Home Categories Internet fantasy Zhou Tian·Shuiyun Shuangjielu 1·Chapter of Divination Moon

Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

A slave offered tea, the woman thanked her softly, and took it calmly.I don't know how long she walked through the rugged mountains and forests in the dark, her clothes were ripped and bloodstained everywhere, but she still looked calm, took a sniff of the tea first, frowned slightly, and only took a sip , set aside. Wu Jing moved his butt secretly, thinking: "This woman is terrible, she can eat Lao Jing's inferior tea!" Wu Jie was afraid that his appearance would scare the other party, so he put on his head scarf early in the morning and sat in the shadows calmly.Wu Jing waited for the slaves to put up the food and water, and with a wave of his hand, all the slaves retreated.He was sitting upright, and said: "Young lady must be tired after walking the mountain road for a long time. In a hurry, please be casual, please don't mind."

The woman smiled and said: "In the wilderness, there is a fire, and a handful of water is enough. Your Excellency is too polite." She laughed, and the sparkle in her eyes flowed out with the smile, which was breathtaking.Wu Jing's heart was shaken for a moment, but he didn't know where he was.Suddenly hearing Wu Jie cough, he came back to his senses, and found that his body was tilted to one side, he cried out in shame, and leaned over as if adding fuel to the fire. Hearing the sound of coughing, the woman looked for a while at the dark place where Wu Jie was hiding, and then asked Wu Jing, "Have you lost your way too? How did you come to such a remote place?"

Wu Jing said: "Oh, I originally wanted to go to the south of the mountain. Halfway there, there was a heavy rain and the mountain road was destroyed. The slave who led the way wanted to take a detour, but whoever wanted to go more and more remote, got lost. But if it weren't for this, I wouldn't I met the girl. I think the girl has an extraordinary bearing, why is she alone..." The woman said: "The little girl is originally from the nearby village. Today, she went into the mountain with her grandmother and younger sister. It was also because of the heavy rain that they separated. If I hadn't met Your Excellency, I don't know what to do."

The two each talked politely for a long time, neither of them knew the other's origin and whereabouts.Wu Jing felt more and more that this woman behaved calmly, she was definitely not an ordinary person, she should be the queen of a certain dignitary, but looking at the clothes she was wearing, even if they were not damaged, they were not good... This is really puzzling. Just as he was talking, a Huben guard came in quickly, and saluted: "My lord, this subordinate has found the location of Buyue Village." Wu Jing hurriedly said: "Really? Where is it?" But Wu Jie said in an unquestionable tone: "Understood, and step back." Wu Jing came to his senses and quickly glanced at the woman. Show a look of surprise.

He picked up the fruit and ate it casually, saying: "This fruit is not bad, young lady, try it?" The woman asked hesitantly: "Do you want to go to Buyue Village?" "Oh, it's not a big deal. I always like to travel around. When I came here, I heard that the villagers of Buyue are honest and kind, and they have ancient virtues. I admire them, so I want to see... Miss, do you know that village?" The girl hesitated and didn't answer.She seemed to be a little chilly, and gently stroked her exposed shoulders.Wu Jing saw that there was a flower tattoo on her creamy shoulder, it was so beautiful, she couldn't help swallowing, and was secretly feeling that she was as beautiful as a flower, when she was startled suddenly - the tattoo seemed to move.

The woman said: "Buyue's villagers are unruly and thieves are rampant. It is already beyond human tolerance. Besides, the road to the mountain is rugged and dangerous, and it is difficult to reach the sky. I advise you to turn back as soon as possible." Wu Jing poured hot water on her, and said with a smile: "The girl seems to be very familiar with Buyue Village? I waited thousands of miles to find it, but it is not easy, how can I give up halfway? If the girl is really enthusiastic, I hope I can give you some pointers. " The woman drank a few sips of water, and her expression regained her composure.She looked at Wu Jing calmly, but looked at Wu Jing uncomfortably, and vaguely felt that her eyes could see through her.He wanted to say something, but the woman suddenly said, "Which country are you from?"

