Home Categories Internet fantasy Erguo Linge

Chapter 9 Chapter Nine Melancholy for Love

Erguo Linge 黄易 5242Words 2018-03-11
At this moment, he didn't care about who the other party was. He has always thought of himself as a very strong person who can withstand any blow and trauma. But Zhuo Chuyuan's desolate and lost tone last night made him feel very uncomfortable. It has been verified that he is not much better than ordinary people, but he has an ability, that is, he can concentrate on the moment in front of him and forget about other things. This is the self-cultivation he got back from meditation and meditation. This also makes him devote himself to and enjoy every love, and he can bear the taste of life and death afterwards.

In the eyes of outsiders, or think he is a ruthless person. In fact, his feelings have become uncontrollable?As he said to Lanzhi, under certain conditions, love is especially easy to happen. For example, the journey with Xiao Manzi on the sea (see), or that time with the saint in the desert (see), or the wandering in the Middle East with Piaoyun (see), love comes naturally and sincerely, There is absolutely no element of playing around. Zhuo Chuyuan was the first woman he really fell in love with, and until now, he is still very attached to her. But he knew that if his attitude towards her was not positive, he might lose her.

But for his own ideals, he is doomed to be a person who cannot calm down and live an ordinary life. He faces danger and death every day, and he doesn't want to have any worries, or let others worry about him. What should we do? If Zhuo Chuyuan married someone else, it might be a wiser choice for her. Who can advise him in this situation? When I thought of this, I had just arrived at the building where Jin Tong worked.
After hearing his story, Jin Tong said with a smile: "The paper finally can't wrap the fire, I don't think it will take many days, the submarine will be leaked, and then we have the right to ask the US government for further information. "

After a pause, he continued: "Have you heard of the 'nuclear mafia'? It is criminal groups that use various means such as theft to obtain nuclear materials and give money to regimes and groups. People from the republics of the former Soviet Union, especially It is Ukraine and Russia, which have now become the center of global nuclear smuggling. Among them, the most powerful "nuclear mafia" is led by a person named Lovechf. This person is mysterious, and Lovechf is just a Fake name, but just looking at how he can stand out among the gangsters, we can see that this person is not easy."

Ling Duyu said: "Do you think the Submarine Gang this time is his subordinate?" Jin Tongdao: "I'm not guessing but I've done my homework. Xiaofeng's criminal activities are all-encompassing, but in recent years he has devoted himself to nuclear smuggling activities. To be able to expand abroad, we need a stepping stone like Xiaofeng the most. Although Xiaofeng seems to be the boss at present, in a few years, Lovechiff will definitely overtake him." Ling Duyu took a deep breath and said: "If this person is from the former Soviet Union's National Security Bureau or the military, then his ambition will not only be the leader of a criminal group. Our 'Anti-Riot Alliance' has an expert team that specializes in crime research. The development and trend of the group, especially the gangs that have recently risen in Russia. Since most of their members are inextricably linked to the former Soviet Union, their goals are different from ordinary gangs, and they know how to use high-ranking gangs better than them. Technology, to carry out larger-scale and more harmful activities. The most terrifying thing is that they are rich and powerful, and they choose their means. When they infiltrate the government through violence and bribery, they may become real rulers .”

Jin Tong sighed: "Maybe we really need a 'savior'. I just mentioned to my friend yesterday that one day, a certain criminal group will be able to create a nuclear bomb. At that time, he will ask you to let that person go. Let him go obediently." Ling Duyu sighed: "It is becoming more and more difficult for the government to gain the trust of the people. Let alone countries like Colombia that are controlled by drug cartels in disguise. Like Italy and Japan, gangsters are so powerful that they can influence the government." If this trend continues, a government that looks like a mess of sand will sooner or later be swallowed up by a well-organized transnational criminal group."

Jin Tong said: "Let's not talk about how far away, Lovechiff fell into a big somersault in your hands like this, which dealt a serious blow to his prestige. Now that the wind is getting tighter, he should be powerless to fight back, but when he was panting When he catches his breath, he will surely retaliate, and then he will no longer be as patient and restrained as he is now. What are your plans?" Ling Duyu's eyes flashed coldly and said: "Taking advantage of this moment, I will first attack Xiaofeng. As long as I know where he is, this madman will not have many days to live."

