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Chapter 18 second quarter

screw man 岛田庄司 2917Words 2018-03-15
"Everything started with humanoid clay puppets," said Karl Sasetzky on the side. With a mustache, he sips brandy and speaks in his usual confident, didactic tone.Even if it's small talk, he quickly starts showing off his knowledge and giving his own lessons. Sassecki's gloomy and contemptuous eyes, coupled with his thin face, aquiline nose, and lips that don't smile, always exude a disgusting atmosphere. "This was originally described in Psalm 139 of the Old Testament. David said this to God: 'I was created in secret, and I was connected in the depths of the low. At that time, my form was not hidden from you. I was not yet formed. Your eyes have already seen the shape of your body, and you have written in your book the days you have set before I have passed one. couple's idea.

"There is another legend. On the way to the Promised Land, Abraham met Shem, the son of Honest Noah. The two meditated together, understood God's will, made many clay puppets out of clay, and breathed life into the clay puppets This is the story in the Jewish "Book of Creation", which is said to be written by Abraham, but it is actually a work between the third and sixth centuries. "Judaism does not regard Adam and Eve who ate the forbidden fruit as original sin, but admits that this is an adventure related to creation, and creation is the work of God. What is the core of this work? It is language and numbers. Deep use of language and numbers , created countless lives and heaven and earth. The so-called approaching God, in short, is trying to understand the behaviors produced by the mysterious language and numbers. The reason why there are so many excellent scholars in the Jews lies in this belief.

"Judaism is completely different from Christianity. Christianity established a church between God and man, but Judaism is different. God and man can communicate, and the relationship between the two parties is a contractual relationship. Therefore, man can talk to God, although man and God are not allowed. equal, but man is allowed to approach God. "The Jews were wiped out in Palestine, and entered the era of displacement, so they changed many Jewish teaching colleges near Babylon, where they thought about the questioning of God hidden in the sufferings of the Jews, and thoroughly studied the teachings of Judaism. At that time, based on the knowledge of Pharisee scholars, they systematically sorted out a holy book, which is the "Talmud" (Talmud) that still exists today.

"On the other hand, there is also another school, which is buried in mysticism, speculates on the meaning of the demon's attack, and thinks about the school of the universe of the creator. They believe that the symbol of the divine power as the creator is a humanoid clay puppet. The rabbis (teachers) of this sect gradually believed that as long as they raised their status to eminent monks, they could also have the ability to create humanoid clay puppets. "It is said that Lava Rabi finally made a humanoid clay doll, but this humanoid clay doll cannot speak. How to make a humanoid clay doll that can speak, Rawa can become a god. Therefore, the humanoid clay dolls that human practitioners can make , can only go so far.

"A certain sect of Judaism has been thinking about how to become a noble person like Rava, so that they can make human clay puppets. They search for the secret of creating human clay puppets, practice day and night, and exercise themselves. They day after day They perform secret rituals that even demons are afraid of, and try to know the language of the gods who breathe life into the clay dolls. This kind of secret teaching is Kabbalah. "The place where Kabbalah thought bloomed most beautifully was in southern Spain around 1000 AD. Although it was ruled by Islam, it was in the heyday of Kabbalah. Many rabbis meditated on self-improvement here, and Those who got the language of God left behind many mysterious documents.

"Many documents have recorded plausible methods for blowing life into dust or human-shaped clay: including many incantations, dancing in circles around the clay, directions, dance movements, and the contents of the incantations that should be said in the mouth during the movements. These are Clay doll ritual. Unfortunately, I have never heard of a successful example. "But the era of Kabbalah was very short. Around 1100 AD, it entered the era of the Crusades. People sacrificed their blood and wanted to regain the dignity of God and the Holy Land. This was also the beginning of the slaughter of pagans. After retaking Jerusalem, Christians The momentum of the massacre of infidels became more and more intense, and the massacre of heretics became an expression of passion, which set off a wave of frenzy across Europe. Many criminal Jews were arrested by soldiers or armed people and taken to cliffs away from the city streets. Amid the clapping and cheers of the people , were pushed down to the bottom of the valley. Whenever they fell head-on and feet off the cliff, and their heads were crushed by rocks, everyone cheered and danced. Some Jews were burned alive and even dissected alive."

