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Chapter 12 Giza, Egypt 5

crystal pyramid 岛田庄司 5514Words 2018-03-15
Falling asleep in the designated room, he felt sunlight coming in from the window. As soon as Mikel opened his eyes, he felt that there was someone beside him.She got up quickly and found that it was not her own illusion, it turned out that there was really a woman standing at the door. She should be in her fifties, and she wears nice clothes.Mikel felt that she seemed older than his mother.High nose bridge, deep eye sockets, bright eyes. "Is that you? That little girl who claims to know Dika?" the woman asked. "Yes." Mikel replied. "What's your relationship with Dika?" she continued.

But Mikel didn't know how to answer it. "Don't be too complacent just because Dika treats you better! Dika already has a girl who suits him." The woman threw down such a sentence, turned around quickly, and went out along the corridor.The door was still open, and you could see the sunlit sand outside. Mikel was sitting on the bed in a daze when Dika came.He said he would take Mikel on a hunting trip to a nearby swamp.Then he took out a brand new white dress and asked Mikel to change into it.The fabric is stunningly beautiful.Although feeling uneasy inside, Mikel put on the clothes and went with him.

From this day on, Mikel began her dreamlike life. Hunting required a chariot, a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by a fast-footed animal called a horse.In this way, Mikel and Dika rushed to the wide swamp beside the Nile in a two-wheeled vehicle.In addition, many soldiers followed behind in three carriages. These soldiers seemed to be Dika's subordinates, and there was a lot of food piled up on their carriages. They shoot wild birds with bows and arrows, and then dispose of them on the spot, grill them into kebabs over the fire, eat fruit and drink wine.Dika said that he had long wanted to go hunting with Mikel.

The next day, Mikel started school.Sometimes after reading in the morning, I go hunting in the afternoon.Hunting seems to be work for Dika.This is also for the sake of proficiency in the use of weapons in the event of a war in the future, and more exercises in peacetime. When not hunting, Dika gathers his subordinates to practice knife skills.There are not only swordplay venues in the castle, but also various weapon practice venues. A girl of the same age named Roy is in charge of Mickle's care.This was specially arranged by Dika.Although Mikel doesn't like to trouble others, he is still very happy to think of having a friend of his own age.

No matter how Mikel invited, Roy refused to enter the classroom with Mikel, she always waited outside until Mikel finished studying. Mikel couldn't help but feel distressed by this.Why is she refusing to take classes with her?Roy later told Mikel that he was the child of a slave and hated studying, so he voluntarily avoided studying.So Mikel taught Roy the words he had learned every day. Roy has marbled white skin and a mass of blond hair.Although not particularly beautiful, she has a docile personality.Whenever the writing class is over, they go to the weaving field. Roy seems to like weaving.Such a place allowed slaves' daughters to enter, so the two often operated the loom side by side.

Because the temple was built inside the castle, Mikel has also been to the foot of the temple. When he first came to the foot of the temple, Mikel was always terrified by the huge size of the temple, so he knelt there. Later, he looked at the temple every day and gradually got used to it. There is a long step leading to the top of the temple, of course it is forbidden to climb, and there are always two guards with guns at the foot of the steps. To Mikel's surprise, there are vast wheat fields, orchards and woodlands at the foot of the temple.There are olives and oranges in the orchard, and the fruit bends the branches.It is said that the food used by the pharaoh was vegetables and fruits harvested from the farmland and orchard inside the castle.

There are not only edible plants planted around the temple, but also various flowers that bloom in all seasons.They are colorful and bloom sequentially with the seasons. What is also surprising is that there seems to be a botanical garden on the top of the high temple, as everyone says.If you step back and look up during the day, you can see lush woods on the top of the temple. Dika told Mikel that it was a sky garden, and there are also cities in the East. It's incredible.Why does Giza always have such bizarre stories?It doesn't rain much in the sky, so of course there is no water in such a high place.Mikel thought, the so-called temple, as the name suggests, is the dwelling place of the gods.If it is a god, he can certainly make a tree grow even in a place where there is no water.

