Home Categories Internet fantasy Zhou Tian Tian Xun Ji 1 Hunting Yan

Chapter 21 Chapter nine

Shi Yafu erected a three-foot-tall commander-in-chief banner in the formation, sending out a red signal.From east to west, from outside the city to inside the city, countless trumpets sounded.Xu Jun's raids since Chenshi have completely stopped, and Zhou Jun's siege battles since Maoshi are coming to an end.The water of the Qihe River rose slightly at dusk, and the rain on the field became gentle, like an invisible hand, caressing the reeds on the bank of the river, and the reed flowers fell into the water one after another, and there were long white leaves flowing on the river. .The entire Qizhou Plain seemed to be whimpering softly, but they couldn't hear it clearly.Xu Guo is dead, who else will cry?

Before the heavy rain fell, Zheng Kedang had reached the end of his life.For four hours, more than 4,000 soldiers under his direct command supported the four-mile-long and two-foot-wide city for four hours, and withstood the stormy attack of nearly 40,000 Zhou troops and more than a hundred dragon cannons.At the end of the battle, two-thirds of the city wall had collapsed, and none of his military officers were left dead.Since the thunder fell, defeat has been inevitable.Almost in front of his eyes, the last of his subordinates fell to the top of the wall together with a Zhou army. He was close at hand, but he had no time to reach out to give him a hand.

Six panting Zhou soldiers entangled him. Although he was like a man of blood, the corpses of Zhou soldiers lying all around him greatly frightened these Zhou soldiers. They surrounded him with flat spears and long halberds. It was ten feet away, but no one dared to take a step closer. Not far from this small encirclement was their commander, concealed behind a shield.He was timid, and from the moment he climbed up to the top of the city surrounded by a large group of soldiers, he has been hiding behind the shield in an orderly manner, refusing to show his head no matter what.Sometimes the hand-to-hand combat between soldiers from both sides on the top of the city tends to become fierce, and he would rather retreat until the battle situation stabilizes before returning to the top of the city.Zheng Kedang has fought all his life, and has never seen such a living treasure.

However, right now he is like a prey trapped in a cage. No matter how he directs and how brave he is, he mobilizes all the forces he can to turn Chunyunmen into a slaughterhouse for the Zhou army... Every time he counterattacks, this guy The second time, he did not know where to gather more troops and wasted on himself tepidly. Under his command, Zhou Jun fought without passion, and was even very utilitarian. The scene of turning around and running away was repeated again and again. Turning around, they climbed up to the top of the city tirelessly like ants... Zheng Kedang's subordinates gradually fell down, but that guy kept summoning troops like magic and challenged him politely.

The offensive and defensive battles in the inner city have long existed in name only.Shi Zhongchang's army was the last to enter the city among the three armies, but it fought like a mad tiger, and attacked the relatively weakly defended Dongcheng, Jingxian and Kanli. Zheng Kedang tried every means to reinforce the Dongcheng, but was defeated This guy was dragging on the pure luck gate and couldn't move.After the collapse of the east city, the remaining Xu army was forced to retreat to the inner palace, preparing for the final decisive battle there. The pressure on the Zhou army, which was engulfed in fire and encircled in the north and west cities, was greatly reduced.Although the fire continued to spread, Zhou Jun's flying flags and deafening drums could be heard everywhere inside and outside the city walls.In the end, those who were buried with this fire were only tens of thousands of Xu people who had nowhere to escape...

Zheng Kedang looked at the north gate countless times.According to the agreement, Swinging Tiger's army should have appeared... Or, it should have swept across Zhou Jun's base camp, and sent a signal from there... Why is Zhou Jun still pouring in from the north gate?Where is the swing tiger?Where did Lian Cang's cavalry go?Is the attack still ongoing?Or everything has actually stopped, the inner palace has been breached, King Xu Yan has... With a loud cry in his ear, Zheng Kedang came back to his senses for a moment, only to feel numbness on the right side of his body. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, a Zhou soldier pierced his right arm with a halberd. Armor, pierced under the right rib before stopping.Seeing the success of the sneak attack, the Zhou army couldn't help being overjoyed, and dragged the long halberd backwards. Zheng Kedang took the sword in his right hand calmly, swung the sword down, and cut the halberd in two. The Zhou army used too much force and retreated. After a few steps, he stumbled on the corpse with his heels and fell backwards. With a scream, he fell down the wall from the recess of the parapet, and suddenly there was no sound.

