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Chapter 17 Chapter Six

motivation 横山秀夫 2526Words 2018-03-15
The next morning, Yamamoto came to Mr. Oikawa's house before going to work.Mr. Oikawa opened the door for Yamamoto while stroking his hair full of silver threads.Already an old man in his eighties, he is still so energetic, with his back straight.Seeing that Yamamoto came to visit early in the morning, he didn't show the slightest surprise, and he was still in his usual slow and steady manner. "Why are you in such a hurry, don't delay your work." Mr. Oikawa said unhurriedly, "This spring, your son will start middle school, which is a private school." As expected, it was about Jing Jiang and his son.

Oikawa also said that the tuition fees of private schools are very expensive. Although Jingjiang works as a salesman in an insurance company, his income is not much. In addition, he has to support his elderly parents, so life is very tight.Hearing that Yamamoto has found a formal job, he hopes to give his son more monthly support. "Understood. Please tell her that I will do my best." Yamamoto left Mr. Oikawa's house after saying this, his voice seemed to be trembling. The Yamamoto murder case was very cruel to Jingjiang's spirit. Jing Jiang, who was about to give birth, was told that her husband had killed someone.And just a few days ago, her husband was still looking up the dictionary with her, discussing what to name the child.The husband took advantage of the opportunity of her going back to her natal family to mess with a woman, but he was still a female high school student, and when he was done, he killed her!In the storm of curses such as "devil", "animal" and "beasts" blown up by the news media, her first child was born.

After Yamamoto was arrested, Jing Jiang never visited the prison.When the child was half a month old, she sent a divorce agreement to Yamamoto through a lawyer.The reason for going through the formalities in such a hurry was because she didn't want the child's last name to be the father's last name.The lawyer didn't even tell Yamamoto whether it was a boy or a girl. Jing Jiang refused to appear as a witness for Yamamoto.Under the repeated persuasion of the defense lawyer, two lines were hastily written: "For me, he used to be a good husband. I can't believe this happened."

Not only did Jingjiang never visit the prison, he didn't even write a letter to Yamamoto.What Yamamoto can imagine is that Jingjiang lives with her children at her mother's house in Funabashi. "But how does she live with a nursing child born to a murderer?" Yamamoto thought, spending countless sleepless nights in prison. It was Mr. Oikawa who told Yamamoto about Shizue. When Yamamoto served nine years in prison, he suddenly received a letter from an old man he didn't know.The letter stated that his name was Oikawa, and that like Yamamoto's father, he was captured by the Soviet Red Army in Northeast China, and was escorted to Siberia and imprisoned in the same labor camp.Said that Yamamoto's father was kind to him.I learned about Yamamoto at the gathering of survivors of the Siberian labor camp a few days ago, hoping to help Yamamoto.And offered to be Yamamoto's guardian, and he can look for him after he is released from prison in the future.He has no relatives around him, and he will treat Yamamoto as his own son.

After several letters with similar contents arrived, Mr. Oikawa came to visit the prison in person.Yamamoto was so moved that he burst into tears.His parents have long passed away, and because he committed a murder, his wife divorced him, and he has no relatives who have contact with him.Mr. Oikawa, who appeared in front of him at this time, is literally a fairy descending. Yamamoto unreservedly entrusted everything to Oikawa.First of all, he asked Oikawa to help him find out about Jingjiang.Not long after, Oikawa came to visit the prison again and told Yamamoto that he had seen Shizue.According to the agreement with Jingjiang, she didn't tell Yamamoto where she lived or what the child's name was, but she told Yamamoto that it was a boy who was growing up healthily.