In short, because of the orchards and gardens, there is always a sweet wind blowing in the castle. Mikel and Roy often go for a walk in the streets of Giza.Around Lion Rock, the two talked about Matteo and Roy's hometown Petit. Dika often takes Mikel on long trips or hunting, and at night they have dinner together.Mikel is very satisfied with his current life.She is very thankful that she took the decision to come to Giza at that time. Mikel's knowledge has improved rapidly, and now she can read and write basically the characters commonly used in the streets and alleys, and she can also use the loom proficiently.

On moonlit nights, Dika would sometimes invite Mikel to walk with him on the bank of the Nile, and let the four guards follow him from a distance. "Mikel, I can't fall in love with other girls!" Dika also said, "You are a smart girl, just what I expected." Dika's words are always very interesting. He only said so much about Mikel, but Mikel can still faintly feel that Dika always has a lot of troubles in his heart. One day, Dika said: "I came up with a good idea. In order to keep your beauty and loveliness here forever, I want someone to carve a stone statue for you."

Mikkel was taken aback by what he said, but Dika had already decided to have the artist brought to the castle. "I'm afraid it's not appropriate to directly say that it is a stone statue of a girl. We still call it a pharaoh statue, but it must be carved in your face. So only I know that this is your stone statue. When the artist is about to finish, you come out and stand up." Just beside them." Dika said. Soon, in the courtyard next to Mikel's room, the sound of masons beating stones came from time to time. When he was tired of studying and weaving but couldn't see Dika, Mikkel went to the livestock farm, fed the horses with the slaves, sat on the ground with everyone, and played drums, danced and learned to read with them.

