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Chapter 25 Pyramid, USA 10

crystal pyramid 岛田庄司 5177Words 2018-03-15
After the police officers carefully inspected the rooms on each floor of the circular tower, they checked the pyramid without stopping.No suspicious traces were found anywhere. They gathered all relevant personnel inside the pyramid, and began a lengthy interrogation just as Director Ivy Tefula had expected a few hours ago.The police officers headed by Dexter Cotton were always dragging their feet. They couldn't figure out what was the core issue and the crux of the case, which even a layman could see clearly. These veterans from the New Orleans Police Department obviously have not encountered this type of case before.They are like swimming in the ocean for the first time in their lives, facing a large number of people of all kinds, working aimlessly.

Next to the Nihonbashi Bridge, two uniformed police officers guarded the bridgehead to prevent any of the suspects from leaving the island.In fact, they were a little nervous. Even if no one was guarding the bridgehead, I am afraid that no one would try to leave the island at the risk of showing their feet. Eric Bernard determined that the killer of Richard Alexon was not among the large film crew.The word "identification" is not very accurate, it seems better to use "intuition".Of all the people who have nothing to do with filmmaking, including Rich Spitdinck and the three bodyguards, it seems unlikely that anyone would kill the industrialist.

In other words, no matter from which point of view, this is a very difficult case.From the posture of Richard Alexon when he died, to the cause of his death, it is not clear, and the prisoner disappeared as if invisible.Eric Bernard, of course, also included many police officers. The brains of all those present that night were completely confused. If the coroner Charlie Rupperton's conclusion is to be believed at all, then Richard Alexon was "drowned" in a secret room on the seventh floor of the circular tower.But this statement is too bizarre and unacceptable.If the corpse in that room was "drowned", it would be a roundabout homicide no matter how you look at it, and there is no other possibility.But the scene was a secret room, and if the criminal deliberately used it to drown the victim, it would be even more far-fetched wishful thinking.

Could it be that there are some reasonable reasons hidden in this inference?If so, at least Eric Bernard couldn't understand. Moreover, Rich Spidink heard Richard's cry of "I have a splitting headache, let me sleep a little longer" at around ten o'clock in the morning on the day of the incident on August 15, 1986.In any case, this is the most puzzling point, since it shows that Richard Alexon was "drowned" after ten o'clock. In addition, it is sea water that drowns people.In this way, Richard could only be pulled from the tower by someone in broad daylight after the hurricane and thrown into the sea.But within 30 minutes after ten o'clock, Tom Kelly and Yolanda Freeman were resting on the steps under the tower, and then three bodyguards including Rich Spidink sat on the stone outside the pyramid. After getting down, six eyes stared straight at the scene where the corpse was found on the top of the circular tower.The problem is that after ten o'clock, none of the five of them saw anything strange or suspicious.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?It's almost like magic. In addition, as Eric later learned, Rich Spidink also provided such testimony to the officers, who may have felt too naive to say so.Spidink didn't close the door at all on the stormy night last night, but left a gap in the door, tied a rope through the gap to the railing of the stairs, and tied the other end to his right shoe. He uses this personal approach to demonstrate his professionalism. Later Eric Bernard and Dexter Cotton did experiments according to Spidinck's statement.They spread sleeping bags borrowed from the location team on the concrete floor of the fourth floor, and tied the rope tied to their right shoe through the crack of the door to the railing of the stairs.In this way, if the rope does not hang down, the height of the rope is indeed a problem for those who use the stairs to approach the seventh floor quietly.The rope is too low to get through, and the rope is too high to jump over, let alone under the ravages of a hurricane.At that time, people outside were wearing raincoats, and it was extremely difficult to cross the rope wearing raincoats.

Moreover, the situation mentioned here can only be achieved by assuming that the suspect maintains an almost pathological caution.If you deal with ordinary nervous people, you will definitely accidentally hit the left and right horizontal ropes when passing by the fourth floor on a dark and stormy night, and naturally the indoor Spidink will jump out. Based on various circumstances, from 2:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on August 15th, Rich Spidinck sent Richard Alexon up to the seventh floor, and while he was sleeping alone on the fourth floor, other people The possibility of going up to the seventh floor by stairs is extremely low.

Of course this is not 100% impossible.There is indeed a five to ten per cent chance that an extremely cautious person will notice the cordon, deftly dodge the obstacle and climb up the stairs. Another point, let the old fritters of the New Orleans Police Department and the FBI agents have a headache.This clue comes from Matsuzaki Ling Wang Nai, the most famous actor in this incident.Contrary to the complicated feelings she brought to the police detectives, she confidently said that between 9:30 and 10:00 on the night of the 14th, she saw a monster near the circular tower.But this simple testimony made the detectives feel extremely complicated.