"Ah... um... I am from the state of Lu." The woman shook her head, smiled sweetly and said, "Your Excellency deceived me." Her smile made Wu Jing's heart skip a beat, and he asked, "Why did the girl say that?" "Although I have never been out of the mountains, I have heard a lot of things. Zhou people are the most respectful, and they like jade. I heard people say that a gentleman is as gentle as jade. There must be a lot of jade for someone with a status like your Excellency But... I'm sorry... Apart from a jade fox hanging on your waist, there are only two strings of copper ornaments, isn't it..."

"Girl really has good eyesight." Wu Jing said calmly, "I'm actually a member of the Yao clan, from Zhu Ti." This time, the woman lowered her eyes and covered her mouth and smiled, even more disbelieving.Wu Jing thought: "Is this little girl really knowledgeable, or is she deliberately defrauding me? I don't believe that I can't convince her!" Then he said: "You don't believe it? I have the source pattern on my body, but it is behind the back, so it is not convenient for outsiders to see. " The woman smiled and said: "If you don't reveal the source pattern, how can you use it? You have a wide forehead and a high bun, and your demeanor is calm, and you don't favor jade or stone. I think...he came from Kunlun Mountain, right?"

"Hehehe." Wu Jing laughed and said, "The girl really knows how to guess, but it's a pity that she didn't guess right this time. I am a serious businessman from the Lu Kingdom. Are you familiar with witches?" "Never seen." Wu Jing shook his head and said, "I don't believe it." The woman bowed her head and pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Xidara, Lazar." This is a solemn greeting in the language of the Wu tribe. Without thinking about it, Wu Jing sat upright and said, "Lasada... ah!" He stared at the woman's eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Are you ..."

Suddenly Wu Jing jumped up high, hissing and screaming.A dazzling green light flashed, and there was a loud bang. The scattered runes hit the wall of the cave, dragging out several cracks about two feet long, and stone chips flew around.One of them flashed out of the cave, and the two Huben guards who were guarding outside the cave were caught off guard and rushed far away. These tiger and cardinal guards have experienced hundreds of battles, and they did not panic when they encountered a sudden change. They drew their weapons at the same time, four of them protected the entrance of the cave, and the rest rushed inward.Suddenly, there was a flash in front of my eyes, and countless sparks flew towards me.Huben's guards held their swords to block, who knew that these scattered sparks contained enormous power, the few people who rushed to the front couldn't hold back their strength and fell backwards.

These fires cooled rapidly on the walls of the cave, and the cave was instantly pitch black.The chief guard suddenly realized that these fires were not the monster clan's Yuanwen attack, but someone turned up the fire in the cave, and charcoal fire flew out one after another, blocking them outside the cave.Such an action seems to be trying to hide something.He was terrified, thinking that both Wu Jie and Wu Jing had been murdered, and was about to order his subordinates to rush in desperately, when Wu Jie yelled sharply: "Get out! Guard the entrance of the cave, no one is allowed to come in!" The chief guard shouted: "My lord! This subordinate will never leave!" Wu Jie said coldly: "I'm fine, and the mirror is fine too...you all leave this cave quickly, keep a tight guard around you, and don't resist!" The chief guard hurriedly said: "Yes!" He waved his hand to signal everyone to retreat.The guards exited the cave, immediately sealed off the surrounding area, and strictly guarded all the slaves.The head guard stood at the entrance of the cave with cold sweat on his forehead, because he listened intently, but he couldn't hear any movement in the cave.He guessed that Wu Jie had opened several restrictions, so there was no sound coming out. If this is the case, what happened inside must be appalling... He guessed right.Wu Jie released six restraints in an instant, two of which blocked the entrance of the cave, and the remaining four stood in front of the woman to block the attack rune released by Wu Jing before she lost consciousness.Even in such a chaotic situation, the runes released by Wu Jing still powerfully broke through these four restrictions. Just when Wu Jie thought that the woman would be severely injured, a mist of flowers suddenly burst out from her shoulders, layer upon layer. The roots and flowers tightly wrapped around her who was also unconscious, and a few roots grabbed the roof of the cave like lightning, and lifted them up to avoid the rune attack.Wu Jie tapped the bamboo pole and stabbed it towards the flowers. The