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Chapter 6 Chapter Six

motivation 横山秀夫 3086Words 2018-03-15
Kaise looked at his sleeping son Koichi and daughter Yumiko, and when he returned to the living room, his wife Aiko was pouring tea into the cup for him. "Sleeping?" Aiko asked. "Ah, I slept so well." Aiko handed the cup to her husband: "Let me tell you about Koichi's classmates in his class." "What happened next?" "After the kid got the paint all over the floor, he picked up the bucket used to put out the fire and flushed it. As a result, water was everywhere, and our socks were also wet." "That kid is really naughty."

"I'm only in the fourth grade of elementary school. It's really scary. I heard that some schools have recently lost their teachers because of the students making a lot of noise." Kaise would go home every day to ask about the school situation of the children, and when he came back late, he would ask Aiko. This was the happiest time for him, but he couldn't be happy tonight, and he seemed a bit reluctant to help Aiko. "By the way, I forgot to tell you, Erdu sent a box of apples." Aiko didn't see that her husband was in a bad mood. Bei Sete looked at the wall clock on the wall, and said, "I'll call him tomorrow to thank him after 10 o'clock."

"I need to call to say thank you, Erdu sends us apples every year." Aiko turned her face to the kitchen while talking, and listened with ears. Oops, Aiko is about to fall ill again!She must have heard the sound of gas leaking, only she could hear it. "It's okay." Bessie said softly. Aiko's face, which had turned livid just now, gradually returned to normal, and she rubbed her chest with both hands to calm the panting caused by the tension. They lived with their father for five years, and during the five years, Aizi took care of his father-not so much taking care of him as fighting.Gas switches, sleeping pills, kitchen knives, ropes...all things that can be used to commit suicide must be monitored.24 hours a day, 365 days a year.It can be said that the father is still alive now, thanks to Aiko's bright smile and black hair - the young Aiko already has gray hair.

"his dad……" "Ok?" "Did you go to the hospital today?" Beset didn't answer. "How is his grandpa?" "Still the same." "Really... I'll go see him next time..." Kaise did not agree to his wife's request. The wife still hasn't got rid of the troubles of her crazy father, and she is about to go crazy.If she was allowed to go, she might also be locked in that iron fence door and never get out. It was Kaise's decision to send his father to a mental hospital alone, without discussing it with Aiko.Kaise has always regretted not discussing it with Aiko, husband and wife.So whenever Aiko mentions his father, Kaise's heart becomes heavy.

After watching Aiko's figure disappear into the bedroom, Kaise got into the bed and lay down with her arms under her head.He felt very tired.As soon as I arrived at the hospital in the morning, I received 30 phone calls about the loss of the documents, and then I went to the cadre meeting hosted by the director, and became the target of public criticism; I heard Owada yelling at the U City Police Station, and was finally beaten by Yichuan. Is Yi Chuan a suspect? Not good.It is true that Yichuan is not interested in the police department. From the tone of his words, it can be seen that he is hostile to the police department, and his personality is also very awkward. However, if someone asks what is suspicious about Yichuan, Kaiser couldn't answer.It can be considered that it is impossible for Yichuan to commit the crime, and it can also be considered that if he committed the crime, he would not be so calm, at least no documents were found in his car.Kaise suspected him only because he was the chief person in charge that night, but thinking about it the other way around, it was precisely because he was the chief person in charge that he had the least chance of leaving the police station to transfer his documents outside...

"No chance..." Thinking of this, Kaise sighed helplessly. Kaise regarded Yi Chuan as the most likely suspect from the very beginning.If the documents were stolen by outsiders, Unified Custody is over with its advocates, but if it's done by insiders, especially if it's someone who hates the Police Department's Criminal Division, it's a different story.At that time, neither the system nor Kaise should be blamed, but the suspects from the criminal department!The head of the criminal department, Yamanouchi, no longer dared to speak loudly to Kaise.It can be said that it is entirely Kaise's subjective wish to identify Masukawa as a suspect.If the scope of suspects is expanded, how many people will be suspicious!It is very arbitrary and irresponsible for Kaise to designate Yichuan as a suspect.

Fiction, even Kaise himself thinks it is fiction. In fact, even if Yi Chuan is a suspect, he will not lose to Bei Lai.Yi Chuan is a very seasoned criminal police officer. He has caught thousands of criminals in the past 20 years!As for his opponent, Kaise from the administrative management department who has no search experience and no investigative authority, the outcome is already decided before the duel begins. Let the people in the monitoring room check it out!Kaise sighed helplessly, got out of bed and got up, pulling the briefcase over. Taking out the manuscript paper and laying it on the low table, Bei Shu prepared to write a speech for the reporter.This was the only job assigned to him by his boss after the document loss incident.

