Home Categories detective reasoning polygraph

Chapter 24 first quarter

polygraph 穆玉敏 1658Words 2018-03-15
In the bar where the ponytail and long hair used to paint portraits of people, Ning Ning also imitated the ponytail and long hair to attract business. His words were not as fluent as Ponytail Longhair's, and his voice was also low, which made him feel ashamed. In the past, he had seen people with long hair with ponytail chasing after their buttocks to paint portraits for them. Seeing the long hair with ponytail bowing down and flattering others made him feel quite uncomfortable.Now, he really tasted the feeling of betraying his self-esteem.The vast majority of people passed by without even looking at him, and the eyes that looked at him were not right.People are satisfied after seeing the portrait, throw down a little money and leave.

Through investigation and autopsy, it was confirmed that Ning Quanfu was killed between 5:00 and 6:00 pm. The neighbor said that he did not hear any noise from Ning's house.There is no open window in the bathroom of Ning's family, and that time is the time for each household to cook, so the sound is not easy to disturb the neighbors.The doors and windows of Ning Quanfu's house showed no signs of prying or damage, no suspicious footprints were extracted on the floor, and most of the fingerprints extracted belonged to the Ning family. Among them, several suspicious fingerprints in Ning Quanfu's study room were not found.Because the gun was soaked in the bloody water in the bathtub, no fingerprints were extracted from the gun body, and an empty shell casing was extracted in the corner of the bathroom.

According to Ning Quanfu's driver, Ning Quanfu went home in a special car at 4:00 p.m. on the day of his murder, more than an hour earlier than usual.The driver still parked the car in front of the green belt in front of his building, and watched Ning Quanfu walk along the green belt to the door of the unit to go home. "That is to say, the driver did not see any suspicious person following. Then, how did the murderer enter the house? There is no fresh trace formed by the newly prepared key on the door lock. There is a big dog in the opposite door of Ning's house, and a stranger usually comes Just barking, the neighbors didn’t hear the dog barking that day.” Qi Dayong asked at the case analysis meeting.

Liu Baoguo said: "There is no fresh trace in the keyhole, which does not mean that the keys of the Ning family have not been matched. The current lock matching technology is so advanced. It is understood that the dog of the resident opposite the Ning family happened to be taken out by the owner at that time." Qi Dayong said: "The murderer should have used the key to enter Ning's house in advance. The murderer is familiar with the situation of Ning's house, and knows that his small-caliber rifle has no bullets. Did he bring his own bullets?" Liu Baoguo said: "Ning Quanfu's driver just sat in the car and watched Ning Quanfu enter the unit door. Is there someone waiting in the hallway? The driver can't see it, and the exclusion of tailgating cannot be established. Da Qi, are you Didn't you want to say that the suspect might be from the Ning family?"

Qi Dayong said: "I didn't say that. There are four members of the Ning family. Why did the murderer only bring one bullet? The murderer knew that Ning Quanfu was alone at home at that time of the night. This is also the characteristic of acquaintances committing crimes." Liu Baoguo said: "Ningning's mother and sister were indeed at grandma's house that night, and people from Ningning's studio proved that Ningning was there all day when the incident happened, and did not leave until eight o'clock in the evening..." Many people agree with Liu Baoguo's opinion.Some people said: "Why did Ning Quanfu's family members kill their relatives? What is the motive? They should also make a fuss about the Taki Club. The darkness of professional football is well known. The reason for Director Jiao's theft of dollars is It explains the problem very well, and the results of the investigation also prove that none of the Taki players did not give gifts to Ning Quanfu."

The deputy director in charge of criminal investigation said: "Then, continue to investigate Ning Quanfu's work relationship, especially those who have access to small-caliber rifle bullets, rank the key people in order, and hand them over to Qi Dayong for polygraph detection." "Director, I don't think the investigation of Ning Quanfu's family should be abandoned," Qi Dayong said. "Tell me the reason!" The deputy director was very interested. Qi Dayong said: "I have no objection to making the Taki team a key investigation, but the murderer does not belong to the Taki team. Although the players' parents are unwilling to give money and goods to Ning Quanfu, what can they do? Ning Quanfu Quanfu is their son's hope, and they are unlikely to kill their son's hope."

"You don't think the murderer has anything to do with football?" asked the deputy chief. "It's not all. The old players who left Taki, especially those who no longer eat football, should continue to investigate. I always feel that Ning Quanfu's eye that was shot seems to indicate something. As a criminal police officer for many years, I have never seen this method of death, and I always feel that there is something strange about it." Qi Dayong said. Liu Baoguo asked: "You said that the parents of those team members cannot kill the hope of their sons, so why did Ning Quanfu's relatives kill the head of the family? Ning Quanfu is also the hope of the family! Ning Quanfu's wife retired from illness At home, I need a husband in his later years. Ning Quanfu’s son’s studio was run by his father. It is said that the studio’s business conditions are not very good, and he still needs to rely on his father. Ning Quanfu’s daughter is still young, and she can’t do without her father. I think there is almost no possibility of the Ning family committing the crime. Da Qi, intuition is actually a certain degree of reasoning, and the reasoning must be tenable."

The deputy director said: "Qi Dayong, do you think Ning Quanfu's daughter-in-law Qu Liru might have done it?" Qi Dayong said: "Didn't Liu Baoguo and the others investigate? Wasn't Qu Liru very romantic when she was young?" Liu Baoguo said: "Qu Liru had that incident when she was young, but she is far behind Ning Quanfu, who is more beautiful. After Qu Liru gave birth to a daughter for Ning Quanfu, the family of four lived in peace. Besides , Qu Liru doesn't know how to use a gun at all, let alone the possibility of touching bullets."
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