Jin Tong was shocked suddenly, and stared at Ling Duyu dumbfounded. This is the expression of suddenly remembering something, Ling Duyu didn't interrupt his thoughts, and waited patiently. Jin Tong let out a long breath and said: "I think of the disappearance of Dr. Carlin Dong. That day he and his beautiful little lover sailed out to sea for fun, and suddenly his little lover passed out. After waking up, Kalindong disappeared without a trace." After a pause, he continued: "Because Kalindong is an important person protected by the country and has a special status, he conducted a thorough search of the entire sea area afterwards. As you know, Jie Xiao, of course nothing was found."

Ling Duyu said: "Have you found the reason why Ka Lindong's little lover is unconscious?" Jin Tong said: "I was shot by an anesthetic needle. The anesthetic used was just right, but it was not the kind used in hospitals. And the strangest thing was that the yacht was sailing at full speed at that time, and there was no sign of any other ships nearby at that time. Now you say When I picked up the submarine, it occurred to me that this matter might have something to do with Lovechiv. If he was a member of the former Soviet Union, such as the National Security Agency, he should pay attention to important scientific research conferences around the world, and then he would understand Karindon's "space-time theory" significance."

After pondering for a while, Ling Duyu thought hard and said: "Kalindong's space-time theory is esoteric, difficult to understand, and extremely abstract. If he is not a fellow traveler, he will never feel it. Try the former Soviet Union that participated in the meeting that day. There are some sorts of people among scientists, one of whom, if not Lovecheff himself, would have had something to do with him." Jin Tong cheered up and said: "I will immediately inform Chu Yuan of this discovery, and now she is responsible for this matter." Ling Duyu sighed: "If this is true, then Lovechiff does have another form of ambition to conquer the world, that is high technology plus the means of gangsters, if he himself is a well-educated scientific research expert, He should be thousands of times more terrifying than Xiaofeng. If I guessed correctly, he would have sent his men here on submarines to make waves. He was not willing to sacrifice his life for Xiaofeng, but for the purpose of energy fire algae. A magic weapon that is more powerful than any weapon. Judging from this alone, Lovechiff is not willing to give up."

