Home Categories detective reasoning last ball

Chapter 6 Chapter Six

last ball 岛田庄司 7007Words 2018-03-15
The baseball club of K Musical Instruments is a very powerful group.I underestimated its strength in my heart, thinking that since it is not a professional team, it should not be a great team.However, this is not the case at all. Whether it is the batter's vigor in the batting range, the pitcher's aura during pitching practice, or the strictness of fielding practice, they are not at the same level as high school baseball, which surprised me. .The speed of the swing, the speed of the pitch, and the speed of the blown ball are completely different from those in high school.I think of high school baseball as a bunch of kids' games.

The size and physical strength of the people here are different from those in high school, and even the voice size is different. I feel like I am completely in a group of boors, and I am overwhelmed by this momentum.Their running speed and endurance are also far from those of people in high school, which caused me to vomit several times in the corner of the sports field.I feel like I've entered an incredible world. If this level is non-professional, what kind of world is professional baseball?When I think of this, I feel an inexplicable fear. I was barely able to keep up with the basic exercises at the beginning. Once I participated in the exercises for two consecutive days, my body was so painful that I couldn't even complete the company's work.Despite this, the players still deal with the company's affairs as usual, which I admire a lot.If even non-professionals are at this level, professional baseball is really an unrealistic idea, I reflect on it.I was determined to pick myself up and try to keep up with the rhythm here.

I learned later that this is because K Musical Instruments is a team that can compete for gold and silver in the National City Rivalry Conference, so in some respects, it is not inferior to professional teams.It's not that non-professional teams are all so good. When it came time to actually start the practice sessions, K Instruments was almost invincible in the Hamamatsu area.All the way to winning consecutive games, both the batting camp and the pitching camp are quite strong, after all, there is no room for people like me to intervene.The axis of such a pitching camp is the aforementioned Kishimoto.His ball speed is very fast and he has a wide variety of balls, so I have benefited a lot from the skill of using the fastball or slowball flexibly. I think this kind of skill is enough to hit the reliever even in professional baseball.

It took me a year and a half to get my foot on the mound of K Instruments.During this period, my nails split countless times and I experienced fractures. It takes time to recover, but I was terrified of falling behind and couldn't wait to start pitching, which turned red with blood, and the coach scolded me and told me not to come to the field for a while. When I was finally able to play the game, I only played in relay and still couldn't play the first team.Sometimes my task is still defeated.Then two years later, I got stomach bleeding, but I kept practicing, and when I was about to graduate even in college, I finally got the approval of my coaches, and I was able to make the starting field in the amateur baseball conference.I understand that my efforts are gradually paying off.

I also pitched as a second pitcher in the National Amateur Conference.I didn't have much of a chance to start pitching because of the number of pitchers, but I won a few pitches here and there, and I gained a modicum of popularity in the company. At that time, my mother won the public housing lottery and moved into a reinforced concrete apartment, but except for the fact that she could take a shower, everything else was the same as before, living in a cramped two-bedroom, one-kitchen life.It's all because I didn't get a professional baseball signing bonus, so I couldn't afford a house.I was assigned to a single dormitory in the company and started living alone.

Takechi, who has been caring about him since high school, was also very active in college baseball, and even hit a batting rate close to 50% in some seasons.That year, he hit 48.7 percent, a new college baseball record.I read the news story in the newspaper while eating lunch in the staff cafeteria.Takechi's popularity has spread across the country, perhaps even more famous than a professional baseball player. In addition, speaking of my situation, I finally succeeded in becoming an official player in K Musical Instruments, but this success was nothing more than not being expelled and increasing a little popularity in the company, which is very different from him.However, people have different talents. According to my level, I should be very satisfied with the status quo.