bamboo pole made a loud noise, and after being tapped dozens of times, the castration suddenly weakened.A certain voice screamed: "Oh! What a fucking pain! A guy who doesn't know how to pity flowers! We don't want to fight!" Wu Jie quickly retracted the bamboo pole again, hearing the tiger guards rushing into the cave, but Wu Jing His appearance must not be seen by others at this time, so he took advantage of the situation and swept the fire away. The rabbits rose and fell a few times, and the cave was completely dark in the blink of an eye.Wu Jie listened attentively, and only heard the heavy breathing of Wu Jing and the woman, as well as the sound of water dripping from the cave roof split by Wu Jing's runes, but he couldn't hear the third person. After hesitating, he touched the shoulder, where there was a broken petal, and said in a low voice, "So it's Hua Mei." "Scared, scared?" Chong said tremblingly.Wu Jie's blow almost broke its two taproots, and now it hurts so much that I just want to scold my mother, but the enemy can't show weakness right now. Wu Jie took a step back, kicked Wu Jing with his heel, and said in the words of a witch: "Get up, Jing, quickly recover your sanity!" Chong Ye desperately pulled Ming's hair, and whispered in her ear: "Get up! Are you crazy, do you want us all to die here?" Wu Jing was the first to wake up.He covered his head and groaned and propped up half of his body, saying: "What...what's wrong..." Wu Jie said quietly: "Hurry up and regain your sanity, look at yourself." "Why... ah, hell, my head is about to split... it hurts... what was that hit just now? Soul taking? Fuck him, I'm the one... ah... it hurts!" He yelled for a long time, touched Wu Jie's bamboo pole, and said again: "Ah, yes, I remembered, I remembered everything...Old Jie, you hit me with the bamboo pole again?" "...you have a good memory." Wu Jie whipped him with a bamboo pole: "Stand up and try." Wu Jing felt the pain, instinctively drew back his legs, and was suddenly taken aback.After a while, there was a rustling sound in the cave, and then Wu Jing's nightmare voice: "I... I am... why did I return to my original body..." Wu Jie shouted abruptly: "Shut up! Take it back quickly, idiot!" At this moment, the woman's weak voice sounded at the same time: "It turns out...you are really witches with snakes and tails." Wu Jing's mind went blank for a moment, and in desperation, the huge snake body jumped up against him, with a muffled bang, his head hit the stone wall of the cave ceiling heavily, and he passed out completely. Wu Jie swung his bamboo pole across, supported Wu Jing's limp body, and said coldly, "Who are you? Just now you used the soul-snatching technique?" The woman gasped heavily, and said, "That...that's different from your witches' soul-snatching technique. I just...wanted to borrow his body for a while, but I didn't expect him to push me out." "Hmph, if he hadn't been really careless, it would be impossible for him to be tempted by you. Who are you? If you don't make it clear, you will never leave alive today." He still sat still, but there was a faint blue light flickering in the cave. Another layer of restriction is unfolding silently.Some of them have already begun to gather around, Chong felt fear, and while secretly retracting the roots, he leaned into Ming's ear and whispered: "Hey, I... I can't see that he is joking!" "I... I have no choice but to make this decision, because I need your help." "Trying to seize the soul, but still want to help? The girl has a good idea." The restriction continued to increase, and there was a root that suddenly lay across the top of the cave. Let Chong scream. "I... I just want to prove that you are witches. The situation is urgent and there is no other way." "Why does the girl think that if we are witches, we will definitely help you? Isn't it too arbitrary." Just when the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, and Chong was already trembling with panic, Ming suddenly asked it in a low voice: "What are those blue ones?" "Have you finally seen it? That's a ban that's about to squeeze our brains out!" "Against us?" "yes!" "That's good." Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and said calmly, "Yide Shiga." Wu Jie's eyebrows twitched.The cave was suddenly bright, but it was only a flash, and then quickly dimmed.Chong's eyes were stabbed in pain, and he screamed again and again, but it was far less startled than Wu Jie, so that he stood up in a daze. The light flashed just now, and all the restrictions he carefully placed disappeared without a trace at the same time. Looking at the world today, even if the Great Elder casts the spell himself, he may not be able to remove his rune restrictions so easily. This little woman But just relying on one sentence... His whole body tensed up. But... his mind was moving fast... If he forcibly suppressed the restraint, the power of the restraint would rebound back, but the restraint melted in the air like a bubble, and he didn't feel any rebound force.He took another step back, protected himself and Wu Jing with a bamboo pole, and shouted, "Who are you?" Shaken by the sound, Wu Jing slowly woke up.His mind was confused, and he looked up blankly.Suddenly, there was a slight flash of light in the pitch-black hole, then another, and then another... These light spots merged into a light path in an instant, and fell down intermittently, and it was impossible to see what it was.Wu Jing held his breath. Gradually, there were more and more such spots of light, and Wu Jie couldn't see them, but he felt Wu Jing trembling, and asked, "Why?" Wu Jing didn't answer, he was engrossed in watching the unforgettable scene in his life: the water on the top of the cave fell drop by drop, and the light spots became brighter and denser, quickly outlining lines of suffocating Curves, illuminating slices of jade-like skin... Finally, the woman took a step forward, and her whole body exuded an unstoppable light. Chong let out a loud whistle: "Standing in the position of flowers - this is so fucking perfect!" Ming looked at the dumbfounded Wu Jing, and said word by word: "Hulu Adasa." When the sky was about to dawn, the chief guard finally heard Wu Jie's call, so he cheered up and ran in.I saw that the woman had fallen into a deep sleep, and Wu Jing was squatting in a dark corner, not knowing what she was doing.Wu Jie took off his long coat and covered the woman, and when the chief guard came in, he said, "Please draw up a letter and send it back to Kunlun as soon as possible, requesting that more stone beast and tiger guards be sent immediately." Wu Jie is still wearing a sinful body and has been deprived of all authority over him. The ten guards are supposed to be protecting them, but they are actually monitoring them.The head of the guard showed embarrassment: "My lord, forgive me for being bold... What's the reason?" "I didn't know at the time." Wu Jie said frankly, "But I believe the Great Elder will definitely agree." "Then...how should the subordinate word it?" "The letter reads: Bu Yuetan is afraid of something bad." "That's it? So how many people do you need to call?" Wu Jie smiled faintly: "The Great Elder will surely mobilize enough manpower. You go, dispatch manpower, clear the way first, and we will leave at noon." The chief guard knew without asking, that Wu Jie was known for being sympathetic to women, so of course he wanted to let her have a good rest.He was still at a loss as to what happened last night, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he hurried out of the cave to make arrangements. Wu Jie sat next to the woman for a while, listening to her calm breathing, the flowers on her shoulders stared at him vigilantly with blood-red eyes.Wu Jie felt its nervousness, and said to it: "Your master has no fear, what are you worried about?" Chong said: "She is dull and numb, don't take it seriously, I have to cheer up!" Wu Jie said: "You are really a cautious guy. It's really rare to see flower charms in the Central Plains, where did you come from?" Chong rolled his eyes: "Want to talk to me? Don't talk about it!" Wu Jie pondered and said: "I once went deep into the desert of the Western Regions for a hundred and fifty miles. I heard from the old man in the camel caravan that two hundred miles to the west, there is a mountain range across the desert. There is a valley of wind in the mountain. In the valley, there are strong winds all year round. No grass grows. But in the coldest month of the year, heavy snow seals the valley entrances on both sides, and the valley will be full of bright flowers. The scene is extremely spectacular, like a fairyland. It is said that there is a flower charm in it..." After being silent for a long time, Chongcai said coldly: "Nonsense. It's not that spectacular at all, fairyland? Huh!" It stopped talking. Wu Jie smiled, and said: "You and your master will be safe, trust me." Then he got up and walked behind Wu Jing, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Okay, don't be sad." "I... can't believe it... I..." Wu Jing choked up and said, "I was...by..." Wu Jie sat behind him and said, "Although...well... there was indeed a moment, but...but maybe she didn't see anything clearly." "You don't need to say anymore, I know... I was seen..." Wu Jing's voice was mournful: "I was actually seen by a person...my..." The shamans value their snake body the most. Even among the same clan, they try not to meet each other in person, let alone expose it to other clansmen. The humiliation is worse than being seen naked by Zhou people. Strong, almost unbearable, so it has always changed into a human form.When Ming tried to capture Wu Jing's soul, he was pushed out by his thought power far exceeding his own, but at that