Home Categories detective reasoning 64. The most heinous kidnapping and ticket tearing incident in history
The sun was shining brightly outside. On the way to the parking lot, Mikami basked in a momentary sense of liberation.Fully bathed in the morning sun, took a deep breath, stretched my hands and feet fully, smoked a cigarette, drank a can of hot coffee, and then raised the can towards the sixth floor with the blackout curtains drawn, and put it out Cheers gesture.This action is to spur himself. All the freedom he enjoys outside now is bought by the sacrifices of his friends who stayed inside, so he has made up his mind that he must not wait for death, and will never wait for death. save…… Suwa's face is always lingering in my mind, and I can't get it off.His face was so dim that one could not help but suspect that he might never see his smile again in this life.Even so, he tried desperately to pull himself together.If you show weakness to those who are in charge of personnel management, you will not be able to be a publicity officer in the future.He used this sentence to motivate himself and cut off all his escape routes.This is a necessary ritual in order to return to the confined space of the press conference, which is full of distorted sense of justice and privilege.

——Let’s laugh together another day! San Shang got into the car and looked at his watch.Seven twenty-two.One lap is fine.He walked slowly in the parking lot, looking for the minibus driven by Minako.The two-person team of investigators assembled at seven, which would have arrived by now if she had decided to come.Unable to find Minako's car, Mikami stepped on the accelerator hard and left the parking lot.There are several other parking lots, and Minazi will definitely come and be bathed in the bright sunshine. There is a lot of traffic on county roads. Mikami still obeyed the traffic rules, he had already given up on the 8:00 am press conference, and he forced the 10:00 am press conference out of his mind.The press conference at noon is the key to victory.Because noon is the deadline for preparing the ransom given by the kidnappers, the case will move forward vigorously at noon.To what extent can he participate in the investigation?How much live information can he grasp and provide to the press conference?Whether or not he can complete the task of the advertising room is all on this one.When he left that confined space, he immediately saw clearly what he was supposed to do.

If he was in the press conference, he must still think that this moment is the most important thing.For more than eight hours before crossing the day-changing line, Mikami confronted the media with the mood of running 100 meters, but in fact it hadn't even started yet.Whether it was the twenty-nine times that Ochiai ran back and forth, or the wholehearted support of the other three people, everything was just a warm-up exercise before the case unfolded.The next step is the key point. Whether the media should start working seriously, or really draw their swords against each other, will be after the case really starts to move.only……

The time before the opening of the prelude will not be passed peacefully because of this. How long can Ochiai last?The press conference at 8 o'clock, and then the press conference at 10 o'clock, Mikami's promise to the media could not be realized for a long time, and the first section chief never showed up.How harshly would Ochiai be scolded until four hours before noon? When the thought of being impossible to hold flashed in my mind, my heart seemed to be grabbed hard.The guy who has no resistance to stress at all and panics at every turn - Itokawa has been watching by his side, so his evaluation of Ochiai is basically not wrong, but for Mikami, Ochiai is no longer doomed one of the partners.

On the way, I passed a police car disguised as an ordinary car, and I saw the silver sheet metal body subtly blending into the car formation. Mikami held a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. He wrote a bad check.But you can't speak carefully just because you know it's impossible, and become a prisoner in a cocoon.The problem is, if they dare to break their promises to the 269 people, they may really ask this department to intervene!There is only one way to stop it, and that is to bring back information of the same quality as the first section chief attended the press conference. The strategy in Mikami's heart became more and more clear.