Hard work pays off, and I finally stood on the mound at the age of twenty-three, when I should have graduated even if I went to college.But the fact that I haven't had time to be happy yet bothers me.I played amateur baseball for no reason, ran twice as far, pitched three times as much, split my nails several times, and vomited blood, which was a real bloodbath, but It's only at this age that it becomes active.If I had known this, I might as well go to college to play baseball, and then enter K Musical Instruments after graduation.I was so stuck in this thought that I couldn't help myself, and it triggered my own feelings of inferiority.

After graduating from Waseda University, Takechi went against everyone's guess. He rejected many professional baseball invitations and worked for N Motors.Because he rejected the contract money in units of 100 million, the whole of Japan was dumbfounded.His father's company is in the battery industry, so some people can't understand why he chose this industry, but there are rumors that N Automobile has prepared a purchase fund of the same amount for him. In July of the following year, K Musical finally advanced to the championship match in the city versus baseball game, facing a decisive battle with its perennial rival N Auto at the Tokyo Dome. Both K musical instruments and N cars organized cheerleaders who stepped up practice for this day, as well as a large support group including the entire band, who took the bus convoy to the stadium to occupy seats in the infield and outfield.The stadium was full of employees, relatives and friends cheering for the two teams.In particular, the infield seats on the first base side of N Motors are full of colorful female fans.The stadium was surrounded by lively music played by a brass band and a noisy atmosphere. Although there was no TV broadcast, the report team that rushed to seize the ground was no less than a popular professional baseball program.

For such an important event, our side will of course let the ace pitcher Kishimoto start.If he was to be replaced, I decided to send me in even though I was exhausted from the first day before yesterday. N Auto's fourth stick is Takechi Akihide, who has been receiving attention since high school.I thought to myself that I could finally see him up close, and I was secretly excited.Wu Zhi and I are both twenty-five years old. He has been hitting the base clearing bat since he was a first-year student at Waseda Corporation, and he has been sitting in the fourth bat position since the second grade. He is a talented person.A natural hitter, he swept the college baseball world with a powerful wrist, set new hitting records with ease, was unmatched in the amateur world, and effortlessly earned a reputation as a talented slugger .In the end, he turned down the contract money offered by professional scouts such as the Giants, whether it was 200 million or 300 million. He worked for N Auto and is currently playing fourth.

Because he is talented, it is inevitable that people will say things like being arrogant about his talents with half envy.That may be true, but it's amazing that I don't have a bad impression of him at all.It's just that I can't help but sigh that the gap between myself and him is too great. There are people in the world who are so smooth and blessed by heaven. He is the son of the president of a solid company, from a wealthy family in Tokyo, and he was noticed during the Little League Championships.I've grown up reading the stories I've been on the sports papers since my high school baseball days.In the eyes of others, his natural toughness and wrist strength made him break the record effortlessly. Compared with envy, I, who live a life of hard work and vomiting blood every day, feel more shocked.It was a stark difference from my childhood in a single-parent family, living in an apartment without a bathroom, delivering newspapers, and being reprimanded for keeping a cat.

