Home Categories Internet fantasy Zhou Tian·Shuiyun Shuangjielu 1·Chapter of Divination Moon

Chapter 15 Chapter fifteen

"This...is this Bu Yuetan?" Chong Cong Ming asked in amazement, leaning on his shoulders.But Ming, as the owner of Bu Yuetan, couldn't answer this question. She walked down the muddy road in a daze.road?If this thick bloodstain is counted as a road, where does it end?Because this bloodstain was divided into dozens of strips ten feet away, scattered into the mud and gravel, and could no longer be seen clearly. "If I guess correctly, each bloodstain represents a person. Hell, what a waste..." Chong murmured, "Where did they lead? I can't tell." Chong didn't know what Bu Yuetan looked like before, so he couldn't tell.Ming saw it.Her heart was overwhelmed, besides fear, it was still fear...

Before them was a heap of boulders as high as a hill.Under the boulder, you can still see the remnants of countless pine trees.Ming trembled all over, staring blankly at the front as she walked, tripped over scattered stones and branches many times, and broke many places on her body, but she didn't realize it.Chong only bit the bullet and stretched out his roots, as if she had grown a few extra legs, and helped her climb up the pile of boulders.Ming stood up straight on the tallest stone, and let out a long breath. The smoke and dust gradually dissipated.Under the dark clouds, the sky is turned upside down.Her eyes flicked among the chaotically piled stones, but she no longer saw those familiar giant statues of gods and beasts, those towering pine trees, and the dotted remnants of plank roads on the cliff... Instead, there was a strange, bare side. mountain wall. "Where's my sister?" Chong heard her muttering to herself, "Where is Bu Yuetan?"

The cliff over a hundred feet high behind Bu Yuetan collapsed as a whole! The collapsed boulders built a long slope, extending from the top of the cliff to the pine forest nearly a hundred feet away. Countless huge rocks intertwined and supported each other.When the stone poured down, it submerged all obstacles in the way like a flood.The pine forest that stood for thousands of years disappeared, and the camp that witnessed the rise and fall of Buyuetan also disappeared. Only one or two pine trees that had been washed crookedly on the edge of the rocks remained in dilapidated condition.What about Bu Yuetan?

Ming Wang looked and looked for it for a long time, her eyes were bleeding, but she couldn't even recognize the general direction.Bu Yuetan was submerged by the torrent of rocks, buried so deep that not even a trace could be seen.In other words, Bu Yuetan was completely erased. It's over!it's over!Bu Yuetan no longer exists!Four thousand three hundred years of ups and downs, generations of hard work and protection, have since vanished! "Landslide... such a large-scale landslide!" Chong sincerely admired, "It's really powerful! I've opened my eyes... Hey! What's wrong with you?" It stretched out several roots in an instant, and then supported Mingruan The soft body, when I looked carefully, I found that she had passed out.

"Tch." Chong cocked his mouth and said, "That's why women don't see the big world..." It hugged Ming and was about to turn around and leave when it suddenly sniffled and rolled its eyes.A strong smell of blood blew along with the wind, and this smell tickled it, making it hard to scratch.It looked around, the witches hadn't arrived yet, and Ming didn't seem to be able to wake up for a while, so he secretly stretched out a root and stretched out along the chaotic rocks. It crawled and circled, over cracked boulders, broken pine trees, and several times, broken corpses were buried in the rock piles.Chong observed carefully and found that they had bled dry and were worthless to eat.But... hell, why is the blood in the wind so pure?Did a lot of people die somewhere?

Undoubtedly, Ming's blood is the purest and freshest it has ever tasted, and it is full enough after taking only one or two sips, and it has promised Ming that it will not drink other blood, but it still cannot get rid of its obsession with the fishy smell ... Ah, even if you take a look at it, how interesting is it to see a lot of bright red blood pooled together? Unknowingly, it climbed up a distance of tens of feet, and the smell of blood became stronger, making its head dizzy.But the roots are getting smaller and smaller, almost reaching the limit of extension length.It sighed secretly, and decided to climb over a boulder in front of it, and if it still didn't gain anything, it would go back immediately.