moment, Wu Jing was tempted by consciousness, and his instinct suddenly gained the upper hand, releasing the snake tail, and it was only then that Ming recognized him as a witch. "Should I... should I kill her?" Wu Jing thought seriously. "Looking at it now, unfortunately, no." "Just because she is that...that what..." "Hulu Adasa," Wu Jie said, "I don't know the exact meaning of the ancient language of our clan, but it should roughly be an inviolable person." "Inviolable? I don't care..." Wu Jing had veins popping out of his forehead, and was about to stand up, but was held down by Wu Jie with one hand, unable to stand up anyway. "Jing, calm down. Besides, you can't possibly hurt her." Wu Jie recounted how she broke all the restrictions with one sentence last night, and said, "I don't know that sentence well, but it's really amazing. I think it can break all the restrictions on her. An inviolable person... It's a very old saying. This sentence has appeared in the annals of history many times, and I thought it was just some kind of honorific title..." "Then I..." With two bangs, Wu Jing popped out two bronze swords, "Is there a way to kill her without restraint... Ouch!" Wu Jie unceremoniously pinched his wrist, causing half of Wu Jing's body to go numb from the pain, and said, "Then I will also warn you once, at least until the matter of Buyuetan is over, don't touch her." "Wh, what the hell! Ouch...it hurts me...you, a guy who goes crazy when he sees a woman, do you still have a little fellowship?" "Didn't you hear what she said? Oh, you are probably in deep humiliation, no time to think, haha... well, I'm wrong! Jing Jun, just listen to me once, don't think too much, this woman The relationship with our clan is not superficial, so you can't take it lightly, so why do you care too much?" "I... woo... I can't..." "Okay, listen to me." Wu Jie patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "She has confirmed that Bu Yuetan was established by the Yellow Emperor. On the other hand, it also confirmed her identity. What she said You may be more interested in other things. It is said that Buyuetan was jointly established by our clan, humans, and demon clan to suppress a certain character. Once this person escapes, it will have a huge impact on the three clans." "Do you also believe this kind of big talk?" "I have to believe it. Think about it, if her words of breaking the prohibition were not bestowed by our clan, how could it be so powerful? I guess, probably she also has a way to break the source of the monster clan. Our clan Although humans and monster races have lived in harmony for thousands of years, it has never happened before when it comes to making a covenant on a certain matter. Four thousand years ago..." Wu Jie frowned, "At that time, Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor, who later became a god, is still alive, and if he really participated in it himself, it would be really incredible.” "If it's really such a big event, why are there only two simple sentences in the annals? I remember that even King Shang's dream about Chaoge being destroyed in a sea of ​​fire was filled with several cartloads of records in the official historian's hall." "I also find it strange. It's not just the history books. I'm afraid it's been passed down by word of mouth. It should have become a legend by now, but have you ever heard of it? Four thousand years ago, the Yellow Emperor defeated all the princes and ruled the world. I can imagine The only legend about that time that I can recall... is the Qinggong incident." He tilted his head and turned towards the witch mirror. Wu Jing rolled his eyes twice and exhaled heavily: "It's absolutely impossible!" Wu Jie spread his hands together: "I feel the same way." Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard the woman snort softly, and was about to wake up.Wu Jing let out a desperate cry, jumped up, and ran out of the cave.Just listen to him roaring loudly outside the cave, beating the slaves and causing trouble.Wu Jie shook his head and smiled secretly, and said to the woman, "Miss is awake? Haven't asked her name yet..." "My name is Ming." "Good name. The girl didn't seem very surprised to see my face." "I have a good friend who is proficient in medicine. Speaking of it, his face is much uglier than this, but I don't think he is ugly at all, because he has a heart willing to sacrifice for others." "Then, I'm really ashamed. I will only drag others down." "What's your name?" "I'm not some kind of lord. Please just call me Jie." Ming was startled when he heard the words, and bowed to salute, "It turned out to be the preparatory elder, Your Highness Jie. The little girl is rude." Wu Jie said in surprise, "Girl..." Ming raised his head and said with a smile, "Is Your Highness surprised that the little girl is well-informed?" "...It's a pity, your news is very slow." At