Home Categories detective reasoning 64. The most heinous kidnapping and ticket tearing incident in history
There is no view from the window of the advertising room. The wall of the data warehouse built next to the government building blocked the line of sight.Mikami leaned back in his chair, staring thoughtfully at the wall that had turned brown due to rust.Of course not in a daze.In his lifetime, he might not have the luxury time to be in a daze! A fatal car accident turned into a serious car accident.In the past, only cases where the victim died within 24 hours of the accident were considered fatal accidents.It was a clever trick by the police to make the number of dead look smaller.But after being slammed by the media, even deaths over 24 hours are now listed as fatal car accidents.

Conceal the fact that the perpetrator is the daughter of a public security committee member, and conceal the fact that the victim has passed away.It can be said that "from beginning to end, from beginning to end" is a script written by the police. There was a sound from behind, and Mikami turned around to see that Meiyun was putting the re-brewed tea on his desk.And behind her, there was a thin figure about to walk out of the advertising room with a camera in his hand. "Where are you going?" Zangqian was startled, stopped, turned around and walked over to answer. "Exchange Park. There is a band holding a small concert today, and I will take pictures."

Cursing words could not help but blurt out. "Just leave it to Meiyun! Didn't I tell you to deal with the next door? It doesn't matter if it's one family or two, in short, we'll settle a few first!" Kozo stood upright expressionless.Mikami turned his eyes away, because he saw his own shadow on Kuramae's body, exactly the same shadow as himself, exactly. Zangqian handed the camera to Meiyun and walked out of the advertising room.Mei Yun hung the camera on her shoulder and followed him out. After making a phone call, Mikami drank a sip of tea to moisten his throat and left the press room quickly.

The scenery outside looked different. Maybe it's because my determination is different!Because he has already realized that it doesn't matter if he is a dog, but if he wants to be a dog, he must be a dog of the police department.Now that he understands that he does not have the option of resigning, it doesn't matter what the content of the job is. All he can do is to perform silently, produce results silently, and close the case silently, that's all. This is not pessimism.Because didn't he come all the way before this?He once sent the murderer who killed three women and took out their internal organs to the execution ground.The mayor who had raised a bunch of mistresses with money from bribes and embezzlements once made him kneel in the interrogation room.Once staring at the eyes of a fraudster with an IQ of 160 for 22 days, he finally won the psychological battle.The sinister scenes that Mikami experienced in the criminal department and the achievements he accumulated step by step, should not be too bad even in an ordinary management department with a nine-to-five job.Just enough to be a ferocious police dog.As long as he can bite the predicament, bite the police department, and bite Akama's throat again one day.

Mikami walked across the corridor, looking at his watch.It was past ten o'clock in the morning, and there were less than six hours left before the deadline for answering given by the Press Club. The mind worked calmly. The names of pregnant women cannot be published, nor can the "talk to yourself" trick be used.That being the case, it meant that Mikamami had to go to the press room at four o'clock in the afternoon and tell them the result.At that time, the reporters must be outraged and rush into the minister's office together, throwing the protest article in front of Tsujiuchi.If you don't think of a way first, "something that can't happen" will definitely happen.

There is only one way to make a soft landing under the premise of insisting on anonymity, and that is to let the press club swallow the proposal to "deposit" the protest article on Mikami or Ishii, and let the protest article sleep forever in the police department in the safe. According to Akikawa, the club decided to hold another general meeting after hearing Mikami's answer.The key is here.While no one can guarantee what kind of chemical changes will occur, Suwa should be able to find "an opponent to attack".As long as the work beforehand is done thoroughly enough, and then a certain newspaper office is asked to suggest that "the current turmoil should stop at the protest and hand it over to the broadcaster", then some journalists who originally belonged to the moderate faction should agree. "Leave it to the broadcaster" to make the decision!

The problem is the hardliners who are determined to protest directly to the minister.At this stage, the hardliners can be said to be overwhelmingly better than the moderates.Numbers are key.If a few newspapers are not captured from the hardliners, there is absolutely no chance of winning even if there is a majority vote. - need some materials. Three up the stairs to the fifth floor.The entire fifth floor is the site of the criminal department.There is a completely different atmosphere from the second floor, and it feels like returning to the old nest. Search the second lesson... Mikami pushed open the blackened door.

Kazuo Itokawa picked up his head.His second desk was the third seat until this spring.As for the seat of the head of the second search section of the local police, it has always been the "designated seat" of the young special examination team.Mikami's call from the publicity office just now had confirmed that Section Chief Ochiai was not in his seat.If he was there, he would definitely report the news of Mikami's arrival to Akama right away because of his connection with the special examination team. Mikami urged Itokawa to move to the office next door, and then went into the interrogation room at the back and closed the door.

"Thank you so much yesterday." Mikami opened the folding chair and said. "Huh? What's the matter?" "Didn't you take good care of our family Zangqian?" "Uh... I never meant that." "Didn't you say there was no feed for the dogs?" A look of fear flashed in Itokawa's eyes. Itokawa is four years younger than Mikami. When Mikami was the squad leader of the intelligent criminal investigation team, Itokawa worked under Mikami for three years.He is a very capable man.Bookkeeping is his forte.The bookkeeping in the business school can be considered to come in handy.

After Itokawa sat down on the chair opposite, Mikami put his hands on the table and crossed his fingers.There is no need to beat around the bush when speaking in front of people who are also criminal police. "How is the bid rigging for the museum going?" "Huh? Well...it went well." "I heard that eight people have been arrested so far?" "yes." "Did you bring in the manager today?" "This..." Itokawa wanted to pretend to be a fool. Mikami showed an exaggerated expression of wanting to hear more.The investigation of the largest construction company in the county, Bajiao Construction Specialist, has already begun.The person who leaked this information to Mikami the day before yesterday was none other than Itokawa in front of him.