The skin of the slaves in the castle was black and white, and their hair was long and curly, golden and black, all kinds. Mikel never put on airs, and always taught everyone how to write while joking.The slaves loved Mikel and often pestered her to learn to write and sing.According to Mikel's observation, although they are slaves, they also like to joke and really like to make others happy.Most slaves were good-natured people. Later, among the things to do every day, I added the item of being a stone statue model.Stand in front of the artist for a while after studying every day. After all of this was over, Mikel returned to his room, and Roy went to Dika to say hello. When he came back, he would basically bring back the news that Dika had invited Mikel to dinner. After a dinner, Dika took Mikel to the library he had been to.The doorman pushed open the door, lit the torches on the walls, and left. Dika called Mikkel to the shelf where the papyrus was kept. "Come here! The materials preserved in this corner describe the world after death." Then Dika pulled a dusty scroll of paper from the shelf. "This is the Book of the Dead written on papyrus. Its original purpose was to be placed in the coffins of nobles as burial objects, but this manuscript is preserved here. Come here!" Dika took the paper scroll under the torch, squatted down and spread it out on the ground.As soon as the reel was turned, it stretched out continuously.The papyrus is covered with incredible paintings, like a path leading into the dark depths of the library. "Look! After a person dies, he goes to the kingdom of the underworld where the sun has sunk, and there he meets the messenger of the kingdom of the underworld." Deckard pointed to a corner of the painting illuminated by a torch, which featured a strange creature.It is naked from the upper body, it seems to be male, but it has an animal face. It has a short forehead with a hollow in the middle, sharp eyes, a prominent muzzle, its lips open to the ears, and saw-like sharp teeth lined up in a row. Its ears are not on the sides like humans, but stand up like animals, its body is human, and its head is like a wolf or a crocodile. "It's terrible! Is there really such a person?" "I don't know. No one has ever returned from there. As soon as they enter the kingdom of the dead, people will be brought to a huge scale by the messengers of the underworld. There, they will confirm to you whether there is any mistake in what they did in life. , has deceived others. "Then take out the heart from the body that was used in life, and put it on the scale. If there is no lie, the heart will be very light, but if the heart has carried the sins of life, it will become very heavy, and the scale will tilt. The messenger of the underworld will strike If there is any momentum, the beasts waiting nearby will pounce on the dead and eat the dead from the head." Mikel shivered. "But if the balance is not tilted, the messenger of Hades will lead you to the god Osiris and give you eternal life." Dika's tone was very calm, and after finishing speaking, he rolled up the scroll. But Mikel was still shaking.The dark library, the horrible paintings illuminated by the torches, filled her with terror. "The world after death and the judgment that will be accepted, even the pharaoh is no exception. But death is temporary. As long as the good deeds in life are proved, people will gain eternal life." After finishing the scroll, Dika stood up and walked back to the shelf. Mikel wondered.Why did Dika suddenly show himself "Book of the Dead"? "But what I still don't understand is, what is the criterion for judging good and evil in life? Making one person happy will make others sad. In order for all people in Giza to live in peace and happiness, they must be killed. There are many powerful enemies. But the enemies also have family members, just like I miss you, they also miss their relatives." Dika put the paper scroll back on the shelf, turned around, and hugged Mikel. "Ah! Mikkel, don't go anywhere, you are all I have. Now I can't rest for a moment, if I am not the son of Pharaoh." Then he kissed Mikkel on the lips.This feeling of dizzy bliss made Mikel unable to move. "Oh, Mikel, promise me you'll never go anywhere, don't leave me!" Dika stared into Mikel's eyes: "Ah, promise me now!" The intoxicated Mikel kept nodding.Needless to say, Dika, she couldn't imagine her life without Dika at this time. "Great! Then I have nothing to fear." DeKa whispered to Mikkel, hugged her again, and said "thank you" repeatedly. After bidding farewell to Dika and returning to the room, Mikel was about to go to bed when the door opened suddenly.A small woman stood there. "Roy?" Mikel asked. Because of the backlight of the torches in the corridor, Mickle couldn't see the woman's face clearly, and she thought it was Roy who had returned to the room and returned. "Are you Mikel? A countryman from the upper Nile?" The woman walked into the room, and the moonlight shone on her face through the window, with a high nose bridge and big eyes on her pale face.This is a beautiful woman with brown skin. "I'm here to remind you. I thought what kind of woman could take Dika's heart away! Now Dika actually carves a stone statue for you!" Then she sneered silently, "So it's just a country idiot !" "What are you reminding me of?" Mikel asked calmly. "There are too many things! There are too many to count, and I can't list them all," the woman suddenly became furious, and her voice suddenly rose, "Hey! Let me see what kind of body you are!" The woman yelled and came up and grabbed Mikel's clothes.Mikkel's belt and clothes fell apart, leaving him completely naked. The woman was stunned holding Mikkel's clothes in her hand.Mikkel shielded her private parts with her hands and stood blankly in the middle of the room. "Why? What's going on?" "You..." The woman muttered and laughed, and then her voice became louder and louder, turning