The rest of the Zhou army couldn't help being filled with grief and joy, they kept yelling, but no one dared to take a step forward.But Zheng Kedang was bleeding profusely from half his body, and everyone could see that he wouldn't be able to stand for long. Zheng Kedang suddenly felt a burst of relief, laughed, threw the long sword on the ground, and sat down. When several Zhou soldiers saw this, they shouted in unison, and wanted to swarm him up and crucify him with their halberds. Zheng Kedang opened his eyes wide and roared loudly.At this moment, Zheng Kedang pulled out a long sword from his waist, rolled on the spot, a Zhou Jun yelled and fell down, blood splattered on his ankles, before he could The second time he shouted, the tip of the sword appeared from behind.

The other four Zhou soldiers all jumped back, but Zheng Kedang folded his right hand across his chest and rolled faster on the ground. In a blink of an eye, he cut down another person and rolled onto his body. When he rolled down again, that person also spurted blood from his chest. .These Zhou soldiers were all holding long halberds, Zheng Kedang rolled over on the spot, and before he could stab them, he rolled into the dead corner below him.The military officer saw the opportunity quickly and shouted: "Change the sword! Change the sword!" The three of them were startled, and immediately another person fell down, and the other two dropped the halberds in their hands, and stretched out their hands to draw their swords.One of them had just drawn it halfway, and with a pop sound, a halberd passed through his chest, but Zheng Kedang picked up his halberd on the spot, and stabbed his body with his backhand.

The other person was terrified and froze on the spot, the military officer yelled: "Run!" He turned around and ran, just after taking two steps, there was another pop, and a dagger pierced through his chest.He probably couldn't have imagined that a person who was so injured would kill five people in an instant. He stood there for a long time before throwing himself down, the sword in his hand fell straight to the shield of the military officer. Covered in blood, Zheng Kedang half-kneeled from the ground and hissed, "Come on! Draw your sword!" The military officer stretched out his head, looked around, then looked at Zheng Kedang, thought for a while, shook his head, and retracted again.

Zheng Kedang tried his best to prop up his body, but his body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his whole body was gradually numb, and he could only barely support a little, his left hand went limp, and he fell to the ground. Hearing the noise, the military officer showed his head again, with a calm expression, as if he knew that Zheng Kedang would fall down. Zheng Kedang lay down on the ground, panting heavily.The few heavy hand strikes just now had exhausted his last bit of strength, the blood of those Zhou Jun was bleeding profusely, and his own blood was almost bleeding.He was lying on the ground, his vision became blurred, as if everything was spinning around him rapidly, he was so dizzy that he couldn't stand it, he closed his eyes, the noise around him quickly went away, and he could only see countless stars in the darkness. Flying up and down... After a while, the flying stars turned into reed flowers... When spring came, the reed flowers floated all over the city...Wife walked in the field...Son, daughter, each holding a large handful of reeds ...Flowers fly, the sky is full of... the sky is full of...

He heard a person crying, the voice was familiar, who was it... As soon as the gun in his hand moved, he jumped all over his body. When he opened his eyes, he saw the military officer stepping on his gun.Zheng Kedang instinctively pulled hard, but the gun didn't move, but his hand slid down feebly.He tensed up, then relaxed again. It's time.What an indescribable relief. The military officer also knew that he was dying, so he dragged the gun away calmly and sat down in front of him. Zheng Kedang lay still, feeling the strength leaving his body little by little, and said softly: "You...what's your name?" The general said: "I'm Zong Cong, the car right in front of His Royal Highness Zhou Gong." Zheng Kedang nodded slightly, and said: "...a person with your status and status has been fighting at the forefront..." Zong Cong scratched his head shyly, and said, "I don't know...how to do it... This is the first time I have faced a city siege, and I am very scared. The wall is high, and I feel dizzy. But the soldiers have already Climbed the city wall, I am not here, who will command?" Zheng Kedang didn't expect him to answer like this, closed his eyes, and murmured: "War... Who is not afraid... Since... you are afraid... then you...you can order them to hide behind, can't it be all right?" "I dare not. If someone accuses Zhou Gong of my fear of war..." Zong Cong couldn't help shivering as he spoke. Zheng