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Chapter 20 Chapter nine

motivation 横山秀夫 1800Words 2018-03-15
Entering the last week of July, the weather is unbearably hot.Day after day of high temperature makes people dizzy, and the weather forecast repeats nonsense like "since the establishment of the meteorological station" every day. Unable to withstand repeated invitations, Yamamoto finally followed the manager Nozaki into a tavern.Reluctantly accepted the manager's invitation, it should be said that the words "Jingjiang is happy" are still ringing in my ears. There were several other staff members who came to the tavern together, including a staff member named Sasaki Haozi.Although Nozaki kept talking to Yamamoto about that, but his eyes kept staring at Yoshiko, Yamamoto immediately understood what Nozaki was thinking.

Haozi is almost 30 years old, with a cute little round face, and a round figure that looks a little fat.Probably to lose weight, Yoshiko's lunch box seems to be used by kindergarten children.Yoshiko is single - Yamamoto only found out about this in the tavern today. Nozaki sat Yoshiko next to him and started bragging with her.This was an easy task for Yamamoto, who knew that after drinking for three rounds, several other staff members excused themselves and left, and Yoshiko also stood up and wanted to leave.Nozaki stared greedily at Yoshiko's plump waist, and advised her to sit a little longer, but Yoshiko refused very simply.

"Then I won't force you to stay. I'll have two more drinks with Yamamoto." Nozaki said. After the two were left, Nozaki seemed relaxed: "By the way, did you know? Mr. Oikawa is going to run for city council." Yamamoto couldn't help stopping his chopsticks, and listened carefully to Nozaki's words. Nozaki said that the candidate for conservative parliamentarians in this area suffered a sudden heart attack and was hospitalized, so he was unable to run for election, and Mr. Oikawa was designated as the candidate.Although Mr. Oikawa is nearly eighty years old, he is well-known and is the chairman of the Silver Federation, so he should be able to win a lot of votes.

"But, this is a fierce battle zone!" Nozaki said as he took out a leaflet folded in four from his pocket, and unfolded it mysteriously under the table. The headline of the banner of the leaflet reads: Never let this despicable guy Oikawa be a city councilor!The leaflet was typed with a computer, and the entire page was full of slander and slander against Oikawa.Yamamoto was about to scold the person who printed the leaflets as a despicable person, but suddenly the word "Siberia" caught his attention, and he began to read it seriously. It was written by a former private first class of the Kwantung Army who lived with Oikawa in a Siberian labor camp.It is said that in the labor camp, in order to win the favor of Soviet officers, Oikawa did not hesitate to betray his compatriots and paved a way for himself to survive with the blood of his compatriots.He can get twice as much black bread as others, and he doesn't have to brave the severe cold of minus 40 degrees to work outside.The whole article is full of resentment towards Oikawa.

Yamamoto read the article half-believingly.I heard from my father that there were indeed some people in the labor camp who sold out their compatriots for themselves.However, Mr. Oikawa cared about him so enthusiastically, not to mention visiting the prison many times, and even helped him find a job after he was released from prison, and helped him get in touch with Jingjiang—no!That kind of betrayal of compatriots is definitely not what Mr. Oikawa did. Suddenly, Yamamoto discovered that the article written by the former private first class of the Kwantung Army was about the Khabarovsk labor camp, and the labor camp where his father and Mr. Oikawa lived was the Sverdlovsk labor camp in the west of Siberia.

"It's pure rumors!" Yamamoto said. Nozaki agreed: "Does it need to be said? Only I, Nozaki, can do this trick of slandering others!" Nozaki was already drunk, but he absolutely did not believe the flyer attacking Mr. Oikawa.In one sentence, Oikawa handed over all the moving business of the "Old People's Home" to "Nozaki Funeral Moving Company", which increased the company's revenue by nearly 30%. The two of them changed to another bar and continued to drink. Nozaki became weird while drinking: "Damn it! Good boy, you stinky bitch!"

As expected by Yamamoto, the topic of Nozaki finally turned to Yoshiko. "You...don't keep nodding, listen...listen to me?" "I've been listening carefully." Yamamoto didn't dare to neglect. "You say...you say... how about this little girl, Haozi?" "Very attractive, a nice girl." Nozaki laughed strangely: "Yamamoto, I...I...I envy you so much!" "What did you say? I don't understand." "If you want to do it... you... just do it!" Yamamoto's body seemed to be frozen: "Me? What are you doing?"

Nozaki smiled obscenely: "Everyone wants to do...what you did...everyone wants to do it. Everyone has a woman they want to embrace...and an enemy they want to kill, but...no one dares Do it, no matter how much you want to do it, you don’t dare to do it...the wife is terrible, the children are pitiful...don’t dare to do it, ordinary people dare not do it!" The hostess next to him hummed and entertained, thinking that Nozaki was talking crazy when he was drunk. If he really knew about Yamamoto's past, he might be so frightened that his body would become stiff and speechless. Yamamoto had a premonition in his heart: he won't work under Nozaki for long, and sooner or later he will tell everyone that he killed a female high school student.Yamamoto clearly realized that Nozaki is a narrow-minded man like a woman with a broken mouth, and if his own destiny is controlled by such a person, there will be no good results.

Yamamoto couldn't help but clenched his fists. He didn't know whether it was because of anger or contempt. The face of Jing Jiang appeared on the goblet in front of him.What would Jingjiang think of me if she was there?Should he call me Nozaki's slave, or persuade me to swallow my anger, continue working in Nozaki's company, and give her monthly money?Or say to me: "I have suffered much more than you!" At this time, Nozaki grabbed Yamamoto's shoulder and shook it vigorously: "Hey! You...you say...how does it feel? When you...do..." Yamamoto pulled Nozaki's hand off and glared at each other.Nozaki's eyes immediately showed a cowardly look, and he didn't dare to look at Yamamoto again until he collapsed on the ground drunk.

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