Home Categories detective reasoning 64. The most heinous kidnapping and ticket tearing incident in history
The news was playing on the muted TV, announcing the end of the day. Mikami was lying in his living room, staring at the screen absently.Minako just went to rest, and there was almost no conversation between the two.Feelings of defeat, feelings of humiliation, feelings of wanting revenge, feelings of regret.Although I tried my best to digest it on the car home, I still brought some emotions home that I couldn't handle. My brain still feels numb. Akikawa's explosive speech directly became the opinion of everyone in the press club.After the turmoil, a temporary general meeting was held, and it was officially decided to "refuse to interview the chief inspector".This caused Ishii to kneel in front of Akama, and Akama also demoted Mikami to nothing with a passionate attitude that he had never had before.

However, he still did not dismiss Mikami from his post as a public broadcaster.Because in terms of the results alone, Mikami's actions did prevent the reporters from directly protesting against the minister.Therefore, the fact that the protest document was torn up is also regarded as Mikami's improvised judgment, rather than a force majeure emergency.What the reporters saw as "barbaric" behavior was evaluated as "responsiveness" by the prefectural police, and Mikami's fault was mitigated a little because of this. ... What a wonderful workplace environment!Mikami couldn't help but think so.

Not only about the protest against Wen, but also why didn't Minister Tsujiuchi come out to care about it?There was only a thin door in between, so it was impossible for him not to hear the commotion outside, and it was impossible for him to hide under the desk out of cowardice.Then I'm afraid it was decided to ignore it from the beginning.Don't look, don't listen, don't care what's going on outside the small room.With an expression that has nothing to do with me, I think it is a trivial dispute with the rural police anyway.Why?Because the head office is not just an office of the D County Police Headquarters, it is the territory of both "Tokyo" and the "Police Agency".

The task of the local police is to properly train such "people on the cloud".Only provide information that sounds pleasant. As for bad news, you must not leak a word.Be sure to serve the minister during his term of office obediently.He often kept the head office in a sterile state, without informing the local police of their current situation and helplessness, let him live like a flower in a greenhouse, and then stuffed expensive farewell gifts from corporate groups into his pockets sent back to Tokyo.After hearing the same line at the resignation press conference, "I feel the warmth of the staff and the county residents, but I will end my term without loss", I let go of the big stone in my heart, and before I have time to catch my breath, I start running around to collect the personality and interests of the next head of the headquarters. .

Mikami lit a cigarette. I was also forced to play such a role.No, he took up this task voluntarily.He racked his brains just to protect Yun Shangren, first made some small moves against the media off the stage, and finally went on stage to perform Quan Wu Xing himself.Feeling that he has stepped into a dilemma, he has become a veritable lackey of the police department, and he also took the initiative to call the world: "I am the watchdog of the minister, please give me your advice."Now I can only accept this fact obediently.However, Chijian stepped on him twice at every turn, and the reporters all looked down on him. If he continued to sink like this, he would really be just a lost dog.

Er Du's face was imprinted on the retina. What was going through his mind when he saw Mikami cornered by the young reporters?Are you laughing at his uselessness?Or sympathize with his situation?Or is it regarded as a scoring standard for personnel assessment and written in the notepad in the mind? Erdu escaped from the commotion.Are you worried that you will be affected?Or do you think it's none of your business anyway, so you leave?No matter what the answer is, you can immediately smell the fire at the city gate. In order to avoid harming the fish in the pond, it is the way of the police to avoid it quickly!However……

They will meet one day, Mikami and Erdu are now standing on the same chessboard. 64. Koda's Letters... Through these dangerous fires, whether they are willing or not, there will be a day when they will face a confrontation.And it was an unfair battle.How can a chess game be played like this?The situation was basically developing without Mikami's knowledge.Not only that, he doesn't even know if Erdu is an enemy or a friend, but he still has to fight him, and he has a very strong premonition that it will be a fierce battle. Mikami glanced at the calendar on the wall. Akama issued several orders, one is to treat this weekend as a "cooling period" and not to contact reporters any more; the other is to continue to persuade Yoshio Amamiya; The emperor personally explained the ins and outs of this turmoil.

The incident was so big that even Akama had to talk about calming down the incident.The media symposium is usually held in the middle of the month, and the attendees are the editorial directors and sub-bureau directors of the 13 media that have joined the press club.This time, it was deliberately held in advance amidst the turmoil, in order to greet the cadres of various media first, so as to prevent the indignation of front-line reporters from directly turning into the indignation of newspapers, making things even more out of control.The question is, can this really calm the anger?Because what Mikami was allowed to do was only to "explain", and he could neither "explain" nor "apology".

