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Chapter 36 Chapter Twenty-Five

motivation 横山秀夫 2313Words 2018-03-15
At dusk, Yoshio Kumama tiptoed back home. It was already dark in the house.Down the stairs, his crazy wife Shi Jinzi was yelling loudly. "Nobuko! Nobuko! Come out!" Seeing her husband coming back, Shijinzi, who was blushing all over her face, shouted, "Xinzi's father! Xinzi just came back!" "Isn't it great to be back?" "A high school student who spends the night outside, what does it look like. Please tell me about her, I have already..." "Understood, you don't have to worry about this matter." Kushima went upstairs along the stairs, turned right immediately after going up, and entered the room of his daughter Nobuko.

The room was extremely quiet, and the wooden floor was covered with photos.From birth to being killed by Yoji Yamamoto at the age of 16, Nobuko took countless photos.Now she, in each rectangular frame, poses in various poses, laughing—laughing forever. Chuanjian picked up a photo-it was the last time Nobuko took a photo.The background is a big hydrangea, holding a big red umbrella she likes, smiling so happily... Chuanjian put down the photo and went downstairs, gently pushed open the door of the living room, only to see Shijinzi sitting on the chair with her eyes fixed, motionless.Chuanma sat down beside Shijinzi and said loudly, "Yoji Yamamoto was stabbed twice!"

Shi Jinzi didn't respond at all. Chuanjian hugged Shijinzi's shoulder: "Did you forget? It was Yoji Yamamoto who killed Nobuko! That bastard will die in two days, and our revenge is finally avenged!" Shijinzi still didn't respond, his eyes couldn't focus at all. Chuanjian let out a long sigh.He felt very tired. It's been 13 years, how many difficult years have passed, and I finally avenged my revenge! "Shijinzi! Listen to me, okay? I want to tell you everything I have done these years." Shi Jinzi raised his head in a daze. "In the second year after Nobuko was killed, I took part in a seminar without telling you."

"That seminar was hosted by some psychological counseling experts, and it was aimed at relatives of people killed by criminals. The theme was 'healing trauma'. After losing my letter, I always felt empty. Find some sustenance. "After participating in the seminar, I realized that the so-called healing of trauma is actually teaching us how to hate the criminals who killed our relatives. Nobuko is dead, but Yoji Yamamoto who killed Nobuko is still alive in prison, and he eats, drinks, and spends money. It’s all our taxes! He pretended to be very docile, and dreamed of returning to society and being a new man every day. I yelled 'kill him' in court, but he was sentenced to 12 years! Thinking of this, I feel so tired It's like being burned by fire!

"At that seminar, I met a man named Oikawa. I couldn't say who invited who, and the two of them entered a cafe together. Now that I think about it, what Oikawa is looking for may be someone like me. "In the cafe, Oikawa said the following passage. "After the war, he was escorted by the Soviet Red Army to Siberia and imprisoned for eight years. When he finally returned to Japan, he found that his wife had already formed a family with his younger brother. There are too many tragedies caused by the war. In eight years, he didn't even have a single card. No postcards were sent to the family, and everyone thought he was dead. He left his hometown and never married again. But when he was in his 60s, he fell in love with his nanny, Michiko Ando, ​​because the nanny looked like him When the wife was young.

"But Michiko Ando likes Saga Toru who knows nothing but cheating women's money. Oikawa persuaded her many times, but she just didn't listen, and Saga Toru thought she was in the way and killed her. "I heard that Toru Saga was not sentenced to death, and Oikawa secretly made up his mind that whether it be 15 years or 20 years, as long as he is alive, he will take revenge. "I was attracted by Oikawa's words, and I felt exactly the same as him. "Later, I often went to Oikawa's house. I told Oikawa that I wanted to kill Yoji Yamamoto and erase him from the world. I had completely lost my mind.

"It seems that Oikawa is really looking for someone like me. He devised a plan to let Yoji Yamamoto and Saga Toru die at the same time. Oikawa said that Saga Toru had a murder record before killing Michiko Ando, It is simply a beast, and has the dark psychology of revenge against the law and the judiciary. He will not hesitate to kill another person. "If he kills Yamamoto, it will be three lives. No matter how merciful the Japanese law is, he will be sent to the guillotine. First kill Yamamoto by the hand of Saga, and then kill Saga by the hand of the law. Miaoji Jichuan has been plotting for many years.

"Oikawa first approached Yamamoto on the grounds that he had served a prison sentence in Siberia with Yamamoto's father, and then became his guardian. He completely gained his trust and talked to Oikawa. Yamamoto has always hated our daughter Nobuko, and at the same time dreamed He wanted to be a full-fledged company employee again, and he was still reluctant to part with his ex-wife... "Yamamoto and Saga were released from prison one after another. Yamamoto was under the control of Oikawa, and Saga also got hold of the situation through private detectives. I pretended to be a director of a company and called Yamamoto, saying that I was being blackmailed and asked him to help me kill The person who blackmailed me. At first he refused, but when he completely lost the possibility of reuniting with his ex-wife and was facing the dilemma of being fired from the company, Oikawa thought the time had come and asked me to buy Yamamoto with 50 million As a killer. Yamamoto was completely kept in the dark. He thought he was going to kill people to earn the 50 million. He never dreamed that he was going to be stabbed. I hid in the dark and saw him clearly. He was stabbed twice, his whole body was soaked in blood, and he struggled to crawl a few steps..."

When Chuanjian said this, there was a strange light in his eyes. Shi Jinzi closed his eyes, as if sitting there and fell asleep. Chuanjian was also silent, and after a long while, he seemed to just wake up from a nightmare, and said dejectedly: "However, I have one failure...that is, I talked too much when I was on the phone with Yamamoto." gone." Chuanjian approached Shijinzi's face: "Did you know? Nobuko was pregnant when she died, and the police told me after the verdict. At that time, Nobuko was really outrageous. She often spent the night outside and ignored our words... But... ...I really don't want to believe that she is pregnant. Could it be that she sold her body to earn money for an abortion...?"

When Oikawa told Chuanma about the Yamamoto murder incident, he said that Yamamoto fell into the trap of a prostitute female high school student and committed the murder for fear of ruining his reputation. "In the past, I always thought that Yamamoto was talking nonsense..." Kuanjian put his finger on his temple, "But, after talking with him on the phone, I gradually felt that what he said was true..." Chuanjian held Shijinzi's hand and shook it gently: "Yamamoto is not some beast, but an ordinary man. Small-minded...can't stand the temptation...the boring man you can see everywhere on the street .Not the devil, nor the beast."

Kushima's eyes flashed the pitiful face of Yamamoto soaked in blood. "I didn't want to kill him, and then I didn't want to kill him...I called the ambulance..." Shi Jinzi's eyes were still closed, and it looked as if she had closed her eyes on purpose. Chuanjian picked up a photo at random—it was taken when Nobuko was three years old.With a sweet smile, his eyes reveal infinite trust in the photographer Kuanjian. "Nobuko was this cute once too... We must have made a mistake somewhere... It would be great if we could start from scratch..."
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