Carl walked over, lifted the white cloth by the wall, and after taking it off, a nude marble statue appeared.At first glance, I thought it was Venus with a broken arm, but both of her hands are still there. Sasetsky stood beside the stone statue and said, "Do you know why this Venus dug out of the ground has no hands?" I sat on the high chair at the bar, pivoted on my hips, and looked at Sassecki who was a little away from me. At the other end of my line of sight is a place like a university classroom, with Venus standing in front of the blackboard.When I looked back, the terraced seats rose to the ceiling.There were full of students sitting there, but they were all dolls made of cloth.

"That's because of the statue's hands, in a gesture of Jewish superiority. So the Greeks took her hands off, and that's it." Sassetsky raised Venus' right hand to shoulder height.The statue is like soft rubber, and there is no crack when it is bent.Feel free to let anyone lift it up and fiddle with it.Next, Sasetzki turned the statue's arm around and around as effortlessly as a peg.Then, there was a gap between the arms and shoulders of the stone statue, and the gap became bigger and bigger, and it was finally removed.It turns out that Venus' right hand is screw-shaped, and there is a hole on the side of her body that seems to be a screw.

"The arm that shows the superiority of the Jewish nation, is wrong, so it has to be dismantled like this." Next, Sassetz put his hand on Venus' left hand; this side should also be screwed.He grabs the arm, turns it effortlessly, and removes it easily again. "After completing this action, we will then begin to explore the secrets of life. Arrogant people must be consecrated as victims of science. This is God's will. In order to make her obedient, it is best to shed blood beforehand." Sasetzchi took out the electric drill from the classroom desk, which I couldn't see from the back.As soon as the power is turned on, the tip of the electric drill makes a high-pitched metallic sound and goes into motion.Sassetsky took one look at the drill to make sure it was turning, and pressed the tip against the statue's ventral side.The electric drill drilled into the body, the sound became dull, and the mechanical part of his hands slowly approached the statue.

He calculated the timing and quickly pulled out the electric drill. The red blood stained the red and white body, and his colleague spit out a line of blood.This time, Sassetsky took out a wide-mouthed glass bottle from the desk and filled the blood in the place where the blood was bleeding.The blood flowed into the bottom of the bottle while making a sound. Next, he used an electric drill to drill holes in the abdomen, chest, and lower abdomen on the other side of the statue, allowing the blood to splatter thinly, and then placed a glass bottle on the splattered place to catch the blood.The statue of Venus, splashed out with red water jets everywhere, stood there like a weird water spray device.

"In order to understand the secrets of life, the language of God, and make humanoid clay puppets, it is necessary to dismember the human body. Only through dismemberment can human beings reveal their secrets." This time, Sussetz had a spinning chainsaw in his hand.As soon as the power was turned on, it made a harsher sound than the electric drill just now. "A human body with everything in place is but a veil that hides the secrets of God. Stability hinders progress!" Then Sassetsky casually pressed the rotating chainsaw on Venus's leg, making a strong metallic "squeak", and the blood flew like a red spray.After listening carefully, I realized that it was the scream of a woman.The metallic sound turned into a woman's cry, and the sound turned into a fierce scream, getting louder and louder, so sharp that people wanted to cover their ears. When I came back to my senses, I found that the white statue of Venus had turned into Renas.Blood spurted out all over her body, Renas stood unsteadily without hands. When the screams stopped, its feet were sawed off from the base of its thighs, and it slowly fell forward.Then, Renas, who had only one foot left, couldn't stand still, and slowly fell down in the opposite direction. The floor had long since turned into a blue plastic mat.Renas' body, which fell to the ground, was struggling and wriggling in pain, and at the same time, blood continued to spurt out.The blood puddle on the blue cushion also continued to expand. Sassetsky inserted his hands into Renas's hair, and turned her head vigorously, and kept turning, as if trying to open a large embolus, her head kept turning.Her head turned out to be screw type too.Finally, her head was spun off, fell on the blue plastic mat, and then rolled slowly, rolling to the edge of the mat. Sasetchi said: "What can make human science progress? It's war. What can make medical progress? It's the death penalty and human experiments." I woke up with a start when I heard his words.
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