Kedang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Since... since... the inner city has already been breached, why don't you rush...be ahead, go to the inner palace...the inner palace to fight for merit...in this boring passage... What are you tossing back and forth on the city wall?" Zong Cong said naively: "My mission is to take down this city wall." Zheng Kedang sighed, and said after a long time: "What a pity. My mission is to guard this wall." Zong Cong watched him die slowly, with a very ashamed face, and said, "I'm sorry." Zheng Kedang laughed, and said: "I appreciate your apology. Come and cut off my head, and go to receive credit from Duke Zhou. Although Zheng Kedang is ashamed of the country, in the eyes of you Zhou people, finally It deserves some credit." Zong Cong shook his head and said, "Thank you. I don't kill people for merit." Zheng Kedang was silent for a while, and then said: "You are really kind. Then you go, let me stay alone." Zong Cong said: "You can't die here. There will be reinforcements coming to the city soon. You are the commander of Xu Jun, and you will fight to the death in street fighting. Duke Zhou will not let you go. He will definitely destroy your body and make you humiliated after death. " Zheng Kedang's eyes widened and then dimmed immediately: "Death is dead...so do what other people like..." Zong Cong shook his head again and again: "No, no, no. My Great Zhou is a state of etiquette. If the enemy general stumbles and falls into a car, he has to be given a handle. How can he destroy the country and make people sacrifice, kill people and file their bones? I... I dare not tell him face to face, but I do not agree." Zheng Kedang suddenly felt that this person was cute and straightforward, and said, "Then you... what do you want?" Zong Cong turned his head to see that there was no one around, bent down, hugged Zheng Kedang's body, and helped him up with all his strength.At this time, the two bodies were touching, if stabbed with a knife, it would be unreasonable, but he was unprepared and dragged Zheng Kedang to the side of the parapet wall, and placed it in the recess of the wall.Zheng Kedang was drained of blood all over his body, his eyes could not be opened, but his mind was still clear, and he said: "Okay... okay... I understand what you mean... let me go, let me do it myself." He tilted his head against the wall and took a few last breaths.The wind was blowing violently, shaking his body.A few feet below him, the fire is spreading in the inner city, the sound of collapse, explosion, fire crackling, people's wailing, slaughtering war drums... It is spreading in all directions... No more strength, let it go... "Please... find something to cover my head..." He said softly, and after a while, he felt his whole body was covered by something soft and wet, and his nose was immediately filled with the smell of blood .He nodded and said: "Thank you, but unfortunately I can't repay you... I, Zheng Kedang... Today, my hands are covered with the blood of my own flesh and blood... Died on the ground, what face do I have to see them?" He stopped talking, and leaned back, his tall body fell straight down from the top of the city, and fell into the raging fire. The Xu Jun battle flag wrapped around his body was licked by the tongue of fire, and suddenly turned into a bright ball of fire. After a while, it dimmed again and disappeared. Not long after, heavy rain poured down, dousing the Yandu City. Bo Jiang stood on the edge of Bowang Slope, looking at the southwest direction motionless.The sky changed drastically, and light blue clouds reappeared in the southwest sky. Nangong Qi squatted beside him, biting a piece of cloth and wrapping a bandage on his right arm, his forehead was covered in cold sweat from the pain.Although he was young, he was quite rigid. He tied it tightly without saying a word. He raised the sword with his left hand and tried to dance a few times. Unexpectedly, he moved too much and caused the wound. Although he didn't cry out, his left hand was obviously soft. The sword also hung crookedly. Dozens of soldiers sitting around laughed lowly, Nangong Qi blushed, and shouted: "What are you doing? Hurry up and get ready, Xu Ren may be back soon!" Hearing the words, all the soldiers agreed in unison, dragging their bloody and exhausted bodies, and began to build a barrier on the hillside again.Here Nangong Qi turned around and smiled.The soldiers withstood the three or four charges of the Xu people in a row, fell into the enemy's rear, and suffered heavy casualties, but they could still laugh, which showed that their morale was high.In war, sometimes it is a matter of momentum. When both sides are exhausted, whoever has the upper hand will win. Seeing Uncle General standing still, he walked over and said, "My lord..." As soon as Bo Jiang heard the voice, he immediately stretched out a hand to stop him from speaking. He leaned forward and looked into the distance, as if he was eagerly