into a wild laugh, "...you, hahahaha...you don't wear underwear? Hahaha, there are such country people? Now?" "Give me back my clothes, please!" "Hmph! This is exactly what a countryman should be like!" cried the woman, throwing her clothes on the ground. "One day, I will turn you into a naked slave, please remember! Before you appeared, everything was going well!" Mikel quickly squatted down and picked up his clothes to cover his body. "Well! The breasts are not big, and the butt is very thin! How can you give Dika a strong baby! So nervous about this dress? Did Dika give it to you? It's ridiculous! I'll give it to you!" The woman snatched Mikel's clothes again, gritted her teeth and tore them apart, then fell to the ground and stomped on them with her feet.She cried out at the same time, and when she looked up, the tears on her cheeks glistened in the moonlight through the window. There was noise outside.People shouted and horses neighed, weapons collided, and soldiers lined up. "Pay attention to the outside? Look! Look!" The woman ran to the door and yelled at Mikel: "Dika is leaving! Going to fight! He won't eat a meal with me, and I want to go to the battlefield to escape! Look! Come and see!" She came over recklessly, grabbed the disheveled Mikkel by the hair, and dragged him to the door. "Come over here and see what you've done! No one cares about your naked body, come and see!" In the courtyard, a neat queue of soldiers could be seen, and some of them had already started to leave the castle. "Sending troops on a night like this! What a madman!" She then pushed Mikel to the ground. "Listen to me! You will remember what you have done here! You are close to the slaves, and you teach them the sacred words. Do you know how important words are?! That is our sage Give your life to fight for something from God! And you don't take it seriously! And carve yourself a stone statue, you want to be a goddess?! You made a mess here, you plague god! Devil! You haven't done anything since you came A decent thing! Are you a spy for slaves?! "Dika will definitely be with me. Before you came, Dika loved me! But after you came, he stopped eating with me, and he didn't take me hunting anymore. "But what did you do? How did you repay Dika? You broke the order here! You actually entered a noble school, and you dared to carve a stone statue for yourself! This kind of thing has never happened before! Do you still want to Let the slave Roy go to school, and you spend all day with the slave as a teacher! "The parliament has been discussing your problem. Dika has been protecting you! He was isolated by the parliament and made too many enemies. The opponent who drove Dika out of Giza before has been exiled or eliminated by Dika. It can be seen that you came He made a lot of enemies before, but now you're still forcing him to this point! Didn't Dika tell you anything?" As soon as the woman's voice stopped, the footsteps of the soldiers outside became very clear. "I don't know. Decca didn't tell me anything." "He's like that! He always buries his troubles in his heart. Even if he listens to me, you've already sunk into the Nile! "So he can only restore his prestige by launching a war against Libya, winning the victory, and making illustrious military exploits. Only if he succeeds can he ignore the accusations of others and marry you as his wife. "Why are you so stupid! Now is not a good time to fight Libya. The night in the desert is too cold, and there is not enough water to bring, so many people will die. All members of the parliament are unanimously opposed, but he insists on going his own way. Instead, he said that because of this, Libya will disperse." Yu on guard, really impulsive! "What a fool! What do you have that is worth his life? Your lean body of a country woman! Thanks to you, he has gone mad and lost his mind like a wild horse! He will regret it in the end! It's all Your fault! If only you could die for him, then everything would be settled. Ah! Damn woman! What should I do? What should I do? What should I do if I am left alone? Lost Dika, after all, after all Who can save me?!" Then the woman squatted at the door, covering her face with her hands and weeping bitterly.Mikkel was left kneeling on the ground, dazed and at a loss. This is something she never thought of, why is it like this?But now Mikel at least understands one thing, that is, Dika is risking his life for himself! The vast moonlight illuminated the lonely woman in the corner. She stood up abruptly, glared at Mikel with eyes swollen from crying, and quickly disappeared into the corridor. The next day, Mikel learned about the woman who appeared last night from Roy and the familiar slave. This woman is called Semet Pettis, and both mother and daughter are nobles from the East. When Dika was a teenager, people around her had already believed that she would be Dika's fiancée.But they are also pagans at the same time, so Dika gradually changed her mind and began to alienate them. As for the current Dika, although he wished to expel the mother and daughter of Semetpettis from the castle, he still couldn't do it because of the lack of excuses. Although Semetpettis was an oriental nobleman, his situation was also very bleak because his father was killed by an invading alien race.She originally had the noble lineage of the Eastern Continent that had been cut off here long ago, and had a lofty status, but now, Dika doesn't seem to have to marry her.The large number of vassals and slaves that they once had are dwindling, and the homeland that can be returned to the east has been lost. She and her mother are falling into frenzy.Relatively speaking, the mother and daughter can only rely on Dika here, which is why they have such a strong reaction. But in any case, it is true that Dika was cornered at this time, but he went to the battlefield without telling Mikel anything.
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