Home Categories Internet fantasy Zhou Tian·Water and Cloud Double World Record 3·Chapter of Mirage
Zhou Tian·Water and Cloud Double World Record 3·Chapter of Mirage

Zhou Tian·Water and Cloud Double World Record 3·Chapter of Mirage


  • Internet fantasy

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 118157

© www.3gbook.com
"The oracle is already obvious..." The voice is like gold and stone, sonorous and powerful, flat and indifferent.It seems that the will of God descended from the sky is so majestic and solemn, and it is as cold and hard as a curse rising from the depths of chaos. "I... I still don't understand..." The speaker could not restrain the fear in his heart.This fear stems from the transparency of things, from the confusion of the unfathomable but looming future, and from the... pain of the choices that are about to be faced. Great pain. "Two girls...one of them will destroy your family."

"Why...for, what?" The man trembled from the severe pain in his heart.He gritted his teeth.He was irresistible.Sometimes, the power of fear is far greater than courage; sometimes, wisdom is more confusing than ignorance. The voice of gold and stone said, "One must be killed." "why why……" "Sink her into the Heavenly Lake. In return for the sacrifice, your tribe will last forever. I, see the five-colored light, falling in the south thousands of miles away, in an unknowable place. The place where your tribe will last forever." "But..." The speaker was silent for a long time, and finally said, "But... did the oracle say clearly, who should... be sacrificed?"

"The oracle should have made it clear. The oracle has already made it clear. Stretch out your hand... This is the way to judge." "I... don't understand!" "You already understand." The voice of gold and stone softened for the first time, and said: "This is indeed a difficult decision, so let them make their own choice. Just before dawn, let them reveal the oracle by themselves Bar!"
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