waiting for something.Nangong Qi stretched his neck, but the southwest direction was vast and he couldn't see anything clearly. After a while, a bright firework shot up into the sky in the darkness, and flew obliquely in the air for a certain distance before disappearing.Looking at the location, Nangong Qi found that it was less than seven or eight miles away from Bowang Slope, which was the direction where Xu Jun started. He was startled and shouted: "My lord! Mr. Xu..." "It's over." Bo Jiang took his words and said, Nangong Qi was stunned, but seeing Bo Jiang's eyes lit up, he turned to stare at him and said, "That's not a signal from Xu Renfang." "My lord... Could it be... Could it be Lord Wei Li?" "He has rushed to the tail of Xu Guo's army." Bo Jiang said softly.Only then did he feel that his feet were numb from standing, and he sat down while supporting Nangong Qi's shoulders.Nangong Qi's own arm was in sore pain, but he didn't say a word. After the general settled down, he turned his body slightly and said, "My lord, so..." "One hundred thousand troops, one hundred thousand troops, hehe," General Uncle's tense body relaxed for a moment, and he could barely lift his hands, but he was very excited, and murmured, "The opponent is doing calculations, it really isn't It's a pity that no matter how you calculate it, 20,000 people can't grow 200,000 hands." He turned to Nan Gongqi and said, "We must inform the whole army quickly that the Xu people's reinforcements have been exhausted. The troops they put into the battlefield must have also been lost. Perhaps at this time, the Xu people have retreated from all the camps. Withdraw. They cannot be allowed to retreat from the battlefield calmly." Nangong Qi said: "My lord...but we haven't received any news from other camps." General Uncle let out a deep breath, looked up at the sky, thought silently for a moment, and said: "No need. The shady curtain descended by the Xu people has not yet been removed, and the armies of various countries cannot judge their movements, so they dare not test them easily. Xu People come in the dark and will probably use the remaining time to regroup...to disrupt them." "My lord, the fireworks bombs have been used up." "Do we still have fire?" "No……" "Then light the fire and light the big banner," Bo Jiang said firmly, "light the campfires at the four corners of the camp again." "My lord, this formation is still in the hands of Xu Ren..." Bo will stand up and jump off the boulder.Seeing him appearing, the Qi soldiers who were building the barrier and taking a rest stood up together and approached him. Nangong Qi followed behind him, shouting: "Master Uncle, get on the car! Everyone—regroup!" There were rustling sounds from the camp, and those who could still move quickly joined the queue, and some people hurriedly took weapons from the wounded and squeezed into the queue.The valley was very narrow, and the Qi army could only line up in four rows, and the bottom of the valley was filled.Xu, Lu and Xing soldiers gathered from other camps looked at them strangely, and some of them also gathered in the team. Bo will silently glance around the team.There were less than 400 people gathered, and his heart suddenly moved: In case Xu Jun set up this camp as a temporary camp, there may be an entire army waiting for them on the top of the mountain... If so, these hundreds of people But he was looking for a dead end... But time did not allow him to think too much, since the thunder flashed, the sky became brighter every moment, Xu Jun's concealment was dissipating, there was no doubt that it was their turn to escape. Without saying a word, he drew out his long sword, raised it high, passed through the crowd, and walked towards the direction of the formation on the hillside.Qi Jun silently followed behind him. At first, only the slight clash of armor and weapons could be heard. Gradually, the brigade moved faster and faster, surpassing the general. The people in front had already started sprinting. Breathing more and more heavily... In front of them was a deer village, which was placed in a mess. It was obvious that Xu Jun just threw them out of the camp at will.Soldiers of the Qi army threw themselves on the deer village, shouted in unison, lifted the deer village high, and hit the fence heavily, and the fence fell down. Amidst Xu Jun's panicked shouts, the Qi army rushed in chaotically. enter. When General Bo rushed into the camp surrounded by Nan Gongqi and others, more than 60 Xu soldiers had already died on the spot, and the remaining dozens of people were fighting and retreating at the gate led by a military officer.Qi Jun stormed from the front, dozens of people quickly bypassed the wooden fences on both sides, and outflanked Xu Jun's wings and back.Xu Ren had already calmed down, knowing that he was in a situation with no way out. Apart from the screams of the wounded soldiers, the soldiers on both sides were almost clenching their