It had just climbed halfway, and suddenly heard someone sighing in pain behind the rock, as if encountering an extremely difficult decision.The sound was so unpleasant that Chong suddenly thought of a duck whose neck was strangled—the duck was panting desperately, but couldn't do it when it wanted to.Chong was numb from hearing this, and just about to back away, the man shouted eagerly: "Come on, come on, take a look for me. I...I really can't choose!" Chong Duo poked his head out tremblingly.Behind the boulder, there is a recessed area, about ten feet wide, in the middle of which are placed in a haphazard manner... Chong rubbed his eyes vigorously... there are more than a dozen bloody... ah, what a fucking... !It simply didn't know whether to be terrified or excited, it started to crazily grab its own petals.

It was a dozen naked corpses without skin... The man who skinned them stood among them, brooding in distress. "Hey..." he asked cautiously, "do you think... do I wear this suit?" "He...he...hehe...hehe..." Chong's roots fought chaotically without any dignity. The man's body was covered with blood and flesh, and he couldn't see his true face. He was holding several human skins in his hand, and he was holding them up one by one in front of him for a closer look.His head was tilted to one side, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes rolling around—he was seriously distressed.

This scene made even Chongdu, who was used to the battlefield, unbearable.It was completely frightened, its whole body was so stiff that it almost withered, it couldn't move, it couldn't retract, and it watched the person approaching. The man said: "Chong, look, I managed to collect thirteen complete skins, but I can't pick out which one is suitable for me. How about you choose for me?" "This one...not very good...this one...short...this one is thin...this, this doesn't suit you...ah! ah! ah!" "What's wrong?" The man thought that the human skin was broken, and looked around nervously.

"You...you...how do you know...my...my..." The man was busy choosing, but did not answer.Seeing his dazed look, Chong suddenly got excited and blurted out: "You, you are Yu's big brother!" "Third Brother." The man corrected it seriously, "Have you met Big Brother?" "It turned out to be Master Feng, Feng, Master Feng! The master, the master, has a majestic face, four, four seas... the guests, and the little one can see you today. It is really, really a blessing in life..." "Forget it!" The man interrupted it impatiently: "Hurry up, help me choose." He said and lifted Pi to Chong.When the wind blew, the skins swayed feebly, but nothing could be seen in Kong Kong's eyes, and nothing could come out of Kong Kong's mouth...

"I... I really... don't know..." Chong cried out in a voice that was so frightened that he could urinate: "I... I'm just a flower... how do I know... know..." With a grunt in his throat, the man stepped back resentfully.He hesitated for a long time, then suddenly said: "That's right! The woman you're holding is really good with thin skin and tender flesh. Where did you get it?" "Her? Master Yu has already given her the villain..." "She is..." The man was stunned: "Mu? Didn't she go down with Yu?" "Ah!" Chong pointed to a piece of skin behind the man and shouted: "That one is really good! Really! The eyebrows are delicate, the sky is full, and it looks like wealth and honor at first glance. It is a perfect match for adults!" The man hurriedly turned around, picked it up and looked at it, hesitantly said: "Is it suitable? But it's a little short... Besides, it's thick to the touch. Should I try... Chong! Are you lying to me?" With a backhand swing, the roots standing on the rock were broken into several pieces, but Chong was gone.The man was furious, and jumped onto the rock, only to see Chong holding a woman running desperately under the pile of stones far away. "Help! Help!" Chong yelled as he ran, suddenly there was a strong wind behind him, and it threw out a root like lightning, wrapped it around a pine tree that hadn't been overturned, pulled it suddenly, and jumped up—swish With a few bangs, more than half of its roots were cut into pieces by the rapidly spinning wind blade. "Oh! Damn it!" Chong screamed in pain, all the roots were retracted into a ball, wrapped in tea, and rolled down.It falls a certain distance, hits a rock, bounces high, and bounces again after falling.It was bouncing back and forth among the rocks, and the man on the rocks was amused, and said with a grin, "This is fun! Then ask more people to play with you!" Chong