noon, they continued to march towards the mountains.Huben's guards led the way, and Wu Jie walked with Ming, pulling her across difficult roads with bamboo poles from time to time.But no matter how hard it is, Wu Jing is not as difficult.He ordered people to form a tall and large curtain with cloth, and four slaves held four sticks and walked around him holding the curtain.Along the way, he could only hear the sound of him falling down the mountain because he couldn't see the road clearly, and the sound of the whip whipping was endless.Ming was very surprised and asked why, but Wu Jie didn't know how to explain it, so he could only say that he had such a temper. Wu Jie opened the restraint beside him, and asked about Bu Yuetan's situation as he walked.Although he has been deprived of the post of preparatory elder, he has a good reputation, and Ming's trust in him has increased a bit.At the beginning, when the witches, humans, and demons established Buyue Lake together, the elders of the witch clan were still in the lead, so there was no need to keep it secret, so they told the details of what they knew. According to the records in the village, Buyuetan was built 4,378 years ago.The project was unimaginably huge, with 60,000 people working day and night, cutting through mountains and piercing underground rivers.In order to transport the strange stone above Buyuetan into the mountain, it took three years just to build the road, cut down giant trees, fill up the valley, and invite the giants of the Kuafu clan who had not yet ascended to the cloud realm to carry it... It took three years. In the nineteenth year, it took shape, so the three clans sacrificed together, established a blood alliance, established a ban, and suppressed a certain figure in the pool.Later, it took more than 30 years intermittently to build the main hall for worship, the surrounding ancillary buildings, and carved stone statues before it was finally completed. Who it was and why he was imprisoned here is completely unresearchable. We only know that it was the Wu Clan who first captured this person, but Li, the great elder of the Wu Clan, handed him over to the Yellow Emperor for him to punish.So the Yellow Emperor ordered one of his twelve heroes, Abandoned Concubine, who is also the ancestor of Zhou State to supervise the matter.After the completion, he ordered its guardian to make an oath with the Yaozu to protect it forever.Ming's responsibility is to sneak into the pool every six months to observe whether there are any changes. More than 800 years ago, because there has been no movement for more than a thousand years, the witch clan took the lead in dismantling the altar and withdrawing the prohibition. From then on, only humans and monster clan remained here.But for the Wu Clan, the villagers always regard them as allies.Recently, Bu Yuetan seems to have changed, and even her sister Mu is deeply involved in it.Ming was very anxious, feeling that someone was secretly manipulating this matter. Wu Jie listened without saying a word, and kept stroking the seal of the nine-headed lion eagle with his hands tucked into his sleeves, and finally said: "Miss, don't worry, I have ordered people to report to the elders, and I believe people will be dispatched soon Come on. If something really happens, with the strength of our three clans, we will definitely be able to deal with it." After walking for about two hours, the mountain road became more rugged and steep, Wu Jie heard that Ming was already panting heavily from exhaustion, so he ordered someone to find a flat place to rest for a while. He came to Wu Jing's curtain, Wu Jing looked nervous, and asked: "She... did she say anything strange about me?" "Except for you, no one else would say strange things." Sitting on his wool cushion, Wu Jie relayed what Ming said about Buyuetan just now, and asked him, "What do you think?" Wu Jing pondered for a moment, and said: "It turns out that the meeting with the Yellow Emperor recorded in the annals is to persuade the Yellow Emperor to do this. But... If the Great Elder decided to imprison someone, why did he pretend to be someone else? Our clan is the Queen of the Righteous God , who was ordered to supervise the world, how could he give someone a handle?" "You see it very accurately, this is the key point." Wu Jie admitted, and asked again: "Why?" "There is only one possibility..." Wu Jing hesitated and said, "This person may be one of the Yellow Emperor's subordinates... There is nothing our family can do about him..." This was disrespectful words, the two were silent for a while at the same time, but then They nodded at the same time. Wu Jie said: "That's also due to fate. During the time of the Yellow Emperor, the human race was too strong. Not to mention the Yellow Emperor himself, even his twelve subordinates would be extremely powerful in any life. I heard that some of