teeth and fighting to the death in silence. Uncle General grabbed a soldier who was running past, grabbed him by the collar and pushed him towards the middle of the camp. "Light it up! Light it up! Light up the big banner!" "My lord!" Nangong Qi shouted, "My lord, please retreat down the mountain, and let the subordinates light the fire here! In case Xu Jun concentrates the remaining troops..." "Light the turrets on all four sides...no, set fire to everything you can!" Bo Jiang turned around and shouted to everyone, "Xu people have no more troops! Don't be afraid! The fire is lit for the third time, Xu Ren is about to tremble! Come on, pull out the fire dragon cannon and shoot it to the southwest! Nangongqi, let the brothers beat the drums and let them run away!" The flames flashed under the fence, and the wood soaked in blood and putty first billowed white smoke, and then it burst into flames, and the flames danced on the crumbling ruins of the camp. Then it devoured all the things that could be ignited, and several flames jumped together, creating a flame several feet high. "Bo Wang Slope—Qi Army—fire!" Ji Bohu threw down the water bottle in his hand, jumped onto the army chariot, and looked to the northwest——Under the dark sky, the fire that had been extinguished for nearly two hours really started to burn again, and this time it was extraordinary, The sky was full of smoke and flames, as if the whole Bowang Slope was on fire. "Why did the Xu people burn the camp?" Gong Xiande stood side by side with him, quite confused, "Could it be that all the countries in front have fled from the battlefield, and the Xu people started to clean up?" Ji Bohu closed his eyes, looked up to the sky and was silent for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes, grinned, and shouted to his car: "Cai Ze, what the hell are you doing? Order the whole army to get on the car!" Gong Xiande said: "Your Highness! You want... you want to run away?" "Fuck your mother, I want to attack, attack!" "Think twice, Your Highness!" Gong Xiande was taken aback, "Flee... evacuate, we can think of a way slowly, but now the battle situation ahead is unclear, the commander-in-chief doesn't even have an order, we attack at will, and fell into Xu Ren's trap..." Ji Bohu grabbed him by the collar, carried him in front of him like a chicken, and said in a low voice, "Listen—shh—listen, what kind of drum sound is this, huh?" Gong Xiande was pinned by his huge arms, his face was flushed red, his feet couldn't touch the ground, he kicked wildly in the air, struggling and said: "His...His Highness...my minister...listen...listen..." Ji Bohu sneered and said, "Haven't you heard it? This is the sound of the Qi army's drums. Qi people are still in that camp." "Your Highness... Your Majesty... In case... This is..." The roar of military vehicles came from behind, Ji Bohu turned his head slightly, and saw that the 300 military vehicles of his convoy had already arrived from various camps, Cai Ze was driving close, seeing Gong Xiande's miserable condition, he couldn't help being startled, and said: " Your Highness! The whole army has assembled... what are you going to do?" "What are you doing?" Ji Bohu looked down at Gong Xiande who was still struggling desperately, raised his arm, Gong Xiande let out a long scream, flew far away, and fell into the swamp with a bang, "Attack!" Cai Ze calmed down and said, "Please show me the direction, Your Highness!" Ji Bohu looked to the northeast and said with a wry smile: "Grandma, I don't know..." At this moment, from the burning fire, a bright fireball flew high, dragged a long arc in the air, and splashed on the swamp far away from them. One, the third, the fourth... flew out one after another, each one was very close to the Yu people's camp, and the fires that landed connected together, drawing a road in front of them that pointed obliquely to their right and behind them. Ji Bohu said: "See?" "The subordinates saw it!" "The enemy's main formation is behind us." "Your Highness, your subordinates, please go directly to the enemy's formation and capture the enemy chieftain alive!" "Get out! That's my business! You follow me closely, don't overtake me, do you hear me?" Cai Ze glanced at Gong Xiande who was struggling in the swamp, and swallowed all the words he had to say. Ji Bohu signaled the driver to drive the horse, and when his car bumped forward along the temporary dirt road, Prince Yu leaned out from the car and shouted behind him: "Follow up! Keep up!" Yu Ren, show some courage! This is the last work! Attack, attack!" The fish and dragon banners in front of the formation have been taken down, which means that the last reserve team of the formation has set off.There were less than 400 people guarding the formation, and the herald who came to report the news rushed wildly, breaking through several lines of defense. The guard Jing Cheng stood guard in front of the big tent, and when he saw it, he couldn't