The Criminal Department must be hiding something.If there is any point that can be cut in, it is right.Because there is a gap in the definition of secrecy between Arakida, who sits in the special search headquarters, and Matsuoka, who guards the front line.Matsuoka knew that Mikami would tell the reporter but still revealed the name of Masato Mezaki, but Arakita still clings to the code name "A". And "C son" to refer to.Matsuoka also refused to reveal his wife's name, but rather than deliberately withholding it, Matsuoka seemed more motivated to do so by his beliefs or concerns.Having said that, Arakita is the kind of person who will cover up the whole thing in order to conceal a part, while Matsuoka will only conceal the part that he thinks must be concealed. The difference between the two is vast.Deducting the part that should be concealed, Matsuoka doesn't mind the leakage of information.What's more, a person like him should not think that it is possible to break the reporting agreement casually.After the exchange in the toilet, he already understood Mikami's concerns and current position. As long as Mikami didn't get to the bottom of the "things that should be concealed", he should be able to complete the task smoothly.Although he was a bit disapproving of avoiding talking about it, he had nothing to say when he thought of the miserable situation at the press conference.First ask all the information that can be obtained from Matsuoka.In this way, "information of the same quality as that of a section chief attending a press conference" can be brought back.Anyway, even if Matsuoka is really willing to attend the press conference, he will definitely conceal what he thinks "should be concealed".Even if he said the name of Masato Mezaki, no matter how much the reporters besieged him, he would never say the names of Mutsuko and Utasumi, and finally he would say that sentence: There are always things you can say and things you can't say... …

Suddenly, a feeling that didn't look like doubt or anxiety surged into Mikami's heart. ——Is it just because of this? Is there no other reason?The Ministry of Criminal Affairs believes that the names of the victim's family are "something that should be concealed."But is that really the only way? Not only?There should not be such a weak reason. What the Criminal Department concealed must be "something" related to the case or the foundation of the investigation.If there is anything Arakita would like to hide even if he is an enemy of all media, it must be a secret with nuclear bomb-level destructive power like the "Koda Codex".He thought so, but...

Everything is just his conjecture, and there is no evidence.He didn't even know what "something" was.The method of imitating 64 disturbed Mikami's thoughts.The accident that happened the day before the 64 inspection attracted all negative thoughts like a thick cloud, and it rained speculation in Mikami's heart every day.But after all, it is just rain in the heart, without any entity.If there are any facts, only Matsuoka, who is in charge of directing the investigation, insists on refusing to name Mutsuko and Utasumi, that's all. Ge Cheng's part is reasonable, after all, she is a minor who is suspected of directing and acting herself.Even for Matsuoka, who had a deep abhorrence of crime and considered age no excuse, there was nothing particularly unnatural about not saying her name in this situation.

The problem is Mutsuko... Mikami had never thought about this question before.Why did Matsuoka hide even his mother's name? Because she is a woman?Because she is weaker?Because she is a poor mother whose daughter was kidnapped, or betrayed by her daughter?Is it based on this psychology? There's always something wrong with it.Isn't that so?So what?Or was it simply because he was moved by Mikami's plea?Originally, he didn't intend to say anyone's name, but he really couldn't bear to see his former subordinates cornered, so he reluctantly said the name of the male master.

No, there are always things you can say and things you can't say! The name of Masato Mezaki can be said, but the names of Mutsuko and Utasumi cannot be said-as a person. I am getting more and more confused. What exactly does this sentence mean?Still doesn't mean anything?If it's interesting... Mother and daughter... This combination made Mikami a bunch of bad imaginations in his mind. He also passed by a police car disguised as an ordinary car. It seems that the police network has spread all over the county.In a few hours, the chase drama of paying the ransom will be staged again, and it may turn into a chase in broad daylight!

The signboard of "Kwai Coffee" came into view.Since it also provides breakfast service, it is already open.Will this be the starting point again?Mikami looks for Minako's face from the window, will she be in this shop this time?Will I be sitting in the same seat as I was fourteen years ago? Mikami suddenly felt very scared, feeling that he was pushing Mina into a bottomless black vortex. Although there was no proof, he always felt that something was going to happen.It is precisely because there is no evidence and no evidence that it feels even more terrifying. At this point, he remembered what Matsuoka said.He had never heard this sentence before, so it was Matsuoka's own words, it must be Matsuoka's own thoughts!That being the case, this must be a metaphor, probably referring to "something that should be concealed". The shadow of a bird flitted across the windshield. As soon as the light turned green, Mikami immediately accelerated forward.Not just for the press room, Mikami himself also wanted to get a glimpse of the world inside Matsuoka's pupils as soon as possible.
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