The officers were all tongue-tied.This monster has no hair, big and round eyes, and its mouth is opened to below the ears. Wolf-like ears stand on the left and right sides of its head, and it should only come from the rough sea. The monster definitely had a hand in Richard Alexon's bizarre death.Ling Wangnai firmly believed in this. Although for a sober-minded policeman, this kind of clue is helpless, but the matter is beyond common sense, so this kind of bizarre testimony is barely acceptable.But based on common sense, Dexter and MacPhelan would never express their inner thoughts. To the question of whether Richard Aleksson lived on this lonely island, director Ivy Tefula replied that it should be the first time that Alexon lived on the island last night.The latter worked as a part-time tour guide, leading Director Tefra and Eric Bernard to visit two buildings on the island.According to the director's testimony, Richard himself does not seem to know much about the island's architecture.Tefula, accompanied by Richard, spent more time browsing the buildings than Eric did, while they were staying in a hotel in New Orleans.

In fact, Richard was not interested in his brother's buildings at all, but met Ling Wangnai at a Hollywood party, and learned from her that there was such a music and film project, and he knew that a building under his name was very suitable Because of being a location location, he joined the filming of the movie.He also didn't know anything about the pyramids his brother studied. According to these circumstances, the detectives learned about the victim's brother, Poul Alexon, who didn't like to socialize with others, his personality, his different attitude towards life and his research topic as a scholar.

Nelson MacPhelan wants to know the genealogy of the Alexon family and the members of the family including brothers Pohl and Richard.But not one of the many people who were on the island of Egypt that day knew exactly what it was about.So did Richard's bodyguards. Paul is the brother, Richard is the brother.They also have a younger brother, Kuleyam, who, like Richard who died this time, is also one of the directors of the Alexon chaebol.In 1979, their father, William Alekson, died at the age of eighty-four, and since then the Alexon company has been run virtually entirely by Richard.Mary, the mother of the three brothers, is still alive and living in Philadelphia, said to be insane.