This man was among the enemy lines on the night of the decisive battle.I get a little excited at the thought of maybe meeting someone I admire on the court.And I wanted to see him for myself, to see what kind of person he was. Under our team's first attack, the game started. The pitchers of the two armies did not perform well that day, and the score was tight.First, Kishimoto's ball was hit, causing his side to lose four points.However, the pitcher of N Motors also began to lose in the second half of the seventh inning, losing three runs. The next reliever was also hit by K Instrument. A double hit from the outfield line tied the game.The stadium boiled so hot that the ground shook. I was also shocked by the huge cheers when I walked into the pitching range inside to do warm-up exercises.I was moved and excited, but when it was Kishimoto's turn to bat, a pinch hitter was dispatched, so the pitcher changed accordingly.So it was my turn to play. This is the ultimate battle for the gold medal.I was standing on the mound in the bottom half of the eighth inning.It's also the biggest stage of my baseball life.I thought to myself, I wouldn’t be a man if I didn’t show my fighting spirit here, and I made up my mind again. Now that my professional baseball dream has been shattered, tonight will be the biggest battleground of my life. The catcher is a man named Ito. He is an expert in data analysis in the K musical instrument data department. He is very hardworking, so I also have a sense of trust in him, and I feel that as long as I throw the ball under his guidance, there will be no mistakes.Probably because the opponent I faced hits the bat late, so I didn't feel too nervous.Still, against the first batter, I was a bit uneasy at the moment Ito put the glove right in the center. The opponent is the eighth bat, so there is no need to worry too much. This is what Ito passed on to me.But he doesn't seem to want to rely on the opponent's empty bat to score, but to score with a strike.The fact that I was playing really fast that night must have gotten to him from the driving range.He seemed to have calculated that since I came in after the tired Kishimoto, if I could throw the ball a little faster, even if I hit the center, the opponent would swing late. I threw the ball over the top and hit the center and it hit the top of the swinging bat, a catcher caught the smash, and the first game was over. The ball reassured me in an incredible way. The next batter is the pitcher, so the opposing team sends pinch hitters. There will be no race tomorrow, and N Auto is going all out.I wondered, who's going to be on the mound in the next top half of the ninth inning?There will be no substitutions on my side.I'll probably play until the bottom of the ninth inning. Pinnacle is a right-hander, I've never met him, but Ito seems to know him.Ito placed the glove in the center again.Then, with his hand, he made a signal to throw a sharp curveball and turn to the outside corner.He figured the opponent was a right-handed hitter, so my deep curveball should work.I hit the curveball as hard as he wanted, and the guy swung as hard as he could, and before I had a chance to be happy, the ball hit the toe of the bat and sent it flying high toward center field.I regretted that it would have been better if the ball had been thrown more outward, and I was sweating secretly, but when I saw the center fielder stepping back while holding up the glove and calmly preparing to catch the ball, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief . The first batter at the end of the eighth inning also hit the first pitch by surprise, and finally it was a third base grounder without any risk.We are also very nervous, and some blood is surging. If the other party is waiting for it, it will be dangerous, but fortunately it is not the case. Back in the dugout at third base, I started to think we might win.Ito ran over and shouted: "We can do it, the ball is fast!" As soon as I walked into the bench, Kishimoto, who was replaced, also stood up from the bench, patted me on the shoulder and said, "You can do it, no problem." At this time, the word "champion" came to mind vaguely. The word "professional baseball" that has long been completely abandoned also comes to mind.The word professional baseball is so haunting to me. But if you think about it calmly, this is simply impossible.Sure, win games and scouts come to you.But Kishimoto should be named in the draft.Kishimoto is the one who contributed most to the championship, not me. But a pitcher named Sadayama who appeared in the first half of the ninth inning was quite good, and it was difficult for our batters to hit.The ball wasn't fast enough, and our batting order wasn't bad either, killing a runner, first, and second, but the fifth hitter had a double play and no score. In the first half of the ninth inning of this bloody close game, we were overwhelmed and unexpectedly fooled by a tepid changeup pitched by the opponent.This idea of ​​a changeup commentary strikes me as unreal. It was finally the second half of the ninth inning, and