help shouting: "Bastard! Young master!" Big tent, who dares to break in? Don't let me take it down!" The horse neighed, and its front legs were raised high, but the rider on the horse clung to the reins tightly. The horse backed up a few steps, but its front hooves could not touch the ground, and finally the horse and man fell to the ground.When all the guards rushed forward to look, the horse had already lost its strength and died. The soldier was crushed under the horse's back, blood was spurting from his mouth, and he only had time to say: "Master Yan Xing has already..." He was speechless, His eyes were bleeding, and he didn't move anymore. Jing Cheng's heart beat wildly, and he searched his body, only found a light yellow letter talisman in his hand, on which a few lines were roughly carved with a knife, from the traces, it can be seen that the person who carved it was This last piece of information was left behind in an extremely urgent and flustered situation.He didn't dare to be negligent, took the letter and hurried back to the big tent, and signed up outside the tent for instructions. Bank of China Sima Ju Fengming came out in person, took the letter talisman, his face changed drastically when he saw it, but he didn't go in to report immediately, he frowned tightly, glanced at the bright sky, and said to Jing Cheng: " Send out all your heralds... all the troops near the main formation, immediately move closer to the main formation, prepare for defense, and go!" He turned and entered the tent.Unlike the sky that had already begun to light up outside, the big tent was full of lights, but it looked very dark.All the guards were driven out of the tent, and the remaining dozen or so military officers sat around the big map. When they saw him come in with the letter, almost all of them jumped up.Ju Fengming was aware of the anxious mood of the military officers, but he didn't dare to make any mistakes as he sat there with a blank face, he saluted upwards and handed the letter talisman into the hands of his father Yiqi. Father Yiqi held it in his hand, and his whole body froze immediately. After a while, he began to turn over the letter dully. When he held the letter in his hand, his face was already full of tears... and he passed it to the next one... the small letter was passed silently in the hands of everyone, and the air in the big tent seemed to freeze, and even the sound of tense breathing could be heard Not anymore. Du Lun sat on the head of the swinging tiger, took the letter, and flinched in fright.He was trembling and wanted to hand it to Swinging Tiger, but Swinging Tiger ignored him and just looked at the map in a daze, Du Lun then limply lowered his arms again. In a strongly depressing atmosphere, Fu Yiqi nodded to the servant standing beside him.The servant stretched out a long wooden clip, and removed the small wooden block representing the dying line from the map, and then removed all the small wooden blocks around it.Yanxing, which accounted for almost two-thirds of the Xu Army's strength, completely disappeared on the map, and the small red wooden blocks representing Xu Army were only left in front of Liancang and a few small pieces of the rear base camp. Although they were mentally prepared, when the last piece of wood was taken away, there was still a sigh among the military officers.Yan Xing is Bo Lun's eldest son, and will be the future king of the Yan Kingdom. The destruction of his entire army also means that the entire military power of the Yan Kingdom will be destroyed. Several military officers of the Yan Kingdom burst into tears and covered their mouths with their hands. Let it go. Swinging Tiger didn't move at all, with no expression on his face, and the rattle in his hand didn't move at all.After a long time, he trembled slightly, as if waking up from a deep sleep, looked wearily at the faces of the military officers one by one, and said: "Then...the only thing to do is...wait for news from Lian Cang." The voice was old, dry and astringent. If one hadn't seen it with one's own eyes, no one would believe that it came from a boy under the age of fourteen.But none of the military officers paid attention to his voice, and they all had a common thought in their minds: Where is Lian Cang?Lian Cang...is he still there? Father Yiqi pondered for a while, then nodded to the servant next to him. The servant was startled, but under the gaze of Father Yiqi, he had no choice but to step forward, hesitatingly stretched out the wooden clip, to represent Lian Cang. The piece of wood and the few small pieces next to it were all clipped from the map. There was a deathly silence in the tent, and Dangyihu opened his eyes wide, looked at the map in disbelief, and shouted: "Father...Father Yiqi...you...you...you received a letter from Lian Cang?" "Young master, on the contrary, we have not received any news from Lian Cang since the camp of the Lu army," Fu Yi said strangely, "So, there is