The two were startled at the same time. The fire algae incident is already complicated, and now it involves careerists from the former Soviet Union. I don't know what words to use to describe the situation. Ling Duyu knew that he was busy, and was about to leave when Jin Tong said, "You have to leave. I still have something to tell you. You want me to check on that female assassin who is good at ventriloquism. She already has some clues. Who is still unclear, but at least two political assassinations were involved. The dignitaries who were killed were killed when they received a phone call from their mistress beforehand and rushed to the appointment. The phone call, but their voices were left on the phone recording. I have requested to send a backup copy of the information about these two unsolved cases, and it will be delivered to you within two days. Hey! I think you'd better be careful, Ruomano Miss Qi or Xiao Manzi are not necessarily the ones who are looking for you! Alas! There are so many wonders in this world." When Jin Tong sent Ling Duyu out, he picked up a newspaper clipping, stuffed it into Ling Duyu's coat pocket, and said mysteriously, "Do you want to go to the concert?" When Ling Duyu was puzzled, Jin Tong had pushed him out of the door. When he came to the dedicated parking lot, he used a portable but excellent detection instrument to confirm that the car had not been tampered with before he got in. Turn on the engine, control the car with one hand, and take out the newspaper clipping with the other to read, immediately attracted by the pictures and news. It was the news of a female violinist coming to the United States to give a concert. It wrote: "The world-renowned and beautiful Japanese violinist Kawada Inaka will hold her first concert tour in the United States at Conrads Hall in New York this month." Then It is a large section of text introducing her musical characteristics. The fragrance of grain and rice in the picture is as elegant as before, which brought back his deep memories. (See my essay) When I first met her, she was still the wife of the richest man in Japan. The two fell in love because of getting along. After He Tian Daoxiang separated from her husband, they were still in love for a whole week. Later, Ling Duyu went to sea to find Huozao, never contacted her again. Ling Duyu smiled bitterly, tore the clipping into pieces, not daring to read any more. Let her enjoy her playing career and life. I really shouldn't destroy the peace of others. At this moment, he thought of Zhuo Chuyuan again with heartache, and her disheartened voice sounded in his head. He couldn't believe it anymore, picked up the radio in the car and called Zhuo Chuyuan in Paris. When the secretary told him that Zhuo Chuyuan was on the phone and asked him to leave his name, he suddenly lost his courage and hung up the phone. It wasn't until he lived to this day that he really tasted the taste of love that is about to break.
Xiaofeng left his private plane with a blank face, and stepped into Sao Paulo Airport in Brazil surrounded by Glenn Bo and his subordinates. He is here this time to negotiate a long-term arms smuggling contract, and the other party is the biggest criminal in Brazil. The boss of the group, Shrianna, and the two have been cooperating happily on other matters, and both feel that now is the time to strengthen their cooperation. But Xiaofeng's heart was full of gloom. This is the second time he has suffered a big loss at the hands of Ling Duyu. The original plan was flawless, but Jie Xiao failed miserably. Even Lovechiff's men were captured by the US government, making him lose the ability to operate in the United States. He has personally contacted the largest families of the American Mafia, hoping to get the support of the new force. But when the other party knew that the matter was extensively involved, they politely refused. Longying Ling Duyu is a well-known figure in both black and white circles in the world. Unless it is inevitable, no one would want to confront him head-on. The main purpose of his coming to see Shiliana in person this time was to ask him to send someone to deal with Ling Duyu. Now he is not so enthusiastic about fire algae, because what is imminent is his old life. Shriana led his two sons, three sons-in-law and a large number of subordinates to greet him in the VIP room. After the two embraced, Shiliana laughed and said, "Old friend! You don't look very pretty now!" Xiaofeng smiled wryly and said, "Let's talk at the mansion!" The chunky Shiliana said with his signature smiley smile: "I specially held a big party for you tonight, and invited good friends from all over the world, as well as first-class dancers. You will forget about your troubles." Embracing him, he left the airport through the passage without going through customs.
Ling Duyu came to Lanzhi's office and sat down opposite her. Seeing his strange expression, Lanzhi said softly, "Are you in a better mood?" Ling Duyu spread his hands unconsciously, and asked casually, "Where's Xiao Manzi? Shouldn't she be with you?" Lanzhi said: "A friend came to see her from Hollywood and went out." Ling Duyu smiled and said: "Are you looking for her to be a star? She is indeed more qualified than many young porn stars." Lanzhi hesitated for a while, then said in a low voice: "She has no interest in becoming a star, she only loves the sea and men, without these two things, she is finished." Ling Duyu frowned and said, "What do you want to hint to me?" Lanzhi said displeased: "Don't worry too much, there is no such thing." Xuan sighed again, and said in order not to hurt his eyes: "Xiao Manzi has many boyfriends, and the current one is an international director who has recently had a hot fight with her. I didn't want to tell her when he came to beat her after filming. You, but it’s better to prepare you mentally.” Ling