played happily, and was about to pop out of the pile of rocks, when he suddenly saw something appearing on the rock in front of him.The thing looked like it had hands and feet, and it seemed to be a human being, but its whole body was covered with mud, and apart from a pair of eyes, there were no other facial features.Chong Gang felt surprised, the mud figure waved his hand, and twenty or thirty similar figures stood up behind him.They were still dripping with muddy water, dripping to the ground. Chong's eye sockets were almost cracked, but it bounced off such a high rock pile, and the speed was so fast that it couldn't hold back at all.It looked around eagerly, selected a location in an instant, and jumped hard on a protruding rock that was farthest from it. With a puff, the mud people raised their heads together, only to see the big ball entwined with roots fly high, over the top of their heads, and fall into the forest far away.A rampant voice laughed long and loudly: "Hahahaha... Mudheads, take your time and have fun hahahaha!" The leading mud man shook his head, and all the people waved their arms at the same time. Amid the whirring sound, balls of mud flew towards the ball.The laughter suddenly turned into a scream: "Wow! Water! You shit eaters!" The mud man swung his arms faster and faster, and countless mud balls rained down.Chong's roots withered one after another, and were beaten up by the mud ball, leaving only a few trunks in a short time.Before flying into the forest, he fell down with Ming.It screamed and screamed, but no one responded. Seeing that Ming was about to be smashed to pieces among the hard rocks, Chong sucked blood desperately, and at the last moment, a large piece of root hair burst out, and fell heavily into the rubble pile together with Ming. . For a long time, Chongcai woke up from the dizzying situation.It barely raised its head, only to see the bloody and bloody Feng standing in front of it, grinning and said: "It's fun. So you can still beat well, let's try again?" Chong Ruan softly said: "No...it can't be done..." Feng stretched out his hand, brushed away the hairs on Ming's face, stared at it for a while, and said softly, "It's so beautiful... She's a perfect person. She should be Ming, the real guardian of Bu Yuetan, right?" Where would Chong dare to hide another word, nodded and said: "Yes... yes... the little one was ordered to guard her, who would have thought... a landslide happened, so the villain had no choice but to take her out... The villain has no intention of betraying the master , the world can learn from..." Feng didn't bother to care about it, just stroked Ming's face over and over again, and murmured: "It's a pity...it's a pity...such a good skin, I can't get it for me. In front of her, I am really like a pile of ugly dead meat "Isn't that right, Chong?" "Ah? Oh! How...how is it possible?" Chong said with a mournful face, "Master, please spare the little one!" Feng Da opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth, leaned closer to Ming's face for comparison, and asked Chong: "Tell me, if I eat such a beautiful person, will I be punished by heaven... You trembled so much. The root is about to be broken, hahahaha! Chong! You idiot, really defeat my appetite!" He got closer and closer, spraying his breath on Ming's face, and said, "So what about God's punishment? It's not like I haven't experienced it... huh?" He was startled suddenly, because at some point, Ming had already opened his eyes, and the gleam in his clear pupils was looking at him without blinking.what is she looking at Feng trembled all over, suddenly there was a strong wind, Chong and Ming were blown up, and rolled down again.The mud people were at a loss as they watched Feng Chengfeng rise up to the top of the pile of rocks, but staggered and fell.He quickly got up again, and hissed, "You...what did you do! Ah! My head...my head hurts...what have you done!" He stomped his feet in pain, stretched out his hands, and immediately the wind was bitter, and the shattered wind was like a pair of sharp blades, cutting Chong Zhi who was dozens of meters away, screaming, desperately protecting Ming who was unconscious again.Feng Leng said: "Woman, you dare to invade my soul, I have no choice but to chop you up. Chong, I will give you one last chance, get away from me, otherwise..." