Home Categories detective reasoning 64. The most heinous kidnapping and ticket tearing incident in history
The soles don't feel like they're stepping on the floor. Mikami walked from the iron door at the end of the corridor to the escape ladder.He couldn't think of anywhere else to go.The sun had almost set, and the wind was strong, but I didn't feel cold at all, because there was a steady stream of hot air gushing out of my body that couldn't be blown away. The special examination team intends to seize the throne of the Minister of Criminal Affairs. With this conclusion, the script for the 64 inspection will be written.Chief Otsuka went directly to County D to offer condolences to the victim's family and vowed to arrest the criminal.And it's not just talking about it, but specific countermeasures will be proposed in the subsequent surprise interview.Promoting capable personnel from the special examination team to sit on the position of Minister of Criminal Affairs, strengthen the cooperative relationship with this department, so as to fully utilize the capabilities of the D county police and use them in the 64 investigation.

This is quibbling at all.The case that has been dusty for a long time will not change at all because someone from the special examination team becomes the Minister of Criminal Affairs.Instructions and orders just to show their presence will make the scene more chaotic, and finally waste time on writing reports.Knowing that the possibility of solving the case is very slim, there is only one reason for the Office to bring up 64 for discussion, and that is to use the most legitimate reason to seize the throne of the Minister of Criminal Affairs.The abacus was really good.Regardless of whether 64 will solve the case or delay the prosecution period, the special examination team will be able to dominate the throne of the criminal chief of the D County Police from now on.

What a cruel thought. The throne of the criminal minister became the designated seat of the special examination team. There are less than ten such police headquarters in Japan, and all of them are in big cities.Most of the rest of the local police have long stuck to the "homegrown" Minister of Criminal Affairs.Having said that, the control of the local government by this department is already like the completion of the national police.The positions of the first-ranked head of the department and the second-ranked police minister were all taken up by the special examination team, and the post of the police minister, including public security, was no exception.If the erosion continues, even the concept and definition of local police may be shaken.Therefore, the throne of the Minister of Criminal Affairs has naturally become the last line of defense for the local police to continue serving in the local government.

The most troublesome thing is the wavering of people's hearts.For the police who have climbed up from the grassroots, the Minister of Criminal Affairs is not only an important position, but also the highest point of his own success, which can be regarded as a towering spiritual peak.Even if I can't reach that apex, the person standing on the apex is always a representative of my family. The impact of this universality on the psychological level is inestimable.Just like someone who grew up near Mount Fuji, it is impossible not to mention Mount Fuji when describing his life.Although the control of Tokyo is pervasive, the reason why the local police can still hold their heads high and declare "our organization" and "our prefectural police" is because there are people in the same robes who have climbed up from patrol all the way like themselves. Become the highest cadre, sit on an equal footing with the special examination team and dominate the entire police organization.

Could it be that even this reality has to be taken away?Isn't this the same as taking away the only remaining pride of the local police, and asking them to completely submit to this department physically and mentally? Mikami looked up.The night sky, too black to see a single star, swallowed the wind. Is the D county police officer being targeted?Because the Minister of Criminal Affairs from the local area has made no achievements at all, and will continue to do nothing in the future. It has been fourteen years since 64 happened, and it is the only case in which the murderer has not been caught among the kidnapping and ticket tearing cases that have occurred all over the country in the past fourteen years. fact.But taking a step back, assuming that the lack of talents and the inability to detect major criminal cases are really the "crimes" of the D county police, is this crime serious enough to face the "capital punishment" of being confiscated as a minister?

Having said that, why has the Ministry never reached out to the post of Minister of Criminal Affairs in the past?Instead, the second search section under the command of the minister was first set as a designated seat for the special examination team.They said that there should be no local differences in the reporting standards for corruption and violations of the election and strike law, so they sent the young head of the special examination team to all parts of the country in order to establish a hotline with this department.This is a world where the weak prey on the strong, and there is no need to come up with so many tricks. It would be better to use force from the beginning to set the Minister of Criminal Affairs as the designated seat for the special examination team.But this hall did not do so.Because this department also knows that for small and medium-sized local police, the throne of the criminal minister is their treasure and spiritual support, so they dare not act rashly.It's not thoughtfulness, it's crisis management.Considering the risk of local backlash, I worry that depriving everyone of their confidence and forcing them to submit will lead to low morale in the local area.As a result, it evolved into a tacit understanding among everyone, regarding the criminal department as an untouchable area.And in a certain respect, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs is indeed competent to play the role of check and balance between the department and the local government.

So why tip the balance now? The local rebound must have been expected by this hall.In fact, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs is resisting fiercely.Although there is a bad record of 64, is it necessary to unilaterally break the original good tacit understanding and get the throne of the Minister of Criminal Affairs? I'm afraid that's not the case.No matter how many and high-sounding the reasons are, they are not the real reasons. hegemonism.Superior instinct.Perhaps some gigantic gear is already at work in Tokyo.First let the local police lose their self-identity, and then remove the original personnel management principles to achieve the real purpose of the national police.Taking the D county police officer under the knife is the first way to get rid of him?Or as a test?In any case, the current Minister of Criminal Affairs is still the small and medium-sized county police of his own family. There will definitely be a major earthquake. Just an unsolved case may become a reason for the confiscation of official positions.As soon as this case is opened, the local police will start to be suspicious and suspicious, and the fear of this department will be raised to the highest point.This is the real purpose of this hall, which is to kill chickens and monkeys.The beheading of the criminal department of the D county police is all to let everyone know the power and tactics of the national police.

A gust of wind suddenly passed over his face. Mikami clenched his fists until he felt a dull pain. The blood in the body is boiling.That is the blood of the criminal police.Other than that, there is no other way to describe it. The passionate emotion turned his whole body into a wave of violence.
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