Both the company and their mansion are in Philadelphia. There are both lakes and hills in the mansion. Although the three brothers have their own villas by the lake, they usually live in an apartment in Philadelphia. This is the general situation of the Alexon family that the world knows, and even the employees of the Alexon Company don't know the details.But in fact, there are other branches of the Alexon family's lineage, but Americans' evaluation of their family is that they all suffer from some mental illness. No one can tell where they are who are mentally disturbed.It is said that some people were confined in the deep house compound, and others were sent to mental hospitals. All have been questioned, and dawn is breaking.After asking the addresses of the temporary dancers, they were allowed to go back.The police judged that as extras, they only landed on the island on the evening of the 15th, so they should have little to do with the incident.They were staying in a hotel in New Orleans that day, and even if they had to stay on the island, there weren't enough tents. The others were left on the island, reluctantly but obliged to spend another day in tents.At dawn, everyone skillfully pitched their tents on the sand.One of the big and beautiful ones is Ling Wangnai's tent.She set it up early and stayed in it all by herself. At the request of Dexter Cotton and Nelson MacPheron, Eric Bernard and Ivy Tefula took them on a tour of the rocky area on the second floor of the pyramid. To get there, one must first board the scaffolding assembled for photography lighting, and then climb up the rope ladder, because there is no space for vertical ladders from the top of the scaffolding to the rocky area above, and there are no hooks for hanging rope ladders on it. I had to wrap the rope around the towering rock mountain for a week, and then hang down the rope ladder from above. The police officers are concerned about the skywalk extending from the rocky area and the iron gate on this side.They had to take a closer look at whether what Eric and the bodyguards said was consistent with the facts. "Too many people! So many noisy people, we can't find out anything." Dexter grumbled up the rope ladder. After finally climbing up, the four of them walked through the narrow crack and entered the rocky area like the entrance to hell.The two police officers first looked around, and then tremblingly walked across the iron bridge erected by the location team over the gap.After walking some distance in the rocky terrain, a huge glass curtain wall erected in front of him, blocking the way like the end of the earth. The iron gate that looks like it was embedded in the cage of the beast is at the end of the ditch that cuts the rocky area into a U shape.Standing in the rocky area, if you want to directly touch the iron gate with your hands, you must jump onto the passage below, which is as tall as a middle school student.Because there is only an iron net on the door, the cool air of the morning blows into their necks unscrupulously. Nelson MacPhelan turned the doorknob and rattled it, but the grating did not budge.He leaned closer to the keyhole on the left side of the door to observe carefully, and found that a strong thick rod came out horizontally and inserted into the door frame next to it.This is like the secret room on the seventh floor of the circular tower. If there is no key, I am afraid that the only way to open it is to turn to a cutting machine. The skywalk starts from the foot of the iron gate and extends to the top of the circular tower opposite.Looking at the top of the circular tower from here, it seems to be looking down, that is to say, the position of the four people is much higher than the top of the circular tower, so the sky plank road is an obvious downhill, and it has been connected to the opposite side. round tower. Like the aerial plank road laid for the dream train, there are densely entwined barbed wires.These barbed iron wires start from the small windows on the opposite circular tower to the iron gate on this side.Therefore, the iron gate will indeed be blocked by the iron wire and cannot be opened. The intervals between the iron bars on the iron gate are very narrow. You can only stretch out your fingers, and you can't touch the iron net outside, let alone grab the iron wire outside. "Where's the key?" asked Dexter Cotton. "It's in the pocket of the deceased. Charlie should be keeping it now." Nelson Macpheron replied, then turned his head and asked the director, "Are there no other keys?" The director shook his head and said, "Maybe for safety reasons, Mr. Alexon is not allowed to have two keys. The only one, Mr. Alexon, is always kept close to him." The four climbed back up to the rocky area, looking at the entire rocky mountain aimlessly. "Recently, there are often TV programs like this. People who are dying see a scene that they can't tell whether it is heaven or hell, and they wake up when they are about to go there. This probably refers to such a scene?" FBI solemnly said. Said matter-of-factly. "It's really spectacular!" Looking at the giant stone mountain towering at the end of the plank road in the sky, McPhelan exclaimed in a low voice. The four returned to the first layer of sand in fear. Soon, the rope ladder was removed and the scaffolding began to be dismantled.Although Dexter Ketton was a little dissatisfied in his heart, this was a photographic equipment, not within his authority, so he could only look at it helplessly.Filming on the island of Egypt has all ended. The Sandman has finally begun to haunt the detectives.Dexter was talking less and less, when a police officer in uniform ran into the pyramid and whispered something in Dexter Cotton's ear. "What?" Dexter yelled loudly, and the nearby staff who were packing up equipment all looked up at him. "Charlie, isn't he useless?" he said viciously. "What's wrong?" The FBI came over and asked. "What else? It's Richard Alexon's body!" he answered. "What happened to Alexon?" the FBI asked again. "Didn't he drown?" "Where is such good news. It is true that he drowned, and he died because he drank a lot of sea water. The problem is time." Ivy Tefula and Eric Bernard didn't speak either, they just stared blankly at the old police detective who was as disappointed as a grizzly bear. "Hey, Rich, Rich Spidink, I'm calling you! Come over here!" He yelled as soon as he saw the tall bodyguard.So Spidink walked slowly towards this side like an Alaskan brown bear. "Hey, bodyguard, listen carefully! Answer seriously, don't talk nonsense!" "I've been very serious." The bodyguard muttered in a low voice. "You said this morning that you heard Mr. Alexon's voice through the door, didn't you?" "I said so," Rich Spidink replied calmly. "This is very important, think it over, and you think it over before answering!" said Dexter sternly. "Is that really Mr. Alexon's voice?" "I thought you were going to say something else..." The bodyguard smiled wryly. "Stop talking!" said Dexter sternly. "I'm bored! Don't go around and answer 'yes' or 'no'!" "Then let's get straight to the point! Are you going to get this Mr. Macpheron's voice wrong? I bet you won't, because you've been together for a long time. That voice is hoarse and shrill, and it's definitely Mr. Alexon's." The voice, very characteristic of his own, can never be wrong. You can ask the others, Roderick! And Joseph, come this way! This New Orleans Police Department man is talking nonsense." Two bodyguards came one after another. "You said, isn't the voice we heard this morning the voice of Mr. Alexon?" Monk Zhang Er was puzzled by the two of them at first, and then they laughed so hard. "That's right, that's Mr. Alexon's voice. Besides him, who else would make such a distinctive voice?" Roderick said. "Okay, I got it! Hurry up and sleep over there!" Dexter Cotton yelled angrily and drove the three of them away. "What's wrong? What's going on here?" MacPheron asked. "It's nothing! I don't understand. It's the first time I've encountered such a strange case," Dexter confided. "That old fellow Charlie Ruparton, I don't know what's wrong with him. Someone brought a message, what did you say?" The distinctive features of thirty hours of death can be seen here and there on the body of Richard Alexon." "Thirty hours?!" Nelson Macpheron was amazed. "It's unbelievable. Thirty hours means the time of death is the fourteenth. Mr. Tefula, when did your film crew go to the island?" "Daylight on the fourteenth." "Yeah! Mr. Alexon died before that somehow," cried Dexter. Director Ivy Tefula showed a wry smile, and said: "But at that time, I met Alexon in New Orleans, and then we came to the island together. Later, Mr. Alexon went to the airport to pick up Ling Wangnai, Take us on a tour of New Orleans in the afternoon. Could it be... is that his ghost?"
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