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly shook violently, and all the wind blades disappeared without a trace in an instant.He looked back blankly, looked in the direction of Bu Yuetan who had disappeared, and said in a trembling voice, "Yu...is...is it you?" Chong heard Yu's name, rolled his eyes, and almost passed out, but the pain from the broken roots made him unable to close his eyes, and stared blankly at Feng crawling towards the top of the pile of rocks. Is there something strange... Chong faintly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.Is Yu here?Why didn't I feel the old days at all...Suddenly saw Feng fell heavily in the pile of stones, and immediately got up again.Chong clearly saw his rotten back trembling. "Yu... sister... is that you?" Feng's voice became more and more confused, like sleepwalking, climbing up step by step.He climbed to the highest point, knelt on the ground, and carefully picked up something.Chong tried his best to open his eyes but couldn't see it. The thing should be very small.Is it Yu?How could it be possible... But Feng Shu stood up holding the thing in despair, hesitated for a moment, and then burst into tears. "Sister... Yu... Woo... Woo... Yu..." Feng let out a heart-piercing howl, like a wounded beast, he staggered and wandered on the top of the rock, knelt down and stood up in pain, stood up and lay down again.Blood began to splatter from his body, and after a while, the blood began to flow down.From Chong's point of view, the blood was as old as sewage. Chong was stunned, he didn't know what he was crying for, and when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, the mud people looked at each other in bewilderment.Hell, what the hell is this trick? "Sister... Who harmed you? Is it a trick? I told you earlier, that bitch is treacherous...I...I will kill her alive...I must...by the way, there is her sister here , I cut her first, and then..." The voice stopped here.Feng took a step back, followed by another step.He gritted his teeth and bent his body terribly backwards, not taking a third step back.The mud people looked at him strangely, but saw an arrow sticking out of his left shoulder. Feng shivered for a long time before letting out his breath. Instead of pulling the arrow, he just nodded and sighed: "What a fast arrow... what a sharp arrow... Your Excellency is the witch who attacked my sister that day, right?" His answer was another arrow that struck like lightning.Feng stretched his right hand and grabbed the arrow shaft.He tensed his body, and the tip of the arrow was trembling violently. The force from the arrow and his strength saw each other.At this moment, there was an urgent whistling sound, and everyone saw another arrow shot from afar, aiming at Feng's chest! In an instant, Feng flipped his left hand, and several whirlwinds were generated on his wrist, sealing the arrow's path.Chong grasped all the roots—— The arrow pierced his chest, passed through his body, and pierced into the rock behind him until it reached the feather.Feng took three steps back, tilted his body, and nearly fell down.He supported his body with his right hand, and clenched his left hand tightly to protect his chest.From the breach in the back, a jet of dark red blood spurted out, instantly turning into a blood mist. Chong was dumbfounded, the arrow didn't fly very fast, it didn't even make a sound, unexpectedly it was so strong.But why didn't he grab the arrow body?It clearly saw that when the arrow arrived, there was a flash of light in Feng's eyes, but the clenched fist did not open. Could it be that because of something in his hand, he would rather get hurt than give up? Feng glanced at Chong, and said flatly: "Chong, tell your master, I will take your life in the future." "Wait... wait a minute!" There was a constant swishing sound above Chong's head, and several arrows came one after another, but the violent whirlwind blew by, and they shot into the void. When Wu Jie and Wu Jing arrived, Ming was still awake.Far below the cliff, countless gravel and dust were swept up by the whirlwind and reached the sky, like an ugly mud dragon rising from the ground, probing into the dark clouds without thinking.Because of the distance, even the sound of the wind can't be heard, which makes people feel that the thing is not real. "Hello!" Wu Jing asked Chong unhappily, "What are you doing here? Where is Buyuetan?" "Who knows..." Chong was still uneasy at the moment: "I... I guess it should be under this rock." "Are these stones all new?" "It just collapsed, and the bottom has not been compacted yet. Would you like to go in and have a look?" Wu Jing stomped hard on the rock he was standing on, and felt more at ease, so he continued to ask: "Where is that person?" Chong supported the roots and let Ming