The third general extinguished the unfinished cigarette. There was nothing to say about having to take bullets at the media conference, but it was heavy on his heart to have to convince Amamiya again.He always felt that no matter how many times he went, it was impossible for the other party to accept the condolences of the officer.He didn't know what to say to him, and he didn't want to play tricks to dig a hole for Yugong to jump.On the other hand, his concern for Yu Gong's inner world not only did not decrease, but became more intense.Why did Yu Gong refuse the condolences of the chief?Why keep refusing to leave with the police?He always thought that as long as he could understand this point, it would be logical for Yu Gong to accept his condolences.Do some work and collect some information from the "specialized squad" beforehand, so it should still be within the scope of the positive attack method, right?If it is a criminal policeman who specializes in the squad, he should know the change of Amamiya's mentality and his current mood!What people are more concerned about is the gag order issued by Minister Arakita, as well as Erdu's movements...

In any case, everything can only be said tomorrow. Mikami climbed out of the quilt warming table, changed into pajamas, tiptoed to the corridor, and entered the bathroom. Turning on the faucet a little bit, and quietly washing his face with a trickle of water, his tired and tired face was reflected in the mirror, which was really ugly.He didn't know that he had thought about it hundreds of times.But it can neither be lost nor changed, so I have to bear this face for forty-six years.The wrinkles on the forehead and under the eyes deepened, and the muscles in the cheeks began to relax.In another three or five years, no one should say that he and Ayumi were carved out of the same mold!

