Home Categories detective reasoning trick to the Nth power

Chapter 37 Section thirty-seven

trick to the Nth power 马若水 1541Words 2018-03-15
In a single room in a small tea house, Zhen Shui sat opposite Ruo Mu, and she wanted to make a cup of tea for him, which she had promised him a long time ago. The waiter brought the cleaned tea set and put it in the sea of ​​tea. Zhen Shui said to the waiter, "Go and do your work. I will make this pot of tea myself." Inside the bamboo tray was a small paper bag of tea. Zhen Shui washed his hands with clean water, picked up the paper bag and slowly unfolded it.She stretched out her hand in front of Ruomu's eyes, her expression and movements were like a child showing off her beloved to others.

I saw that the tea leaves were shaped like pearls, the grains were plump and round, and there was a hint of oiliness in the dark green.Ruomu knew tea, he knew it was the best Tieguanyin, but what attracted him even more was the faint fragrance emanating from Zhen Shui's slender fingers and palm. Zhen Shui picked up the self-heating small electric kettle on the tea table. Steam was bubbling from the spout. She scalded the teacup, justice cup, and tureen with boiling water again, and scooped tea leaves with a wooden spoon made of mahogany and put them in the teapot. Cover the bowl, pour boiling water, stir a few times with the lid, pour it out, then pour boiling water, pour the brewed tea through the filter into the fair cup, settle for a while, then pour it into the tea cup, and then put the cup of tea on the Pushing the bamboo saucer in front of Ruomu, this series of movements are so smooth and smooth that Ruomu is a little obsessed with watching.

It wasn't until Zhen Shui called softly that Ruomu woke up like a dream, and carefully picked up the cup and put it on his nose. In an instant, a fresh fragrance overflowed.He took a deep breath, and the fragrance went straight into his lungs, and he immediately felt refreshed.After gulping it down, he closed his eyes and tasted it for a while, and couldn't help saying: "Good tea! Really good tea!" When Ruomu opened her eyes, she realized that Zhen Shui was looking at her. Her big eyes were moist, and one hand was tightly clenched into a fist. After hesitating for a long time, she said, "I have always wanted to brew for you with my own hands. A cup of tea, today it finally came true."

"I will always remember this day." "I will remember this day too." As she spoke, Zhen Shui suddenly covered her mouth with her hand, turned her face to the side and coughed. It was obvious that she had been enduring it with great difficulty since she saw Ruomu, and now she finally endured it. Can't help coughing out. Ruomu stood up and walked to her side, patted her on the back lightly, but Zhen Shui coughed more and more. "Didn't you see a doctor?" "I went to the hospital once, and the doctor didn't find anything, but I was really uncomfortable, especially when I lay down, my chest felt like a thick quilt was pressing on it, making me unable to breathe."

"How can this work, you have to hurry up and treat it!" "I don't think it can be cured, and I don't have the courage to go to the doctor again. If something is really found out, I don't have money to spend on treatment. Maybe this is retribution!" Zhen Shui coughed heavily again, "It's all my retribution for wasting my youth wantonly and living without self-motivation. A woman like me doesn't deserve sympathy at all." "Zhen Shui, don't say that." Ruomu poured a cup of tea and handed it to her, "If you can realize this, you are much better than many people who are still obsessed. Don't think about it. When you get your body back, you There is still a lot of time and opportunity to change yourself and change your destiny..."

"Forget it." Zhen Shui took a sip of tea, and his cough improved slightly, "I think my illness may be terminal, and it gets worse every day. Fortunately, there is no one in my family to worry about. You don't have to worry about me, it's all me The mistakes I made don't deserve the sympathy of others." "Life is short, you have to live every day with a good attitude, and don't hide in the shadow of yesterday." Ruomu looked straight at Zhen Shui, "I want to say that some people don't care about your past, but value you more present and future."

"I know you must think that I can't get out of that shadow because of psychological reasons. In fact, my body is really uncomfortable, not just because of my mood. You should be able to see that even if I walk a few steps quickly, I will be very out of breath. , I also sweated on my body, although I have been in poor health before, but this time I know, maybe I really can't get better." A tear flowed down Zhen Shui's pretty cheek, drawing a crystal arc. Zhen Shui's weakness moved Ruomu, and he really wanted to hug her tightly.At this moment, Ruomu suddenly thought of such a sentence: The world in front of you is indeed very big, but even if you travel all over the world, there may be only one person who needs and belongs to you. If you miss it once, you will miss it for a lifetime.

It's a pity that this woman has been possessed by other men for six or seven years. Ruomu may not care, but Zhen Shui can't. Even if Ruomu got her heart, there will always be a shadow in that heart, the shadow is like Scabbed scars, in ordinary daily life, as long as they are touched a little, they will become bloody and uncontrollable. Ruomu sympathizes with Zhen Shui. He doesn't know whether Zhen Shui has enjoyed short-lived happiness in these years, but he can guess that her future life will inevitably experience endless suffering. From this moment on, Ruomu really hated that man to death, he wanted revenge, he wanted to punish that despicable old man for Zhen Shui.

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