lie down to sleep, Wu Jing saw her with her head up, showing her fair and slender neck , there were still two lines of wet tears on her face, and she suddenly had a strange idea, wanting to reach out to support her head, so that she could sleep more comfortably.This thought made him sick for a long time, and he thought: "This hateful woman, you have humiliated me, and I will take revenge! Generally speaking, what I like is..." His severed wrist was throbbing with pain , forcibly suppressed the latter name. "He rides the wind...he's the wind. I think he ran away." "I feel...very unhappy." Wu Jing then turned back and said very unhappy to Wu Jie: "We wandered all the way, except for falling into the mud and falling into the pile of stones, it seems that we didn't catch up with any big scenes. In this way Go down, when can we go back to Kunlun Mountain? You need to do some big things! Big things! Big things like Jinshan, understand? Why don’t you shoot him?" Wu Jie bent his bow and set an arrow, aiming at the whirlwind, but never released the arrow. The tip of the arrow pointed at the top of the whirlwind for a while, and pointed at the chaotic stone piles for a while.Wu Jing's heart was beating wildly, and his whole body mustered all his energy.After a while, Wu Jie lowered his bow. "What's wrong?" "He's gone." "What? But I still feel... a strong force!" Wu Jie sighed: "You're right, we didn't catch up with the big scene. If he was still there, his power might be far beyond your imagination..." He took out the seal of the nine-headed lion eagle and stroked it With scorched black lines, said: "Damn it, it's only one step away..." "Phew..." Wu Jing wiped the sweat from his brow: "Aren't you a liar? There is still such a great pressure after leaving... You said you want to kill them one by one? Five people... Let me think... He looked around: "Look now, these rural places are not bad, and we don't have to go back to Kunlun..." With this thought in mind, he fell asleep peacefully in Buyue Village that night.On the second and third day, he slept soundly.People in the village were busy offering sacrifices and mourning the lost relatives, and Wu Jie was busy reporting to Kunlun Mountain.Apart from reminding Wu Jie not to write himself in it, he didn't care about it at all, it's the joy of a real god.On the morning of the fourth day, he was woken up by a series of rumbling noises. He lay on the couch for a long time, until he was sure that these damned roars would not stop, so he reluctantly got up.Almost all the slaves serving him were dead, which made Wu Jing especially angry.He dressed himself resentfully, and as soon as he walked out the door, he was startled by the sight in front of him. On the open flat ground at the head of the village, more than a dozen airships are slowly landing, and the open sails cover a large piece of the sky.Most of them were Yaozu's boats, but there were also one or two with the flag of Kunlun Mountain, and two painted black without any logo, Zhou people descended from the top with a dignified look.Wu Jing grew up next to the dock in Kunlun Mountains, and it was common for him to have dozens or even hundreds of airships landing at the same time, but in such a remote village, he saw them venture across the dense jungle and land in the strong wind , but was really shocked. Strangely, the people in the village showed no surprised expressions.Under the command of several elders, they were running around in groups, fixing cables, carrying goods, and chatting enthusiastically with Yaozu people. "What's going on?" Wu Jing touched his stiff face and looked around: "Why... Hey, you, come here!" His only remaining slave rushed to him and shouted excitedly: "Master...my lord! Fly...flying ship!" Wu Jing slapped him hard, and said angrily, "Calm down, don't embarrass me! What's going on, do you know?" "Listen... I heard!" The slave desperately restrained his trembling legs and stammered, "This...these ships bring things. I heard that after three months, there will be five...five hundred Come, come! My lord, fly... fly!" Wu Jing sighed, knowing that he couldn't say anything clearly, he waved his hand and ordered him to stay in the room and not allow him to come out.When he walked to the open space, the bang when the airship landed and the noise of the crowd made his head hurt.Fortunately, it didn't take long before he saw Wu Jie and Ming in front of a floating boat, so he hurried over. "Hey! What's going on! What are you doing behind my back?" "Are you finally awake?" "Who are they?" Although Wu Jing was wearing the