it was a battle for overtime.If the opponent scores at this time, it will naturally lose the entire game.Hold on to not score, and win after the extra game-not only the people in the players' bench, but also all the people who support K musical instruments, including the support team and the audience, have such an idea in their minds.This thought also made my blood boil.I think it's entirely possible based on what I did tonight. I pitched with all my might and struck out the first batter. When the opponent's second and third balls were all empty, I couldn't believe everything in front of me.I thought I could do it, but I didn't expect to get three strikes.I was about to jump for joy, the crowd and the dugout were screaming with excitement, catcher Ito was yelling something, I didn't hear a bit. Finally, the well-regarded N Motors' basesweeper came out. The three-bat hitter was a man named Tsujimoto, who was also known as a long-distance hitter.I looked at Ito, who had put his gloves in the outer corner.And instructed me to throw curveballs.I followed his instructions and threw a wide curveball.The ball turned sharply to the outer corner as expected, and the right hitter Guo Ben leaned forward to reach the ball in a swimming position, and the result was a right-line foul. For a split second I started to think again, no problem, I can do it.The ball went faster than I thought tonight.So even the third-batter was baffled.I'm sure that as long as the opponent doesn't see through, it won't be a problem even if you throw it in the center. Seeing that Ben just moved his standing position a little closer to the base.He guessed I would still throw to the outside corner.He thought my ball would continue to float outside.So he's going to follow up with a hit and show us. Ito gave me a signal and swung the glove to the inner corner.This is telling me to go around the inner corner.I shook my head.The ball in the inside corner will generally be ignored.But I've seen Ben hit that shot several times. He moved closer to the base because he was confident of his ability.Although he is skinny and skinny, he is the third batsman of the famous N Automobile.In this case, if I throw a straight ball in the middle, it will definitely work.Ito shifted the glove to the center, and I nodded, throwing a straight ball at it.Tsujimoto, who missed his expectations, seemed to be swinging the bat just to see if he could touch the ball, but as expected, he missed it. There was cheers in the arena.We've had him hit two balls and no strikes.The current progress is very good, and he can throw a good ball even against the base clearer.But I was confused.This was influenced by Sayamada's previous pitch.Overben is eager to hit the ball.That's the whole atmosphere in the stadium.All right, I'll throw a changeup to the inside corner.If it goes well, he will miss again, and if it fails, it will be a foul.I threw an empty ball at Ito's glove that was swung to the inner corner. As a result, something unexpected happened.Koben, who seemed so impatient, hit the ball softly and firmly. The white ball slowly went over the third baseman's head and rolled down in front of left field.The enemy's support team burst into deafening cheers, while our own side lamented, and I panicked.Tsujimoto ran past first base slowly, then ran back slowly and stopped on the base bag. My mind went blank.Didn't even notice that Ito had called a stoppage.I blame myself for doing such a stupid thing.When I came back to my senses, Ito was already standing beside me. "Changeups don't work!" I shouted.Because the cheers were too loud. "The way the guy plays the second ball becomes elusive." I nodded with a strong sense of humiliation.I'm still wallowing in regret for this folly.How could I come up with the stupid idea of ​​throwing a changeup.The opponent is the third bat of N Auto. Do you want to use a slow ball to cover up the fact that you don't know other types of balls?I analyzed my own psychology and deeply introspected.Anyway, blame myself for being too eager to take him down. "Okay, okay, it's over, don't worry about it. Change your mind. Forget about first base." Ito said to me.The game started, I looked up, and I saw Takechi standing in the left batting box. He looks very slender, probably because of his relatively tall height.He has well-developed muscles, and his standing posture has an indescribable temperament.Although I can't find the right words to describe it, it may be said that what he exudes is a breath, or a noble temperament.Seen from the mound, he seemed to be shrouded in a faint light.At that time, I realized clearly, ah, that is the star. Ito, who was squatting on Takechi's other side, turned his glove completely to the right.Compared with Wu Zhi, this direction is the outer corner.Ito wanted me to deflect the ball to the outside corner, which he thought would make it nearly impossible for Taketo to hit.I hit a fastball hard into the outside corner with a set pattern. A bad ball slightly deflected to the outside corner. But Wu Zhi didn't move.Did you directly see that it was