Yamamoto collapsed to the ground crying.Since then, Yamamoto has reversed his negative state since he was imprisoned, and has become active everywhere.He made up his mind to be a model prisoner, even if it was one day earlier, he would get out of prison as soon as possible. The determination was a bit late, but it paid off.Two years later, Yamamoto was paroled and left prison a year early. He was placed in a freshman placement and began working part-time to earn money.He called on Mr. Ji Chuan and said that he now has an income and hopes to send some money to Jingjiang every month.Of course, what I want to say in my heart is to see Jingjiang and apologize to her face to face.He knew that Jingjiang would never agree to meet him.However, if I can help her a little financially, it can be regarded as fulfilling a little responsibility of a father.After all, there is a child involved between the two.

Jing Jiang categorically refused to ask for Shan Ben's money.Oikawa persuaded her for a long time, saying that even if you don't want Yamamoto's money, you should think about the future of the child. Saving some money for the child will not harm him.In the end, President Shizue agreed to accept Yamamoto's remittance, but asked Yamamoto to hand over the money to Oikawa first, and then Oikawa transferred the money to Shizue's account.In this way, Jingjiang also sealed off the only contact point.Agreeing to accept Yamamoto's money, maybe it's just punishment for Yamamoto, the heartless man who made their mother and child so embarrassed.

Still, Yamamoto felt he had found a purpose in life.He saves all the money he earns from part-time work, and can send 50,000 to 100,000 yen to Jingjiang every month.Although Jingjiang didn't respond at all, Yamamoto never blamed her.A happy family is destroyed by oneself, and the compensation should also be done by oneself.He continued to send money to Jingjiang without any hesitation. He lived with Jingjiang for four years, but his feelings for Jingjiang cannot be said to be very deep.Jingjiang is a clerk in a hospital, and Yamamoto met her when he went to that hospital to sell medicines.Once he invited Jing Jiang to dinner, drank too much wine, and spent the night in Jing Jiang's room with the help of alcohol, and the relationship between the two was extraordinary.As soon as this relationship spread, it was inconvenient for Yamamoto to go to Jingjiang's hospital to sell medicines.Jingjiang is a woman who is a good wife and mother, and it is time to find a home, so she discussed with Yamamoto and arranged the marriage.

After committing the murder, he felt the pain of losing Jingjiang, not that he found that he had deep feelings for Jingjiang.However, he believes that Jing Jiang is the only one who knows that he is not a "brute" as the news media said, but an ordinary person.The home with Shizue is also the only place where people look forward to Yamamoto's return.How nostalgic! But he knew that he would never be able to return to that warm home again.I understand that I understand, but I always hold such a glimmer of hope, and this hope is like a multicolored balloon, getting bigger and bigger.

"For me, he used to be a good husband." The judge released the note written by Jing Jiang in court.This sentence became Yamamoto's only spiritual sustenance. The reason why he could endure everything at "Nozaki Funeral Removal Company" now was not just for himself.As a formal company employee in the company, if there is a chance to face Jing Jiang in the future, he can prove to her that he has become a person recognized by the society.If Jingjiang is willing to reunite with herself, she will be worthy of her. Jingjiang asked for an increase in remittances, which meant that she already knew that Yamamoto was an official company employee.Yamamoto is so happy!Asking for more remittances was a cheesy statement, but it gave Yamamoto a sense of reality.He felt that the strength of the thread that could be broken at any time that maintained his relationship with Jingjiang had increased a lot.A big step forward - optimistic thoughts filled his head.

On the way to the company in a hurry, Yamamoto made a calculation in his mind: Although Nozaki gave him a basic salary of less than 200,000 yuan, he could get a subsidy of 1,000 yen for every corpse he moved, and the workers who moved the corpse Almost all his colleagues "give up" to him.Although he just gave Jingjiang 100,000 yuan this month, and with another 50,000 yuan taken out, the remaining money in the passbook is enough for him to live on. Immediately after get off work, Yamamoto went to a nearby ATM to withdraw 50,000 yen.After withdrawing, I looked at the balance. Why are there so many left?He took out his passbook and typed out the details, and saw a name he had never seen before, and he had entered 100,000 yen. "Kasai Shoji"——Intuition told Yamamoto that it must be the old man who called at night.
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