Home Categories detective reasoning 64. The most heinous kidnapping and ticket tearing incident in history
The next day, Sunday, Sanshang drove out before nine o'clock in the morning. When 64 happened, Kakinuma was just married and was living in an apartment-type small family dormitory in Chuo Town.Later, he became a member of the private class and sneaked into the Amemiya house, and then continued to stay in the special class.Since he was never transferred after that, according to Mikami's judgment, he should still live in the original place. The exterior looks almost the same as ordinary municipal housing.There are six dormitories commonly known as the "Central Standby Dormitory". Mikami visited once, and Kakinuma's home is on the first floor of the building on the right as he remembers.Put on your baseball cap and glasses before getting off the bus.In order to prevent the infiltration of cults, the mailboxes of all residents have been removed, and memory alone is not reliable. After searching for a long time, I finally found the house number of "Kakima" on the second floor of the second building from the right, with my wife Mei on it. Son and three children's names.

I'm afraid he had already received a silent call from Urushihara last night, Mikami thought.But he still pressed the bell, and immediately a woman's high-pitched voice came from inside the door: "Here we come." The door was opened a crack, and the door chain was still hanging on it. "May I ask who you are?" Yashengzi's face was exposed through the crack of the door, which surprised Mikami.Because her face still looks as young as when I saw it many years ago. "I'm Mikami, when I was in the special criminal unit a long time ago..." Before Sanshang finished speaking, Yashengzi realized it.

"Ah! I remember, my husband was taken care of at that time." Yashengzi put on his sandals and walked out.She smells a bit like Mizuki Murakushi, although she can't be called a great beauty, but her hearty smile is particularly dazzling.Because it coincided with the time of her mother's death, she was unable to attend her wedding with Kakinuma, so Mikami only met Kakinuma twice. It was to visit their new house with a few colleagues.Calculating that nearly fifteen years have passed, Yashengzi is still full of youth. No one would doubt that she is only in her twenties, and it is not obvious at all that she is already a mother of three children.

"I often hear my husband mention Mr. Mikami! Do you often feel itchy ears?" Mikami replied with a wry smile.It's nothing more than a "Beauty and the Beast" rumor! "As long as my husband drinks two more glasses, he will always mention Mr. Mikami and say that you are a real criminal policeman. He also said that the so-called police detective refers to people like you." Mikami only thought she was talking about the scene, and let it go, but Yashengzi seemed dissatisfied with his reaction. "It's true! He said that only Mikami-san took all the first and second lessons. He always told me enviously what a great thing it was."

"That's why he flattered me too much." In order to avoid the eyes and ears around him, Mikami went to the place where he took off his shoes.Accompanied by the sound of pattering footsteps, a little girl who was in the lower grades of elementary school and a little ghost who couldn't tell whether she was a boy or a girl, and didn't know if she went to kindergarten or not, appeared.At the end of the corridor, there was another boy, who was probably a junior high school student, peeking at people with squinting eyes. "Is your husband not here?" Although it was obvious, Mikami still asked the question knowingly.I saw Yashengzi picking up the youngest child, pursing his lips and muttering.

"Unfortunately, I went out ten minutes ago." "Go to the Central Office?" Although it is only a false name, the special search headquarters of 64 is still set up under the D Central Office. "No, although I am also going to work, I am not going to the Central Administration." "I can always rest on the weekend!" "Not at all! I don't know if it's good or bad. After all, there are children who are treated so cruelly. It would be great if the murderer could be caught." Yashengzi looked at the child in his arms.From the child's sharp laughter, Mikami finally guessed that it was a girl.

"Our family... has been like this since we got married. It's like I'm married to 64. If the murderer can't be caught, my husband is too pitiful. Once the prosecution period is over and he is transferred, this Regrets will definitely follow him for the rest of his life." Mikami nodded sympathetically. "My husband also said that I really hope Mr. Mikami can come back, so that the murderer can definitely be caught." Mikami felt a dull pain in his chest, as if there was another self above his head looking down at the self below. "Your husband will definitely be able to catch the murderer. After all, he knows more about this case than anyone else."

"I hope so! If I can go up three levels because of this, I have nothing to say." Yashengzi laughed heartily. "Did Urushihara call last night?" "Ah, yes, Mr. Erdu also called." Because it was the expected result, Mikami's expression was not affected at all. "Has it happened before?" "Well, he calls often! My husband will take the initiative to call him occasionally." "I mean Erdu." "Oh! This is the first time. Not just a phone call, he stayed at my house late into the night yesterday!" Another step ahead.The speed of Erdu's hands and feet made Misami almost amazed.

Yashengzi's face sank and he said: "My husband said that he is a big shot in the police department, but what kind of person is he?" "What's the meaning?" "Because my husband pretended not to be at home and refused to see him." "That's it..." "Is this the so-called surveillance?" Mikami quickly forced a smile. "No! He is in the same period as me and is in charge of personnel affairs. It must be related to this aspect! Because your husband has not changed for fourteen years, maybe you are here to ask him if he wants to change his working environment!"

Yashengzi believed it. "Oh...what a fool, if that's the case, I should see him!" "Does your husband still want to be transferred to another unit?" "I think so. Because when he was drunk, he would often give up and say that he could only hang out like this until the prosecution period expired." I can only hang it like this... Does it mean that someone left him? The child in Yashengzi's arms pulled her hair, and Mikami suddenly remembered something. "Does your husband go out with his mobile phone?" "Excuse me." Yashengzi turned his face back, begging for mercy with one hand.

"He warned me very sternly never to give the number to anyone." "I understand that." Even if the other party is a police officer, you cannot tell the other party your mobile phone number.All criminal police will explain their family members in this way. Come back another day.Just when Mikami was about to leave, Yashengzi said: "But he should be going there!" "where?" "Did you know there is a supermarket called Tokusatsu in Matsukawa?" "Yes, it's next door to the steel ball shop." "That's right there. My husband probably parked his car there near the entrance of the parking lot. Because I go shopping in Desong every two days, I have seen my husband's car there several times recently." Spying on...? "Didn't it just happen to park the car on the side of the road!" "Ah! The entrance to the parking lot is in the first alley that turns from the main road, but that road is wide, so it won't block the entry and exit of other vehicles." Yashengzi misunderstood Mikami's meaning and defended her husband. "Is he alone in the car?" "That is to say! Could it be that he is watching some suspicious person? I tried to say hello to him once, but he gave me a serious beating and told me not to come closer." Now I'm going to be scolded again.Although I didn't tell others the phone number, but I told the whereabouts, the result was still the same.Although it was Yashengzi who said it on his own initiative, Mikami still felt a little bit sorry, feeling that he seemed to have taken advantage of Yashengzi's kindness. "Then I'll go find him." "Just go and have a look! I'm really sorry to let you go for nothing." "Where is it? I'm the one who interrupted you suddenly, so I'm sorry. Also, I'll treat it as passing Desong by chance." Yashengzi said "Ah!" in surprise and joy. "Please, or I will be scolded again." But she didn't really seem to care.The family certainly doesn't care much about such little things. Mikami turned to leave, but turned around immediately. "Where is your husband's car?" "The dark green SKYLINE is very old." "Thank you. Then I'll bother you another day." The voice of "Goodbye!" came from next to his ear, making Mikami turn his head again.The small face perfectly blends the features of the parents, and is shyly buried in the mother's chest.
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