them even followed the Just like the Yellow Emperor, they were already half-human and half-god before ascending to heaven. And at that time, they defeated the great god Xia Geng and the water god Gonggong, and their prestige was rising. The Great Elder must have his consideration for this move..." Wu Jing said again: "But obviously, our clan doesn't trust the Yellow Emperor either. This kind of self-declining and acknowledging the power of the Yellow Emperor would not have told the Yaozu if it hadn't been taken lightly. To win the Yaozu to form an alliance, I guess it is probably Want to restrict the human race." Wu Jie sighed: "That's right. Thinking is really frightening. What kind of person is so tired that the three clans swore to suppress it together? Looking at the current world, it is absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen again." He lowered his voice and said, "I'm thinking that the rest of the Flounder Island may be thinking about Bu Yuetan, that's why they appear frequently, and that's why the Yunzhong Clan came here." "What's the use of the Yunzhong tribe traveling thousands of miles here? Unless it's Yuncha coming!" "Jing, have you forgotten the Xingcha in Jinshan?" "Tch." Wu Jing tilted his head: "Didn't we beat it so that it fled in a panic?" "Speak with conscience, this is what you said. I was indeed reckless at the time. Looking back, if it weren't for the frozen lake and thick fog created by chaos, a hundred more people might not be its opponent." "Battle depends on momentum, how can you be timid before fighting? No matter how strong it is, it can't shoot through my 'five-pointed ice formation'? Hey... I won't argue with you. But how can you be arbitrary, flounder Is it Bu Yuetan's idea that those guys on the island are planning? What are they looking for? For thousands of years, everything has been rotten into mud." "Suppression...suppression..." Wu Jie stroked his bare chin, and said in thought, "I don't know why, but I always care about these two words. What do you think?" "Isn't it just imprisonment? What's there to think about?" "I'm afraid there is a big difference between suppression and imprisonment. Do you know the saying of suppressing gods and ghosts? Do you know how it came about?" "I don't know." Wu Jing answered frankly with his eyes sparkling. "If I remember correctly, the Yellow Emperor once made eight treasures, all of which are divine weapons. Among them is a bronze mirror of Xuanyuan, which is in harmony with the sky and geography. Jade pulse. During the forging, the god of rain was ordered to rain down the rain, the god of wind to blow the fire to refine the fire, the dragon to guard the furnace, and the god of thunder to load the charcoal... It took twelve years to get this mirror. It is said that the Yellow Emperor was very satisfied with it, so he sacrificed to Mount Tai At that time, it was announced that it would be endowed with the power of 'suppressing gods and ghosts'. This sentence can only be spread." "What... does this have anything to do with the suppression of Bu Yuetan?" Wu Jie said: "You still don't understand? People in ancient times were very particular about their writing, cherishing ink like gold, and every word and every word has its source. I was thinking, suppression... Maybe the Yellow Emperor used Xuanyuan Bronze Mirror to subdue that person. The word 'repression' is only hidden in the annals of history. If this is the case, it is only logical that the people of Flounder Island want to use the Xuanyuan Bronze Mirror." "Why?" Wu Jing scratched his hair angrily, "Why did I ask countless whys today?" Wu Jie knocked him on the head with a bamboo pole: "Because you refused to use it! According to the news from the Taishi Palace of Qi State, more than three years ago, Flounder Island was swallowed by huge waves, and the chaotic tunnel they dug downward was also destroyed. Destroyed. Logically, since they obtained Chaos, they should have penetrated the Netherworld. If the tunnel is destroyed, the souls in the Underworld will inevitably escape. Maybe this is the reason why they can no longer dig. Think about it, What will happen if you obtain the Xuanyuan Bronze Mirror that suppresses gods and ghosts?" Wu Jing's eyes lit up, and he was about to speak, when he suddenly heard Ming's voice from outside the curtain: "His Royal Highness, it's getting late, let's go on." As he spoke, he opened the curtain. Wu Jing yelled, and jumped forward, four bronze swords popped out at the same time, stabbing towards Ming.Suddenly, he felt a pain in his stomach, and was hit firmly by Wu Jie's bamboo pole. He immediately rolled over, unabated, smashed through the curtain and rolled out the other side.The slaves outside screamed in unison, and when Ming came in, Wu Jie had already stood in front of her and said, "Okay, let's go!"
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