clothes of Bu Yue Village, he carefully hid himself in a dark place where the Wu Clan floating boat could not see: "Someone reported on me?" "They came from the territory of Chu State." Wu Jie said seriously, "Starting today, there will be more floating boats coming." "why?" "Because of the steep terrain here, it is very difficult for people and animals to come up. You have seen it before. Stone, wood, bronze..." "That's not the question!" Wu Jing was furious, "Why did you come to this dilapidated village? Ah... so you are here, woman?" He deliberately pretended to be very surprised.Ming smiled at him tiredly. "Within three months, at least 500 people will come. The project is huge. Our clan, Zhou people, Yao clan... Don't you know? Bu Yuetan will be brought back under the control of the three clans." "Why?" Wu Jing became more and more confused, but Wu Jie ignored him and continued to chat with the monster clansman.Wu Jing scratched his head and walked around twice, and when he came back to Wu Jie, he heard him talking about the price with that person. "What? Are we leaving?" He hurriedly asked, "I can pay you a share, as long as you get out of this damn place!" Before Wu Jie could answer, Ming said, "It's me. I want to leave here." "Where are you going?" Wu Jing looked around nervously, hell, this woman is going to run!But... there are too many people now, how to start? "I'm going to find my sister." Ming said flatly, "No matter where I go, I will find her back." "Your sister? Isn't she buried in Bu Yuetan? Damn, why have I been asking this and that all day?" Ming looked up at the mountains to the west, and said, "I can feel that my sister has left here far away. I have nothing to do with Bu Yuetan, at least... I think she can return safely." Wu Jie had already negotiated the price, and said, "Okay, we will leave in an hour. The farthest they can send us is to the west of Shu Kingdom, where we can find other floating boats. The journey will be very hard. of." "I'm not afraid of hard work, as long as..." "etc!" "...can arrive as soon as possible..." "Wait a minute!" Wu Jing stood between the two with his hands up, and said angrily, "Wait for me to say something! What do we mean by 'we'?" "It's because you are added, so we chose to take the Yaozu's boat. You have to pay for the extra money yourself. Let's go, Ming, there is still a lot to do." "Ming? Your tone is too flirtatious, Jie! But why..." They walked towards the village, and a few airships lifted off behind them. Wu Jing roared at the top of his voice, but only the sound of hunting wind answered him. Yaoqing City Boundary.A-E shipyard. The Jiawu Dock was built outside Yaoqing City, on the easternmost side of the floating island.In fact, part of its landing passage even protrudes beyond the floating island.Although it is not the largest shipyard in Yaoqing City, it is the most cutting-edge shipyard specially prepared for combat, and it undertakes most of the supply and repair work for combat stars. It was already very late at this time, and looking far away from the wide hatch of the dock, under the deep sky, you can still see a line of dark red, which is the last afterglow of the sun.After a moment, that ray of light will completely disappear.The moon will not rise until after midnight.During this period, if it sinks downward after sailing, the lights of Yaoqing City will be blocked by the island, and it can only rely on the starlight and the navigation lights on the few small floating islands around the floating island to guide the direction.This is the most dangerous takeoff and landing moment. Since most of the starships have already returned, ten of the twelve landing passages in the dock have been closed early.Winter nights are brutal.There are five passages running through the floating island, connecting the dock with the warm Yaoqing City, but at the place close to the landing passage, once the heavy gate is opened, the cold air that pours in still penetrates the heart and lungs.No one wants to be here except the receiving soldiers in heavy armor.In the empty passageway, there was a sound of thumping from time to time, and the red gold tool in charge of patrolling was running.It's a pity to see them, their limbs are often stiff from the cold, and they have to run to maintain heat. But at this moment, the landing passageway on the westernmost side of the AV dock is brightly lit.This is the exclusive channel of Xingcha of Qingming.One hundred and twenty soldiers were lining up, and the corporal wearing a light helmet was running around, directing the rows of soldiers