Home Categories detective reasoning 64. The most heinous kidnapping and ticket tearing incident in history
64. The most heinous kidnapping and ticket tearing incident in history

64. The most heinous kidnapping and ticket tearing incident in history


  • detective reasoning

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 320013

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Chapter 1 With stories, restore police officers to adults

Imagine a picture like this - Many young faces stand resolutely in front of the building. In order to resist all the unjust forces that will be exerted next, they clasp their hands and stick close to each other, hoping to become a huge obstacle.Before the strange hands were dispatched, the police turned into worker ants, slowly and firmly removing the obstacles. They dismantled the hands and feet of the protesters one by one, and pulled out the crowd until they were loose. After they were cleared, what should be destroyed was still destroyed. In order to avoid losing focus, I don’t intend to make any footnotes corresponding to the reality in this picture. It’s just that once I saw the violent scuffle between the protesters and the police in the news. When I was extremely supportive of the protesters’ position at the moment, I was suddenly curious about something. matter:

What are those policemen thinking? I mean, standing at the turning point of history, we can always see similar images. As a symbol of public power, the police use their bodies to contradict the trend of the times. When those rebellious people become the mainstream, the police rest , waiting for the moment to collide with the next wave of trends.But are the police always obedient to the power to which they belong, without ever questioning why they are here? In particular, if we regard the police as representatives of justice, and they are always preventing the goddess of justice from smiling to the world at this moment, then what kind of posture does the police appear in modern society?

I am not trying to explain the so-called "banality of evil", but to use this example to illustrate that the police, rather than saying that they are individuals, have a stronger organizational nature.We always imagine them as extensions of the government, like hands or feet, and whatever instructions are conveyed from them, the hands and feet will act accordingly. Obviously not like this, there are more confrontations and interactions inside the hands and feet. And all of these, Hideo Yokoyama saw. Born in 1957, he served as a local reporter for 12 years. After that, he made his debut with (1991) and attracted the attention of the Japanese reasoning literary world with the novel "The Season of Shadows" (1998).He exposed the "inside of the police world" that ordinary people couldn't see in the past. Everyone struggled, swayed, and pursued the "justice" we care about. His unique perspective pushed him to Japan. The status of the king of police novels has also caused a crisis in his own career as a writer.

Since he became popular, there have been many manuscripts from all walks of life. Hengshan has lived a life of sleeping less than three hours a day for many years. In 2003, he finally collapsed due to myocardial infarction. reward news.But as if he didn’t intend to let him take a good rest, the judges of the Naoki Award commented on his novel as “lack of authenticity”, and he, who was a journalist, felt humiliated, and angrily issued the “Farewell Declaration of the Naoki Award” , decided not to have anything to do with Naoki Shang from now on. At first glance, the turmoil ended quickly, but Hideo Yokoyama suffered from anemia, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and other problems, and his spirit fell into a very serious stage of depression. After the publication of "Shock 0" in 2005, the book fell into a state of depression. After four years of immersion and planned to make "64" as a comeback work, severe physical and mental symptoms occurred again. "At that time, my brain function was very low, and I couldn't even remember the name of the protagonist... Every night I faced the computer, but I couldn't even write a line." Hideo Yokoyama said so in an interview. Later, "64" But it has become his longest and most ambitious novel.

This novel is full of various conflicts that may happen to the police. In addition to the struggle between individuals and organizations, the discord between the police department and the county police, the tug-of-war between the work of the police and the family, and even the offensive and defensive battle between the police and reporters Concrete and subtle appear on the protagonist.The story unfolds in a dense texture. In the beginning, the protagonist Mikami and his wife go to confirm whether a corpse is a fragment of their daughter. It is unknown to write sadness but can read the heavy figure of the couple. Hengshan does not waste any space and arranges it exquisitely With a depressing but attractive opening, I read it until my stomach seemed to be heavy with lead, but I couldn't put the book down.

In the commentary tradition of mystery novels, not to explode is the most basic virtue, but in the face of such a magnificent and detailed novel, any explanation will hurt the reader's reading pleasure.But I still can't help but want to explain a little bit more about the title of the book. The title "64" means Showa 64. Although this year was changed to Heisei only seven days later, there was still a kidnapping case of a girl. Fourteen years later, there is still no detection, so the protagonist and a group of policemen must fight against the time that lasts for more than ten years to find out the truth.

It sounds passionate, but under the torment of time, there is a sense of sadness. This form of confrontation is exactly the opposite of the relationship between the police and the organization. Therefore, Hideo Yokoyama showed the loneliness and sorrow we thought of as an organization, and he also recovered. Possibility of the police as a human being. "The novel is meaningful not because it depicts someone's fate to us with a little instruction at times, but because this person's fate burns out with the help of flames, giving us the warmth that we cannot get from our own fate." What Benjamin said, what Yokoyama Hideo did was nothing more than that.

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