no doubt that Lian Cang is... gone." A big circle was drawn above, "All our troops are... gone." Swinging Tiger blushed and threw out the rattle in his hand, hitting Father Yiqi's face heavily, and shouted loudly: "Father Yiqi! You are so brave!" Father Yiqi remained motionless, letting the heavy red gold rattle cut a long cut on his forehead, and blood trickled down the arch of his eyebrows.All the military officers were stunned, but Father Yiqi was unaffected. He just looked at the map and said after a long time: "Young master...forgive me for being rude, but I still think that Lord Liancang has already wiped out the entire army." gone." "You nonsense, nonsense! Nonsense!" Scattered Tiger blushed purple, his eyes turned blood red, and before he could finish speaking, he yelled hysterically, "Lian... Lian Cang..." He opened his mouth Unable to continue, he stood up abruptly, and rushed towards Fu Yiqi with thumping steps, while the military officers on both sides hurriedly dodged to the side.He rushed to Fu Yiqi's side, looked at him furiously, stretched out his hand and patted heavily on the position where the line had just been placed on the map, and shouted loudly as he patted: "Lian Cang has arrived here! Here! Here, from here!" , How far is it from... Shi Yafu's main formation? Only six miles, six miles!" He turned around while shouting, snatched the wooden block representing Lian Cang from the servant's hand, and moved towards it with trembling hands Put it on the map, "What else is there in front of this? Ah? This is Shi Yafu's weakness. He can't transfer a single reserve team, and he can't transfer a single one! Unless he calls back Ji Chong's main formation, is it possible? is it possible?!" His voice echoed throughout the big tent: "Liancang's cavalry is the fastest and sharpest in the world! No one can stop him! Shi Yafu's head may be hanging high on our army's flag now! What are you panicking about? What are you panicking about?!" The military officers tilted their heads and endured his roar tremblingly, but Father Yiqi was unmoved in the slightest. When he was gasping for breath, he calmly reached out and took the wooden block off the map, but this time he did not Hand it over to the waiter, but hold it tightly in your own hands. The air in the big tent seemed to freeze.Amid the increasingly heavy breathing of Dangyihu, Fu Yiqi said slowly: "Young master, Lord Liancang's army no longer exists. He is only six miles away from Shi Yafu's main formation. If If everything is normal, then Shi Yafu should have left the formation long ago and retreated to the camp of the Shi Clan to the east of the Qihe River, but no. Our careful work in the east has not found that Shi Yafu has mobilized the Shi Clan's reserve team on a large scale." He stood up, a full head taller than Dangyihu, and the military officers were suddenly surprised to find that Dangyihu looked up at him with a slightly fearful look. "Although the distance is only six miles, the young master... Lian Cang has traveled nearly 30 miles to get here, crossing six camps, and four hours before and after! No matter whether a horse or a man, they can persist in such a long battle." It's already a miracle...Young Master...what more can you ask for? "The young master commanded behind the scenes, and completed those battles to sweep up small countries on behalf of Master Chu. The tactics of using cavalry to quickly intersperse and encircle have indeed made great achievements. However, today our opponent... is too strong... Looking at the world today, with Zhou The strength of the army is so strong that even if the Emperor Yunzhong leads the army himself, it may not be close to Shi Yafu's main formation. If he followed Lord Liancang's suggestion and attacked Ji Chong's back after passing through the Zheng army's camp ..." "Attacking Ji Chong will not win this battle!" Dangyihu shouted, "What's the use of defeating a siege group?! I have planned for so long in order to save Xu Guo and defeat the enemy." Zhou Guo! Why don't you do what I say, huh? We are only one step away from victory, only six miles away, six miles away!" Father Yiqi glanced at the military officers standing in panic, sighed, and said, "Perhaps... this is an unwinnable war." Sangyi pulled out his small sword with a bang, pressed it against Father Yiqi's throat, and screamed: "You...you bastard!" Father Yiqi turned his head, didn't struggle, and his tone didn't change at all, and said: "The young master killed me, and the old slave also said the same thing. The goal set by the young master today, although it seems that it can lead Xu Guo to seek help in danger. Sheng...but young master, do you care about the future of Xu State, or the victory? Burning the capital and killing all the people in the sea of ​​flames, is it to protect the country, or just use them as weapons? Before leaving, Lord Taibu told me He said, today's battle is due to what the king did against the sky, so it is