeared without being famous?" "What does it mean?" "I also told my wife that if this incident happened by supernatural force, for example, if she was abducted by aliens, then there is nothing we can do about it. However, if it is man-made, then as long as the two One question is clear. One of them is this: She had to disappear because she was not famous." "To be famous in order to cause a stir?" "Simply put it like this." "However, this incident did make her famous all of a sudden..." "The other is why she has no fame but why she wants to disappear?" "Aren't these two questions the same? Isn't it for fame?" "No, there is a subtle difference between the two. The first question is active; the second question I think she is passive." "I see. Could she have been kidnapped, for example?" "Yes. Why kidnap an unknown actor?" "If it is kidnapping, there should be a ransom, but there is no news about it." "Maybe it already has. Didn't someone propose a compensation of 50 million yen?" Zuo Wenwen said. After Toda left, Shi Zi took a critical look at Zuo Wenwen, "Is that considered intimidation?" "Abduction?" "yes." "I have to think about it that way." "I think she's still in it for the fame." "What's the reason?" "I read Yumiko Asai's survey. Although she is young, she is not yet a big name. She thinks that asking her to do this matter is a great opportunity to become famous. If she disappears in the tunnel, she will be killed immediately." became a household name; and suddenly appeared in Hokkaido a few days later. She could be said to have fainted in the tunnel and woke up to see that she was in Hokkaido. She became famous all of a sudden. She can also say that she Take a UFO ride or something." "interesting." "If my analysis is correct, there must be an accomplice. This person must have pulled her up in the tunnel with a car." "Whether your words are right or not, you will understand everything on Sunday." Zuo Wenwen said. At 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, the 12th, Zuo Wenwen and his wife prepared everything early and sat by the TV, waiting for the video tape to play. Modern Horror Events!Someone is missing in the tunnel! Is it the entrance to another world - the Vision Tunnel? With these large characters appearing on the screen, the playback started. An image of Yumiko Asai walking towards the tunnel at 2:50 appeared on the screen. She disappeared into the tunnel. Shooting started simultaneously at the opposite exit. Several vehicles exit the tunnel and pass in front of the camera. Ten minutes later, Yumiko Asai did not come out of the tunnel. Toda and Hoshino looked at each other.The two hurried into the tunnel in a panic. There is no shadow of Yumiko Asai in the tunnel, she disappeared in the tunnel! The narrator said very excitedly. At this time, a photo of the company employee Miyoko Matsushita who disappeared last time and a map of the tunnel appeared on the screen.The left text turned off the TV. He rewound the videotape and watched it several times. In the short 10 minutes from Yumiko Asai walking into the tunnel to Hoshino walking into the tunnel in a panic, the car passing through the tunnel is the key!If it is due to human factors, then her disappearance means that she got into a certain car, or was "invited" to get into a certain car. Fortunately, the video footage was very clear. A total of seven cars drove out in ten minutes.The image of the license plate number and the driver is very clear. Shi Zi rewrote the video tape several times and wrote down the license plate number of the car. Zuo Wenwen asked his acquaintance Yabe Police Department to investigate the seven cars. Two days later, Yabe told Zuo Wenwen about the investigation. "Do you think there are criminals who kidnapped Yumiko Asai in those seven cars?" Yabe asked on the phone. "I don't know if it was abducted, maybe she got into the car herself! Anyway, I think she disappeared in the tunnel in these cars." "Unfortunately." "what?" "You made a mistake this time." "I judged wrong?" "We thoroughly investigated the identities of the seven cars. No one has any relationship with Yumiko Asai. We have been to the homes of these seven people, and there is no sign of hiding her." "This is weird!" "Although it's 'weird', it's true." Yabe is a very authoritative search department of the police department.There will be no holes in his investigation. After hanging up the phone, Zuo Wenwen thought for a while. Shi Zi stared at her husband worriedly, and after five or six minutes, a smile appeared on Zuo Wenwen's face. "I finally understand." Zuo Wenwen said confidently. "Why? Didn't you find the reason from the clues of the car?" "No, she did disappear in the car, not on foot. Because walking is absolutely impossible. Or she hid in the trunk, or she hid under the car seat." "But……" "It is true that seven cars appeared on the TV screen, but Yumiko Asai entered the tunnel when the filming started; Hoshino and Toda walked in from the opposite tunnel entrance after 20 minutes, that is, there were no cars passing through the tunnel after that It was photographed on the screen. I think Yumiko Asai knew this, so she waited in the tunnel, waited for the car to stop and got on the car, and waited until the two of Hoshino came in before driving out of the tunnel. Therefore, it can be said that she knew the time difference who are criminals." "It's Yumiko Asai?" "Of course she is, but it should be an accomplice." "The driver?" “不,他只是被请来开车的,也许他还不知道这是一个阴谋。我想这个人应当在参加试验的人当中。在指挥浅井由美子的消失,并因此可以得到好处。” 正当左文字说的时候,电话铃响了。 对方是户田。 “今天我们交了五千万日元。电视台的'中央'节目组的收视率已经达到了惊人的百分之四十八了。出这点钱也不算什么了,'破财免灾'吧。而且这件事也影响到了其他演员。” “五千万给谁了?” “经纪人吉村呀!他亲自来取走的支票。” “他拿走了?” “是呀!不过他说一部分要归到制片人的名下。” “她的家族得了多少?” “吉村说:'大概有三千万吧。'” “嗯。那么下一步吉村会怎么办?演员浅井由美子失踪了。” “他说他不久要去海外旅行,这是因为浅井由美子的失踪给他的压力很大。” “支票可以很容易地换成现金吧?” “可以。不过您问这个……” “以后再联系!” 左文字不等对方说完就挂断了电话,然后冲史子说道:“马上去成田机场!” “吉村是罪犯?” “我认为他和浅井由美子拿着那五千万日元要逃走。如果采取这样的方式,她的制片人是查觉不了的,而且她随便编一个神话还可以东山再起的。对了,马上通知矢部警部。” 在成田机场的国际检票口抓获了正要逃到夏威夷的吉村和浅井由美子。 两天后,在九州也找到了松下美代子。 由于她的父母反对她与一名中年男子结婚她便导演了这么一场闹剧,致使她的父母终于让步,同意了这门亲事。
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