Half an hour passed...an hour passed... Kaise's hand holding the pen still didn't move. Why can't I write this kind of manuscript?Did I, Kaise, become a policeman just to write such articles? Bayase was unhappy. He respected his father, who had been a policeman all his life, and followed his father as a policeman.He didn't think about being promoted and getting rich, or getting ahead. As long as he could be a policeman, he could be a policeman, whether he was in the field or in the office, whether it was a criminal policeman or a traffic policeman.This is what he wrote over and over in his diary when he was studying at the police academy.

A good environment has cultivated Kaiser.The organization feels sincerely happy for this second-generation police officer who inherited his father's career. The elders treat him like their own son, with nothing but encouragement and expectation.When the bosses who knew his father saw him, they said, "Be a policeman like your father, surpass your father, and do a better job than him!" Kaise has lived up to the expectations of his elders. Whether it is his daily work or his promotion exams, he has worked hard and achieved good results.But he feels very tired from life, always feels that someone is forcing him to run forward, always feels that someone is asking him to do things beyond his ability, and always feels that he is not himself who is working hard.

Every time he was promoted, he made up his mind not to work hard anymore, feeling that he had reached the limit, and said to himself, okay, you have reached the end!Looking at the gradually increasing stars on the epaulets, I always feel that I am following in my father's footsteps.Father was no longer a member of the police organization, and after he became mentally ill, he had nothing to do with the police.But Kai Sete is different. He has been training him in the organization. From the Education Department to the General Affairs Department to the Police Department, he has been the section chief of almost all management departments.

The results of it? The organization that has been cultivating Kaiser and promoting Kaiser to its current level now has to put all the responsibility on him and isolate him as a sinner just because of a stolen document. Kaise dropped the pen. As if responding to his anger, coughing came from the children's room. Kaise got up lightly and opened the door of the children's bedroom.I saw Xingyi curled up like a sleeping baby, and all the quilts fell onto the bed.So is my younger sister, Yumiko.The two children even sleep in the same position. A heat wave hit his heart, and Kaise felt that his throat was congested. Bei Sete had secretly made up his mind a long time ago, try to have dinner with the whole family as much as possible, and even if he couldn't make it back in time for dinner, he had to come back before the children went to bed.What the old man failed to do, Kaise will do!He wants to be a real father! However, when next spring comes, Kaise will not be able to do it even if he wants to.Starting next spring, Kaise will obey the arrangement of the County Police Department and take turns serving in various police stations under the jurisdiction of the headquarters, maybe three years, maybe five years, maybe longer.It's like pulling children away from their side, it's so cruel!He has to go to work alone, leaving his wife and children here... Kitase returned to the living room, put away the manuscript paper, and took out the folder containing the copy of the duty log of the U City Police Department from the briefcase.It is not easy to get a copy. With this copy, at least I can get a general idea of ​​what happened last night.Of course, Kaise didn't know how much significance a generalization would have in solving the case.but…… "Even if you are dying, you have to struggle!" Thinking of this, Kaise opened the folder and looked carefully. At 6:30 in the evening, there was a traffic accident, three police officers were dispatched, and they returned to the office at 8:40. At 7:10, someone reported to the police that there had been a fight. Two police officers were dispatched, but it turned out to be a false report. At 7:58, they returned to the office. At 8:20, there was a traffic accident. … Every time an incident or accident occurs, there will always be someone dispatched and someone staying behind. It is necessary to find out who will stay behind and when!But now Kaise's mind is in a mess and he can't figure it out. He took out the manuscript paper again, cut it into 17 strips, wrote the name of the attendant on each note, and placed them on the table according to the time recorded in the log. After spending about two hours, Beise discovered a major clue: during the 20 minutes from 12:00 to 12:23 at night, there were only two people left in the police station—Yakawa and Totsuka! Koichiro Totsuka, a 25-year-old member of the theft detection team of the Criminal Police Division 1, is directly under Maskawa. The two did it together... If that's the case, it can explain why Yichuan didn't have any documents in his hand. It is very likely that he ordered Totsuka to transfer the documents outside. This is undoubtedly a wishful thinking, but this accidental new discovery completely occupied Kaise's heart. At 3 o'clock in the morning, Kaise restrained her excitement and tiptoed into the bedroom. Although his movements were very, very light, Aiko opened her eyes as usual.
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