——Ayumi is still alive. It is precisely because he is still alive that he cannot find it.She just hides.Because I hid and didn't want to be found, I couldn't find it.It's hide and seek, hide and seek.The game Ayumi played most often when she was a child.When he wasn't on duty, when he got home, Ayumi would jump into his arms like a puppy... Mikami turned his head suddenly, as if there was some noise. He turned on the tap and listened. This time I did hear the doorbell at the entrance. It was almost twelve o'clock.Body before thinking, Mikami sprinted out of the bathroom.The heart beats so fast.Grabbing the shoulders of Mina who was poking her head out of the bedroom, she pushed her back into the room and quickly walked through the corridor.Turning on the light at the entrance, stepping on the ground of Sanhe soil with bare feet, and hopefully opened the sliding door of the entrance.Cold air, fallen leaves, men's shoes... Yamashina of the All County Times was standing outside the door. "Good night." Mikami turned his head to face the corridor, perhaps understanding everything from his expression, Minako's figure in a white nightgown quickly disappeared into the bedroom. Turning his face back to Shan Ke's direction, although he couldn't help but glared at him, it was incredible that there was no anger in his heart.Because Yamashina's nose is red.He turned up the collar of his coat and was rubbing his hands to keep warm. "come in!" Mikami invited him into the entrance, and immediately blocked the cold wind from the door. "I'm really sorry today." Yamashina bowed his head deeply to apologize, and then began to quickly explain what happened at the club meeting in the evening.According to him, he was set up by Qiu Chuan. "That guy made a head start from the very beginning, saying that Guangbao used despicable means to divide the various newspapers. If the club cannot unite at this moment, it is tantamount to being tricked by Guangpao. Then every day Utsuki also began to vent his anger with him, so that no one dared to propose to whom to keep the protest text. And even the local newspaper was so angry. It's no wonder, because we have decided to stand on the side of the public Here, I didn’t expect Guangbao to engage in some tricks with those hardliners in private.” Mikami listened to his explanation in silence, and now he finally understood.When he heard the result of "passed unanimously", he was not only surprised and angry, but also a little powerless.It turns out that if there are these twists and turns, it is indeed possible to produce a "unanimous approval" result.The key lies in Mikami's miscalculation of Toyo's strategy.What he adopted was the strategy of capturing the editor-in-chief first, in an attempt to control the above, but this caused unnecessary stimulation to Akikawa.Not only let the other party earn a bid rigging information for nothing, but also let the other party launch the most serious revenge, revealing the tricks of the publicity office under the table, causing all newspapers to fall into a state of suspicion and ghosts.Even Utsuki, who had tasted the sweetness from Suwa, was in a mess.If he didn't handle it well, he might be isolated in the club. It was this fear that made him defect! "There is a set." "Akikawa?" "I didn't expect me to be so annoying." It's no longer a matter of buttoning the wrong button.He couldn't help himself not to think about it.How would he have dealt with the anonymity that caused the storm three months ago? On the car home, he also thought about this issue seriously.There should be another way to go about the anonymous issue.It has nothing to do with face, nor is it a tool for trading, but a touchstone for Mikami's commitment to the reform of public broadcasting.If it was three months ago, he would definitely take a gamble, betting that "try to believe" that even if the real name of the pregnant woman is announced, the reporters will not report it.It was an opportunity to see how they would react if they faced the press room head-on.To be honest, he didn't know if he could really make the judgment to announce his real name.But that was indeed the period when the barriers between the two sides were least clear.Shaking hands is not an act that can be done by one person, someone must extend his hand first.In this way, can the scenery outside the "window" be changed? "Don't say that, I don't think Akikawa's problem is because he hates the broadcaster or wants to attack the broadcaster." Yamashina said with a knowing expression on his face. "His goal is the people on the top, the group of special examination teams who walk with wind. In short, it is the East University complex! That's why he growled and protested directly to the head. In fact, it was just for the special examination team. Take a look at it. Should I say that I hope to be on an equal footing with the other party? Or do I hope that the other party takes him seriously?" "K University is already very good, isn't it?" "Haha! This is what ordinary people like us think. I went to drink with him once before, and he accidentally said it when he was drunk, saying that his parents both graduated from Dongda University, so he has been Edom since he was a child. Da is the only goal, when I failed the ranking, I really wanted to commit suicide." Since it was Yamashina's words, Mikami was dubious.At this time, he suddenly lowered his voice. "Speaking of which, is it true...?" "Which thing are you referring to?" "I mean, are the allegations of dividing the newspapers true?" It turned out that Shanke didn't come to explain anything, but to inquire about this.His intuition told him that if there was a case of sowing dissension, it must be using the intelligence of the case to carry out gentle work.In other words, Sanshang must have some valuable inside information, and other newspapers may already know this inside information. "Sit down and talk." Two people sat by the cold door. Mikami felt that tonight he was able to understand the feeling of a bereaved dog, and a reporter without the ability to do interviews could only go to visit the people in the newspaper in the middle of the night like this.Because no matter how long you lingered in the public dormitory of the criminal department, you couldn't find any news, so you had to ring the doorbell of the Guangbao with the last hope. Maybe the Guangbao would like to reveal something.However, the Publicity Office was established to provide unified news to the major media, so it is simply not allowed to give and receive privately.Shan Ke must be struggling in his heart, because appearing here is tantamount to admitting that he is a second-rate or third-rate reporter who can't even handle the relationship with the criminal police.But he came anyway.A reporter who can't find news has exactly the same state of mind as a car salesman who can't sell a car or an insurance salesman who can't even sign an insurance policy. Maybe I still feel ashamed, but Yamashiko didn't ask straight-forward questions. "Has the ex-prefect flower gone to bed?" "Ok." "Where's Ayumi?" "Slept too." When he first joined the County Times, Shan Ke often appeared in this family.His natural frivolity often made Minako and Ayumi, who didn't have anyone to worry about at the time, laugh out loud.Until Mikami, who was worried about his "existing convictions", ordered Minako not to let reporters in, Mikami often found Yamashiko sitting in the living room after taking a shower. Even Mikami himself found it incredible.Although being allergic to reporters is a complication of "convicted records", when Mikami was a criminal police officer, he used to deal with reporters knocking on the door in the middle of the night in front of the entrance every night.It was a feeling that could not be called a peer consciousness, nor a relationship of evil fate.Although the positions are different, everyone is chasing the same event, and the point of desperation is similar.What's more, the work of criminal police can only be evaluated by the society through media reports.Anyone who has been a criminal police officer must have experienced the joy of seeing the cases he solved published in newspapers, and he must have done such a thing as turning those news reports into newspaper clippings.In addition, when Mikami was a criminal policeman, the old policeman above would say that "the criminal policeman who dare not even approach reporters is too early", so Mikami's allergy to reporters has not evolved into hating reporters. the point. It never occurred to him that the presence of reporters would turn into a threat.Blindly accusing him, attacking him, and cornering him seems to make him even less than a policeman.It's really self-inflicted, who told him to retract the outstretched hand first.But even if he was at fault, is it necessary to attack him to pieces?In the past twenty-eight years, he has never done anything wrong to those senior journalists, but they didn't even care about their sympathy.These betrayers, these guys who will revenge.All that came to my heart was this kind of emotion that was close to hatred. The question is, what does Yamashina next to him think?He is still the same as before, he can only play tricks, but he can't even dig out any information.Just because Otobe, the capable reporter leader of their family, jumped to Yomiuri two months ago, and he suddenly had to take on this heavy responsibility despite his obvious incompetence, which is worthy of sympathy. Dongyang should publish the report that the executive of Octagon Construction was interviewed in tomorrow's morning paper!This is the scoop earned by asserting a direct protest against the minister.On the other hand, Yamashina, who swallowed "hand over to the broadcaster for safekeeping" for the sake of Mitsuko, will cry when he sees Toyo's exclusive news! Mikami let out a breath through his nose. Still meeting the deadline?When the words came to his lips, Yamashina murmured to himself: "I didn't see Ayumi's shoes!" Mikami was stunned. Yamashina looked at the ground and continued: "I think we can also provide all kinds of assistance! After all, it is a local newspaper, and there are eyeliners everywhere." The lack of intonation conveys several layers of meaning. Shan Ke turned his face around, and the lost dog showed its sharp fangs that seemed to be broken at any time.
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