Mikami's tone couldn't help becoming tougher. "You have recruited the executive of Bajiao, right?" "Ah! er... I think he was invited!" ...I think he was invited? What kind of non-committal attitude is this? Itokawa, who is the second person in the second class, cannot possibly not know whether he has invited the other party for an interview. Mikami changed his mind and asked. "What's going on with the reporter? Has anyone found out about this?" "No, I don't think so." That being the case, then this information is useful.Mikami continued calmly: "It's a good thing they're a bit of a mess!" "Because every newspaper is still chasing Zu Chuan's line." "I think so." Zuchuan Construction is a large-scale construction company whose chairman is the younger brother of a county councilor. Therefore, negative rumors of collusion between the government and businessmen and links with the underworld have always been constant.This time, Bajiao, who didn't like Zu Chuan, deliberately didn't let Zu Chuan intervene, so Zu Chuan was innocent in this bid rigging incident.But at the beginning of the investigation, the second section also suspected Zu Chuan, and the head of the Ochiai section who wanted to "cover the star anise" has never clearly pointed out that Zu Chuan is innocent, so the reporters clung to this. Do not let go of the line. "So, when will the warrant be issued to the executive?" Mikami brought the topic back as if nothing had happened. "I don't know that." "Probably. Today or tomorrow? Or next week?" "What do you want me to say..." Itokawa showed a distressed expression.So unlike him.In the past, when he came to the criminal department to report every day, as long as he had a face-to-face long talk, he would reluctantly tell the whole story, no matter how shady it was. "Did someone tell you not to tell the newspaper?" "It's not just for advertising..." Itokawa kept silent in the middle of speaking, showing a "slip" expression. Mikami stared closely at Itokawa's blushing face.He could imagine that if he was a colleague from the criminal department, he would say something like this next—— It's not just for the advertisements, it's absolutely not for the police to know... Police affairs refers to the Ministry of Police, including the Secretary Division directly under the Minister, the Supervision Division specialized in handling scandals, and the Police Affairs Division responsible for personnel rights.If you think about it carefully, if there is something that cannot be known to the center of the management department, then it is either that you made a mistake when investigating the bid rigging case, or that the criminal department has been issued a gag order. "Did anyone have any trouble?" "That's not the case, the investigation went smoothly." Itokawa quickly denied. "Is that the gag order? Why?" "I don't know either! But it doesn't seem to be because of the incident itself." "It's not because of the incident, why is that?" "The bottom line is that no matter what questions you're asked, you can't tell the police anything, and that's it." anything?Mikami wondered if he had heard wrong? "Hey! What the hell is going on here?" "I really don't know!" "Even I can't tell?" Mikami asked sharply, but from Itokawa's eyes he could see neither lying nor any attempt at perfunctory. "I still want to know the reason! Why don't you ask the minister directly!" That is, it is an order from the Minister.It seems that Arakita ordered not to disclose anything to the police, and he didn't even let his subordinates know the reason.This top-to-bottom high-pressure method is exactly the same as Akama. "So you sent Zangqian away?" "Please don't think so, but you, I just hit Zangqian with a soft nail. Is it necessary to trouble you? No matter how lacking the information in the publicity, there is no need to ask so carefully about the bid rigging! " Defensive opportunities unexpectedly fell from the sky. "I'm here to arrange the process of the press conference." "Is that all?" "Otherwise what else?" Mikami had no intention of deceiving, but after he discovered the small tricks of the criminal department, he couldn't tell the truth. "That's none of my business, right? I still have a meeting going on." Itokawa took this opportunity to end the topic, and just happened to have another phone call for him, so he took the opportunity to leave the interrogation room. Mikami walked downstairs thoughtfully: There is still something to be gained. Although it is impossible to know the expected date of arrest, it is also known that the newspapers have not caught up with the line of the special staff of Bajiao Construction. The materials of "investigating special agents" can be fully used in negotiations with reporters. However, this little sense of accomplishment didn't last long, and Itokawa's inexplicable words kept echoing in his mind. This sentence reveals a mystery.This is not just a simple gag order, but completely excludes the police department. The words Chima said yesterday came to mind again: What happened between the police department and the criminal department? The relationship between police departments and criminal departments across the country is probably the same!Keep a certain distance, turn a blind eye to each other on the surface, but rush to speak ill of each other secretly.This way of getting along seems to have become an obligation.Of course, it will not be to the point of "confrontation", and it is even more impossible to "turn against each other".After all, they are both policemen, and because the two sides ignore each other, actual conflicts are unlikely to occur. The same goes for the D county police.As far as Mikami knows, there is currently no special kindling between the police department and the criminal department. The issue is…… What Akama and Itokawa said.Like the two sides of a coin, is that strange consistency really just mere chance? Mikami Leng could not prevent the hairs all over his body from standing on end. Because a face flashed in my mind, a face that could turn accident into necessity. It's Erdu.Because the ace of the police department makes a puzzling move.He is investigating the matter of 64, and is planning to dig out the biggest shame of the criminal department.There is indeed some mystery behind this.Tinder is not the bidding case of the second class, but the 64 of the first class... Mikami stood in the stairwell, unable to step out. The criminal department is upstairs, and the police department is downstairs.He felt that where he was standing now actually represented his current position.
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