Home Categories detective reasoning trick to the Nth power

Chapter 9 Section IX

trick to the Nth power 马若水 1746Words 2018-03-15
In the hospital, Wang Changqing was lying on the hospital bed on a bottle. He was rich and lived in a single room with elegant environment. After examination, he had some heart problems, not serious, besides, a man in his forties who loves to drink will have heart problems sooner or later.He was afraid of noise, so he turned the volume of the TV to the minimum, but at the same time he was more afraid of loneliness, so the hand without the infusion quickly switched channels. The door was pushed open quietly, and he saw his wife walking in with a thermos bottle, and there was obviously another person behind her.Holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand, Wang Ke stood reluctantly at the door of the ward.Wang Changqing closed his eyes and turned his head to the other side.

"Old Wang, my daughter is here." Zhou Chun turned his head, "Xiao Ke, put the flowers in the vase and go to the water room to fill the vase with water." After sending his daughter away, Zhou Chun purposely leaned into Wang Changqing's ear and whispered, " You misunderstood our Xiaoke. She drove out with her colleagues from the company that night. I met that boy. To be honest, he is not what you imagined. He still ate at our house. You think too much Don't be angry anymore, our family depends on you!" How did Zhou Chun know what Wang Changqing saw in the car.Wang Changqing gritted his teeth, and his heart beat faster, making his breathing hard again.He really wants to get angry, but this is a hospital after all, and he is still a respectable person in this city, so he can only stare fiercely at the thin and weak person sitting beside him who will accompany him for the rest of his life. woman.

Wang Changqing and Zhou Chun met in college. During college, Wang Changqing did not feel the prosperity of the metropolis and the joy he should have had when he walked out of the mountains, but a kind of despair, despair caused by inferiority complex.Because he was so poor, he had almost no living expenses after paying the tuition fees in his pocket. Fortunately, the state would distribute a little subsidy to college students at that time, and that little subsidy could barely make ends meet for Wang Changqing. On the worst days, he could only eat two steamed buns a day. For a while, he dared not eat hot steamed buns because he was afraid of the steaming taste.Fortunately, people were generally not rich at that time, and his masochistic frugality was not outstanding in school. Anyway, Wang Changqing survived like this for two years.

In his junior year, life was better. He majored in chemical engineering, and he could assist professors in some projects, and he also had a small income.But in this year, Wang Changqing’s mother was admitted to the hospital with a cerebral hemorrhage. There was no medical insurance in the countryside. Relatives helped to cover part of the medical expenses, but they still needed 3,000 yuan. It was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Wang Changqing felt that the sky collapsed instantly. down. During this time, Wang Changqing met a female classmate, Zhou Chun, who also majored in chemical engineering, but was a year older than Wang Changqing.Zhou Chun is not beautiful, but she is kind and attractive, and has the potential to become a good wife and mother.

The students knew that Wang Changqing's mother was hospitalized, and they only raised 500 yuan after mobilizing collective donations.Zhou Chun's family was affluent, so after hearing the news, he wrote to his family and asked his father to send three thousand yuan.Although Wang Changqing's mother failed to come out of the hospital alive, this incident greatly narrowed the distance between Wang Changqing and Zhou Chun.So after graduation, Zhou Chun returned to his hometown with Wang Changqing and jointly established the Changqing Chemical Factory. Of course, Zhou Chun's parents also contributed a lot to their son-in-law.

Zhou Chun is indeed indebted to Wang Changqing. It may be exaggerated to say that, but without Zhou Chun, Wang Changqing would never have achieved what he is today. Eighteen years ago, Zhou Chun was pregnant with Wang Ke.It was snowing that day, and the asphalt road was very slippery, but Wang Changqing had to deliver a truckload of antifreeze to the designated place. Zhou Chun was worried that Wang Changqing would drive alone late at night, so he sat on the passenger seat with his belly upright and accompanied him. Ship together.Wang Changqing couldn't dissuade this kind of family affection beyond love, so he drove the truck very slowly and carefully.

It was snowing again outside, but fortunately there were not many vehicles on the road.A truckload of antifreeze was delivered safely to the warehouse, and Wang Changqing got paid twice as much as usual.He and Zhou Chun were very happy. Although they were poor at that time, it was easy for people to be happy. Zhou Chun happily counted the stacks of RMB in his hand, talked about the purchase of new year's goods, and looked forward to a good start for the coming year. When people are happy, their minds tend to be paralyzed. Besides, Wang Changqing was really in a daze after driving the car overnight. They planned to drive to the city to buy some New Year's goods before returning home, but at the crossroads approaching the farmer's market, a car The motorcycle came from nowhere, Wang Changqing hurriedly stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel, but the ground was too slippery, and the truck looked light without the load. Just like that, the side of the co-pilot was facing the ground, and the car body tilted over in an instant .

Zhou Chun sat next to him, and the two filled the carriage, reducing the risk of contact. Fortunately, this was an accident that did not cause dire consequences. When the ambulance carried Zhou Chun out, Wang Changqing realized that she was bleeding profusely. His heart was broken, thinking that their child must be lost.Fortunately, her daughter was born prematurely and is healthy, but Zhou Chun's body has been very weak. The most frightening thing is not her physical trauma, but her psychological trauma.Since Zhou Chun was discharged from the hospital, she no longer had physical contact with Wang Changqing. She began to be afraid of men, especially when men were pressing on her, she felt more painful than death.

The door of the ward was pushed open again, and Wang Ke walked in with a vase in both hands. It was a bouquet of yellow carnations.Yellow carnations symbolize kindness, warmth, sincerity, love that does not ask for a price and never fades. Wang Changqing was a little moved, maybe his daughter really grew up, he couldn't understand the thoughts of young people, maybe things really weren't as bad as he imagined...
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