Duyu laughed dumbly and said, "Thank you." Lanzhi was hurt, and said in amazement: "Don't you like Xiao Manzi?" Ling Duyu replied ambiguously: "I like her, but I don't want to interfere with her way of enjoying life. When a man and a woman fall in love, there is no need for results. Didn't someone say that marriage is the grave of love? To find love, or rather, to find the feeling of love at a certain moment." Lanzhi said bitterly: "You can see it openly, I have a problem that is difficult to solve and I want to ask you for advice." After a pause, he ordered the secretary not to answer the phone before standing up, holding his arm, and walking towards the meeting room. Ling Duyu's heart beat quickened by her overly affectionate actions, and when they arrived at the conference room, the two sat down at one end of the long table. Lanzhi whispered: "I want to move Huozao to another place. Besides you and me, even Dr. Leska will keep it a secret, because I'm a little worried." Ling Duyu said: "If there is an ideal new residence for Huozao, it should be a good thing. Why do you hesitate?" Lanzhi said: "It seems to be calm now, but I know it's just the eve of another bigger storm. The drafting of the new energy bill is nearing completion. There will be many provisions that are not conducive to us, such as unified prices, because we have always put Petroleum products are sold at a lower price, so even if they are not as big as Helios in many ways, they are still very competitive, and you understand my concern." Ling Duyu nodded to express his understanding. Lanzhi said: "Now the new president is obviously on the side of the Sun God, just like this time when he visited the Middle East, the trade representatives accompanying the delegation missed us. It can be seen. Now the Sun God is working with several other big companies Join hands and dispatch lobbyists to lobby those congressmen so that the new energy bill can be passed smoothly. It seems that we will lose this battle." Ling Duyu frowned and said, "This matter makes me think of a way, or I can use the power of the media to fight back." Lanzhi was disheartened and said: "Several major newspapers are controlled by the Sun God, coupled with their joint advertising revenue, it makes them dare not act rashly. The competition among the media is not much worse than that of our oil companies. If we lose Big customers, maybe they will close the door immediately, do you think they are willing to sacrifice their own interests in the name of justice?" Ling Duyu sighed, to be honest, Lanzhi's influence in this aspect is much greater than his own, if she says there is no way, he can't even do it. Lanzhi said: "Another controversial article in the new energy law is directly aimed at fire algae, that is, if there is a new energy method, the successful researcher cannot enjoy exclusive patent rights, and the research results must be made public. The superficial reason is that Energy is about the ups and downs of the world, so it should be handled differently." Ling Duyu said: "This reason is really high-sounding and very pleasant." Lanzhi smiled bitterly and said: "When it comes to playing politics and talking about relationships, I am no match for them old foxes. I only rely on my father's former friends, but their help can only go to a certain limit. Now we are all at the disadvantage of being beaten." environment. If the new energy bill passes in three months, Explorers will be shutting down." Ling Duyu suddenly said: "So you want to transport the fire algae away from places outside the United States, so as not to make it easier for these traitors." Lanzhi said softly: "The people I absolutely trust are 'Alpine Eagle' and you. Now, for the sake of confidentiality, Dr. Su Ling, who studies fire algae, can only do it by himself and secretly. Exchange opinions, so the real breakthrough is still far away, I think you try to arrange to send both Dr. Su Ling and Huoza to your research institute in Bolivia headquarters, then even if the explorers collapse, the research of Huoza I can still go on and fulfill my father's dream." Ling Duyu was greatly moved. If the "Anti-Riot Alliance" can grasp the secret of fire algae, they will become the owners of new energy, and they will be more qualified to move towards their ideals and compete with the world's major criminal groups. He nodded and said, "I will see Shen Ling tonight, and it will be even more secure if he handles this matter personally." Lanzhi touched the back of his hand and said in a voice full of emotion: "Thank you!" Holding her soft jade hand in Ling Duyu's hand, he said solemnly: "I should be the one to thank you on behalf of 'Alpine Eagle'." Lanzhi shook her head slightly, leaned over, kissed him lightly on the lips, withdrew her hand, and stood up gracefully: "My office is directly connected to the lounge, and the bathroom and kitchen are all available. Would you like to take advantage of me to host the meeting now?" Meetings, relax there, and talk to the 'savior', there's a computer there too." Ling Duyu stood up and followed her out of the conference room. She pushed open the door and stopped suddenly. When Ling Duyu was about to ask her, this strong woman turned around and threw herself into his arms, wrapped her jade hands around his neck, sealed his lips, and kissed him passionately. For a moment Ling Duyu was lost in the lingering love of this beauty. Lanzhi left him abruptly, her pink face was like fire, she gasped and said, "Don't worry, I just think it's right to thank you for this, wait for me to come back and have lunch, okay?" Showing an unprecedentedly sweet smile, he flew away like a butterfly. Ling Duyu wiped her lips that still had a lingering fragrance and stained with her lip balm with his fingers, but he didn't know what it was like.
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