a bad ball?Or is it judged from the ball path? "Bad ball!" the referee yelled. I was hit hard on the mound.Indeed, this ball stinks. Different referees may also judge this is a good shot.It was the first time I ever met a hitter who watched the ball go by without moving. Only then did I feel from the bottom of my heart that this person was really different. He's unique, fundamentally different from other hitters. This time, Ito swung the glove to the center and slightly inward. And he instructed me to throw the curveball deep into the corner and be a bad ball.As far as my own experience is concerned, many strong hitters before have been fooled by this ball and swung.If Wu Zhi also followed suit, he would have a chance to deal with him. Ito didn't seem to be planning on making me hit the ball.I myself agree with it.If he was hit by Wu Zhi all at once, the season would be over.So I have no intention of throwing the ball near the middle.I did what Ito wanted and threw a curveball to the inside that made a wide bend.The ball went straight into Wu Zhi's arms, Wu Zhi slightly leaned back to hide, watching the ball fly by as if nothing had happened. "Bad ball!" The referee's voice sounded.Wu Zhi didn't take the bait at all.Really capable.With two bad goals and no good goals, the score was overtaken again.At this time, I regretted that I couldn't point the ball.It doesn't matter if you can't spray the ball, if you can at least sink the ball, you can fight this guy. Suddenly, I suddenly felt a chill.For a moment, I saw Takechi's sharp gaze from under the helmet.The sharp gaze conveyed by his serious expression of pursed lips is also something I have never experienced in others. At this time, I fully penetrated the secret of Wu Zhi-the secret that made him a genius.Takechi has extraordinary eyesight, and is a left-handed player, so he can clearly see the right-handed pitcher's hand. He could see the hand coming out of the right shoulder, where it was when it was released, where it went afterward, maybe even whether it was spinning or not. He sees the pitch from start to finish, and I sensed that.That way, the curveball doesn't work at all. In the eyes of Wu Zhi, who has such an ability to distinguish the ball, right-handers may not be afraid.Ito once said that Takechi would completely beat a right-hander.That's exactly what the data shows.So he was able to let go of my punt with confidence.I realized that no matter what, you can't beat Wu Zhi with straight balls and curve balls.If I know how to finger the ball, maybe he won't be able to figure it out.Because the movement of the wrist of the crossball is the same as that of the straight ball, from the moment my right hand appears on the shoulder to the moment when the fingers are opened, no matter how capable he is, he can't see it. You can see the curveball though, because the wrist shakes.It can be judged by the action different from the straight ball. I felt that I was gradually in the grasp of martial arts, and my emotions plummeted.He can completely see the change of the ball in the horizontal direction.I was like a frog on a snake, and I lost before I even threw the ball. In fact, I don't have any more balls I can use.If there is no ball that can change up and down, it will not be able to deceive this guy's eyes.what should I do? Ito told me in code to throw a straight ball.Hit a fastball that's low in the outside corner with all your strength, but this time hit a strike that lands well inside the outside corner. I, too, thought that was the only way to go, and threw a high fastball with wrist-breaking power in a fixed low outside corner. Instantly, I felt Takechi's bat disappear.This is exactly what I saw when I raised my head after I was in a state of excitement.Then, the next moment I saw Takechi's white bat standing still on the home plate with the tip facing the lower right.Also, I couldn't find the ball I threw. Got hit?There was such a violent blow in an instant, I looked up as if electrocuted, and saw the white ball flying up to the height of the vaulted stadium ceiling, falling slowly amidst the cheers, and hitting silently between the left field and the midfield. on the outfield fence.In an instant, I realized what despair is. Amid the landslide-like cheers, the game continued silently. The two outfielders ran desperately to catch up, but the ball rolling on the artificial turf was too far away from them. I ran to home plate desperately and looked back at third base, which had already made a quick circle around the base.What?Hit and run?I thought desperately, I was completely overwhelmed by this confident gesture. Then, Kuo Ben calmly opened his arms and ran into the home plate. Amidst the cheers, colorful ribbons sprayed into the air, like falling petals, flying and covering the auditorium.This scene announces that the season is over.The N Auto players and Komoto jumped out of the bench and hugged each other happily, before disappearing after a while.I searched for Wu Zhi's figure in a daze, where is he?I can't see him.
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