a gamble with the fate of the country. The fate of the country is not only the luck of martial arts, but also the number of success or failure of the king. The two complement each other and are indispensable. But if If the martial arts did not promote the national destiny, both sides would be hurt, and it was out of control... "The thunderbolt in the inner palace just now, now it seems that the time is roughly the same as the time when the entire army of Lord Yan Xing was wiped out...Young Master... Maybe we have already lost, and the defeat to God's will is not... a crime of war... ..." The tip of the Swinging Tiger sword slashed back and forth across Fu Yiqi's throat, but it couldn't go on. Tears rolled down his face in big drops. Finally, he let out a loud cry, and threw the accompanying sword forcefully, and the sword flew straight out. , and drew a long slit in the account.The military officers present finally couldn't hold it anymore, and knelt down on the ground one by one with tears streaming down their faces, crying loudly. At this moment, the curtain of the big tent was lifted, and Sima Ju Fengming of the Bank of China stepped in, looking at the military officers who were in a mess in astonishment.Sangyihu saw that he had already taken off his robe belt and was completely in military uniform, his heart tightened, and he said: "Ju Fengming, what's wrong?" Seeing his miserable face, Ju Fengming was even more frightened, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, and saluted, "Young master... the Qi army camp... is on fire again!" Although his voice was not loud, Swinging Tiger's face turned from red to blue in an instant, and his lips trembled.Father Yiqi knew that he was young, and although he had commanded large armies in battle for a long time, it was the first time he faced such a complicated defeat, so he couldn't help standing in front of him.But Dangyihu quickly calmed down, stretched out his hand to push away his father Yiqi who was standing in front of him, and took the lead to walk out of the tent, followed by all the military officers. Although Sangyihu's main formation is located in the dry old Qihe River, the big tent is located on a small island surrounded by alluvial plains. If you look around, you can see almost the entire wilderness south of Yandu City.Right now, Yandu City has been shrouded in a vast expanse of whiteness again, and the sky has already dawned.On the western mountain more than twenty miles away, a bright flame was speeding up to disperse the fog that shrouded the hills.Seen from such a distance, the flames are steady, like a motionless bright spot on a black ridge, which hurts the eyes. Swinging Tiger stood in front of the tent, staring blankly.His body was stiff and motionless, his hands were hanging down, but the feet of his robe were shaking slightly.The military officers had never seen him like this before, and they didn't understand why the repeated fires in a mere Qi army barracks made this all-powerful commander lose his composure. Only Fu Yiqi understood... He didn't squeeze in the crowd, walked along the big tent to the back alone, avoided everyone's eyes, and knelt down on a muddy ground.He took off the helmet, put it on the ground upright, stared at it blankly for a while, and finally couldn't help covering his mouth with his hands, and cried softly. Faith defeated Gong Yu's calculations...Xu Guo perished...Yan Xing, Lian Cang...Zheng Kedang...Your beliefs have been destroyed to the point of being worthless... He cried so many tears that he fell forward and put his head on the ground.冰冷的泥地沾湿了他抖动的白发,他却把脸深深地埋入泥水中,让那湿冷的故乡之水浸没自己…… “前方——大军!” “大军——前方十里!” “虞国兵车!” 紧急战报声一里一里地传递,前面的余音未消,更真实可怕的消息就接踵而至。离本阵不到十里远的地方,旧河道上游,一大片烟尘滚滚而来,不需要任何告警,人人都知道大限已至。定睛看时,却是数百辆黑漆漆的兵车,完整地排列成一个巨大的菱型,几乎充斥了整条河道,正在快速逼近;在其后方,飘扬着数百面旌旗,想来是徒卒阵型,因为车阵奔驰太快,将徒卒远远抛下,从车阵的速度来看,几乎不到半个时辰就可以横扫整个本阵。 徐军武官个个动容。谁也没料到周军会来得如此迅速,且直接就使用庞大车阵的正面冲击本阵。本阵周围的预备队早已动员一空,现在剩下还不到两千人,在这样的车阵面前几乎连半刻钟都顶不住。人人心念电转,便有数人同时叫了出来: “少主!快走!” “快掩护少主离开!” 荡意虎勃然大怒,喝道:“混账!谁敢离开?这算什么?虞国的那个蠢太子,自取灭亡!来呀,调集——”他一下卡住,才意识到所有的预备队都已被调空,顿时僵在那里。 “撤退的时候到了。” 荡意虎猛一回头,却见父夷奇站在身后。他满脸泪痕,神色却异常从容镇定。 父夷奇向他微一点头,道:“虞人来势凶猛,他们的兵车是列国中最强悍的,本阵现在的力量挡不住。少主,为了三军计,还有各个为了大王的天命而聚集起来的属国君卿……现在要立刻撤离营垒,确保他们安全返国。” 奄国国君惨然一笑,道:“已经到这个地步了……我们奄国反正也逃不脱周室的报复……现在要考虑的是少主的安全,只有他才能够继承徐国,为我们……复仇!” 荡意虎烦躁地抚摩前额,语无伦次地说:“撤……撤离……不……不!我们还能打,对、对付这个、这个蠢蛋虞国太、太子……我们……我们……父夷奇……父夷奇!” 雎凤鸣在后面说:“少主,属下职在中行护卫,请少主下令,由属下前去抵挡。” 荡意虎心乱如麻,烦乱地说:“你拿什么去——” 雎凤鸣微微一笑,道:“自然是属下这条命。属下已经为少主和诸位大人准备好了车驾,请诸位大人立刻护送少主离开,这里已不宜久留了。” 荡意虎大喊道:“谁说我要走?我不走!我不走!” 雎凤鸣道:“今日少主一战成名,让周室军队遭受建国以来最重大打击,周室必欲得少主而后快。请少主勿要迟缓。属下及全军将士,都在盼望着少主能够东山再起,为我们大徐……复仇。” 他不再说话,向父夷奇点点头。父夷奇沉默地将手一挥,几名武官立刻冲上来,紧紧架住荡意虎的双臂。饶是荡意虎反应极快,也没想到手下的武官说动手就动手,不由分说地挟持自己,他又跳又叫,大声狂骂:“雎凤鸣!父夷奇!放开我,放开我!你们好大的胆子!放开我!” 雎凤鸣不再理他,转身上马。数百名骑兵一齐上马,同时拔剑平举,向荡意虎致敬,然后分成两路,向河谷中俯冲而去,千余名徒卒紧跟在后。部队在雎凤鸣的指挥下快速地在河谷中排成队型,相对于正在轰隆隆逼近的庞大车阵而言,这个队型显得又小又薄弱,可是鼓声响起,徐人最后的阵线踏着整齐的步伐,踩着松软的土地,毫不犹豫地迎头顶上。 从河谷的左方暴发出呼啸声,数十发火龙砲弹掠过徐军头顶,向着虞国的车阵飞去,那是火龙砲阵地在进行最后的抵抗。
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