Home Categories detective reasoning trick to the Nth power

Chapter 58 Section fifty-eight

trick to the Nth power 马若水 1292Words 2018-03-15
Wang Changqing's long narration finally came to an end. He took a deep breath, as if he had completed an extremely mentally consuming task. "Is that all?" He Jian asked. "That's all." Wang Changqing gritted his teeth. "No more?" "Gone." "Well, Mr. Wang, now listen to me." He Jian took out a photo from the folder on the table, which showed a pair of worn-out leather shoes without laces.When Wang Changqing's eyes fell on this photo, his expression changed immediately. "When I saw the leather shoes on the feet of the deceased at the crime scene that day, I was very puzzled, because a homeless man who committed suicide by jumping off the building, why did he untie the shoelaces before jumping off the building? So I carefully checked the shoes and ankles of the deceased, and The socks inside were dirty, and as a result, the shoelaces and socks were covered with dirt and dust. It could be seen that the deceased did not take off his shoes often, perhaps even when he slept.

"Then I went upstairs, and the window sills of other floors were almost covered with dust, which would form a slightly harder mud clod after being wet by rainwater, but the seventh floor was different. There was very little covering soil on the window sills, as if It has been wiped. Isn't it strange that there are still footprints on the window sill after years of dust have been wiped away? "There is also the old calendar posted on the wall. I learned from Ruomu that there was no such thing in that house before. Of course, you can say that it was because the deceased had mental problems, so I picked up a random calendar and pasted it on the wall. , but the deceased would never blacken the little girl's eyes with ink, because the deceased's own daughter was blind, and he regarded the person on the calendar as his daughter. To do such an act that hurts my heart. So I believe that the purpose of the person who posted this wall calendar is to stimulate the dead, make them fear and feel guilty, so that they have a nervous breakdown and even commit suicide.

"Let's talk about the light bulb again. It was indeed you who brought the light bulb, but you did not clarify the purpose or motivation of taking the light bulb. If the deceased did not take the light bulb, the meaning of your bringing the light bulb would be almost meaningless. Besides, how do you know that the dead will be attracted to the bulb and screw it in the socket? "Let's talk about the power supply on the lamp socket. The old building has been cut off for a long time, but the main power switch in Ping'anli has not been damaged, because there are still a few street lamps on the roadside that need power supply, but the switch of each building is cut off. I think you noticed the electric switch behind the stairs on the first floor when you went upstairs, no, you don’t need to pay special attention, because you have lived there for so long and you are too familiar with the environment inside the building.

"You put up the calendar in advance, put the light bulb in place, and waited until the deceased entered the house. After experiencing a series of horrific experiences such as the explosion of the light bulb, the spirit of the deceased almost collapsed. You should have said some suggestive words, such as only suicide can atone for sin In other words, the deceased was exhausted physically and mentally, and stepped on the chair to the window sill, but he was too timid to jump down, so at this time, the footprints on the window sill must be very messy. "So, Mr. Wang, you pushed him off the window sill on the seventh floor. But the messy footprints on the window sill were too suspicious, and it didn't seem like suicide at all, so you wiped the dust and shoe prints on the window sill and went downstairs , took off the shoes of the deceased, put them on your own feet after going upstairs, imitated the appearance and movements of the deceased just now, and forged footprints like suicide. It is a pity that your cleverness was misunderstood by your cleverness. After you put on the shoes for the deceased, you forgot to tie them. shoelace.

"Ruomu pretending to be a peaked cap may have been guessed by you a long time ago, but he called to invite you and you went anyway, because you want to get rid of Ruomu, so that no one in this world can threaten your family. Ruomu deserves it He is a man with wisdom and good conversation skills. He told you a lot of consequences of killing that you never thought of, so you don't want to kill him again. Maybe the real reason is that you know that you can't get rid of it if you kill Ruomu. In that case, there will be no need to kill people. By the way, Brother Hong is under investigation by the police because he is suspected of illegal modification and possession of guns. Mr. Wang, do you have anything else to say?"

Wang Changqing's face was getting darker and darker. He opened his hands and slowly buried his face in them.
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