to line up.Thirty attendants and sixteen sets of carrying red gold tools were busy transporting the luggage to Xingcha, the heavy footsteps of the red gold tools made the passage tremble slightly.One of them slipped and fell down the gangway, smashing two boxes of spare parts for the small Xingcha, and the attendant roared loudly.A head of ten households with a yellow feather on his helmet gave an order in a sharp voice, and one hundred and thirty attack-type red gold tools were lined up in two rows against the wall of the landing passage. , they will open a small door, put their hands in to check, and make sure that the tube pupae in each frame are fresh... Some heavily armored soldiers climbed on the high landing bracket of Xingcha, and loaded barrels of light gas into the cabin.This work was very dangerous, and it should have been completed before the mobilization of the troops, but this time the order was issued very hastily. According to the plan, they had to set off an hour later.Every barrel of light gas stuffed into the circular air supply channel will cause a huge sound.Chang Lanshi stood on one of the wings, commanding his subordinates with sweat profusely.He turned around and shouted at a messenger soldier, "What?" "Chang Jishi asked, how long is it?" "At least half an hour!" "The progress must be accelerated..." the ordering soldier cautiously reminded.The irritable Chang Lanshi immediately said viciously: "Quick? How fast? If you drop a bucket, you will die very quickly! Go and tell Chang Jishi, don't rush me!" Chang Ji Shi Wubian of Xingcha of Qingming was not in the same passage at this time.In fact, he was standing outside the dock, on a huge rock near the edge of the floating island.A few feet away from him, the earth disappeared and it was pitch black.There are several lights flickering in the distance, they are lighthouses around the floating island, guiding the direction to the south. The wind blew loudly, and Wu Bian raised his thick fur collar, but his face was still blue from the cold.His deputy, Shu Jishi Wu Tongshu said: "My lord, why don't you go into the passage. The troops are almost assembled." Wu Bian shook his head. "I like this kind of cold wind." He said, "Once I get down to the ground, where can I find such coldness? I want to blow it a little longer." He held a piece of flying grass in his hand, which is floating The island is everywhere, and in summer, the dangerous swamp south of Yaoqing City will be completely covered by it, looking from a distance, it looks like a green sea.The one Wu Bian picked up by the rock has long since withered and turned yellow, and he still plays with it endlessly. Wu Tongshu hesitated for a moment, then asked, "My lord, this mission is so urgent, what exactly is it?" Wu Bian turned around: "You ask me? In fact, I don't understand either. All I know is..." The sudden whistling drowned out Wu Bian's words, and they turned their heads at the same time, only to see a messenger starship quickly passing under the landing passage protruding from the floating island.A long string of lights immediately flickered to guide it.The messenger Xingcha lingered twice, kept slowing down, and tried to approach the passage.Under the light, the dragon pattern on the side of the boat is vivid. "The order from the Prime Minister of Beiming City has arrived." Wu Tongshu said. "I have to remind you." Wu Bian said solemnly: "For this mission, we will only receive orders from the emperor." Wu Tongshu's face changed color, and he tremblingly said: "Emperor? Why is this..." "Don't ask questions, just do it." Wu Bian raised his hand, and just as the Flying Yellow Grass left his palm, it was swept up by the bitter wind and flew into the boundless sky outside.There was a vibration under the feet, and the messenger ship rushed into the landing channel against the wind. Seeing that Wu Bian was staring blankly at the grass that was flying farther and farther, Wu Tongshu still had no intention of leaving, so he said, "Your Excellency just said that I only know..." "Oh..." Wu Bian came back to his senses, put his hand to his mouth, let out a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "I only know that we are going south to the state of Chu. There is a great place waiting for you." Warriors of my clan... get ready for battle." At the end of the sky, the bright line finally faded away.But the surroundings did not dim because of this.Wu Bian turned his head to look up at the great Yaoqing City towering into the sky, and prayed secretly.
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